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Putin 'very smart', says Trump, as Russia fails to retaliate to US 'hacking' expulsions


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11 minutes ago, tropo said:

Time will tell. One thing is for sure, the Trump haters better get over themselves because whether they like it or not, they have at least another 4 years of this. It can't be good for their health to work themselves into a tizzy every day because the candidate they supported lost.


Ah, so you move from lamenting about lack of polite discussion to irrelevant generalization on anyone opposing Trump?

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

If you want to get anyone to take your comments seriously and watch your video, it would really help if you didn't insult them first. One must ask, who's more dumb, you or the people you chastise?

Clearly the people I chastise ! Watch the video :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

Time will tell. One thing is for sure, the Trump haters better get over themselves because whether they like it or not, they have at least another 4 years of this. It can't be good for their health to work themselves into a tizzy every day because the candidate they supported lost.


              People, like myself, who abhor Trump, do so to the degree we like America and have hopes for its prosperous and peaceful future.  Trump fans can't be expected to see how harmful Trump will be for America. They're like revelers on a party boat which is headed for a rocky shoal.  Some of them will figure it out later, similar to how some G.W. Bush fans took nearly a decade to realize what a dufus Bush was - whereas the more insightful among us realized it much earlier.

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Ah, so you move from lamenting about lack of polite discussion to irrelevant generalization on anyone opposing Trump?

I have a limit to how much nonsense I can endure from a bunch of sore losers. These are your threads. Knock yourself out.

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5 hours ago, tropo said:

Why shouldn't a president tweet? It's new technology, why not embrace it? There's no point being stuck in the dark ages where the press has total control over what information reaches the public... and puts spin on everything.


I don't think there would be a problem with him using Twitter if he did so intelligently. The problem is that he gets into Twitter wars with people, he pressures businesses or organizations using it, he makes statements which are not true, and he makes statements that make him look very un-presidential.

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22 minutes ago, jcsmith said:


I don't think there would be a problem with him using Twitter if he did so intelligently. The problem is that he gets into Twitter wars with people, he pressures businesses or organizations using it, he makes statements which are not true, and he makes statements that make him look very un-presidential.


"un-presidential"... a favourite new term. So he behaves differently than you're used to from other presidents. You'll get used to it in a few years. The unfamiliar is obviously very unsettling for many.  



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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


              People, like myself, who abhor Trump, do so to the degree we like America and have hopes for its prosperous and peaceful future.  Trump fans can't be expected to see how harmful Trump will be for America. They're like revelers on a party boat which is headed for a rocky shoal.  Some of them will figure it out later, similar to how some G.W. Bush fans took nearly a decade to realize what a dufus Bush was - whereas the more insightful among us realized it much earlier.


So will you be happy and relieved if you find out you're wrong about Trump or upset that you got it wrong? The former indicates you care about America, the latter suggests you only care about being right. 


There's no way you can have a rational discussion about anyone if you start that discussion with "I abhor" that person. With that kind of hate circulating in your head it's better you get some therapy.

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The man is an idiot of epic proportions.   He tweets his 'policies' but as has been stated, he has no policies, he has whims of the day.   


He says people should use couriers because the internet can't be trusted, but he uses twitter.   Doesn't he know that twitter is connected to the internet as is his smart phone?   



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On 2/1/2560 at 0:54 AM, GOLDBUGGY said:

Spying is Spying! This has been going on since the beginning of Time and it will continue to go on until the end of Time! How do you think Russia got the formula for making the A-Bomb so quickly? 


As someone else suggested here, we all know that Spying is going on 24/7. We also all know there is nothing we can do to stop that either. That a great deal of Vital Information is in Cyber Space, and thus we need to protect that. That our best Offense to these Cyber Crimes is having a good Defense. By setting up Fire Walls that cannot be penetrated by Hackers.


But then you have some High Ranking Government Official (Clinton) who knowingly breaks all the rules and decides to bring her Lap Top Home to use, as it was more convenient for her to do so. Not realizing that the second she plugs her computer into the Internet, there is some Professional Spying Hacker standing by. Who was waiting and just hoping for such an opportunity, so they could enter her computer through the back door and have access to Top Secret Critical and Vital Information, that because of her high position she was allowed to have access to. Also why the FBI got involved in the first place.  


So when this news breaks what steps do they take in a form of retaliation a month later? Do they punish the person for bringing home her Lap Top against all the rules? No! They kick out 35 Russian Diplomats, where I am sure there is 75 more their waiting in line to take there place, cause an issue with Russia, by pointing there finger and jumping up and down, and crying as Russia was Spying on them.


Don't you think this is Foolish? Is Stupid? Is So Childish? I sure do! I suppose why Russia hasn't reacted to this move as they do to.


