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Rape of Aussie tourist in Bangkok: More details emerge as hunt for Thai rapists intensifies


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1 hour ago, OldBag said:

No matter how often women are told to stay sober, to stay away from strange men, to buddy up, to dress conservatively, women are raped. Even when women say “no,” women are raped. They are raped when they don’t say “no” too.

There are ways that rape can be prevented, though and they have absolutely nothing to do with a woman’s dress or her behavior. The only people who can prevent rape are men. A meme that’s going viral across social media shows a list of “Ten Rape Prevention Tips” that are sure to stop rape dead in its tracks. If every single man followed these tips, there would be no more rape.

1. Don’t put drugs in women’s drinks.

2. When you see a woman walking by herself, leave her alone.

3. If you pull over to help a woman whose car has broken down, remember not to rape her.

4. If you are in an elevator and a women gets in, don’t rape her.

5. When you encounter a woman who is asleep, the safest course of action is to not rape her.

6. Never creep into a woman’s home through an unlocked door or window, or spring out at her from between parked cars, or rape her.

7. Remember, people go to the laundry room to do their laundry. Do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.

8. Use the Buddy System! If it is inconvenient for you to stop yourself from raping women, ask a trusted friend to accompany you at all times.

9. Carry a rape whistle. If you find that you are about to rape someone, blow the whistle until someone comes to stop you.

10. Dont forget: Honesty is the best policy. When asking a woman out on a date, don’t pretend that you are interested in her as a person; tell her straight up that you expect to be raping her later. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the woman may take it as a sign that you do not plan to rape her.


Absolute and utter rubbish. It is concerned only with the minority of men who want to rape - and they will no way comply to this "rules". These rules are made by malign feminist women who hate all men. The purpose is not to protect women from being raped. The purpose is to put men down.

It is a defamation of the male sex and opens the door to get every man into prison if one of the multitude of malign women decide to do so.

Obviously the poster believes every man is a potential rapist - that's what the men hating feminists are trying to put into the common believe system in order to continue suppressing the men.

Edited by sweatalot
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9 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:


If willing to swear on a stack of bibles and risk reputation that all doctors here are trained to the US standard implied in that, and everything  we hear and read here is beyond a doubt, absolutely the case should rest with no cynicism. No further comment 

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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

Wow! I have read some disgusting 5h1t on here, but this is way up there with the "best"!
What a sad and bitter person you must be!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


You are so wrong. There are a lot of alleged rape. German statistics say it might be over 50 %. It is so easy for a woman to pretend being raped and get innocent men into prison. If you dont' believe me I can give you plenty of sources (unfortunately in German) Nut I don't believe women in other countries are much different,

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If willing to swear on a stack of bibles and risk reputation that all doctors here are trained to the US standard implied in that, and everything  we hear and read here is beyond a doubt, absolutely the case should rest with no cynicism. No further comment 

Actually most doctors here are superb and absolutely professional. You seem to be suggesting that not only did she make it up but incompetent doctors got it wrong.

You have absolutely no idea about the latter and there is no evidence to suggest the former.

A young woman has been raped, show some basic decency.

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I thought that at first,but i think they can prove forcible entry by bruising and any tearing, in and around the vaginal area,Also marks made on the lady when the men tore at her clothes.Also the rape kit is not called a rape kit for nothing.Otherwise it would be called a proof of sexual activity kit.However i,like the other posters am not sure your comments are logical.

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55 minutes ago, sweatalot said:


proved rape ...

there might be injuries that would show there was no consent


(even this could be abused (for instance by te infamous malign German woman Claudia Dinkel who planned to have her ex lover in jail for pretended rape) .. and she only failed because her victim could afford expensive lawyers and expert witnesses who could prove her injuries were self inflicted


another thing to mention about the Aussie woman - maybe somebody put k.o. drops into her drink .... to make the planned rape easy

Going to have to ask, as your post is somewhat unclear.


Are you saying you doubt this woman's story?

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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

"They have a good lead in the case as they believe they know where the first tuk-tuk parked near Khao San road."

If they move quick he maybe still there :facepalm:

regards Worgeordie

It is probably his normal parking space and if not some one would have noticed something

different.Also there will be cameras that have picked up his image.


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48 minutes ago, sweatalot said:


You are so wrong. There are a lot of alleged rape. German statistics say it might be over 50 %. It is so easy for a woman to pretend being raped and get innocent men into prison. If you dont' believe me I can give you plenty of sources (unfortunately in German) Nut I don't believe women in other countries are much different,


And just what would her motive be for saying she was raped if it did not occur?  What in the hell has she got to gain? :wai:

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The bib seem to think in the same way as some of the responses made on this topic. ''never mind she asked for it, its her fault, etc'' Thank the powers that be, that medical people and most of society are intelligent enough not to be conned by those who committ this type of criminal act. Now if we could get past the cash payment, becoming a monk (short time), confession, public ''I am sorry / drunk'' etc and physically punish the scumbags, progress may be made in reducing repeat offenses.

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Obvious but noteworthy:


" The victim was confirmed as having been raped at Sirirat Hospital. "

 - Horrible English !


More appropriate ..

"At Sirirat Hospital it was confirmed she had been raped"


"The woman was taken to Sirirat Hospital where it was confirmed that she had been raped"


I hope the woman quickly recovers from her ordeal 


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13 hours ago, daveAustin said:


Not smart, but unfortunately there are certain quarters here that will read that and say she deserved it... much like the esteemed PM and his distasteful comments on pretty women not being safe in bikinis.

