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Record 5,000 migrants drown in Mediterranean in 2016


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3 hours ago, simple1 said:


The spokesman is not saying or alluding to your false news story. What he is saying countries should take on the processing and vetting of asylum seekers and if accepted for resettlement appropriate services be put in-pace to assist with resettlement / integration. If you can bother to find some facts you will note the flood of asylum seekers / economic refugees into the EU was warned of by UNHCR years ago and no notice, or at least very minimal effort made to proactively address the issues 'in situ' in host countries such as as Turkey, Lebanon and so on

That may be so, but some EU countries don't want them, and after the next round of elections, IMO, more countries will join them with anti immigrant right wing governments.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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I feel sorry for the families  of  those  that have drowned,  but  I will also blame  the rich members of  those  families  that  gave  the money that  went into  the  hands of  the  heartless  smugglers  who  put  these people  onto  rafts, and  horrible  boats

that were  towed  and sputtered out  to  sea  then  broke down  and  lead  to  a  lot  of the drownings.  I agree  that  these people and  their  rich  relatives  that maybe  already escaped  from  somewhere  in Africa  or  the  ME,  could  stay  in  their countries,  but  lets face  it.  Escaping  to Europe, or further  is the  easiest way  for  all  of  these  people. That

is the one  sad  truth.  Another truth is  that most Muslim people  will move  elsewhere, keeping  their  beliefs  and Islam  religion,  then  when  their  children  cannot assimilate into  the  country  they  grow  up  in , some  get  mad, they go  join  one  of  these radical gangs, or  do  like  this  guy  from Tunesia, who  did  his  harm  in Germany.

   It  would be  nice  if  all these  people  could be  housed  somewhere  near to where  they are from,  then  trained  to be  soldiers  in the case  of  at  least  the  young  men,  then  when they  have  gotten old enough  they  could  returned  to  their countries  and fight  against  the jerks  that  are making  their home  countries  a Hell.  People  for  example  like  ISIL, and all  the other  terrorist  groups. 


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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I feel sorry for the families  of  those  that have drowned,  but  I will also blame  the rich members of  those  families  that  gave  the money that  went into  the  hands of  the  heartless  smugglers  who  put  these people  onto  rafts, and  horrible  boats

that were  towed  and sputtered out  to  sea  then  broke down  and  lead  to  a  lot  of the drownings.  I agree  that  these people and  their  rich  relatives  that maybe  already escaped  from  somewhere  in Africa  or  the  ME,  could  stay  in  their countries,  but  lets face  it.  Escaping  to Europe, or further  is the  easiest way  for  all  of  these  people. That

is the one  sad  truth.  Another truth is  that most Muslim people  will move  elsewhere, keeping  their  beliefs  and Islam  religion,  then  when  their  children  cannot assimilate into  the  country  they  grow  up  in , some  get  mad, they go  join  one  of  these radical gangs, or  do  like  this  guy  from Tunesia, who  did  his  harm  in Germany.

   It  would be  nice  if  all these  people  could be  housed  somewhere  near to where  they are from,  then  trained  to be  soldiers  in the case  of  at  least  the  young  men,  then  when they  have  gotten old enough  they  could  returned  to  their countries  and fight  against  the jerks  that  are making  their home  countries  a Hell.  People  for  example  like  ISIL, and all  the other  terrorist  groups. 


What a bunch of BS!

"the rich members of those families"...some sold all of their worldly possessions to get a ticket on this killing- ships!

That is how desperate they are, to get away!

"They could stay in their country"...have you seen what f.e. Aleppo looks like nowadays!

Ever seen pictures from Dafour!

That is, where you want them to stay and "fight"?

Yeah, sure...let them become soldiers and fight the "jerks", who turned these places into those hell- holes!

You mean like the USA with their thousands of drone- strikes, which overwhelmingly kill innocent civilians?

Or the Russian Army, teamed up with Assad and Erdogan?

Yeah...easy-peasy: get a gun, learn some shooting and all will be for the best!

