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S44 to be used with new traffic law to deal with illegal public transport


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15 hours ago, Pib said:


"....in the future..." probably means the year 20 years from now.   

Maybe like in Costa RIca,,,,,,The cops can make some $$$$ and fine the driver if he is a gringo ( farang ) but let the local do it,,,,,,This information from a friend living over there...

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14 hours ago, ldiablo72 said:

They try to do someone positive and farangs whine and cringe. They don't do anything at all and farangs whine and cringe. Can't win.

Except the Prayut regime never loses - by absolute power it cannot.

If it could, there might be more progress in law enforcement.

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The list of infrastructure improvements required (not just transport) to reach the standards dreamed of by those who look to the West as an example is endless.


Not much chance of that under regimes whose primary focus is the establishment and maintenance of dominion, the cherished ideal in this part of the world.  It has been for centuries.  Not the establishment and maintenance of the general "public good".


As always they act in an effort to demonstrate their "potency", rather than as a result of imaginative, pro-active, contructive ideals.


As always they will remain on the back of the power curve.


Expect the least.   They will not disappoint you.



Edited by Enoon
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14 hours ago, Briggsy said:

This is typical knee-jerk not-thought-out top-down drivel with the now-obligatory deadline that accompanies all such pronouncements that those familiar with senior Thai officials will recognise.


It routinely follows such shocking news. It never deals with the underlying issues. It is a confusing muddle within 24 hours with clarifications, revisions and U-turns. Then everyone forgets about it and everything goes on like before.


It could be about drugs or rapists or road deaths or rabies. It is the same old routine.


The key thing is for those in charge to appear as though they have things in hand and are on top of everything. That way they maintain face.


Given the regularity with which this particular strategy is used, they must think the populace have the attention span of a goldfish. Oh wait ..

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17 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

"Pickup trucks, said General Prawit, will, in the future, not be allowed to carry passengers as the trucks were designed to carry goods."


Be interesting to see if this can or will ever be enforced? In rural areas and indeed in cities this is a primary mode of transport. Songthaew are pick up based, will they still be allowed?


Will await to see the legislation (which I am sure will come) and it's enforcement ( which I am sure will never happen).

Another paper Tiger.

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"Section 44 of the interim constitution will be invoked to supplement the enforcement of the new land traffic act to deal with passenger vans, buses and pickup trucks..."
enforced by whom? the same people who enforce traffic laws now?  

Exactly! Zero enforcement expected.
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22 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

"Pickup trucks, said General Prawit, will, in the future, not be allowed to carry passengers as the trucks were designed to carry goods."


Be interesting to see if this can or will ever be enforced? In rural areas and indeed in cities this is a primary mode of transport. Songthaew are pick up based, will they still be allowed?


Will await to see the legislation (which I am sure will come) and it's enforcement ( which I am sure will never happen).

This law will be broken 10k's times on the first day of Songkran.

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22 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

This law will be broken 10k's times on the first day of Songkran.

9 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

And enforced zero times


I though the same thing (as louse1953 and canuckamuck) today, as I walked along the "pedestrian" sidewalk (footpath) beside Pholyothin Road at Sanam Pao, and had to constantly thread my way through the incessant stream of motorbikes travelling in both directions (many of the riders without helmets, and consideration for the pedestrians).




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Article 44 seems more addictive than fentanyl.


The Junta can't do much without invoking Article 44, which makes sense for Army types used to issuing orders and expecting them to be followed?


Pretty soon they'll need a new article to prioritize the thousands of Article 44 decrees. 

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1 hour ago, waldroj said:


I though the same thing (as louse1953 and canuckamuck) today, as I walked along the "pedestrian" sidewalk (footpath) beside Pholyothin Road at Sanam Pao, and had to constantly thread my way through the incessant stream of motorbikes travelling in both directions (many of the riders without helmets, and consideration for the pedestrians).




Don't worry...once someone in the govt sees this picture they will propose S44 action to fix the problem.

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On 1/5/2017 at 11:47 PM, ldiablo72 said:

They try to do someone positive and farangs whine and cringe. They don't do anything at all and farangs whine and cringe. Can't win.


And what is "positive" about this (yet again) another announcement? IT DOES NOT ADDRESS THE UNDERLYING ISSUES! It is a "band aid" solution.


BTW, what happened to the DPM's claim of fixing Bangkok's traffic problems within 30 days, at some time last year? And now he is going to fix the current disastrous road trauma? Get the Police to do their jobs or get rid of them and some of their incompetent bosses.


C'mon Idiablo72 it does make for entertaining reading.  :smile:

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