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Just now, joeyg said:

Most people know this directly or indirectly.  However they eat these things because they "taste good"  I don't think anyone thinks junk food is good for you.  Do you?


I don't object to informed consumption by adults: I HATE the way they manipulate kids ( and via the kids, the parents).

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6 minutes ago, Elkski said:

I'm a 80 kg 180 cm guy.   I don't fluctuate to much. Maybe 2-3 kg.   

My heaviest is usually about this time of year.   Then I use swimming to full the gap till summer hiking and biking.  One swim season I just couldn't get this 2 kg off.   I even went drastic and only allowed one IPA a evening a few days none.   Then one day I wA looking at the table of the Irish cream coffee creamer.  2000 cal per pint. Hmmmm.   And I was using more than the normal serving size.  I dropped this extra 300-500 cal per day and in a week I lost that 2 kg.   Learned my lesson then.    Now I just use real cream.   One other thing I learned that helped me was learning how much exercise is needed to burn 100 calories.   I read that 1 oz liquor is 90 cal and hard lap swimming takes 8 mins to burn 100 calories.   8 mins of my 40 min 2 km swim.  Dam  one drink  negates 20% of a hard effort.  So I now envision how much effort things i eat require to keep a balance.    Our body is nothing more than a furnace.  Energy in- effort out= l left over energy that can be stored by the body.   Our human bodies are a thing of natural beauty and efficiency.   And our impact a nd time on this earth is so precious. That's why I think many of us don't like seeing bodies and lives being abused by obese persons.    I seem to be seeing so many leg amputations these days and I don't ask but I assume type 2 diabetes was the culprit.    

Folks please just count your calorie intake for a month.   Just need a good scale and one of the many phone apps.   You will be shocked.   Restaurant proportions are almost 2 X what a many size needs.    I have been laughed at when I talked to  the owner of a popular Mexican food chain about reducing his burrito size by 50% but charging 60-70% of the original price.   He sad many save it for the next day.   I told him many don't and many don't carry an ice cooler In the summer or have a fridge at work to save it.   

Thanks for a very sane, rational and practical summation.  I wish I had half of your tact...:jap:

3 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Yes, one of the main ingredients in coffee creamer ( no matter what nice flavour they call it) is solidified corn syrup. Poison.

110% correct besides the base of indigestable transfat.

2 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


I don't object to informed consumption by adults: I HATE the way they manipulate kids ( and via the kids, the parents).

The whole "game" is rigged against us...


I don't think as many as you think realize a happy meal is unhealthy.   It's so cheap to buy 1000 calories at many fast food places.   Many people don't have time or even live near healthy food shopping much less knowledge, skills or time to cook.  I bet each of us has had a friend with a weight issue saying they are trying and then we spend some time with them and see how much juice they drink or the 2 candy bars a day and they think nothing of this.  

3 minutes ago, Prbkk said:


I don't object to informed consumption by adults: I HATE the way they manipulate kids ( and via the kids, the parents).

Yes, however "informed consumption" by adults still fuels skyrocketing health premiums, stress on home and professional health care providers.  Not fair.  Pretty damn selfish really...:post-4641-1156693976:


There are many mental and health issues for obesity.  These can't be overlooked.  I think our bodies evolved to travel many miles each day.  We had to work hard to find good.   Sometimes go without.   Now being hungry is a crime. 

3 minutes ago, Elkski said:

I don't think as many as you think realize a happy meal is unhealthy.   It's so cheap to buy 1000 calories at many fast food places.   Many people don't have time or even live near healthy food shopping much less knowledge, skills or time to cook.  I bet each of us has had a friend with a weight issue saying they are trying and then we spend some time with them and see how much juice they drink or the 2 candy bars a day and they think nothing of this.  

Well said but a blender, some fresh spouts, fruit, chia/flax seeds, nuts and green tea base can change the whole "ball game."


Just look at USA Halloween.  My god the candy that is on display.   I was in vegas 2 weeks ago.  Went to the M&M store.  My goodness.  3 floors of candy.  Just crazy.   I didn't know they had so many flavors.    

6 minutes ago, Elkski said:

Just look at USA Halloween.  My god the candy that is on display.   I was in vegas 2 weeks ago.  Went to the M&M store.  My goodness.  3 floors of candy.  Just crazy.   I didn't know they had so many flavors.    

Now that is really scary!!!:shock1:

38 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Starbucks, Dunkin' Donut, Krispy Kreme, Auntie Anne's, Mrs Field, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell and dozens of others in Thailand. Laden with sugar, even when sugar is unnecessary for the taste: they add it anyway just to fuel the addiction.Merchants of disease and an early grave. 

