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FTD says claim of plastic rice in Thai pack rice sold in US is distorted


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Seriously, people make videos about everything.  Stop going after people because they said something you didn't like, it's childish.  Instead, let your product (or your person) stand on its own merits.

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8 hours ago, The man from udon said:

I eat kgs of the stuff and I'm always lacking energy,now I know why.also I've noticed my turds won't flush away.i think I'll change my rice supplier.

I think your reply needs a "GRAPHIC CONTENTS" Warning ahead of it and maybe a note below saying 'Mostly FICTION"

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13 hours ago, steven100 said:

Perhaps she accidentally used Yinglucks rice in the clip,  that would explain why it burnt so easily.

I'd burn easily after 3 years stuck in a wet sack.


Raises the question; how long can plastic rice be stored in barns before quality deteriorates?

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This fake rice story has been circulating for at least five years, starting in China.  Just a few seconds of critical thought will make is obvious why it's complete BS.  Just like the ridiculous myth that McDonald's uses worm meat in their burgers.


I fondly remember the aroma of jasmine rice back in the states; I used to get the 25 pound bag of Elephant brand rice imported from Thailand. But I have not noticed that same smell here.  I think my inlaws buy the cheapest possible rice because it has no odor and zero flavor.

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addition to this, the Department of Foreign Trade has also stated that it will be coordinating with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society to see what can be done to prevent the clip from being spread across the internet.


Threaten YouTube and Google again. Thai computer law is for Thailand only no respecting other `government likes it, many say its draconian and offense to human rights. But in place to shut the people up. The more Thailand dictates to the world what it can See Do and Say on line, the more lightly the big switch will be thrown and then just an internal Intranet like NK.


So go to the US open a non criminal court case against the person who put up the video and get lots of bad publicity and loose the case, thus damaging Thai rice further.


Answer shut up and ignore it, too many child like fools around here today, must be the education system over here.


Lost face again

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20 hours ago, geriatrickid said:



Under Thai law you can. 

And don't look at me, like that cuz I didn't set up the computer crime laws.

And do you think somebody who does not live in Thailand will be bothered if they are charged in a Thai court

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On 1/5/2017 at 10:38 AM, geriatrickid said:



Under Thai law you can. 

And don't look at me, like that cuz I didn't set up the computer crime laws.


Under Thai law, but it was filmed in America, where Thai law is quite rightly regarded as Micky Mouse

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