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Savage new teacher took stick to seven year old 99 times


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The punishment should fit the crime. All the boy did was leave the classroom without permission.


I reckon what this teacher did was far worse. Perhaps the boy's father should make an unannounced visit to her teacher's classroom with a stick of his own. Start counting and see if he can get up to 99 without the staff intervening as well.


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5 hours ago, fruitman said:

I bet this boy NEVER leaves the classroom without permission again.


So you guys think he needs more farang punishment, like standing in the corner for 10 minutes? Or writing 100 times "i will never leave the classroom without permission" on a of piece paper. Or you won't get pocketmoney for 2 weeks now.


I can still give you all the full names of all the teachers who ever hit me. And i don't even blame them cause they were right in doing so.


Just look in the malls and see how unmannered the Thai kids are, even when the parents call them to stop running like crazy they won't listen at all.

I hope you not have children ,if you have I pity them 

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5 hours ago, fruitman said:

I bet this boy NEVER leaves the classroom without permission again.


So you guys think he needs more farang punishment, like standing in the corner for 10 minutes? Or writing 100 times "i will never leave the classroom without permission" on a of piece paper. Or you won't get pocketmoney for 2 weeks now.


I can still give you all the full names of all the teachers who ever hit me. And i don't even blame them cause they were right in doing so.


Just look in the malls and see how unmannered the Thai kids are, even when the parents call them to stop running like crazy they won't listen at all.

Agree with your point, but 99 times is batshit insane.

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6 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Well, knowing the way Thai schools operate, she will probably receive a reprimand and be back teaching after a short vacation. OTOH she ought to be arrested for grievous bodily harm. 

I am sure many members on this forum with children in school would be having more than a quiet word with this creature.

if she does this to my boy i run her over with my car...period

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While I don't condone child beaters or the like, rules are rules & usually there for a purpose... generally speaking one of safety.
Safety for children within the school room or grounds is one of a top priority, if the child had got up & left the room and walked out of the school what would of happened to the teachers etc?

A rule "do not leave the classroom without permission" seems to me to be quite fair & self explanatory...
a child who refuses to obey this rule needs to be educated as to why it is necessary.. not with a stick, but with a joint meeting between the teacher, child &  parents.... both sides were at fault along with the school not having strict guidelines for any disciplinary action!!


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When I was in high school ( 9 to 12 grade ) I had a Latin teacher ( taught 50+ years ) who was quite liberal using a baseball bat on your legs when he caught you sleeping or acting up in class. The ONE subject I remember is my Latin, and I still have marks on my legs from the bat. 


On the positive side, I think he knew every college and university president in the country. If you wanted to go onward with your education and you were a B and above student, he COULD make a phone call or send a letter and  get you in the college of your choice - most of the time on a scholarship of some sorts be it a Latin or sports scholarship. He also saved my ar$e one time from the law - very minor charge.  I will always remember this man for his influence on my life.  Today, now he would be arrested.

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33 minutes ago, whatproblem said:

I bet this boy NEVER leaves the classroom without permission again.


So you guys think he needs more farang punishment, like standing in the corner for 10 minutes? Or writing 100 times "i will never leave the classroom without permission" on a of piece paper. Or you won't get pocketmoney for 2 weeks now.


I can still give you all the full names of all the teachers who ever hit me. And i don't even blame them cause they were right in doing so.


Just look in the malls and see how unmannered the Thai kids are, even when the parents call them to stop running like crazy they won't listen at all.

I fully agree. 7 yrs olds should be beaten mercifully. She shouldn't have stopped until he was dead. Then he would NEVER leave the classroom ever again. 

Got any kids? Do you beat them when they do something wrong?

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6 hours ago, tominbkk said:

Waiting for those old-timers of Thaivisa to come out talking about their own glory days of being whipped by the headmaster and how it did them a lot of good.


Hopefully the new teacher is punished with jail time and forever banned from a classroom.  


Maybe she can find a job as a dominatrix somewhere. 

This old timer is hoping that you're holding your breath while waiting. 

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6 hours ago, Mook23 said:


... and how they gave the same "education" to their own kids like my dad tried on me til, aged 14, i was fed up, uppercut him and that was the LAST time he laid a hand on me. child beaters, grrrr.

Your my hero mood. I was 6 when I picked up my 200k dad and threw him out the window. 

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This obviously demented bitch needs stripping to her skiddies and being publicly flogged for such an act of cruelty to a young child.

In a civilized society, she would be hauled into a court and then given a sentence of about 5 years.

