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Heiress was not raped - but police still go after man and now the short time hotel too


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On ‎06‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 8:59 AM, Bluespunk said:

I have at no point said there was a rape. 


My views on this mans actions and behaviour would be the same no matter what the social stratus of the victim


I have not called for him to be hanged or punished beyond the boundaries of the law.


I feel his intent was clear and he should be punished in a manner that reflects which he was intending to do within the boundaries of the law. 


I would not call taking a drunk stranger to a short time hotel for sex a thought crime. What he intended as far as I am concerned is tantamount to rape. 


Again I reiterate I am not saying rape took place or he should be charged with rape. 


I think you are being extremely bias in your views against this man, your choice of language also highlights this bias.


Man meets woman, they've both been drinking. They both go back to a short time hotel for consensual sex (as is often the way in Thailand with young adults who often still live with their parents). At the short time hotel the girl throws up, the guy realises that she is unwell and that any further contact would be non-consensual.


The guy is an adult, the woman is an adult - they are both responsible for their actions, unless the Woman was drugged of which there is no evidence. There is evidence that the guy acted responsibly at the hotel.


What you seem to be alluding to is that any guy in any bar talking to a drunk lady could be tantamount to planning a rape... any guy who goes home with a drunk lady is tantamount to planning a rape..... You are wrong.


I suspect that many posters have got this right... The woman got drunk and is back-peddling..

Additionally, where were her friends ?...  I'm assuming she wasn't drinking alone, its possible that her friends quite happily saw her leave with the guy which could imply that she was wholly complicit in her actions.


There is often more to the story... but because a WOMAN leaves with a guy it doesn't mean he's planning rape... it would mean that they are both open to some consensual and mutually enjoyable 'activities'

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On 05/01/2017 at 2:41 PM, NCC1701A said:

I am all for defending women who have been raped, but this girl is a monster that is letting a innocent man possibly go to jail because she can't lose face because of who she is.


Was she crying and fighting, or being dragged down the hotel hallway? If she was not drugged, left the bar with him, got in his car, walked into the hotel lobby, walked to the hotel room under her own power with this man and STILL did not have sex with him, she is totally to blame for her actions. And that includes drinking. Did they even get naked? Who knows what she said and did with the man in the bar to lead him on? 


And was the man drunk too? Then it was just two drunk people just doing their thing.  


I don't drink and drunk women are not my idea of a good time, but I have had Thai women who are interested in me go from very shy to hot to trot after about three drinks. Flirting like mad, saying and doing all sort of crazy stuff.  And I am not talking about bar girls.


Where this went wrong is she fell asleep. Then panicked in the morning.


All she had to do is go home in the morning BECAUSE NOTHING HAPPENED. But she could not do that.






Not my missus, she has 3-4 spy wine coolers and goes the opposite way. "Don't touch me", "God, your ugly", "Burp! Fart!"

She stays on bottled water now.

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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:


I think you are being extremely bias in your views against this man, your choice of language also highlights this bias.


Man meets woman, they've both been drinking. They both go back to a short time hotel for consensual sex (as is often the way in Thailand with young adults who often still live with their parents). At the short time hotel the girl throws up, the guy realises that she is unwell and that any further contact would be non-consensual.


The guy is an adult, the woman is an adult - they are both responsible for their actions, unless the Woman was drugged of which there is no evidence. There is evidence that the guy acted responsibly at the hotel.


What you seem to be alluding to is that any guy in any bar talking to a drunk lady could be tantamount to planning a rape... any guy who goes home with a drunk lady is tantamount to planning a rape..... You are wrong.


I suspect that many posters have got this right... The woman got drunk and is back-peddling..

Additionally, where were her friends ?...  I'm assuming she wasn't drinking alone, its possible that her friends quite happily saw her leave with the guy which could imply that she was wholly complicit in her actions.


There is often more to the story... but because a WOMAN leaves with a guy it doesn't mean he's planning rape... it would mean that they are both open to some consensual and mutually enjoyable 'activities'

I disagree

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I wonder if getting a girl stoned on weed is also taking advantage. The durian fruit is a well known aphrodisiac. Expensive now but if I buy that for the missus it works a treat. She's as randy as a soi dog on heat. So is giving a durian to a girl also a form of taking advantage of? Where do you draw a line?

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3 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

I wonder if getting a girl stoned on weed is also taking advantage. The durian fruit is a well known aphrodisiac. Expensive now but if I buy that for the missus it works a treat. She's as randy as a soi dog on heat. So is giving a durian to a girl also a form of taking advantage of? Where do you draw a line?


