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Is wanting to find a girlfriend/wife reason enough to move to Thailand?


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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That's only a problem if you get married. Stay single and there's always another out there as long as they think you might be the ATM they always wanted.

Just don't get them pregnant.


BTW ( forgot to say it before ) forgedabout being in 'loooove". She won't "looooove" you, so don't put yourself at a disadvantage. It's only good till it isn't and then it's time to move on.


But sometimes you really like your girlfriend, even if not married.  And sometimes you have invested some time and money and it's hard to just dump them.  takes me at least 11 hours to get over it...



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9 minutes ago, puukao said:

LOL.   Funny posts.  Remember, she will make you feel like a LOOOOOOOOOOSER if you don't have a nice motorbike.  Or nice car.  Or nice place.  Do you want the 55-year old man to get your girl because he isn't afraid to spend the money???


yes, you better pay for everything.  


if you don't want to play these games, 10000x guys will and your girl will cheat on you that many more times.


you are only as good as the money in your ATM, because what else can you really offer?

LOL. I purposely didn't marry a very beautiful woman because I didn't want to be worrying about every mangy dog sniffing around when I wasn't there, but it didn't make any difference. She was always telling me about the Thai men hitting on her. I don't think she played away ( but who knows ) while we were together, but she certainly had enough offers.

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Your odds of success are extremely low.  In the USA the divorce rate is about 50%.  Now factor in, sociological, psychological, cultural languages differences etc. etc. your odds go way down.


If you've got the coin just shack up.  Unless your a hopeless romantic.  Remember if it floats, flies or $$$$$ rent it.  I've had a 8 year marriage to a Thai Chinese girl.  The kind we usually don't get to meet.  She was a CFO with Mercedes Benz Bangkok from a fairly wealthy family.


Married brought her back to the states.  4 decent years then it went down in flames.  I have several friends who have lived here 35 years plus.  All, or most are on their second at least or third marriage to a Thai gal.


They really have a different "mother board" in their heads.  And their may be rare exceptions but "money number one."  And no matter how good you are or how hard you try you will never "really" be family.


However if you've got the money and want and adventure, "roll the dice."  Just don't play with more than your willing to lose.  Remember the odds are stacked heavily against you.  In even what looks like a "good' game.


Good Luck.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Yes, but they have been contaminated by western PC BS. They only look nicer than western women, but inside they are just the same.

Lived i San Diego for 30 years before retiring here.  Actually the Americanized Asian chicks are much worse.  IMHO.  Pathologically "Name Brand" and materialistic. Best to just do "hit and runs" and drop 'em like a hot rock...

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2 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Your odds of success are extremely low.  In the USA the divorce rate is about 50%.  Now factor in, sociological, psychological, cultural languages differences etc. etc. your odds go way down.


If you've got the coin just shack up.  Unless your a hopeless romantic.  Remember if it floats, flies or $$$$$ rent it.  I've had a 8 year marriage to a Thai Chinese girl.  The kind we usually don't get to meet.  She was a CFO with Mercedes Benz Bangkok from a fairly wealthy family.


Married brought her back to the states.  4 decent years then it went down in flames.  I have several friends who have lived here 35 years plus.  All, or most are on their second at least or third marriage to a Thai gal.


They really have a different "mother board" in their heads.  And their may be rare exceptions but "money number one."  And no matter how good you are or how hard you try you will never "really" be family.


However if you've got the money and want and adventure, "roll the dice."  Just don't play with more than your willing to lose.  Remember the odds are stacked heavily against you.  In even what looks like a "good' game.


Good Luck.

And no matter how good you are or how hard you try you will never "really" be family.

I would just put it as And no matter how good you are or how hard you try you will never be family. My wife cried more when our hamsters died than she did when we split up.

It's only good as long as they see the money tree lasting, no matter how fantastic it was in the beginning ( and my marriage was fantastic in the beginning ).

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15 hours ago, dogpatch55 said:

Yeah  but  a lot  of  people  do not  live to  old age...   Too many  die  quite  young..  Far better to  live  your  life  as  you want,  than  waiting in the  hope  your going  to  make it to old  age..


well... I don't know the stats but I do know that it would have been fairly 'easy' for me to have a 'short-circuit', brain wise, and give up my successful career to come out and party fulltime but I decided to get my career thing 'done' so I could retire at 50, get the visa, and live comfortably. For 15 years BEFORE I did that I was coming here couple times a year (and Philippines etc.).