ISIS "and all other terrorist groups" only have the power to radicalize people in this way, because WE give them enough arguments!

God in heaven!


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6 hours ago, DM07 said:

Wow...you are even dumber than I thought!

Yes, there is enough money, to give pensioners a rise- it just has to redistributed!

You really don't get it, do you?!

Cutting defense spendings would be one solution!

I give you an example: in my hometown (Hamburg/ Germany) they built a new opera house!

NO ONE needed that- but it is a new landmark to the city!


Started out as a 60 Million Euro project- 50% to be paid from taxes.

Ended up 10 times that much!

You could fund whole African villages with that kind of money!

But now, some rich folks can go and see Jose Carreras and sip on champagne...which is way more important!

And spare me your bulls....about the west building its lifestyle, because in large parts it was built on the back of the ones you so intensly despise! 

You are aware that all these European countries have a lot of debt themselves? And it's not like it's going uphill, but it's gonna get much worse, and unemployment has become a big problem as well. What I'm saying is that yes, some Europeans are rich, but a lot are struggling to make ends meet today, and that's just a fact. 

And concerning your opera hall: you might not like it (neither do I), but some people do, and they're taxpayers too, and a city's entitled to spend its money as it (its citizens) wishes. I guess you're writing these messages on a smartphone, tablet or computer that you own?  Guess what, you could have sent this money to Africa instead....aren't you ashamed???

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48 minutes ago, Sapporillo said:

You are aware that all these European countries have a lot of debt themselves? And it's not like it's going uphill, but it's gonna get much worse, and unemployment has become a big problem as well. What I'm saying is that yes, some Europeans are rich, but a lot are struggling to make ends meet today, and that's just a fact. 

And concerning your opera hall: you might not like it (neither do I), but some people do, and they're taxpayers too, and a city's entitled to spend its money as it (its citizens) wishes. I guess you're writing these messages on a smartphone, tablet or computer that you own?  Guess what, you could have sent this money to Africa instead....aren't you ashamed???

Ah, the ever so popular "why don't you spend your own money"...

You don't know, what I have done or do, to help out, so... 

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·Migrant smuggling is a multinational business, with suspects originating from more than 100 countries.


According to Europol and Interpol, migrants smuggling to Europe has yielded between five and six billion dollars in 2015.
The chaos in Libya, since the fall of Colonel Gaddafi in 2011, favors all trafficking. "Any armed group can enter this business,  traffickers use larger boats instead of inflatables, 600 or more people are piled on these old fishing boats. These boats are in poor condition and are not made to cross the Mediterranean. As soon as they go to sea, they call for help. Traffickers go so far as to give the number of aid to their victims.






Full Europol report PDF file , search " migrant smuggling networks - Europol"





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  The  oil  wealthy counties ,  Saudi ,   etc .

    They   have  no  concern about  the  well being of fellow Muslims.

    Leave  that  to those of the  Christian faith ,  the enemy .


Edited by elliss
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23 minutes ago, elliss said:

  The  oil  wealthy counties ,  Saudi ,   etc .

    They   have  no  concern about  the  well being of fellow Muslims.

    Leave  that  to those of the  Christian faith ,  the enemy .


It's that simple isn't it. 

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Ah, the ever so popular "why don't you spend your own money"...
You don't know, what I have done or do, to help out, so... 

Then please carry on doing it. But please don't pontificate to us , most of us don't want them ,if you do ,up to you as the Thais say,but don't expect us to help

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, alocacoc said:

The best way, don't let the immigrants get ashore. Send army ships out to block them. This would save many people in the long term.


For further advise, ask Australia.


Ah yes, the "I'm alright Jack" principle.


For further information refer, Adolph Hitler, same ends, different means.

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3 hours ago, DM07 said:

Ah, the ever so popular "why don't you spend your own money"...

You don't know, what I have done or do, to help out, so... 


3 hours ago, DM07 said:

Ah, the ever so popular "why don't you spend your own money"...

You don't know, what I have done or do, to help out, so... 