When secrets about the A-Bomb were known to have been given out, they did not look for the Russian Spies who were receiving this information, and point fingers at them and call them names. They first went after the person who was supplying them this vital information. When he was caught he was given a 14 year jail sentence. After serving 9 years he had his citizenship stripped, he was banned for life for entering the United States, and he was taken to Communist East Germany where he spent the rest of his life.    


Now that is what I would call "Retaliation" for such criminal acts.   

Oh Yeah! The ones they felt that was the greatest spies and was given out the most vital secrets to the A-Bomb, were both given a death sentence, (Husband & Wife) which was carried out in Sing Sing in the Electric Chair.


I don't know if I personally approve of that but it certainly sends out a very loud and clear message. 

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40 minutes ago, tropo said:

"un-presidential"... a favourite new term. So he behaves differently than you're used to from other presidents. You'll get used to it in a few years. The unfamiliar is obviously very unsettling for many.  



You could substitute that for unprofessional. Or do you believe that it is okay for him to say things that damage or help companies stocks, when we don't know where his investments are? Do you believe it's okay for the president to use Twitter to attack individuals or organizations? Is it okay for the president of the United States to act like a bipolar child? 

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I'm noticing that a lot of people who voted for DT have the impression things are going to work out for them because of it, and that misery will rain down on those who didn't.  Hey folks, maybe you noticed that when you left the voting booth you were not given a free pass, so that when it all comes to a head it's going to come down on ALL of us.  We all get to watch the how the US becomes Argentina. 

I try talking to these people to find what they see in him, and it's sort of a political Santa Claus -- each person thinks he will remedy their personal peeve.  One woman had this gripe about how people elected to gov't positions are eligible for a pension the moment they get hired, and she felt that wasn't fair to the rest of us.  I told her that it took six years, I remember this from when Agnew had to quit, and he was just a few months shy of the six.  And then I figured she was right when it came to US Senators, who are elected to six year terms.  However, this has absolutely nothing to do with DT.


His ego and fortune are his priorities.  You know he is going to use his position to enrich himself and his clan.  When this happens we'll see if his rubes* justify it with "what's wrong with making money?"  These are the people constantly crying about their tax money going to waste:  will they justify that it's ok for that $$$ to be going to their hero's personal fortune?



*Language clarification: when a scam is being run, the person (people) being scammed are called rubes.  Other terms that can be used are marks, dupes, and there's quite a few more.



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15 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


I think this illustrates your point extremely well! I would hope all the Trump supporters will watch it but most do not have an attention span beyond 2 mins let alone 12.



That's some crazy, and scary, stats.  Shows how little the Trump voters/supporters really understand things.  I guess they just listened to his BS? LOL  Great video.  Potentially scary times ahead.

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12 hours ago, tropo said:

Why shouldn't a president tweet? It's new technology, why not embrace it? There's no point being stuck in the dark ages where the press has total control over what information reaches the public... and puts spin on everything.


Twitter started on 21 March 2006. It's not like many presidents had the option of using it in the past. All the old timers will die out and this will become the new way of presidents and politicians.

Tweeting is fine.  But what he tweets is ridiculous.  It's something like a teenager would tweet.  Not president of the US.

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12 hours ago, tropo said:

If you want to get anyone to take your comments seriously and watch your video, it would really help if you didn't insult them first. One must ask, who's more dumb, you or the people you chastise?

You should watch it.  Regardless of Al's comments. It's eye opening.  At least for me.  As I've stated before, I'm not a fan of either Hillary nor Trump.  Just want the best for the US.

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9 hours ago, tropo said:

I have a limit to how much nonsense I can endure from a bunch of sore losers. These are your threads. Knock yourself out.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

You hit the nail on the head.  Trump supporters think we're sore losers.  The elections are over.  Trump won.  We're talking about his current actions, not the past election.  These are current events, not past.  Some of us weren't even Hillary supporters, so how can we be sore losers? LOL


Watch that video....

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4 hours ago, bendejo said:

I'm noticing that a lot of people who voted for DT have the impression things are going to work out for them because of it, and that misery will rain down on those who didn't.  Hey folks, maybe you noticed that when you left the voting booth you were not given a free pass, so that when it all comes to a head it's going to come down on ALL of us.  We all get to watch the how the US becomes Argentina. 

I try talking to these people to find what they see in him, and it's sort of a political Santa Claus -- each person thinks he will remedy their personal peeve.  One woman had this gripe about how people elected to gov't positions are eligible for a pension the moment they get hired, and she felt that wasn't fair to the rest of us.  I told her that it took six years, I remember this from when Agnew had to quit, and he was just a few months shy of the six.  And then I figured she was right when it came to US Senators, who are elected to six year terms.  However, this has absolutely nothing to do with DT.


His ego and fortune are his priorities.  You know he is going to use his position to enrich himself and his clan.  When this happens we'll see if his rubes* justify it with "what's wrong with making money?"  These are the people constantly crying about their tax money going to waste:  will they justify that it's ok for that $$$ to be going to their hero's personal fortune?



