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Men removed from JetBlue flight with Ivanka Trump aboard


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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


But it WAS true and has been reported extensively. He harrassed a mother and her children. 

Actually, it was quite mild and they didn't need to be ejected. Ivanka didn't want them ejected. It was a judgment call by the airlines. Could have gone either way. If they had flown this would have been a big nothingburger. 

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Mild? Who would want some idiot yelling at you on a packed airplane?

There is no firm evidence there was any yelling. There was talking. There was emotion from Goldstein. He hates trump and for really good reasons. trump really is an absurdly horrible person to be president. If the trumps don't want to fly with anti-trumpists, yes they need to fly private. We're everywhere.  There was no threat of violence, real or imagined. 

Like I said, if I was on a plane and heard some emotional pro trump talk, I would just let it pass. Ivanka wanted to let it pass. This is on the airlines and yes, their right to do so, but it's now looking like it was an overreaction. 

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31 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Old queen, huh?

Here comes the hate!

(BTW, I think he's 42. That's old?)


Here comes the hate?   What hate?  I just think given the dire state that the world is in today, including the fear of a Trump presidency, a little light relief is badly needed.  Oh and "old queen" is a term of endearment, lots in my working life and social circle too.  It's actually how they describe themselves!

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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Here comes the hate?   What hate?  I just think given the dire state that the world is in today, including the fear of a Trump presidency, a little light relief is badly needed.  Oh and "old queen" is a term of endearment, lots in my working life and social circle too.  It's actually how they describe themselves!

Are you an old queen?
I'm not buying your line.

Would you post the N word as a term of endearment on this forum because you have some black friends? 

Also, bloody read my post. The hate I was referring to was about the anti-gay and anti-semitic tweets in response to this anti-trump couple being gay Jews. 

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Are you an old queen?
I'm not buying your line.

Would you post the N word as a term of endearment on this forum because you have some black friends? 

Also, bloody read my post. The hate I was referring to was about the anti-gay and anti-semitic tweets in response to this anti-trump couple being gay Jews. 


Old yes, queen no.  What you believe is up to you but I can assure you in my world there are lots of old and young queens and we all get on just fine. As for the N word then no I wouldn't use that because I am not black and that word is one they prefer to use   I am phobia free,  Just read my posts that relate to racism, ethnicity or homophobia.  It is because of that that I am comfortable calling my friends old queens, they know it is said with affection.

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4 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


Old yes, queen no.  What you believe is up to you but I can assure you in my world there are lots of old and young queens and we all get on just fine. As for the N word then no I wouldn't use that because I am not black and that word is one they prefer to use   I am phobia free,  Just read my posts that relate to racism, ethnicity or homophobia.  It is because of that that I am comfortable calling my friends old queens, they know it is said with affection.


I'm not saying it's not OK in your social circles.

That's entirely private to you. 

I questioned your use of it here on a public forum that is not your familiar social circle. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

The hate I was referring to was about the anti-gay and anti-semitic tweets in response to this anti-trump couple being gay Jews. 


So cracking jokes & making fun of someone when they pull a dumb stunt that gets them kicked off an aircraft is 'hate'?

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9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

So most people in the world have irrational hostility towards gay people. Sounds about right but not sure that's something I would want to BRAG about identifying with, dude. 


Nobody BRAGGED about it, but an inferiority complex can obviously be a problem.


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10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Total B.S.

Many of his top picks have long records of atrocious anti-gay civil rights policies.

The republican platform is the most anti-gay in American history.

His VICE president has a more atrociously anti-gay record of any VP in American history.

He may not personally have a problem with gay people, but he is going to be president and is under legitimate scrutiny for his picks.



I call spin on this. His cabinet picks do not make policy. He DOES. Besides objecting to gay marriage is not "anti-civil rights", no matter how the left like to distort the issue.

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I call spin on this. His cabinet picks do not make policy. He DOES. Besides objecting to gay marriage is not "anti-civil rights", no matter how the left like to distort the issue.

Yeah, dude, what would you care. It's not your civil rights about to be trashed. trump is a populist and his vision of American excludes so many.

You're obsessed with the marriage thing. I've already explained there is much more to it than that.  Such as basic protections against discrimination with employment and housing which gay Americans do NOT have. His rhetoric about "religious freedom" is just a game to rationalize anti-gay discrimination. In other words, if your religion is anti-gay, you supposedly have a right to discriminate against gays.