Ah, the ever so popular "I don't have an answer to your argument, so I just disappear..."

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4 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


Ah yes, the "I'm alright Jack" principle.


For further information refer, Adolph Hitler, same ends, different means.


Well, let all immigrants in and a new Adolf will born. It's that what you want?

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11 hours ago, i claudius said:


Yes but not enough money to give pensioners yearly rises ,living here ,even after they have paid in for 44 years , not enough to fund our hospitals properly ,not enough to patch up the roads back in Britain ,not enough to collect the rubbish weekly , and on and on , so i don't give 10 ...?s what anyone thinks , my father fought to keep our country free , they should stay and do the same ,not just run away and scrounge of us , and yes i do think its trajic that kids drown , but don't blame us ,blame their parents and those back in their country's that make it a sh-t hole , in the west we stayed and built our lifestyle , and they should do the same ,not come and scrounge what we built ,so sorry ,go and let your heart bleed over there helping them in their own land .

And you cite Robert Graves...


I remember grander visions, and eloquence in his prosaic assemblages of the past when I read him . Not that whining trot. I apologise for your pension purchasing power. 

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1 hour ago, elliss said:

  The  oil  wealthy counties ,  Saudi ,   etc .

    They   have  no  concern about  the  well being of fellow Muslims.

    Leave  that  to those of the  Christian faith ,  the enemy .



You will find some answers here (Lessons from Afghanistan for the Current  Refugee Crisis) from section 5.1 





Edited by Opl
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7 hours ago, elliss said:

  The  oil  wealthy counties ,  Saudi ,   etc .

    They   have  no  concern about  the  well being of fellow Muslims.

    Leave  that  to those of the  Christian faith ,  the enemy .



If you're referring to aid and and so on your claim is nonsense. If you're actually interested in this matter have a read of the content at....



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12 hours ago, chiang mai said:


Ah yes, the "I'm alright Jack" principle.


For further information refer, Adolph Hitler, same ends, different means.


What rubbish , if you want to equate anyone to Hitler do it to their own people ISIS , that are exterminating them ,not us we send boats to save them , not behead them and burn them alive or abduct their women and sell them as sex slaves , its Muslims that are the same as Hitler , in fact if i remember rightly they backed him in the second world war , so dont say stupid things .

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4 minutes ago, i claudius said:


What rubbish , if you want to equate anyone to Hitler do it to their own people ISIS , that are exterminating them ,not us we send boats to save them , not behead them and burn them alive or abduct their women and sell them as sex slaves , its Muslims that are the same as Hitler , in fact if i remember rightly they backed him in the second world war , so dont say stupid things .


You do not remember rightly: http://www.historytoday.com/david-motadel/muslims-hitlers-war


Plus you can't read what I wrote, apparently!

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I wonder , DM07 , just  what  or  who  is  the  great  people  in  the  world,  Is  it  all  these rebel and terror groups.  Is  it  the corrupt governments  or  dictators  like Assad  of Syria,  or  The  governments  in past  and  present  in  Iraq, Iran,  Lebanon, Afghanastan, and  a  lot  in Africa as well.       And  DM07,  do you  know  why       Saudi Arabia   has   a   very large  airconditioned  tent  city   and   has  no refugees in  them,     while Jordon  has  a  large  tent  city,  with  thousands  of people  in  them?     I even  wonder  what  kind  of  a teepee  you  live in  with  your lap top, cell phone

etc  in,  and what  kind of  beast  you  use  to get  to work  and back.  Ha!     Your  house likely  looks  pretty  nice,  of  course  this  is just my  guess.      Way to  go Sappillo,  Like your  writing  style.             It  just  would  be  a lot  more  sense to  house  these  refugees in  another  Muslim  country  that  has   the  same  climate,  and  maybe  a  slightly  more similar  language,  and  culture,  for  the  refugees to  live  at  before  they  can  one  day

all go  back  to  their  own  country.  Europe,  and  North  America  are  not  the land  of honey  that  many  think.



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