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TAT rethinks plan as China arrivals fall


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5 minutes ago, zappalot said:

Can anyone explain to me what it means: zero Dollars tourists?


I just know that only a few months ago shops and restaurants around my area were full of the Chinese tourists spending their money. Now only about 10% of Chinese tourists are left, with empty hotels, restaurants and so on.


So they were actively spending money. Now they don't. What did the government achieve here? I simply don't get it...

Chinese tourist companies, Chinese-owned tourist buses, Chinese-owned hotels -- not sure where you live but in my Chiang Mai hangouts the only places they frequent are the markets!

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"Following the crackdown, tour operators in China have adjusted the average package price to Thailand from 2,000 yuan (Bt10,000) to between 6,000-10,000 yuan per trip. It has been reported that some companies sold packages for as low as 600 yuan before the crackdown. "


I wonder.....I have never seen a Chinese tourist actually spend any money in Thailand.......having large numbers coming with no money doesn't actually count as tourism, does it? Who owns the hotels they are staying in?

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1 minute ago, AlQaholic said:

"Following the crackdown, tour operators in China have adjusted the average package price to Thailand from 2,000 yuan (Bt10,000) to between 6,000-10,000 yuan per trip. It has been reported that some companies sold packages for as low as 600 yuan before the crackdown. "


I wonder.....I have never seen a Chinese tourist actually spend any money in Thailand.......having large numbers coming with no money doesn't actually count as tourism, does it? Who owns the hotels they are staying in?

The Chinese.

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"Following the crackdown, tour operators in China have adjusted the average package price to Thailand from 2,000 yuan (Bt10,000) to between 6,000-10,000 yuan per trip. It has been reported that some companies sold packages for as low as 600 yuan before the crackdown. "


I wonder.....I have never seen a Chinese tourist actually spend any money in Thailand.......having large numbers coming with no money doesn't actually count as tourism, does it? Who owns the hotels they are staying in?

I see them spending money and keeping people employed in foot massage shops, renting motorbikes, eating in little restaurants albeit economical ones, and the Maya Mall was positively swarming with Chinese until recently and they were clamouring to buy, almost a frenzy. Money didn't seem an issue.

I have a pretty well off friend who treated himself to some very expensive soap or the like and he described a Chinese lady practically scooping stuff up in the same shop.

I've also heard of condo sales to Chinese starting off......apparently well off Chinese are fearful of the pollution at home and buying places for their families to live, who they visit regularly.

I'd say let market forces prevail and it will grow organically. (No pun intended)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Thailand and tourisim........they could just not help killing the Golden Goose.....as the old fable goes.

It has been obvious for months that their "tourist" arrival figures were not correct, something was being reorted incorrectly.

Did they really think we were all fools and would jusr happily  accept the nonsese they tried to feed us?




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4 hours ago, onthesoi said:

The solution is simple.


Nationalise OA Transport, their buses have already been seized, government would manage the bus fleet at cost to provide cheap tour buses for the Chinese so they can travel around in groups if that's how they like to holiday.


And the buses and boats were all auctioned off very quickly (too quickly). Rumour has it these assets were bought by the same players with different company names.  I assume the government pocket the bid money. Why would any business want to operate in Thailand under these conditions.


It's no wonder that the Chinese owners are pulling out of Thailand and arrivals are falling.

Edited by LivinginKata
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If the profits ended up offshore, what does it matter anyway? At least the paths and public toilets will be a little cleaner than before...Stop the scams, double pricing, an provide better quality of treatment and services for foreigners...then more 'high quality' ones will come. It's not rocket science. 

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I find this strange because I drove into Pattaya yesterday evening and the roads were clogged with coaches filled with Chinese. Also dozens of coaches parked down the side of almost every main road into town. I was surprised because it's been quite pleasant lately with mainly just the normal Thai and farang visitors in town, and not too many coaches. Walking down Pattaya Thai towards Walking street was difficult, with hordes of them following the flag, forcing other people to walk in the road. Walking street was full of them too, especially the entrance where they all congregate.


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1 hour ago, alant said:

You don't understand chrissables, Thailand is for Thais! Our beautiful mountains and parks you don't get to see and if you do we fine you 10 fold price and then you expect beer...

Sorry, i set my expectations a tad high! :sad:

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56 minutes ago, natway09 said:


Whilst i agree with a lot of your comment it is way off the subject.

This is about a reduction in numbers of zero dollar tourists from China  that are not worth having (except to keep face with the numbers game). & choke up services like sewerage disposal (that are not adequate anyway)

Stop,,,,,,, they should concentrate  not on quantity but quality but they just can't see it


It was off topic, i agree.


But their 10 fold tourist pricing and stupid laws regarding what time they think is ok to have a cold one, affects all tourists.


They should i think be checking out what is working in other countries, do some research. But......

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Just now, bkkrooftop said:

Most likely going to Cambodia where its much easier to keep all the $ in china minus the govt bribes. 