I would never say she deserved it and I hope they catch these guys and they receive the full brunt of the law for their crime.


I wish also that tourists would take time to understand the dangers as well of wandering around Thai streets blackout drunk in the middle of the night.  Is this something they would also do in their hometown?  I think anywhere in the world you risk injury or worse if put yourself in that position, man or woman.

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39 minutes ago, Snig27 said:


Actually most doctors here are superb and absolutely professional. You seem to be suggesting that not only did she make it up but incompetent doctors got it wrong.

You have absolutely no idea about the latter and there is no evidence to suggest the former.

A young woman has been raped, show some basic decency.

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Actually sir, as a former professional that does know what the <deleted> he's talking about and absolutely despised others that would take a set of circumstances and manufacture facts to lead a person of semi reasonable intelligence to their first suspicion,. I like to look at all possibilities and wish  people would think more with the head on their shoulders. That's why I said no further comment, but you seem persistent too so I had to make an exception

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2 hours ago, smew said:

Poor young lady, travels alone and heavy drinker, she better change her lifestyle somehow 


At the very least, if she is going to drink to blackout, make sure she has friends with her that will get her home safely or take her back to their place.  People with drinking problems ofte times don't think that far ahead however.  


In the West, the bartender would cut her off before she got that blasted.  Here you have to use your own wits.

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1 hour ago, sheldoncollier said:

I have so many female friends who lived in Thailand for years, and they continue to say "I felt very safe in Thailand" when asked by others about safety in Thailand. I don't understand it. The stats and the news do seem to agree with this mentality.

It is very safe.  I bet those girls aren't wandering around the streets alone at 3am blackout drunk either. That's not safe for any person any gender.

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57 minutes ago, Snig27 said:


Actually most doctors here are superb and absolutely professional. You seem to be suggesting that not only did she make it up but incompetent doctors got it wrong.

You have absolutely no idea about the latter and there is no evidence to suggest the former.

A young woman has been raped, show some basic decency.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


All due respect at this very second the only competence and intelligence I'm even considering is your's

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2 hours ago, sheldoncollier said:

I have so many female friends who lived in Thailand for years, and they continue to say "I felt very safe in Thailand" when asked by others about safety in Thailand. I don't understand it. The stats and the news do seem to agree with this mentality.

There isn't a major city on this planet...any city for that matter, where a drunk person, male or female, walking alone is safe.

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On 12/9/2016 at 9:34 AM, Bluespunk said:

Defence tactic number 1 from the rapist charter.

They can prove rape at hospitals in many cases because of damage done to the vagina and surrounding skin tissue especially in the cases of rough handling. In the case of anal rape there is always damage to the tissue.

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51 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, it is a traumatic, physical assault carried by by low life scum.


Sorry…the electricity went out before I could finish my reply.

I was pointing out that in the west, someone who is too incapacitated to give consent is considered legally to have been raped and the perpetrator is arrested, tried, convicted and punished. While in some Middle East countries when the same traumatic violation occurs to a woman who is unescorted, has had a drink of alcohol, etc. she is considered to have gotten what she deserved. In countries like Thailand, a lot depends upon the standing in the community of the rapist or the rapist’s family, compared to that of the victim. All to many times the final verdict is “Boys will be boys”.

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2 hours ago, newatthis said:

I'm a bit confused by your logic.

Here we have a 21 year old tourist coming to Thailand [maybe, not sure, for the 1st time] and she gets drunk.

So, in her perfect Thai,, she drunkenly consents to have sex with a tuk tuk driver at 3 o'clock in the morning.

Can't agree with that; sorry.


Dont feed the trolls.

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1 minute ago, jaltsc said:

I was pointing out that in the west, someone who is too incapacitated to give consent is considered legally to have been raped and the perpetrator is arrested, tried, convicted and punished.

And this has started to include anomalous situations such as the long-time married couple where one of them develops dementia but they still have sexual relations. The one with dementia is deemed not to be able to consent. Don't laugh, I've read newspaper reports along those lines.

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16 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

And this has started to include anomalous situations such as the long-time married couple where one of them develops dementia but they still have sexual relations. The one with dementia is deemed not to be able to consent. Don't laugh, I've read newspaper reports along those lines.

It does not really matter as it would be all forgotten before morning.

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2 hours ago, Vermor said:

what about Bankster , traders, and all that people that wear suits ?! 
What about corruption and abuse of power ?! 


Its probably just me... but I would prefer to see rapists and murderers get caught, than corrupt people, unless the corrupt people protect the rapists and murders, in which case they become complicit in the crime, and deserve the same treatment as the perpetrator.

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3 minutes ago, farcanell said:


Its probably just me... but I would prefer to see rapists and murderers get caught, than corrupt people, unless the corrupt people protect the rapists and murders, in which case they become complicit in the crime, and deserve the same treatment as the perpetrator.

They are the consequences of violence amongt the poor people ... because it all start with education... And you probably know that "poor people" tried to immitate the rich people...so when you see a rich asking to a poor to "kho thot his car", he just make this behaviour acceptable among those poor minded...
A thai raping a white drunk girl ?! not a big deal like it was a rich thai woman...
As you see on the comments, this is the fault of the girl because she get drunk... That's what I mean...

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