Wall Street investors are doing well out of it.


These days everyone likes to call a desire for sweetness an addiction. Sugar is just a very satisfying taste that most humans enjoy. Even monkeys and other animals prefer chocolate bars over bananas and other fruit if they have the choice. I can stay off sugar for as long as I like, but the desire for it does not go away.


Would anyone deny that the sweetest fruit is the best, taste wise?


I was down at the food court earlier today and eating a fairly healthy meal and finished off with some sweet (and expensive) mandarins. Just opposite me there was a guy savouring a beautiful looking piece of chocolate cake with a big blob of cream on top. It puzzled me that if not for health considerations I would have readily traded my fruit for that cake LOL.


That had nothing to do with addiction - I'm not addicted to sugar - I like it. It was about the desire for a great tasting item of food, which on most occasions I deny myself.


17 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Well said but a blender, some fresh spouts, fruit, chia/flax seeds, nuts and green tea base can change the whole "ball game."


I don't believe it would in most cases. A blend like that would chase many back to junk food, in a hurry. It sounds very unappealing. If you want to convert people, you have to give them food they can relate to that they find enjoyable.

Just now, tropo said:

These days every likes to call a desire for sweetness an addiction. Sugar is just a very satisfying taste that most humans enjoy. Even monkeys and other animals prefer chocolate bars over bananas and other fruit if they have the choice. I can stay off sugar for as long as I like, but the desire for it does not go away.


Would anyone deny that the sweetest fruit is the best, taste wise?


I was down at the food court earlier today and eating a fairly healthy meal and finished off with some sweet (and expensive) mandarins. Just opposite me there was a guy savouring a beautiful looking piece of chocolate cake with a big blob of cream on top. It puzzled me that if not for health considerations I would have readily traded my fruit for that cake LOL.


That had nothing to do with addiction - I'm not addicted to sugar - I like it. It was about the desire for a great tasting item of food, which on most occasions I deny myself.


Think about it.  The blob of cream was partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or worse.  Can't remember when I've seen "real whipped cream" here.  The rest of the cake was super refined flour, PHVO and sugar.  The Mandarins were a way better choice.  Citrus should be eaten at least 20 minutes after the maim meal though for best digestion...

2 minutes ago, tropo said:

I don't believe it would in most cases. A blend like that would chase many back to junk food, in a hurry. It sounds very unappealing. If you want to convert people, you have to give them food they can relate to that they find enjoyable.

OK just throw in some Jack Fruit, Mango and or Banana.  Just like candy...:clap2:

Just now, joeyg said:

Think about it.  The blob of cream was partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or worse.  Can't remember when I've seen "real whipped cream" here.  The rest of the cake was super refined flour, PHVO and sugar.  The Mandarins were a way better choice.  Citrus should be eaten at least 20 minutes after the maim meal though for best digestion...


The citrus fruit went down fine. 


I didn't need to think about it. I like chocolate cake, and many other cakes and pastries, and on the occasions that I do partake I don't analyse the ingredients and spoil the occasion LOL. At my house the cream is real whipped cream.

5 minutes ago, joeyg said:

OK just throw in some Jack Fruit, Mango and or Banana.  Just like candy...:clap2:


How about a banana milkshake - then you got me. That's the worst that my blender blends.:smile: You have to wait until the bananas are very ripe.


Losing weight is not science , just eat less and start exercising instead of sitting 10 hours on a bar stool in Pattaya or in front of the TV. 


This is how I keep my weight in Thailand (I'm 85 kilo and 1.90 tall) .  

Breakfast : Oat porridge with cinnamon and blueberries.

Lunch: 1 apple or other fresh fruit , a mixed salad with carrot, tomatoes etc. and some sort of dressing .  

Dinner or evening meal can be anything,  like a simple rice dish with chicken , pasta or bread, soup, or just any light meal .  I have no problems to drink a couple of beers or just water with the meals. 


Also I do drink at least 3 cups of coffee (black) during the day .  I try to avoid sugar. 





Why don't they sell 25 gram portions of dessert?    Mangosteen!!!  Good mango or tangerine sound great.    I do however like a crunchy cookie type thing.   Oh and Lay's potato chips.   It's true you can't eat just one.   I have no willpower  with a bag of lays in the pantry so I just don't buy them often.   I guess will power or lack of it combined with enough assets to buy what we want and the greedy fast food machine equals disaster 

8 hours ago, joeyg said:

It isn't just "the look' obesity is one of the major pathologies that is heading the health care system to disaster.  As well as putting incredible stress on family, care givers and primary care physicians.  Surely you can't be serious?!

