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"We're not fleecing customers - it's just market forces" say budget airlines


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1 hour ago, klauskunkel said:

Nature has nothing to do with market forces



Actually it does.. Nature abhors a vacuum.. Things migrate to resource rich environments.. 


The fact that market forces emulates natural tendency is precisely why it works and balances. 

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Any company not pricing to market demand should see their senior management sacked.  In the travel industry pricing to market demand is the norm.  All airlines do it, hotels, cruise lines etc.  Now in this particular case the senior management should be sacked because they have missed a one time marketing/public relations bonanza that would have strengthened their brands ... "... we know the floods are a hardship on Thais and tourists so we are reducing our fares to help our valued customers."  They did not even have to reduce fares to claim this, just not increase them.  They are short sighted and greedy.  They have weakened their brand for small short term profit when they could have strengthened their brand for much greater long term profit.

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2 hours ago, halloween said:

Just checked Bangkok Air Samui-BKK tomorrow. Cheapest flight B4910, cheapest seat (promo ) on more desirable flights B8160, "Web Freedom" seats B12990.


If you are going to book a flight for tomorrow,  what do you expect? 

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Quote : Air Asia and Nok Air said that the rise in ticket prices is a natural result of market forces and supply and demand.


It's interesting to see how two big capitalist companies strive to convey the notion that the 'market' is made of 'forces' that are 'natural', because the clear implication here is that nothing can be done against it.


Finance and economy have totally overpowered political forces nowadays, and that's a global fact (with China the huge exception, with no less huge consequences to come). Politicians with 'left' leanings are emasculated and those on the conservative side can brag loudly because they know by now how totally they've won the game.


Because of that situation, democracies everywhere are now officially a puppet-show. They are like bottles of wine whose content has been replaced while keeping the same label. On the stage of that puppet show, different opinions are expressed, elections are held, national assemblies hold heated debates etc. but the only thing that counts is who runs the show ... and obviously it's not the puppets.


Hearing companies (and big ones at that) pretending that they can't do anything is a climax in irony, in addition to being a gigantic lie. As if the director of the puppet-theater tried to make us believe that he has no control over what goes on on stage ...

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9 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

Any company not pricing to market demand should see their senior management sacked.  In the travel industry pricing to market demand is the norm.  All airlines do it, hotels, cruise lines etc.  Now in this particular case the senior management should be sacked because they have missed a one time marketing/public relations bonanza that would have strengthened their brands ... "... we know the floods are a hardship on Thais and tourists so we are reducing our fares to help our valued customers."  They did not even have to reduce fares to claim this, just not increase them.  They are short sighted and greedy.  They have weakened their brand for small short term profit when they could have strengthened their brand for much greater long term profit.

But do you really think their main customer base is going to consider this when they come to book a flight later in the year?  "Air Smiley Nok has the cheapest ticket, but they increased their fare during the floods, so I'll go with a more expensive option instead".

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3 hours ago, Ricardo said:

...  and taking-advantage of customers would be un-Thai, wouldn't it ! :cool:


Please save your Thai bashing for when it's justified... Every airline in the world does the same, at least be grateful that these airlines usually provide a good service (maybe with AirAsia's delay record an exception).... For a very cheap price.

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4 minutes ago, Yann55 said:

Quote : Air Asia and Nok Air said that the rise in ticket prices is a natural result of market forces and supply and demand.


It's interesting to see how two big capitalist companies strive to convey the notion that the 'market' is made of 'forces' that are 'natural', because the clear implication here is that nothing can be done against it.


Finance and economy have totally overpowered political forces nowadays, and that's a global fact (with China the huge exception, with no less huge consequences to come). Politicians with 'left' leanings are emasculated and those on the conservative side can brag loudly because they know by now how totally they've won the game.


Because of that situation, democracies everywhere are now officially a puppet-show. They are like bottles of wine whose content has been replaced while keeping the same label. On the stage of that puppet show, different opinions are expressed, elections are held, national assemblies hold heated debates etc. but the only thing that counts is who runs the show ... and obviously it's not the puppets.


Hearing companies (and big ones at that) pretending that they can't do anything is a climax in irony, in addition to being a gigantic lie. As if the director of the puppet-theater tried to make us believe that he has no control over what goes on on stage ...


Why would they want to do anything about it, they run a business which depends on making a profit otherwise their employees don't have jobs!


And you think there's no such thing as market forces! What about supply, what about demand, what about competition, what about pricing, those things are all market forces.