I have never contemplated having a serious GF here or, my Gosh, getting 'married' what's the point? I could do that back in farangland. I love variety and change and that's what i have got.  I do not regret, for a minute, that I didn't come earlier and destroy my career for 'love' or some romantic delusion.


My advice stands - dream on, come 2./3 times a year, focus on getting a stable job/career and plan, plan plan for that day when you get to 50, can get the visa etc.  By that time you would have been here loads of times and 'awakened' to the fact that you can have fun and still be kind and respectful to Thais but don't trust them.


he is young and should take it easy...  it's a lonely place out here with no money, no career, no back-up, no social security, no NHS and no visa to work and even if he got the visa by doing aTEFAL and getting a teaching job the salary is not high and what about the twilight years? no Thai girl he marries this young is going to 'save him' unless he finds a rich kid to marry and if he did they are unlikely to want him as a young 'farang' in a well-to-do family is not high on their 'wish list'.  Good luck anyway.

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13 hours ago, kevozman1 said:

Only if you enjoy living in Thailand. If you do meet a girl then take things slow and <deleted> don't fall for some bar girl. Even if a potential girlfriend has a friend who works in the bar scene I would be extremely cautious. Oh and avoid any Pattaya or Phuket relationships. Just do yourself a favour and save yourself a lot of bullshit.

Enough with the "don't get involved with a BG" stuff, please. I've had BG girlfriends that were far, far nicer than the western hag from hell that I took up with when I was young and desperate. 

Thai BGs usually aren't crack addicted whores like western street walkers. However, they will take advantage of farang desperation to meet a woman that doesn't treat them like dirt ( like they get treated by women back "home" wherever that is ).

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When I say move, it could be a temporary move of course.
Me: 29 years old from California. I have saved up a decent amount of money considering my age. I purchased my home here when i was 25 and also received inheritance when my mother unfortunately passed away. I have been to Thailand twice once through a volunteer organization and the 2nd time to take a TEFL course. I came back shortly after the course was completed because I thought the work permit / visa runs / knocking on doors for employment was too much of a hassle and now I regret returning home soon.
As the title suggests I have not had much luck with relationships here in America and to be honest don't come across many girls / young ladies whom I find attractive. Yes, I am into Asian girls. This would be my main reason for coming back to LOS however the lifestyle of teaching english also beats my office job where everyone is running around completely stressed out..
Just thought I would post to get some feedback and thoughts..

If your not successful in your home country with the ladies at your age then it won't be much different here unless your loaded and into little dark things from Isaan. Sorry to be blunt but the good ones are into good looking guys.

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Grow up. You are 29 and  are demonstrating the mentality of a spotty faced adolescent who has a  functioning penis and no one to share it with.  If you are unable to engage in normal relationships  in your homeland, you will certainly not morph into a ladies man once you arrive in Thailand.  Hone your social skills at home and then you just might be able to meet a decent Thai woman.

If all you want is hookups, then use one of the many dating/sex sites that churn sex and  STIs. 

A loser in the USA will be a loser in Thailand.


BTW if you can't meet anyone, go and have a look in the mirror. You will see the problem. Fix it, and stop running away from reality.

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2 minutes ago, mcfish said:

If your not successful in your home country with the ladies at your age then it won't be much different here unless your loaded and into little dark things from Isaan. Sorry to be blunt but the good ones are into good looking guys.

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Actually anyone can be "successful" in LOS, no matter how poorly they do back home. It's just that the really good looking ones are higher maintenance than the little dark things from Isaan.

However, I guess if even old wrinkley Mick Jagger can pull a young woman back home that must apply everywhere.

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2 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Grow up. You are 29 and  are demonstrating the mentality of a spotty faced adolescent who has a  functioning penis and no one to share it with.  If you are unable to engage in normal relationships  in your homeland, you will certainly not morph into a ladies man once you arrive in Thailand.  Hone your social skills at home and then you just might be able to meet a decent Thai woman.

If all you want is hookups, then use one of the many dating/sex sites that churn sex and  STIs. 

A loser in the USA will be a loser in Thailand.