Very serious it does not affect you herebin thailand so why worry about other people worry about yourself much more productive

On 12/28/2016 at 8:09 PM, joeyg said:

Good point. But the 15 kg sounds awful just talking about it.  I've hit work out slumps or been sick with a bad upper respiratory infection and fallen into 1 month plus work out slumps and felt like crap putting on 3 or 4 kilos.  Had to work like the devil to get back to a good point.  I never asked this question directly to a patient and I had a few that were morbidly obese.  Like I said when I see these guys, really that look 9 months pregnant, it boggles my mind as to how they may feel.


Truth is I wish everyone had perfect health and never suffered.





Did you even stop for one second to consider that your thoughtful post may cause mental anguish (health) for  some people?    Are you accomplishing something meaningful with your body slamming?    Does it say a lot about you?


This is one of the hollowest statements I recall  ever reading on TV    "Truth is I wish everyone had perfect health and never suffered."    I call that total and utter  BS.      ph34r.gif

10 hours ago, louse1953 said:

Is that hurting you.Live and let live.


So when claim I think something is funny that translates to you thinking I am somehow hurt by it. 


I'm guessing a lot of the guys going on about old fat guys are old tatted-up guys.


I feel sorry for both the old fat guys and the old tatted-up guys as well as the old wrinkly guys in tank tops.


Live and let live indeed, it's all good.

8 hours ago, joeyg said:

From your last 2 posts you sound very macho...:cheesy:

I always look after myself, and will not be messed about by anybody.

Apart from that I'm the nicest guy you could meet.

2 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I always look after myself, and will not be messed about by anybody.

Apart from that I'm the nicest guy you could meet.


28 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I always look after myself, and will not be messed about by anybody.

Apart from that I'm the nicest guy you could meet.


I ain't bad, but the bad don't <deleted> with me!

15 minutes ago, mogandave said:


I ain't bad, but the bad don't <deleted> with me!

One of your words has been deleted so I do not know what you have said, if you mean that the bad don't bother you in some way, I can honestly say that no bad person has ever bothered me in 11 years living here in Thailand, but in the UK, It is completely different, I have been pulled up by guys with a drink in them looking for trouble, thinking they are hard men and wanting to show off in front of their pals, and I can assure you I never make trouble with anyone.

10 hours ago, kenk24 said:


Well, any time you head a topic calling men '9 months pregnant', it is going to set a derogatory tone - so, if I got a wrong impression of you, that is where it stems from. I don't know if you realize how difficult it is to lose that excess belly fat and how quickly it comes back... losing it is one battle, but the stats I see say that 90% of people gain it back... if you want to go after a cause, there is a documentary that I saw recently, I think it was called "Fed Up" and it talks about the added sugars that are in near everything in the supermarket. My pet peeve is the misleading labelling, the cereals and products packed with sugar that still have "Nature" in the brand name. 


When I was a kid, it seemed that every class had one overweight kid, not more. There are so many now. School lunches are run by McD and pizza hut. Sugary soft drinks are everywhere, even things that sound healthy like fruit juices are loaded with sugar. These people are good at advertising and junk food is in your face. I could go on and on, but if you really are interested, check out the documentary. I have seen a few and the history of it is fascinating. If that is not the correct name for the doc, you can pm me and I will get it for you - - but you should know the facts and understand the battle before being critical... 

I think he does have a clear idea how hard it is to lose the belly fat, I know I do I am not gifted with a fast metabolism. I have worked my ass of in the gym and cleaned up my food intake to lose it. Its almost the same for all of us who read this topic. The people who are gifted usually don't even read topics like this. These people either have a fast metabolism or not the same hunger as the bigger ones of us have. 


This makes a lot of difference over the long run, but we all can be lean IF we really want too. It does mean giving up on things permanently. The problem many have is that they can lose the weight and then go back to their old ways. Then you gain it all back. I have kep the weight off pretty well since i lost it but I too sometimes gain some weight.. last time because of insomnia and a holiday with my parents where i let go a bit. The majority is gone again now but it happens, you just have to make sure you don't gain too much back or else you go crazy and lose motivation. If you are fat or heavy whatever you call it it probably means you wil have to really make meaningful longtime changes to your diet. Giving up alcohol would be a good one (many would not even consider it that is why i say being fat is a choice and a matter of priorities) You can't drink a lot and be lean if you are not gifted with a fast metabolism or low hunger. (even so being slim does not mean a low bodyfat percentage look up skinny fats). 


