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What is the "stigma" about tank tops.


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I've preferred waring them for years having lived in Southern California.  I wear them here almost exclusively when casual.  I prefer plain ones. May some graphics if they cool.   Don't like advertising beer or energy drinks.  The morbidly obese guys/8 month pregnant guys are quite a site with the Chang logo on the "bullseye" I must admit.


But is there something else I'm missing?  I prefer to ware the least clothes possible and do get dressed up when the occasion requires it.  Yes I can see a marked difference in the way your received with a nice pressed shirt, black jeans and shined shoes.


It's a tank top and shorts for me though.  And where I was raised, shorts were worn above the knee not between the knee and ankle.  In So Cal no one really seemed to care what you wore.  Thoughts?

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Different countries and parts of countries have different dress codes, likes, dislikes, etc.   But Thais generally consider tank tops as sloppy/LoSo/laborer type dressing.   Similar to how most Thai men prefer to wear long pants vs short pants.  Different strokes for different folks.

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Thanks been coming here for years and didn't really know that.  I knew about the pants thing but wasn't clear about the tank tops.  I think I prefer being considered Lo So when I'm out "knockin' around" town...

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3 minutes ago, Pib said:

Different countries and parts of countries have different dress codes, likes, dislikes, etc.   But Thais generally consider tank tops as sloppy/LoSo/laborer type dressing.   Similar to how most Thai men prefer to wear long pants vs short pants.  Different strokes for different folks.

So a t shirt and long pants would make me HiSo or at least  middle class...

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Thanks been coming here for years and didn't really know that.  I knew about the pants thing but wasn't clear about the tank tops.  I think I prefer being considered Lo So when I'm out "knockin' around" town...

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8 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

I love my wife beaters but only ever wear em with some  cargo shorts, and crocs and white socks.

Nice...  Any socks with sandals was a big no no even in So Cal come to think of it. LOL!


Edited by joeyg
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Interesting.  I live at the beach in Naklua.  And spend a lot of time at the beach.  Tank top and shorts is a "no brainer."  I do go out from time to time in Pattaya with the same clothes.  I don't think anyone notices or cares here.


When I go to dinner at The Centura Grand or The Hilton of course that's dress up time.

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1 minute ago, joeyg said:

Interesting.  I live at the beach in Naklua.  And spend a lot of time at the beach.  Tank top and shorts is a "no brainer."  I do go out from time to time in Pattaya with the same clothes.  I don't think anyone notices or cares here.


When I go to dinner at The Centura Grand or The Hilton of course that's dress up time.

and what do you wear then?

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6 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Shorts worn above the knee?? Oh! my god. Maybe OK on a little schoolboy, but on a male adult out on the street??????

Very common here  and So Cal.  In So Cal the only people that wore the "long short pants"  were the gang banger Cholo types.

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1 minute ago, kevozman1 said:

Fine for wearing at home, on a beach or by a pool. Around town it looks pretty awful, doubled by sheer amount of slobs who choose to wear wife beaters. 

Like I said you see then everywhere around here.  I thank God am quite fit at 64.  It takes a lot of work and discipline.  When I do ware jeans I prefer tight jeans.  Always have.  Hey if ya got it flaunt it.  been working great so far...

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2 minutes ago, steven100 said:

old fat farangs with hairy armpits ...  uuggghh  !!  


they look disgusting  ...  :shock1:

Yes I'm old but really am in good shape.  I think the title of the thread should have been does anybody like wearing tank tops in Thailand (near the beach) :cool:

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5 minutes ago, steven100 said:

old fat farangs with hairy armpits ...  uuggghh  !!  


they look disgusting  ...  :shock1:

I tend to agree with you.  Old fat farangs with hairy armpits look disgusting.  However I think anyone that has been undisciplined and let themselves turn into a fat pig is disgusting in any clothes.  What really sets me off is the "no shirt" thing.  I don't know why.  Even if your in good shape I think a tank top looks better.

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