BTW if you can't meet anyone, go and have a look in the mirror. You will see the problem. Fix it, and stop running away from reality.

LOL. Sorry, but you write as though you never went into a Sukhumvit Rd disco in your life. 

Simply, you are wrong. Not for nothing do thousands of desperate middle aged western men flock to LOS.

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Actually anyone can be "successful" in LOS, no matter how poorly they do back home. It's just that the really good looking ones are higher maintenance than the little dark things from Isaan.

However, I guess if even old wrinkley Mick Jagger can pull a young woman back home that must apply everywhere.

There is a big difference though. I see hundreds of guys with their new Issan lovely sitting In restaurants not muttering a single word, usually both playing with their phones. That's a terrible way to live out your life. Far better to rent!

The majority of Isaan girls either can't speak English or are hookers. A tiny percent end up in university English

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16 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:


well... I don't know the stats but I do know that it would have been fairly 'easy' for me to have a 'short-circuit', brain wise, and give up my successful career to come out and party fulltime but I decided to get my career thing 'done' so I could retire at 50, get the visa, and live comfortably. For 15 years BEFORE I did that I was coming here couple times a year (and Philippines etc.).


I have never contemplated having a serious GF here or, my Gosh, getting 'married' what's the point? I could do that back in farangland. I love variety and change and that's what i have got.  I do not regret, for a minute, that I didn't come earlier and destroy my career for 'love' or some romantic delusion.


My advice stands - dream on, come 2./3 times a year, focus on getting a stable job/career and plan, plan plan for that day when you get to 50, can get the visa etc.  By that time you would have been here loads of times and 'awakened' to the fact that you can have fun and still be kind and respectful to Thais but don't trust them.


he is young and should take it easy...  it's a lonely place out here with no money, no career, no back-up, no social security, no NHS and no visa to work and even if he got the visa by doing aTEFAL and getting a teaching job the salary is not high and what about the twilight years? no Thai girl he marries this young is going to 'save him' unless he finds a rich kid to marry and if he did they are unlikely to want him as a young 'farang' in a well-to-do family is not high on their 'wish list'.  Good luck anyway.

I think it must be harder for young farangs to find "loooove" in LOS than it is for older men. The visa situation is against them for a start. Then, while they will probably meet lots of young lovelies that want to shag a young man, they will be wanting the financial security that a young guy probably can't provide, but an older man can, so less chance of a long term relationship.

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LOL. Sorry, but you write as though you never went into a Sukhumvit Rd disco in your life. 
Simply, you are wrong. Not for nothing do thousands of desperate middle aged western men flock to LOS.

Dude he never said he wanted a hooker! You really think those ladies on sukhumvit are good girls on a night out. LMAO

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Be careful of finding your "true love" in a bar............


Thai Bargirl Poem


The poor, the ugly, lame and insane in Patong can all get laid,

It’s not about what or who you are, but how much you paid.


The farangs go home and send monthly cash,

So their new-found girlfriends will not mix with the trash.


But the girls still work at their favourite bar,

Enticing new farangs who come from afar,

With offers of sex and the night full of fun,

While her other farangs think that they are the one.


What the farang doesn’t know or understand,

And the Thai girl will never show her hand,

Is that she needs to earn as much cash as she can,

And she can never get enough from only one man.


So the cycle goes on and farangs come and go,

Each with a broken heart because they just didn’t know,

That the girls at the bars are for temporary rent,

Not for the long-term, nor heaven sent.


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Thaibeachlover,i think it maybe possible we were married to the same woman?She sound familiar!

On a more serious note i wonder what the ladies who read this thread are thinking about all of this?

A lot of guys sound a bit Trumpisch?

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23 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Grow up. You are 29 and  are demonstrating the mentality of a spotty faced adolescent who has a  functioning penis and no one to share it with.  If you are unable to engage in normal relationships  in your homeland, you will certainly not morph into a ladies man once you arrive in Thailand.  Hone your social skills at home and then you just might be able to meet a decent Thai woman.

If all you want is hookups, then use one of the many dating/sex sites that churn sex and  STIs. 

A loser in the USA will be a loser in Thailand.


BTW if you can't meet anyone, go and have a look in the mirror. You will see the problem. Fix it, and stop running away from reality.

