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Tourists warned to dispose less garbage during festive season


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30 minutes ago, stevenl said:

You realise most tourists are Thai?

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Then the title and subsequent proclamations should have been more specific, Thais warned to dispose less garbage during festive season.

I am a tourist and thus could be a little offended, if inclined, to be included within the group-set targeted.

Municipality pansying about with words so as not to offend the indigenous populace sightseeing. 


Somchai / Sumching will be thinking it can't be applying to them as they chuck yet another empty water bottle/ plastic bag in the khlong, by the side of the road, on the train tracks, next doors vacant plot, etc.

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Although in English news, guessing this is aimed at Thais as everyone knows they are terrible litterers. If aimed at non-Chinese foreigners, then they are just barking up the wrong tree and this is a throw-away article (pun intended). There just isn't the will or means to deal with this. Everything is going against a garbage-free country...  a populace largely uneducated when it comes to keeping one's backyard clean, complete lack of bins on the street (partly lest the fundamentalists drop bombs in them) and absolutely zero incentive to stop it at source! i.e. Ban 7-11 from dishing out inordinate amounts of plastic crap for one. I mean, do people really need a freakin bag for a pack of chips!! 

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

ok so tourists are being blamed for garbage in Thailand..........................well why not ban them all then you won't have a garbage problem ............................ seriously



sorry I couldn't think of anything sensible to say to this ..................garbage


whoever made this statement should be sent to the garbage pits on the islands with a shovel and a wheel barrow - hey this is now your responsibility - get digging.......




check tourists suitcases at the airport for garbage.......it must be coming from somewhere


It's getting very confusing now since they call the Thai "tourists" as well.


Yesterday at cape Dara Pattaya the guard was "cleaning" the beach for us. He picked up driftwood and threw it back into the sea.


Later he picked up plastic bottles, so i showed him all the glass which was on the beach...glass not sharp he said, i told him glass was very sharp and tourists don't like it, it's worse than plastic bottles. He didn't understand it.



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during festivals ?!


i'd say 'all the time'.


interestingly when i first came to thailand thais would bang on about how thais love thais and a thai would never do a bad thing. now i often hear thais berate their countrymen for being selfish for not disposing of rubbish considerately. hopefully this means a change a mindset is taking place.



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The Health Department has appealed to tourists and members of the public not to use foam containers and to refrain from discarding garbage at tourist attractions in a way that may threaten the environment and pose a health hazard.

The Health Department has pulled it's head from the sand with an audible "plop", did a 360, blamed the tourists, and rammed it's head right back into the sand. Happy Holidays.

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3 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

Tourists warned!!!


How foreigners been treated here since the junta took over is mindboggling. Hopefully one day the self appointed saviors' of Thainess will be thought by rest of the world that most garbage in their country is not coming from foreigners but from their own countrymen. 


This has NOTHING to do with foreigners. Absolutely nothing.


This is an English translation of a message for Thais, who TOUR a lot in Thailand, especially around year's end.


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I was at Kata beach''s North end a few days ago, and the footpath was full of junk, beer bottles, Red Bull, cut open coconuts, foam containers left there from night time drinkers. But not a single bin to be seen anywhere as far as the eye could see. Same thing on the beach. Is it asking too much to have bins at intervals, so that people have at least a choice to dispose of junk properly ? These are mostly Thais sitting drinking at night, so stop blaming tourists,they have at least a conscience...Middle Kingdom denizens excepted.

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3 minutes ago, wandasloan said:


This has NOTHING to do with foreigners. Absolutely nothing.


This is an English translation of a message for Thais, who TOUR a lot in Thailand, especially around year's end.


One of those very rare occasions where it is justifiable to "shoot the messenger" then:smile:

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5 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

The Health Department has pulled it's head from the sand with an audible "plop", did a 360, blamed the tourists, and rammed it's head right back into the sand. Happy Holidays.


The head wasn't in sand !!! 


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2 hours ago, smedly said:

is there a new slogan in the making for TAT


submit your suggestions here............the winner will get a big empty bag singed by someone that made that statement in the OP..............priceless



Tourist Are Trash...did i win...

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Maybe a thread devoted to Photos of the most deplorable piles of rubbish you have ever seen, would show it to the right people in the right places....

We have bins around this area, but they are never emptied on time and the stray dogs get into them and drag rubbish everywhere. Some dont even get emptied at all.....Piles of rubbish every 50yrds up and down some roads....

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The young gal campaigning against the use of plastic bags seems to have disappeared from news coverage. I do notice that I am the only person in the supermarket using my own bags, unless there is another farang there. It isn't catching on and needs to become mandatory.

It seems to me that the plastic drink bags are even more problematic: ditched the minute the drink is finished and rarely in a suitable receptacle.

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"Tourists and members of the public".... that's everyone so stop trying to feel vindicated, it's tiresome..... anyway, I think a total ban on styrofoam being sold would be a more positive approach, the stuff is never recycled due to its low weight to volume and low production  price.

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2 hours ago, debate101 said:

The government wants to liken themselves to Singapore's "clean and organized" repressive one-party state. Unfortunately, Singapore's gov't is skillful, technologically advanced, rational instead of superstitious, has vision, etc...


Singapore is clean because they have police who do their job and actually fine anyone (locals + tourists) who drops litter. It would not be hard to do the same here, but it would require some prolonged effort so is unlikely to happen. That said, the BTS in Bangkok is clean, so clearly it isnt completely impossible.

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4 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

Tourists warned!!!


How foreigners been treated here since the junta took over is mindboggling. Hopefully one day the self appointed saviors' of Thainess will be thought by rest of the world that most garbage in their country is not coming from foreigners but from their own countrymen. 

Why are you so determined to make this into a Thais against foreigners article?

Read the first line of the post again;

"The Health Department has appealed to tourists and members of the public"

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Just another blatant example of how hostile this government is to tourists. The welcome mat is long, long gone. Go ahead, continue destroying an industry that many hundreds of billions of dollars have been invested in, and continue to dissuade tourists from coming here, or returning, ever again. Good job guys! Hooray! You are crippling an industry that took 40 years to build, and sustains millions of your people. Good job! 


Fortunately, the Thai people remain warm, helpful, and kind, and make it a pleasure to visit, on alot of levels. But, the powers that be are behaving in an abominable fashion. Shame on them. 


In a country that puts zero emphasis on the ill effects of plastic consumption, this kind of message is lame, ill conceived, insincere, and coming way too late in the game. The lack of progressive policy here when it comes to plastic consumption, and recycling makes Thailand stand out, as one of the few developing countries with perhaps the greatest degree of apathy toward it's own environment, on the planet. 


Just another example of how Little P is NOT moving his country forward. Why do the Thai people not see this? 

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4 hours ago, seahorse said:

Those bloody tourists messing up Thailand. What can be done about them?


Stop selling them food/drinks on the go...they can sit down in restaurants.


Or serve the food in bananaleaves like they did decades ago.


For drinks give them a decent bottle at the airport and tell them to bring it back when leaving.


Well at least on Samui they could start with this.

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Maybe the Health department or "chiefs" should make trash bins readily available with the manpower to keep them empty...
Ohhhh I forgot, the land-fill sites are all full... so lets just keep dumping it on the streets..
No alternatives equals no change !!!!

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