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Bars/HappyHours....New, New Lows......

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"The Africans taking over my grandparents neighborhood in Miami comes to mind, but that actually took five years+ "


Are you sure that KKK stands for Khon Kaen Kowboy and not Ku Klux Klan. Pathetic racist post. 



Not racist in the least if it happens to be true.

This sort of stuff goes down, trust me, and you just have to stop being PC and feeling micro-aggressed and face reality. 

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4 hours ago, millwall_fan said:

'The Africans'?? What are you on? so all Africans can be neatly  bundled together can they? Actually I really like soi 3. The Arabs and the Africans lend a unique atmosphere to lower Sukhumvit. One of their great attractions is that they drive away the dog tossers. Which your comments tend to suggest is a group you are amply qualified to join. 


I love that area. When I'm in Bangkok I only eat at soi 3.


A post with an erroneous quote (pretending text to be from another poster) edited.

Discussion about it between two members deleted.

Proposal to close the thread also deleted.

The proposal is under consideration.


Love the wind of change that's blowing through Chiang Mai.


The fact that LK is dead and prostitution on the decline a triumph for Thai culture and should serve as an example for other cities in Thailand.


The more sexpats leave CM and never return, the better.

7 minutes ago, Bassosa said:

Love the wind of change that's blowing through Chiang Mai.


The fact that LK is dead and prostitution on the decline a triumph for Thai culture and should serve as an example for other cities in Thailand.


The more sexpats leave CM and never return, the better.

Prostitution on the decline? you have figs or experience to back that up.It never goes away it goes underground or via social media and karaoke haunts.

LK is just a destination not a moral barometer.Thai culture ? lets not go there.


Number 1 bar on Loi Kroh is now for sale .

They always seemed to be reasonably busy in there , and comparing it to other bars in the location, they were very busy .

   Wonder why the selling ?

I've heard that some adjacent bars have been told that they will not receive anymore licences .

13 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Number 1 bar on Loi Kroh is now for sale .

They always seemed to be reasonably busy in there , and comparing it to other bars in the location, they were very busy .

   Wonder why the selling ?

I've heard that some adjacent bars have been told that they will not receive anymore licences .

yes , your correct . they were shut down for illegal trading some time ago ,and never really bounced back . no late trading has killed off more bars in cm than any other reason . i know i had a restaurant for 3 years not far from number1 bar . i was very lucky to off load it when i did ,just after the new booze laws  started . and for the licences ,there will be no new licences issued to any bar thats within 300mt of an educational facility . 

16 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I've heard that some adjacent bars have been told that they will not receive anymore licences.


These are rather old rumors, or did you hear it from the guy in charge of issuing licenses?


3 minutes ago, sirmud63 said:

 and for the licences ,there will be no new licences issued to any bar thats within 300mt of an educational facility . 


   How far away from Loi Kroh is the Metro Technology school ?

Its situated on the soi just behind LK 

That could stop every bar between Soi 2 and the moat getting a licence

Thinking out it, the Mad Dog and possible quite a few bars situated behind there would also be in range

12 minutes ago, lkn said:


These are rather old rumors, or did you hear it from the guy in charge of issuing licenses?



  No, from one of the effected bar owners .

1 hour ago, sanemax said:


  No, from one of the effected bar owners .

Correct, .......300m from the Tech school takes you to the front door of the 69 bar in the LK boxing , all but two bars are unfortunately within the 300m.

Owners can renew Alcohol licenses for now, but when the business changes hands its not on.

any new bars seem to relocate to the night market.

19 minutes ago, piewarmer said:


any new bars seem to relocate to the night market.


  I cannot envisage that area becoming a popular bar drinking area .

The bars are too small, too closely compact and they are situated in an old shopping center with clothes shops next to them , quite a few bars have opened there and closed soon after

8 hours ago, piewarmer said:

Correct, .......300m from the Tech school takes you to the front door of the 69 bar in the LK boxing , all but two bars are unfortunately within the 300m.

Owners can renew Alcohol licenses for now, but when the business changes hands its not on.

any new bars seem to relocate to the night market.

Enforcing the 300 m rule will do in the Zoe area.

10 hours ago, sanemax said:


   How far away from Loi Kroh is the Metro Technology school ?

Its situated on the soi just behind LK 

That could stop every bar between Soi 2 and the moat getting a licence

Thinking out it, the Mad Dog and possible quite a few bars situated behind there would also be in range

do abit more study and you will find that 70% of bars in cm are within 300mt of a school . funny bout that hey ? 

9 hours ago, piewarmer said:

Correct, .......300m from the Tech school takes you to the front door of the 69 bar in the LK boxing , all but two bars are unfortunately within the 300m.