I must strenuously disagree with one point at least.  "A loser in the USA will be a loser in Thailand"  Been traveling here since 1971 US Military retired here in Naklua.  I now Thailand very well.  I have seen and it seems a lot more so lately some horrible looking, morbidly obese guys or just or average bald headed golfer type with the "brandy nose" and 7 month pregnant gut walking around handholding with some very hot girls.


And I think Huh?  What the heck is the deal there.  These guys would not be able to touch a chick like that back home with a ten foot pole.  Staying in shape and being clean cut always makes the game easier I find,  That's true anywhere though.


However I see plenty of "Jaba the Hut" losers with some very hot chicks.  I just wonder are they paying some kind of astronomical premium.  Save your money, exercise, don't drink to much keep a good healthy diet.  Makes the game much more fun in Thailand or anywhere.  Please don't get married!:thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, puukao said:

You want to be nice to humans, YES?  Then help them financially so they can be better mentally and physically.  You will have to spend at least 30,000 baht a month so they can enjoy their life.  


then buy them a house, why not?


you will never be fluent, but that's OK, they prefer you don't know everything.


and get them an iphone7.


now, after a few years and a few million baht spent, you might understand things.


since you can't work in Thailand, your career will be zero.  Your education will diminish.  Your health will diminish.  You will be an outcast back home.  


Which is fine if you have lots of money....


Many regrets puukao?

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I must strenuously disagree with one point at least.  "A loser in the USA will be a loser in Thailand"  Been traveling here since 1971 US Military retired here in Naklua.  I now Thailand very well.  I have seen and it seems a lot more so lately some horrible looking, morbidly obese guys or just or average bald headed golfer type with the "brandy nose" and 7 month pregnant gut walking around handholding with some very hot girls.
And I think Huh?  What the heck is the deal there.  These guys would not be able to touch a chick like that back home with a ten foot pole.  Staying in shape and being clean cut always makes the game easier I find,  That's true anywhere though.
However I see plenty of "Jaba the Hut" losers with some very hot chicks.  I just wonder are they paying some kind of astronomical premium.  Save your money, exercise, don't drink to much keep a good healthy diet.  Makes the game much more fun in Thailand or anywhere.  Please don't get married![emoji106]

The majority are by no means "hot". Let's think of it logically, the very very few that are really hot and I mean stunning are with the old bald golfer not because he looks good so looks are out.
Is he hung like a horse? It's possible but the law of averages says otherwise.
That leaves only one thing... Money and lots of it!

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14 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Be careful of finding your "true love" in a bar............


Thai Bargirl Poem


The poor, the ugly, lame and insane in Patong can all get laid,

It’s not about what or who you are, but how much you paid.


The farangs go home and send monthly cash,

So their new-found girlfriends will not mix with the trash.


But the girls still work at their favourite bar,

Enticing new farangs who come from afar,

With offers of sex and the night full of fun,

While her other farangs think that they are the one.


What the farang doesn’t know or understand,

And the Thai girl will never show her hand,

Is that she needs to earn as much cash as she can,

And she can never get enough from only one man.


So the cycle goes on and farangs come and go,

Each with a broken heart because they just didn’t know,

That the girls at the bars are for temporary rent,

Not for the long-term, nor heaven sent.


I've got a very hot Lao girlfriend that is sponsored by a German gentleman/50,000 per month + school and an Italian gentleman/20,000 per month.  She she has her own place 10 minutes from me.  She comes over to cook great Lao veggi food almost every day.  We hang out go out and watch movies go out and hear live music sometimes.  My favorite is going to the produce markets shopping with her.  I spend 8 to ten thousand bhat on/with her a month.  The ROI is fantastic.  I just have to make sure I'm quiet when the German or Italian guy call in to check on her.  The saying here I always hear is that a "Sponsored girl" is the expats best friend.  I've helped her write some emails to these "rocket scientists" but not to much though as not to cause suspicion. 


What makes it really great is she is unusually "elegant",  quite fit and lovely.  Now her German boy friend is in town for a couple weeks.  Boo Hoo.  However before she left she introduced me to several of her girlfriends with instructions for them to take good care of me in her absence.


