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    • villagefarang
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1 minute ago, Will27 said:

All of this talk about dots is making me dot....ty.

I totally understand how most members are confused about this dot thing, but you have already lost one. I was wondering if you were aware of that.

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1 hour ago, geronimo said:

I notice (with glee) how some posters think that I (and others) and sucking up to certain candidates, when this is all just tongue in cheek :stoner:


You are and you have.  Whose tongue and whose cheek?  Maybe you two should get a room.


PS:  Don't let him take pictures.

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Surely it's not meant to be serious.
It's almost as long as the Olympic Games as it is.
I'm sure we can survive without the nominees telling us how to eradicate poverty and achieve world peace.
You're also opening it up for more abuse.
It seems hard enough to get quality nominees as it is with more and more withdrawing.
As suggested, I doubt Guesthouse even knows he's been nominated.
IMO, just keep it simple.

In the Olympic Games you quote only 1% Fail the DOPE TEST .Need I say more.

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So while some people are scurrying about the internet looking for things to quote or plagiarize as they live their copy and paste lives, I am the bad guy for trying to share brief glimpses of my actual life, what I see, think and feel.


Boasting about drunkenness, bad behavior, suspensions, poverty, misogyny, bigotry and hate speech in general seems to be a respected norm on these pages.  I missed whatever went on yesterday but I have been on TVF long enough to have a good idea what was said and later deleted.


People who are tempered and serious are seriously scorned for being serious and not joining in the fun of abusing others, after all hurting others is fun.:omfg:


And yes I suppose I am being disrespectful by not admiring and praising the abusive behavior. 

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17 minutes ago, villagefarang said:

So while some people are scurrying about the internet looking for things to quote or plagiarize as they live their copy and paste lives, I am the bad guy for trying to share brief glimpses of my actual life, what I see, think and feel.


Boasting about drunkenness, bad behavior, suspensions, poverty, misogyny, bigotry and hate speech in general seems to be a respected norm on these pages.  I missed whatever went on yesterday but I have been on TVF long enough to have a good idea what was said and later deleted.


People who are tempered and serious are seriously scorned for being serious and not joining in the fun of abusing others, after all hurting others is fun.:omfg:


And yes I suppose I am being disrespectful by not admiring and praising the abusive behavior. 




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On 12/22/2016 at 4:37 AM, Ulysses G. said:


Nancy's husband it for real. They used to go to the same health club that I did.

Hate to break this news to you UG, but that wasn't Hubby that I hung out with at the health club!  


Hubby gets his exercise (or so he claims) by leaving the condo around 4:30 am most mornings to walk around the moat.  He says he likes to watch the "changing of the guard" at Thapae Gate.  You know, when the ladyboys prowling around the area go off duty and the monks take over.

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NancyL this is just for you because you're a good sport (even if it isn't original) From the movie Harvey -- James Stewart as Elwood:

Elwood P. Dowd: Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.


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It's gone quiet here...Are you all busy plucking Turkey's.....Building up your body alcohol content so you don't look daft after one Leo.....Or spending hours in Tesco's trying to find Cheshire cheese and that splendid bottle of vintage Port.....Well I ain't...Nooooooo


Forehead slap animated emoticon



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For those of you who missed my earlier posts from twenty pages back.:welcomeani:


On 12/21/2016 at 9:10 PM, villagefarang said:

Here is a link to a Topic I started this year.  



On 12/21/2016 at 9:14 PM, villagefarang said:

This one is only a little over twelve months old.



On 12/21/2016 at 9:22 PM, villagefarang said:

I believe I started this one within the last year as well.



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