Owners can renew Alcohol licenses for now, but when the business changes hands its not on.

any new bars seem to relocate to the night market.

thats not entirly correct . you can sell you licence with the bar ,but , i all depends on whos name is on the licence . if it just an owner or managers name its very iffy,and probly not ,unless you know sombody  . but if in a company name it would be no problem . this was accurate 8 months ago when i sold up .

12 hours ago, lkn said:


These are rather old rumors, or did you hear it from the guy in charge of issuing licenses?


Considering hardly any new bars have opened for years in Chiang Mai and there seems to be nothing new on the horizon, is evidence enough that no new licenses are being granted. Once bars start closing down rarely have I seen other bars spring up to replace them.


Several years ago the majority of bars in Chiang Mai were independent units, meaning they had walled frontages and entrance doors like the Spotlight and Foxy Lady, then at sometime they knocked down the frontages to become bars open to the street. This happened at John`s Place. These days sitting in a Chiang Mai bar feels like being in the middle of a railway station with people milling about and walking passed. There is no exclusiveness about them, been to one bar, seen them all. It`s all become fast and furious, no relaxed or exclusive atmosphere about them.  What is left is third rate and low quality and if they do go, it would be no great loss.


Went to the Loi Kroh boxing ring tonight , solely to watch football . 135 for a big Chang . Had two beers , close to midnight and an acquaintance working behind the bar asked me to buy her a drink . Sure , a big Chang for me a small one or her .

   310 Baht .PAY NOW

Sorry, heres your beer back

Paid for my 135 Chang and I wont be going back there again



Lived here a decade and, yes, things were more 'buzzier' back then but then there has been a General (I use that word carefully) decline all over Thailand. However I often go out hunting alone and there are still gems amongst them there locations. Girls need money more now than ever and however the 'self-righteous' try and change things girls will always sell sex for money and THAT ain't changed in 1000s of years.


For those that condemn it I am reminded of a protester's placard I saw about abortion:


If You're Against Abortion  DON'T HAVE ONE


So if you're against bars - DON'T GO THERE and leave the rest of us to enjoy


live and let live

36 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   I really do not care what you do and no one elses seems to either .

Bit I do feel that your sex life is a private matter and it should be kept private

I do not care what you do and I also do not want to read about what you do .

Its not that I have anything against it , it just should be kept private .

    There are prostitution based websites where you can give each other advice and you can also rate the girls  and prices and write reviews .

   I do not visit those websites because I have no desire to read about it 


well aren't you so self-righteous?  feels good does it?  the thread is called 




if you don't want to read it then WHY are you here pontificating?   go and sing 'Kumbaya'  with your 'do good' friends (if you have any) and AVOID threads about bars


You did READ the threads TITLE?  so go away and read the threads about gardening but don't come onto a thread about BARS and complain you don't like reading about them you sensitive thing

21 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


well aren't you so self-righteous?  feels good does it?  the thread is called 




if you don't want to read it then WHY are you here pontificating?   go and sing 'Kumbaya'  with your 'do good' friends (if you have any) and AVOID threads about bars


You did READ the threads TITLE?  so go away and read the threads about gardening but don't come onto a thread about BARS and complain you don't like reading about them you sensitive thing


   Its not bars that I dont like reading about, its other mens sex lives that I have no interest in.

    You do realise that prostitution is illegal in Thailand and its also against TV rules to state you participate in illegal activity .

    Bars are places to get drinks from, they are not places to pick up prostitutes , although some prostitutes do work in some bars in certain areas

10 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


well aren't you so self-righteous?  feels good does it?  the thread is called 




if you don't want to read it then WHY are you here pontificating?   go and sing 'Kumbaya'  with your 'do good' friends (if you have any) and AVOID threads about bars


You did READ the threads TITLE?  so go away and read the threads about gardening but don't come onto a thread about BARS and complain you don't like reading about them you sensitive thing


I agree with sanemax ie keep your so called hunting for girls for sex to yourself.

What you really mean is, and you do detail it is that you are looking for one of these girls who "need money now more than ever" who is desperate enough to accept your offer of payment to go have sex with you

You can call that hunting if you like, but IMO it is far from that, but P4P is often the only way some boys can get to meet a girl, and thats up to them, however i do feel sorry for such people who seem to be lacking in basic social dating skills.


As for your pointing out that the thread is called BARS/HAPPY HOURS..which in fact it is but what has that got to do with your little story about hunting for possible hookers gems?


Are you saying that BARS/HAPPY HOURS automatically = hookers  gems?


PS i also like gardening but as i do like to imbibe at times, but not engage in P4P ,a thread on BARS/HAPPY HOURS can be interesting, just sans the hookers ..



