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Council chief blows a gasket in Facebook rant about littering tourists


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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Littering is as common as fish sauce here and it is a problem the government might have a shot at fixing. Anti littering campaigns were very successful 30 or 40 years ago in North America. Just tie it in with patriotism.

It was instilled in my young mind years ago. Garbage bag, this is garbage put garbage in bag and it has stuck with me ever since. Aside from that any logical person should be able to figure out that garbage will not grow legs and head for the nearest garbage bin. We have so much garbage on social media and TV these days its incredible but no demonstrations on how garbage is bad for the environment. With so many young eyes locked on IT screens it could be a good place to start spamming the message. 

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6 hours ago, ehs818 said:

If you look closely at the picture in the article, you'll notice that there are no Rubbish Bins available to put the trash 

Do you really believe that these people would throw their trash into the bin, even if they had it just half an inch away from their own fingers?????? :omfg:

It has taken a while till i managed to get at least the road and foothpath fronting my property, finally rubbish-free, as no thai would ever even think about telling another thai to dispose off properly, its own trash. If however you are a fellong, then expect even a public beating for it.

People as this one, calling on "tourists" (so it might sounds as just another word for falangs), are so rare that they made it to the news when they come out with it

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I admire this guys attitude, is a Council Chief an authority that can make a difference?


The authorities have to make the laws strong and financial penalty large enough to give the people an incentive to use a trash bin.

And be proactive in enforcement of the laws by placing police in the area to enforce the laws.

If authorities are not willing to accept responsibility, nothing will change!

Edited by KenKadz
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9 hours ago, ehs818 said:

If you look closely at the picture in the article, you'll notice that there are no Rubbish Bins available to put the trash that tourist generate. This is true in most of Thailand. Most foreign tourists are quite aware of the need to put trash in a proper disposal area. But there are none in most of Thailand. And for the record, most of the tourists that go to Bang Saen, ARE THAI.

Personally I feel a strong pride by never littering anything anywhere. I learned this as a child, when campaigns were running in Europe.  Just teach the Thai children why it is bad to litter in nature.

FORCE any shop or restaurant who are selling food or drinks, to place a rubbish bin next to the shop and to maintain the nearby area around.  I often have to walk around with my rubbish for a long period of time, as no rubbish bins are in sight. Not only at local markets, but even at international name brand shops like Dairy Queen, they have the policy NOT to have a rubbish bin.

Edited by Xonax
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To go another step forward......if they had different bins for certain items (bottles-cans-paper etc.) ......


It would make life much simpler for the recycling people (whom I admire immensely) to make a living


but that "truly" is wishful thinking

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the gf took me to Bang Saen once, awful place and very dirty, the sea is a dirty grey colour and i saw drains running into small rivers that run straight into the sea. it's disgusting.


i'd never go again but apparently thais' love the place and it was very busy when i was there. i dont see it offering anything to western tourists, i saw about five foreigners when i was there.

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

Council chief blows a gasket in Facebook rant about littering tourists



Picture: Sanook


CHONBURI: -- The well known chief of the Bang Saen municipality has gone online to have a withering rant about tourists messing up his beach.


Narongchai Khunpleum - better known as "Nayok Tui" used his Facebook page to sound off about the messy tourists.


He appeared to be blaming the many Thai people who flock to Bang Saen, reports Sanook.


Posting pictures of the offending rubbish he said: "I see this every morning when I am out for my jog. Saturday and Sunday it is even worse. It is all along the beach. The tourists have no sense of shame.



Can anyone point to the garbage bins in the picture?

It's the same everywhere in Thailand, big fines for littering, but garbage bins are few and far between, actually to the point that it's very hard to find any.


What are tourists suppose to do with their left overs if no collection bins are available?

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I was under the impression that Thai schoolkids were made to clean the playground - school - class rooms etc before going home ? So this should instill some sort of pride in them and their school and hopefully cross over to the wider area, or has someone been pulling my leg on this ?


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Here in Koh Samui the tourists are starting to get bad ay dumping rubbish but only because they see that is what most of the Thais do and therefore it must be acceptable.  I walk my dog mainly in quiet areas where few tourists go and it is still usually like a rubbish tip because of Thais dumping their rubbish.  Here I would say that the Thais are at least 90% responsible.

I hope you clean up after your dog does its doo doos.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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On 23/12/2016 at 4:39 AM, tracker1 said:

Bring in laws for littering and enforce them ! it's not something new to the world :sleep:


Theres already laws for littering and flytippng, it's the enforcement that's non existent.

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Imagine if Nayok Chui employed five Litter Warriors daily on a commission basis at the beach and surrounding area. They take the first 100 Baht of every on the spot 500-1,000 B fine they issue.  Much better income than running a squid fry on a tricycle business.  Clean, pristine surrounds would be guaranteed after 6 months, more tourist visitors spreading more money in the area. And the Litter Warriors could still earn a decent income because of the increase in visitor numbers. I reckon would-be business operators would be thinking about tea money for the chance to wear a Litter Warrior badge. Arm them with cheap cameras (for evidence purposes) and a whistle.  Clean beaches, more tourist income, more tea money for the Council. Everybody's happy.  Get on with your job Nayok!  Publicity as an achiever is better value than publicity as a whiner or ranter blaming somebody else for your problems.

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15 hours ago, sandemara said:

Imagine if Nayok Chui employed five Litter Warriors daily on a commission basis at the beach and surrounding area. They take the first 100 Baht of every on the spot 500-1,000 B fine they issue.  Much better income than running a squid fry on a tricycle business.  Clean, pristine surrounds would be guaranteed after 6 months, more tourist visitors spreading more money in the area. And the Litter Warriors could still earn a decent income because of the increase in visitor numbers. I reckon would-be business operators would be thinking about tea money for the chance to wear a Litter Warrior badge. Arm them with cheap cameras (for evidence purposes) and a whistle.  Clean beaches, more tourist income, more tea money for the Council. Everybody's happy.  Get on with your job Nayok!  Publicity as an achiever is better value than publicity as a whiner or ranter blaming somebody else for your problems.


What? A Khunpleum spending money for the betterment of Bangsean? This family has been hoovering up everything except the Chonburi garbage for generations so don't hold your breath on this one.

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