Many of us may draw the line at comparing our missus to a soi dog.... :shock1:


Though, a valid point ... this guy is unjustly getting the book thrown at him for going out and picking up a girl..  for some it premeditating sexual assault...  


Where is the line ?...  I think this guy didn't cross it, although some think he did...  and if he did cross the line, how far back in the proceedings would they suggest did he cross the line ? at the flirting stage ? or when they agreed to go back to the hotel.. Of course, IF she had been drugged by this guy I have a completely different opinion....


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this is really becoming a farce, while women claim they want equal rights to men here we see that the opposite applies. Two people that are both drunk decide to have sex, a joint decision and both equally not capable of giving a true consent due to their states. The woman when she wakes up the next day(or is it when she gets home and has to make up an excuse for mum and dad) decides to claim rape and to being drugged even though the man never actually touched her and as yet no evidence of being drugged. If they were both drunk why is it now the mans fault and not the womans, they were both in the same state so it should be equally wrong for both of them. If the man was not drunk and took advantage of her it would be totally different but that is not the case and the only reason it isnt is the family name and their status, we have seen an mps son shoot and kill a police officer then walk with no charges, an unlicensed underage girl kill multiple people driving illegally and walk, the red bull heir kill a policeman and walk as well as several other cases where the people involved were from well to do/hi-so families and not be charged as they should and here we see a hi-so making false accusations to save face and the police running to help her, just goes to show that the law in Thailand is not equal and that the rich/well connected can get what ever they want from the police when it suits them, maybe its time the PM used article 44 to make sure all these rich cretins faced justice just like every other thai citizen instead of getting special privileges.

Edited by seajae
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One very irrational poster on this story.  As a psychologist, I could guess the reason why he is going on and on relentlessly about how the man is a predatory scumbag.  There are always reasons for irrational behavior.

It is perfectly normal for a man to go to a pub(where people go to drink alcohol) and take away a woman who has been drinking for sex.

99% of men here will have done so. 1% is defending his irrational viewpoint to the point of insanity, always having the last word. Thinking he has the answer to the question of there is a God or not, highlights this narcissistic profile. 

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11 minutes ago, seajae said:

this is really becoming a farce, while women claim they want equal rights to men here we see that the opposite applies. Two people that are both drunk decide to have sex, a joint decision and both equally not capable of giving a true consent due to their states. The woman when she wakes up the next day(or is it when she gets home and has to make up an excuse for mum and dad) decides to claim rape and to being drugged even though the man never actually touched her and as yet no evidence of being drugged. If they were both drunk why is it now the mans fault and not the womans, they were both in the same state so it should be equally wrong for both of them. If the man was not drunk and took advantage of her it would be totally different but that is not the case and the only reason it isnt is the family name and their status, we have seen an mps son shoot and kill a police officer then walk with no charges, an unlicensed underage girl kill multiple people driving illegally and walk, the red bull heir kill a policeman and walk as well as several other cases where the people involved were from well to do/hi-so families and not be charged as they should and here we see a hi-so making false accusations to save face and the police running to help her, just goes to show that the law in Thailand is not equal and that the rich/well connected can get what ever they want from the police when it suits them, maybe its time the PM used article 44 to make sure all these rich cretins faced justice just like every other thai citizen instead of getting special privileges.

No, I think that she was told to cry rape by her family so they could get the police to find the man and retrieve his mobile phone. I bet the family was scared that he'd taken photos of her naked.

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4 minutes ago, TheLairdofCockPen said:

One very irrational poster on this story.  As a psychologist, I could guess the reason why he is going on and on relentlessly about how the man is a predatory scumbag.  There are always reasons for irrational behavior.

It is perfectly normal for a man to go to a pub(where people go to drink alcohol) and take away a woman who has been drinking for sex.

99% of men here will have done so. 1% is defending his irrational viewpoint to the point of insanity, always having the last word. Thinking he has the answer to the question of there is a God or not, highlights this narcissistic profile. 

So your contribution to the thread article, "Heiress was not raped - but police still go after man and now the short time hotel too" is to psycho-analyse a poster, posting his opinion on the thread topic.


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I said his behaviour was wrong because of the circumstances of his taking a drunk stranger he had just met to a short time hotel for sex. 
If he had had sex and the woman claimed it was rape the next day I would back that view.
I never said he was guilty of rape and I am pleased he has been charged under Thai law. 
Nothing to do with non existent big beards in the sky, nature or breeding.

So how exactly do you know she was drunk?

Is there some way to tell the following day that someone was 'too drunk' the evening before?