  Bars are places to get drinks from, they are not places to pick up prostitutes , although some prostitutes do work in some bars in certain areas


That's covering all your bases at once. 

1 hour ago, garryjohns said:


I agree with sanemax ie keep your so called hunting for girls for sex to yourself.

What you really mean is, and you do detail it is that you are looking for one of these girls who "need money now more than ever" who is desperate enough to accept your offer of payment to go have sex with you

You can call that hunting if you like, but IMO it is far from that, but P4P is often the only way some boys can get to meet a girl, and thats up to them, however i do feel sorry for such people who seem to be lacking in basic social dating skills.


As for your pointing out that the thread is called BARS/HAPPY HOURS..which in fact it is but what has that got to do with your little story about hunting for possible hookers gems?


Are you saying that BARS/HAPPY HOURS automatically = hookers  gems?


PS i also like gardening but as i do like to imbibe at times, but not engage in P4P ,a thread on BARS/HAPPY HOURS can be interesting, just sans the hookers ..


What he means is he is so desperate that he can only find female company if he has to pay for it.


When catfish rise to the surface for air, they never admit to being bottom feeders.


Those of you initiated into a certain level of the Path of Slack, as it is called in the exoteric teachings of Ur Orang, will recognize this, and, perhaps, sense one, or more, of its esoteric meanings.



On 30/12/2016 at 0:32 PM, sanemax said:

Number 1 bar on Loi Kroh is now for sale .

They always seemed to be reasonably busy in there , and comparing it to other bars in the location, they were very busy .

   Wonder why the selling ?

I've heard that some adjacent bars have been told that they will not receive anymore licences .

Your post relates to what I want to say here.


On New Year's eve met up with a friend in town and decided to have a few drinks and see in the New Year together, maybe making a night of it. I haven't seen this friend for 7 years and during that period we had a wow of a time in Chiang Mai New Years Eve 2009,  I thought this new years eve it would be the same considering the large numbers of tourists visiting for the occasion. I believed that everything would stay open to the very late hours to accommodate them on this festive occasion.

We first visited a bar in LK. It was crowded with mostly young couples and back packers, blaring loud music, couldn't hear ourselves think, no seats available, it was a crush standing inside and only a very girls were there that seemed to be hired by a beer company to promote the sales of beer. After one drink in there, had enough. All the bars, the few that remain that is, seemed to be the same, young couples and back packers.

Then at about 9. 45 pm we visited the Star Six bar. Business is now so bad that customers have no need to pay an entrance fee anymore; they can just walk directly into the bar. We went in and I was shocked. Appears the bar has been made smaller, still has the stage at the centre but only a little space around that with a few stools. There were 2 girls prancing around on stage and only 2 girls sitting in the bar area. No customers, not one, only me and my friend. Then literally within seconds of us sitting down the 2 girls pounced on us and then the 2 girls who were on stage joined us. An hour later 5 Chinese looking men walked in and a lone Australian guy I got chatting with and that was about it. We had a couple of drinks and felt obliged to buy the girls drinks; it was a hustle by those girls. They had 1 girl do a shower show on the stage but she was fully dressed, way too tame, boring and I thought why did she bother?.  While there had a chat with the owner. She told me that business is so slack that she doesn't know for how much longer the bar can remain open. This is now typical of the few remaining bars in the Loi Kroh Road and surrounding area.

Then at midnight we stood near the Tapae Gate for the countdown to 2017. Hundreds of tourists almost climbing over each other in a tightly packed area launching the balloons. After that was completed it was like someone had fired a starting pistol for everything to close. Instantly the shutters on the bars, massage parlors and restaurants began to come down. With still hundreds of tourists milling about the people began to disperse. The very few bars that did remain open were again packed to the hilt with young tourists.

About 12.30 am my friend and I decided there was no point in hanging around and we went our separate ways. I went for a Burger King and after that I walked around, but by then most of it was closed, even the Spotlight and Spicy were closed. It seemed some bars were only open for privileged customers but to all the rest the doors were closed. Most of what I saw was a few freaky, creepy looking ladyboys standing in the shadows looking for business. So I gave up and went home.  I certainly won't be bothering to do the same next year, not my idea of a great night out.


8 hours ago, rogeroc said:


And i am sure we all just love reading about the guys with perfect lives and perfect wives who do everything for them including wiping their nose / cutting their toenails etc.  Those same people of course have never used a prostiture but have a wife or gf at least 20 years younger who they have brought house / car / motorbike for that they can never own. The truth is that the majority of bars in tha CM tourist areas have girls who are available to be 'taken care of' (however that may be wrapped up)  by a much older Western man.


Each to their own I say, live and let live. I can understand both sides and agree with both if that makes any sense lol

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