Your point about when you grew up having just a fat kid.. it was the same in my school. I was the fat (not really a belly but more filled then most not the fat kids you see nowadays). But given that we don't evolve quickly its not a matter of genetics that people were leaner before. It is all about food. I know that when i was young drinking stuff like coca cola was a treat.. now its just normal to drink it. I used to drink loads of tea and water when I was young and snacks were not as abundant as they are now. (wish i knew back then what i know now). Nowadays kids are exposed to far more junk food than before. The same goes for adults its a lot harder to resist. I have resisted and educated myself and am proud of what i have become but even I have days that i let go.. but as long as these days are not all the time you can pretty much stay lean. Thing is many people think that we should enjoy each and every day and food is a good way to do it. 


I don't really care much about fat people they actually serve as a motivation to me, when I see them I think.. oh thank god i got it under control. If i see them stuffing themselves with stuff it only shows me what not to do. I won't comment on them or denigrate them that is their choice. The only times I do is if they are family and i want to help them or when they go on about how impossible it is to lose weight while they are stuffing themselves and or are bringing up all kind of excuses all the time why its impossible to lose weight. 


Just some things i recently read below at T nation.


The best ab exercise is three sets of stop eating so damn much. That said, if you want obvious abs, you’ll need to hypertrophy them with weighted exercises.


When it comes to fat loss, genetics may somewhat "load the gun" but you don't have to pull the trigger and reload twice.


Start conservatively with your fat loss efforts. Diets that work long term don't make you feel like crap. If yours does then you've gone overboard and you won't be able to maintain it.


You are not your family. Nor are you locked in to your genetic predisposition. You can choose differently. You can transform your body and your appetite by consistently making better choices.


Know a guy who can eat whatever he wants and still look shredded? Don't eat like him, unless he's you.


The term "beer belly" was created for a reason. There's an obvious way to avoid getting one.



11 hours ago, joeyg said:

Key word, "you think"  I've been border line hypothyroid for years.  Wish it was as simple for everyone as you infer. Then we wouldn't have a global pandemic of obesity.  For those who don't know GI = Glycemic Index.  there is also GL=Glycemic Load to consider.


Thank you for your well thought out "advice" "Mr Wizard."

I suggest you find out what functional medicine is. There are many practicing functional doctors to be found maybe even in Thailand. Just google fuctional medical pracitioner's. From what I have learned and I have studied the subject of functional medicine for quite some time now. If I had any issues with my Thyroid I would not even waste my time seeing a GP or so called specialist in mainstream medicine as they have still not learned how to cure any form of Thyroidism. They just feed you drugs and if they don't work they remove your Thyroid and put you on meds for life. Thyroid problems are nearly always an autoimmune disease and should be treated as such. General practitioners cannot even understand enough about Thyroid problems to read the test results correctly. It was a functional medical practitioner that found and named Hashimoto's disease. Yes it was named after him a Japanese surgeon who figured it all out way back in 1912. Functional medical practitioners are sometimes referred to as Hollistic medical practitioners.Chok Dee

8 hours ago, joeyg said:

Yes, however "informed consumption" by adults still fuels skyrocketing health premiums, stress on home and professional health care providers.  Not fair.  Pretty damn selfish really...:post-4641-1156693976:


If smoking raises premiums and so does drinking too much why not do the same for having a too high body-fat percentage (I am saying body-fat because otherwise healthy people with low body-fat but a high weight would have to pay too while they are healthy. Should be some reward for those that stay healthy and don't increase their risks.


My insurance never asked me about my BMI or if I smoke or drink. But how easy would it be to lie on those questions. 



On 12/29/2016 at 8:34 AM, gregdtx said:

I've just lost 25 kilo in 11 month and it was hard but the pregnant look has gone  I have changed my diet a little. I try not to drink alcohol before 6 ( in the uk ) and I have stopped eating after 6 has worked for me feel better look better and have loads more energy which helps me lose more weight.    Hope this helps anyone give it a go

It is quite amazing that the easiest and most effective way to reduce weight is changing ones diet.  When the energy absorbed from your consumed food and drink drops below energy used, the weight can come off rather quickly. It really is that simple and far more effective than exercise, of course the right diet and exercise combo can improve results. 

Congratulations on dropping that weight.  Don't forget to buy clothes that fit.


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