And how many drinks is too many? Half a bottle of wine over dinner?

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On 05/01/2017 at 6:50 AM, huanga said:

It just goes to show, if you have money and power, this is the country to be in.


Something definitely defies the usual logic when this hi-so girl (drank her ass off, got into his car, puked herself into oblivion) accused him for rape/molest/kidnap, all in the face-saving gesture. In the US, it will be a he said-she said, and the doctor's report already gave him more credibility than her.


If the family is so concerned with its name and reputation, they should have sent her behind to a "catholic" school long ago to learn how to keep both of her mouth and you-know-where shut! 

Its worse in the UK, if you take a girl home who is drunk and have sex you will do 507 years when she decides its rape.


Even if you are drunk yourself.


Thailand really does take all the bad things from the west and not many of the good.

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Might as well sue Honda or whoever made the car that took her to the hotel as well. If this was a properly run country the judge would throw the case out for wasting time. But nooo money can buy anything here so the loss facing family can get their revenge by sueing all and sundry. So the news outlet does not get sued the family name, lady in question and pharmaceutical company cannot be named either.

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Its worse in the UK, if you take a girl home who is drunk and have sex you will do 507 years when she decides its rape.


Even if you are drunk yourself.


Thailand really does take all the bad things from the west and not many of the good.

But how does the girl prove retroactively that she was too drunk to give consent?

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A 21 year old girl and a 36 year old man go to a neaby short time hotel after a night partying. She throws up and he doesn't have sex with her. Her family are worried about her not returning home and returning her calls on her phone contact police. They find out where she went, find cctv footage of the 36 year old man and his car. Arrest him and all his personal details are allowed to be published by the media. The girl is checked by doctors who state no sexual intercourse took place.


That to me is cry rape. The girl should be arrested for falsely accusing an innocent man of rape and de-faming him infront of the national media. She is the scumbag not him, he is the one who has been preyed apon by her hiso family.

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20 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:

But how does the girl prove retroactively that she was too drunk to give consent?

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Show a bar bill, have CCTV show her staggering ... friend state she was drunk, its not difficult.


That football Ched Evans just done a 5 year sentence then after several appeals had the conviction overturned. His football career has been ruined because of it, and the only reason he won on appeal is due to his wealth and high profile meaning her ex's of which there were many came forward.

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Show a bar bill, have CCTV show her staggering ... friend state she was drunk, its not difficult.
That football Ched Evans just done a 5 year sentence then after several appeals had the conviction overturned. His football career has been ruined because of it, and the only reason he won on appeal is due to his wealth and high profile meaning her ex's of which there were many came forward.

Yes, well posted. Similar to what happened in the OP article except the vomiting of the women maybe put off the mans descision to have intercourse.

After reading the Ched Evans incident I have to side with those who appalled by the 36 year old mans decision to take the drunk 21 year old women to a nearby short time hotel.

Although no sex took place, she obviously was in shock waking up naked in a strange hotel room.
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16 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Yes, well posted. Similar to what happened in the OP article except the vomiting of the women maybe put off the mans descision to have intercourse.

After reading the Ched Evans incident I have to side with those who appalled by the 36 year old mans decision to take the drunk 21 year old women to a nearby short time hotel.

Although no sex took place, she obviously was in shock waking up naked in a strange hotel room.

Got to love the way a load of sexpats become all moral on the internet ... but i'd be willing to bet almost all on here take advantage of impoverished women to get them into bed. Paying for sex is illegal in Thailand, going to a room with a drunken women i hope is not yet a crime and never will be unless the lefties and illiberal liberals get their way.


She is a grown woman and she decided to get drunk and or take drugs and go to a room with a man, if they had sex it would have been fully consensual on both parts ... meaning she should not go to prison also for taking advantage of a drunk man.


Liberals and lefties really are the shyt on my shoe when it comes to making out all men to be aggressors and rapists.

Edited by ffaarraanngg
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On 05/01/2017 at 1:34 PM, seajae said:

so a female gets herself rotten drunk, flirts with a guy and goes to a hotel with him to have sex, throws up, passes out then wakes up in the morning and cant remember sh*t because she drank so much, so she accuse the man of drugging  her and rape rather than simply lose face because of "who" she is.  Can remember when I was 19 and picked up a well stacked really good looking woman when I was very drunk and went home with her, when I woke up in the morning I was ready to chew my arm off rather than wake her up, if it had of been here I could have charged her with drugging me and rape, go figure

Ever considered a new job as Judge Pickles replacement for The Sun. You'd get my vote!

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