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Again. Trump is not going to trash gay marriage, He has no objection to it. Even if he did, it gives no one the right to berate his daughter and her children in public.


Trump says he's 'fine' with legalization of same-sex marriage


Again, no president has the power to take away marriage equality. Only the supreme court does. trump has promised to pick only SCALIA type far right wing justices. SCALIA was a major force to oppose marriage equality. What about this reality don't you understand? You don't fool me. You've been rabidly anti marriage equality for many years. That is your right. But don't try any con jobs about what trump has promised to do as far as the supreme court. 

Now, I don't believe trump will fulfill all his campaign promises but I do believe some of them ... and picking far right wing justices is an easy promise for him to keep. 

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15 hours ago, impulse said:


Try tweeting about stalking one of the Obama kids or Chelsea Clinton and her hubby through an airport for the purpose of harassing them.  


Let us know the list of crimes you'd be charged with.

There is no way the Obama kids or Chelsea and her husband would be caught dead flying with the common folk.  Totally beneath them.

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2 minutes ago, landslide said:

There is no way the Obama kids or Chelsea and her husband would be caught dead flying with the common folk.  Totally beneath them.

Well, it was weird that they were flying coach anyway. I reckon it's the last time. 

Look Ivanka is used to getting friction in New York about her Daddy. Most New Yorkers are very much ANTI-trump and New Yorkers aren't famous for holding back their opinions. 

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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Now, I don't believe trump will fulfill all his campaign promises but I do believe some of them ... and picking far right wing justices is an easy promise for him to keep. 


That is good news. However, I do not want abortion made illegal and I do not think that will happen. Still no reason to attack his daughter and children.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Indeed, but Trump does not want to anyway, so why verbally attack his daughter and her children - who have nothing to do with it - in public?

Don't ask me but if it was such a big deal why did Ivanka not want it to be a big deal? The airline made the call. 

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


That is good news. However, I do not want abortion made illegal and I do not think that will happen. Still no reason to Aattack his daughter and children.

Women's right to choose will actually be at more risk of a trump loaded supreme court than marriage equality.

What is actually likely to happen with a trump loaded court is that abortion will become a state's rights issue. So in many right wing states, it will indeed be illegal, and poorer women that can't travel will resort to dangerous methods and many, many women will die. Thank you trump! 

If you supported trump and you're pro women's right to choose ... well, that's quite BIZARRE. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Look Ivanka is used to getting friction in New York about her Daddy. Most New Yorkers are very much ANTI-trump and New Yorkers aren't famous for holding back their opinions. 


I can not believe that you keep trying to defend this boorish behavior. :sad:

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I can not believe that you keep trying to defend this boorish behavior. :sad:

Is that how you read it? You don't even know what happened there. You believe the screaming narrative yet other reports say there was no screaming at all. If there was screaming, I would agree definitely the airline was right. If it was just emotionally charged political talk, I question what they did, just as I wouldn't favor emotionally charged trumpists being booted from flights for expressing their political thoughts. 

Right wingers are acting like these nice men are some kind of terrorists or something.

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

If you supported trump and you're pro women's right to choose ... well, that's quite BIZARRE. 


It is not my top issue, but frankly I do not think Roe vs Wade will ever be overturned. Pretty much no one wants women returning to coat hangers and such.

Again, no excuse to attack members of trump's family.

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


It is not my top issue, but frankly I do not think Roe vs Wade will ever be overturned. Pretty much no one wants women returning to coat hangers and such.

Again, no excuse to attack members of trump's family.

You use the word attack a little too liberally. There was no violence and we don't even really know if there was any screaming. 

As far as Roe v. Wade not being overturned,  I hope you're right that it won't be, but I think you're very wrong to think it is not in danger now under trump's new court. 

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Just very aggressive big mouths. There was a reason they were kicked off the plane.

That's rich. trump is a world class aggressive big mouth and that got him elected president. 

Yes, the airline gave their reason to kick them off. They have that right. But let's not go overboard and start demonizing anti-trump speech. 

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24 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

 Such as basic protections against discrimination with employment and housing which gay Americans do NOT have. 


Since when? Are you talking about 30 years ago? Or today? So totally rare to hear about this sort of thing nowadays, not really sure where this is coming from. 


10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So in many right wing states, it will indeed be illegal, and poorer women that can't travel will resort to dangerous methods and many, many women will die. Thank you trump! 


I dunno what to think about this statement ^ 

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