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2 Thai men killed after being hit by car driven by an Englishman


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On 12/14/2016 at 11:46 AM, DiscoDan said:

The entrance to W resort and Soi 1 are at least 1/2 km away thats along way to drag a bike under a car.


 A bike and two dying people.....maybe they could still be alive. Maybe. 

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19 hours ago, ding said:

..well NOW I want to see it!



Is it safer to ride a motocy during the day on Samui?


I have been doing it for over 8 years, I would say yes, not a problem....   I tend to avoid too much  night driving !  ..... but there are many who may say other wise!

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On 1/15/2017 at 5:25 PM, samuijimmy said:


I have been doing it for over 8 years, I would say yes, not a problem....   I tend to avoid too much  night driving !  ..... but there are many who may say other wise!

I'll go with your experience this trip out. We used to ride just to explore in the early 90's. Now it'll be "point A to point B" and avoid night riding,


Sound advice taken, thanks.

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On ‎14‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 11:45 AM, Strange said:


He would be best to get out of Thailand completely, if he isn't blacklisted from the country first. 


Stuff like this is serious business. As soon as I got passport in hand id get the hell out. Plenty of other 'cheap' places to live. 

Why do you think this?


I know a farang who was drunk, reversing back on a U turn at night and killed a young Thai man on a motor bike.  All he had to do was pay up a big sum of mone to the boys family and all was forgotten... it did not affect his life at all. 


Now if were me.. I would be consumed with guilt for the rest of my life.... but some people don't care about killing other people it seems. 


If this man has enough money.. all he will do is pay up.  End of story. He will not need to run away to another country. 

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On 14/12/2016 at 11:02 AM, Strange said:

It sucks but the story is entirely one sided. 


I just want to know HOW he hit the motorbike. Did it pull out in front of him? Driving the wrong way with head lights off? I mean in the picture FRONT of the motorbike is up under the front of the truck.


He will be strung up by the nuts for drinking and killing 2 thais as a foreigner, unless he can pay off the families, and they are surely gonna look at his foreigner self and that new white truck before coming up with a number. He won't do much jail time, as it does not 'benefit' the families for him to rot in prison and pay them nothing. Ill bet he's shittin bricks right now. 


He should not have been drinking thats for sure, as another poster said, seems to be a bit of a tit as well, but dang, that crowd was looking to lynch the sucker. 


As another poster said as well, this kinda thing is what worries me about driving here. Idiots galore and lynch mobs ready to string you up because "This is Tai-lan" 


Some people say "As a forgnier you are always wrong" and thats not necessarily true, but as a Foreigner you are MORE WRONG than a Thai. 

when you are pissed and don't remember anything will be hard to find out. that's why i have a small camera in the car...

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People will never learn. This guy will get a few years as per Ferang's in court as against rich Thai's. What beats me is why do people drive after drinking. The fact that your insurance will not pay up if your over the limit should be deterrent enough. Its going to be very expensive for this Scouse if he has any money to be got. All I can say is 'How stupid can you be" ?

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6 hours ago, KETSUDA said:

People will never learn. This guy will get a few years as per Ferang's in court as against rich Thai's. What beats me is why do people drive after drinking. The fact that your insurance will not pay up if your over the limit should be deterrent enough. Its going to be very expensive for this Scouse if he has any money to be got. All I can say is 'How stupid can you be" ?

Because taxis on Samui are a big Rip-off, even doing Daytime and in the Night they Charge even more. And there are no Song- Taews in the Night

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10 minutes ago, Karlsson said:

Because taxis on Samui are a big Rip-off, even doing Daytime and in the Night they Charge even more. And there are no Song- Taews in the Night

so drink at home or within walking distance of your home if you do not want to pay a taxi

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1 hour ago, Karlsson said:

Because taxis on Samui are a big Rip-off, even doing Daytime and in the Night they Charge even more. And there are no Song- Taews in the Night

I always find one taxi get his mobile number and call prior to make a tentative booking has worked so far.

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