Her life inside would be that of trying to avoid the ground glass in her food, and the beatings in the showers which would be administered by her fellow female inmates.

Even hardened criminal women hate anybody that harms children, the same the rest of use human beings do.


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7 hours ago, fruitman said:

I bet this boy NEVER leaves the classroom without permission again.


So you guys think he needs more farang punishment, like standing in the corner for 10 minutes? Or writing 100 times "i will never leave the classroom without permission" on a of piece paper. Or you won't get pocketmoney for 2 weeks now.


I can still give you all the full names of all the teachers who ever hit me. And i don't even blame them cause they were right in doing so.


Just look in the malls and see how unmannered the Thai kids are, even when the parents call them to stop running like crazy they won't listen at all.

You should change your handle to fruit-loop.

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6 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Doesn't look too serious, just a few little marks.



Yes, the teacher didn't abuse him totally. Just beat him a little.

Should have used a stick with spikes in it to really teach that child.

Striking any child in any manner in school is too serious.

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2 hours ago, thhMan said:

I was brought up knowing to respect my elders and the rules... and I also knew that actions had consequences.


I dont condone what happened to that kid one bit... Neither do I condone the total disrespect of a teacher


I do know from what my 2 girls have told me, that some boys are a complete handful and many students cannot pay attention to what the teacher is teaching due to the incessant ruckus...

And I draw two buffalo horns on the board and make the unruly  kid stand in front of them for fifteen minutes. Same result!

Never do it again!

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2 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

There's quite a different between the threat of a whack with a cane and being beaten 99 times!

No, there isn't. It's just as inappropriate to threaten violence as it is to carry it out. There is no business in real or implied violence in any classroom anywhere in the world.

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1 hour ago, darren84310 said:


There's a huge difference between administering punishment and abuse..... This case clearly falls into the latter. 

I for one think it's wrong if teachers can't discipline students, corporal punishment has been banned for a long time and just look at the results. Children now have no respect for authority or self discipline.

And plenty of kids from yesteryear went on to be violent and thumbed their noses at authority,so what's your point.Kids around my way have respect,free internet is my stick.

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My dad bet me a few times, but he bruised up my back really bad one time when I was about seven. Then a few days latter he asked me where the bruises came from. I said I fell. He knew it was from him.   He never beat me again after that. A little late though. My sister removed herself and her two sons from his life completely prior to that. This was all after my two brothers died. He pretty much lost everyone. I was left to bear it, but he came to his senses mostly  after that last beating. 


This teacher sounds like she is angry probably at men. She should be removed from working with children permanently. 

Edited by Hiyaall
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1 hour ago, jesimps said:

Typical lefty response. That sort of thinking is the reason that lots of the schoolkids in the UK and the US are out of control.


So the left is compassionate and non violent and the right is violent and has no morals.Is that what your saying.This is not political,it is violence on a child, a very young child and can never be condoned under any circumstances.If violence is the answer you have lost the arguement and control.This teacher can't teach again.

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I happened to go to one of those 'old school's' mentioned by a previous poster.It was a Grammar school in Deptford London.Our teachers wore mortar boards and gowns.They were as strict as all hell.I dont know why this kiddy left the class without permission corporal punishment was handed out on a daily basis,and you could see the gleam in the eye of the teacher when handing it out.We had to witness the punishment,like we were in the bloody navy.The puishments were carried out in the main hall.One sadistic bastard, Ian Delima,used to run from one end of the hall,and swing round into the stroke. On one occasion,i asked to leave the class because i had a dodgey stomach.The teacher(mr history Davis) refused to let me leave the room. My parents had told me that if i had to leave the  room as a emergency and a teacher refused me,i was to apologise to the teacher and leave without his permission.Upon my return,my teacher was puce with anger and told me i would be in for a caning the next day.I reported to the heads office the next morning and told i would receive 4 strokes that day after assembly.I refused the cane(you could do that in those days,and went home.My mum told my dad and the next day my dad went to the school and marched into the heads office and gave him a severe warning about beating me,and my dad was no lightweight.I never got the cane.I stayed on at the school and not one teacher ever threatened me with the stick again.I did not take advantage of that fact and left that school at 18 with 7 O levels and 4 A levels.I played Rugby for the school,got my school colours for sport,i represented the school in the London athletic qualifiers for the England schoolboy's in the discus.In all,i was a good student,but that little bastard teacher would have made me an insolent,sullen rebel,all because i desperately needed a shit,


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