No short of them here

Plus, while cambodians will steal your shirt if they can. They are pretty damn nice to u.  almost too much. Dont get me wrong, Im coming back to Thailand very soon but Cambodia caters to tourists bc they want us there.  Just as simple as that. Visa is easy and if u like western food its great.  Makes u miss the thai food and culture though. 

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Boy, they just don't get it.  Most people travel to a place because it is a fantastic value i.e. cheap, or has something that they really desire or enjoy, out of curiosity and a sense of adventure, etc.  Me, I loved the no hassle travel at the last moment with no advance visa required visa exempt on arrival.  That perfectly suited my work and travel.  And I loved the Thai ladies and with a little work I could also get to some good clean sea water to swim in.  I can't speak for what the vast numbers of Chinese wanted, whether it is a cultural thing to go in tour groups or whether it is eaiser for Chinese to get a passport or permission to travel in groups than individuals, etc. 

Japanese tourists were the same--maybe still are. In a group of 10 or 12 they were literally afraid to take separate elevators in KL, I remember. Nobody's more group-oriented than the Japanese. But the Chinese are lining up for the cheapest tours, that's all.

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Just now, Dustdevil said:

Japanese tourists were the same--maybe still are. In a group of 10 or 12 they were literally afraid to take separate elevators in KL, I remember. Nobody's more group-oriented than the Japanese. But the Chinese are lining up for the cheapest tours, that's all.

Your right. they do want cheapest but if u have lived in a place.that relies on chinese tourism.. u know that every single dime.spent by these chinese goes.back directly.into china.  china buses, chinese tours, chinese tour guides, chinese owned hotels, restaurants, etc.  everything gets kickbacked to China.  Maybe just maybe thai tourism is figuring this out. 

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5 hours ago, onthesoi said:

The solution is simple.


Nationalise OA Transport, their buses have already been seized, government would manage the bus fleet at cost to provide cheap tour buses for the Chinese so they can travel around in groups if that's how they like to holiday.

Yes they could come in droves and crowd out the tourists that are paying top dollar for a vacation. 

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble. 2 WITCH. Fillet of a fenny snake, In the caldron boil and bake; Eye of newt, and toe of frog,

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They could divide the country up into tourist zones. Depending on your budget that is where you stay. You rub shoulders with in kind tourists. People that really pay good money to sun themselves here should not have that sunlight blocked out by zero tourists or back packers on a budget. Everything else seems  to work on a class system. 

Edited by elgordo38
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Why does tat need a familiarise trip to China? ?? Shouldn't they be inviting Chinese officials to Thailand all expenses etc to familiarise with the new system. 

And then there's the no more than 2 land border runs in 1 year. This should really help to encourage those tourists that travel here by car for camping trips  . 

What they really need is a new tourism ministry, because clearly she does not understand the fundamentals of why people come to Thailand. 

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Last year my friends Guest House here in Chiang Mai was 75 per cent Chinese this year 90 percent farang 5 per cent Thai and a few chinese. Even the individual chinese tourist travellers are way down this year, a few around the moat but not many.

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If you watch NHK World TV they're all flocking to Japan, where they're made very welcome with all sorts of attractions laid on for their benefit. Also some of the larger electrical and clothing stores are selling goods at reduced prices which are a lot cheaper than buying at home.

Also the Japanese government has slashed tax tariffs on goods purchased to a duty free status to further promote travelers!

Maybe Thailand should watch & learn how to entice & keep tourists.. not see them as a one off cash cow!

Thailands idea is get them in the country, rip them off & send them home fleeced, or worse still, rob them at knifepoint or kill them on the roads/beaches.

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Now they want to invite again the masses, who trample down to 100th the beaches and corals.

Chinese mass tourism is only useful for a few major organizers. The majority of normal small thai shops have zero profit of it. Short-term profit thinking from a few, will permanently destroy the natural resources for all.

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5 hours ago, rhythmworx said:

Advertise an all you can eat prawn buffet for just 99 baht, the whole of china will be over lining their bags and sleeping rough on the street due to lack of hotels available.

Get it organised in Chaing Mai as they have got prior experience of Chinese at "all you can eat" Prawn BBQ's  :smile:


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The majority of normal small thai shops have zero profit of it. Short-term profit thinking from a few, will permanently destroy the natural resources for all.

I have to respectfully disagree, I see small businesses getting a real boost from Chinese spending. Remember also that every room that fills with a Chinese reduces the supply thereby generally increasing room prices. Good for the hotels.....if they don't want the low profit Chinese group bookings they don't have to take them.

If what I hear about large scale promotion and sale of Thai condos is true we will be looking at a bigger scale of spending to come.

Seems to me Thailand could be to China what Spain became for the British and Germans some decades ago.striking similarities in weather difference, cheapness, flight times etc........better make sure Vietnam doesn't steal in first.

Having said that why shouldn't the industrious forward thinking Vietnamese get their share, just if Thailand doesn't want to lose out they better make nice

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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