*Language clarification: when a scam is being run, the person (people) being scammed are called rubes.  Other terms that can be used are marks, dupes, and there's quite a few more.




My thoughts exactly.  The irony is that those of us who are relatively well-off but can't stand Trump will benefit more from a Trump Presidency than the typical Trump supporter.  Unless one is already wealthy or a coal-miner, I don't see how Trump will radically improve the lives of any particular group.  But then Trump can always fall back on his army of fake news dudes to tell the minions how great everything is going. 

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5 hours ago, GuiseppeD said:

Putin is smart.  He didn't expel any US diplomats and will sit it out for the next few weeks.  Barry now looks the complete idiot that he is.

So Obama is an idiot for expelling spies that hacked US computers?  Really?  And Putin is smart because he didn't retaliate, because he's guilty?  Too funny...

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1 minute ago, Berkshire said:

Unless one is already .... a coal-miner

Doubtful, especially with low cost fracking and more profitable oil production competing with coal and further holding down coal prices.

Coal miners' health and very llives might actually become more at risk if Trump successfully eliminates the EPA and/or many of the coal mining regulations, and even with the repeal of ACA.



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1 minute ago, Srikcir said:

Doubtful, especially with low cost fracking and more profitable oil production competing with coal and further holding down coal prices.

Coal miners' health and very llives might actually become more at risk if Trump successfully eliminates the EPA and/or many of the coal mining regulations, and even with the repeal of ACA.




You're right, of course.  I struggled to figure out who might benefit and threw that one out there, but even that's iffy.   

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5 hours ago, GuiseppeD said:

Putin is smart.  He didn't expel any US diplomats and will sit it out for the next few weeks.

And then Putin will have a loyal pro-Russian POTUS to manipulate.

Yes, very smart of the former KGB agent - child's play with the mentality of a child.


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       Bandejo's post #102, above, is on the mark.  The people who voted for Trump will hurt all Americans.


      Yesterday, NPR had an article in which it interviewed dozens of coal miners in WV, WI.  Each one said they voted for Trump, but here's the clincher:  None of them like Trump.  They all think he's morally flawed and worse.  Yet they voted for him on a one issue basis.  That one issue is:  They think Trump will bring job security for them and others in the coal industry. 


          Trump won't, unless he does what he did with Carrier:  commit US taxpayer money, many millions of dollars, to artificially prop up new jobs in coal.  How much does each artificially-created job cost?  Perhaps $250,000 for each job paying $80,000/year.  That's how government works.  It always pays too much for things, and often wastes money on the wrong things.


         The coal imbroglio is just a tiny microcosm of Trump's harmful policies which will be forced on Americans (yet more wasting of taxpayer money - which Trump and his very rich buddies don't contribute to).


         Decades ago, the political mantra was: "A chicken in every pot. A car in every garage."  Currently, it's hot air from a dufus like Trump saying, "you'll all get great paying jobs. I promise you."   .....and a large portion (but not a majority) of the US populace believed it, and voted for The Divider.

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Putin might be "very smart" but trump is very mentally freakish. OK in his old life.

Potentially disastrous as president.



Trump’s never-ending quest for adoration

President-elect Donald Trump is so obsessed with reaffirming his own victory that he seems bent on ignoring a real national security threat and making common cause with a foe of the United States against our own intelligence community and the consensus of the vast majority of Democrats and Republicans on the Hill. His dutiful mouthpiece Sean Spicer demonstrated on Sunday just how irrational the Trump team will become when Trump’s frail ego is involved:




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22 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

This is worth watching.  A member of the Senate Affairs Committee tries to say the hacks didn't happen.  The CNN guy tore him apart.  Scary.  Spins and deflections.  Very scary.




Thanks for posting that. It's a sad reminder of what we will have to endure for the next 4 or so years.  Brown-nosing borderline-treasonous Republicans bending over backwards trying to curry favor with The Divider.  It's sickening.  Bend over America, Republicans are going to shaft you with bowling pins and cactus chollas until you go bat-shit crazy.  These are sad times for America.




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You said his tweet was spot on. A foreign power hacks your own country, and pretty much all of congress who has been briefed agrees it was Russia, yet Trump instead refuses to believe it and then praises the foreign power responsible. If you think that was a great tweet then I think you have lost your way. 

Nobody 'hacked the country'

Podesta and Clinton were both using very insecure forms of communication. Podesta gave his password away in a Phishing atrack. Very basic stuff.

What was made public was info about a corrupted Democrat selection process and other Clinton team dirty tricks.

Bottom line is that if you cant do the time, dont do the crime. At some point, liberals need to understand that the emails released were all accurate.

Was it fair for the media to release debate questions to Clinton ahead of time? Of course not. Was it warranted to point out the cheating? Absolutely.

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