Merry Christmas:thumbsup:

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32 minutes ago, mcfish said:

Dude he never said he wanted a hooker! You really think those ladies on sukhumvit are good girls on a night out. LMAO

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During the Asian Financial Crisis back in 1997 there were scads of so-called 'good' girls in the Sukhumvit areas.  

Secretaries and shop gals. :smile:

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I've got a very hot Lao girlfriend that is sponsored by a German gentleman/50,000 per month + school and an Italian gentleman/20,000 per month.  She she has her own place 10 minutes from me.  She comes over to cook great Lao veggi food almost every day.  We hang out go out and watch movies go out and hear live music sometimes.  My favorite is going to the produce markets shopping with her.  I spend 8 to ten thousand bhat on/with her a month.  The ROI is fantastic.  I just have to make sure I'm quiet when the German or Italian guy call in to check on her.  The saying here I always hear is that a "Sponsored girl" is the expats best friend.  I've helped her write some emails to these "rocket scientists" but not to much though as not to cause suspicion. 
What makes it really great is she is unusually "elegant",  quite fit and lovely.  Now her German boy friend is in town for a couple weeks.  Boo Hoo.  However before she left she introduced me to several of her girlfriends with instructions for them to take good care of me in her absence.
Merry Christmas[emoji106]

So you have fallen for a total slut. Sorry but that takes zero talent and low self esteem.

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3 minutes ago, mcfish said:

The majority are by no means "hot". Let's think of it logically, the very very few that are really hot and I mean stunning are with the old bald golfer not because he looks good so looks are out.
Is he hung like a horse? It's possible but the law of averages says otherwise.
That leaves only one thing... Money and lots of it!

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I did not say the majority.  I said some please don't ruin this thread.  And as I said I imagine they are paying some astronomical premium.  You say. "That leaves only one thing money."  Please stop it. OK?

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4 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

During the Asian Financial Crisis back in 1997 there were scads of so-called 'good' girls in the Sukhumvit areas.  

Secretaries and shop gals. :smile:

Yes I was here.  I was lucky and caught that "bhat window" at 57 or 58.  Boy was that party time.


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10 minutes ago, joeyg said:

I've got a very hot Lao girlfriend that is sponsored by a German gentleman/50,000 per month + school and an Italian gentleman/20,000 per month.  She she has her own place 10 minutes from me.  She comes over to cook great Lao veggi food almost every day.  We hang out go out and watch movies go out and hear live music sometimes.  My favorite is going to the produce markets shopping with her.  I spend 8 to ten thousand bhat on/with her a month.  The ROI is fantastic.  I just have to make sure I'm quiet when the German or Italian guy call in to check on her.  The saying here I always hear is that a "Sponsored girl" is the expats best friend.  I've helped her write some emails to these "rocket scientists" but not to much though as not to cause suspicion. 


What makes it really great is she is unusually "elegant",  quite fit and lovely.  Now her German boy friend is in town for a couple weeks.  Boo Hoo.  However before she left she introduced me to several of her girlfriends with instructions for them to take good care of me in her absence.


Merry Christmas:thumbsup:


Damn man you realize one of the biggest motives for murder and assault worldwide is the exact situation you have put yourself in. 

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All the negativity about Thailand. I mean come on. There are different 'classes' of people no matter what country you live in. They guy is young, not 60 years old. Numerous rich or employed women will go for him....he doesn't need to go for some poor stricken girl and help out her family (seems to be the consensus on the forum). A girl with a good job or incredibly rich Thai is extremely easy to find here. The new generation (his age bracket) are not all about money. They will happily fight their older family members on things like Sin Sord or the farang paying for things etc. I wonder why all these people bitch so much about being 'walking ATM' machines but still live here. The OP is young, not a grandpa looking for an immoral girl, as that's not the only person who will take him. 


Find a girl, know her for an extended period of time to learn each other. If you have a generalisation of Thai people then just tell her you have no money. The very first thing i did with my in laws was tell them i had no money. What did they do? They gave us land to build on with my wife's homeloan. I knew maybe 100 or so Thai back in my country, and know a lot here obviously too. The majority of families are like this I have found. The families who have some sort of education or employment. People cant moan and complain if they go to a bar to find a wife. Thai has a poverty class, a middle class and the all famous high society. All classes easy to hang out with, but from experience the middle class families are easier to relate too (as I am not high society lol). 

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