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Whilst striving to ensure funds so I never have to use a budget airline again, I do enjoy the rock bottom fares they offer time to time - so I book in advance. Booking in advance for low fares is a no brainer for passengers and airlines alike. However, it might make good business seats and shrewd marketing if they discount ALL seats for the week due to the emergency flooding. That's what I'd do; but hey, TIT.  :) ... and they are a cheap ass airline - what do you expect?

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2 hours ago, halloween said:

Just checked Bangkok Air Samui-BKK tomorrow. Cheapest flight B4910, cheapest seat (promo ) on more desirable flights B8160, "Web Freedom" seats B12990.

And that is one-way fare. You can fly Bangkok - Tokyo for B12,067 RETURN!

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As pointed out Air Asia is a budget airline, great when booked in advance and travelling light i.e. no significant luggage to carry.  If you book short notice check other larger airlines the price will be more competitive and normally no issues with excess luggage.


Demand does dictate the ticket price, just look at the prices of other airlines, peak time of the year after the festive season, holidays.  


I work in Qatar however there is a huge saving if I fly to another country for connection to Thailand.  Why can someone from the UK can fly via Qatar to Thailand for less than I can (Direct) all about demand.


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1 hour ago, sekmet said:


If you are going to book a flight for tomorrow,  what do you expect? 


I have no intention of booking a flight tomorrow, or ever, with Bangkok Air. I was offering a comparison which made AA look bloody cheap at the prices quoted for last minute bookings.

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2 hours ago, nongkhaidude said:

last week flew AirAsia from Phuket to Singapore we prebooked and paid for 50 kilos of luggage unfortanaly we were 10 kilos over and was charged 500 baht per kilo ! On top of that the checkin attenendent was so estattic about being able to fleece us that she forgot to give my wife and daughter the Imigration form so after standing in line for 45 minutes we had to get the forms and stand in line for another 45 minuets , Air Asia sucks  I will never fly AirAsia again  


You knew you were overweight and tried to get away with it.  The  charges are declared in advance by Air Asia as they are for all airlines and are more than reasonable. If you had  done this on Lufthansa you would have paid anywhere from 3,000 baht to 8,000 baht as per the  fare schedule http://www.lufthansa.com/mediapool/pdf/42/media_1734006742.pdf

You didn't  expect to get caught trying to game the airline, but you were. Are you aware that an airplane  can only carry so much of a payload? Because of your extra weight, other cargo may have had to be left behind, or additional fuel carried. No one  tried to fleece you. You were treating the airline as a cargo carrier. Immigration forms are handed out on board, not by the  checkin or gate agents.  Pay attention the next time you fly and ask.


2 hours ago, halloween said:

Just checked Bangkok Air Samui-BKK tomorrow. Cheapest flight B4910, cheapest seat (promo ) on more desirable flights B8160, "Web Freedom" seats B12990.


Nothing really unusual. The peak season fares to Samui are  higher compared to other thai destinations. This is because Bangkok Airways built and maintains the airport. It is recouping its investment. And honestly, what's so expensive aboout B4910? How much is a 70 minute flight in Australia, or the EU or North America?


2 hours ago, sahibji said:

i do not think they are doing anything illegal. but morally is it acceptable? definitely NOT


The increased fares are typical of peak holiday travel times.


2 hours ago, sahibji said:

for the poor guy whose house is under water or the farmer whose crops have been washed away by floods? dead cheap?


The person you refer to is  not going to be flying to a vacation spot is he/she?


2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Greedy, criminals basta***... Govt should investigate and fine them heavily 


Investigate what? Charging a higher fare during holiday periods? Get a grip. The airline costs during peak season increase too. Extra staff is brought in, additional pay on holidays is required, more fuel and maintenance is needed etc. The profits made during peak season subsidize the rest of the year's operations.  Loads decrease significantly during monsoon season. The airlines still have to maintain service and staffing. If you disagree with the pricing, then you start up an airline. You organize the  capital requirements and take all the risk. The airfares today are a fraction of what they were 25 years ago.


3 hours ago, sahibji said:

it is ok to let market forces control prices under normal circumstances but not during calamaties when humanity requires assistance and a helping hand.


Predatory pricing is illegal in Thailand. the airfares referenced are typical of holiday season pricing.  The prices are not much different than last year.  You can take the bust or train to your next Thai destinationif the airfare is too much.

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2 hours ago, LivinLOS said:



Nonsense.. its this kind of socialist claptrap that results in not enough seats being available. 


free market force self corrects.. competition self corrects.. Both up and down.. I dont hear the consumer complaints when theres a 200b flight on offer with a mostly empty plane.. 


The best way to 'provide assistance and a helping hand' is to provide a service of value priced at what the market will pay.. 

Thats very moral.... BUT morals dont pay wages, bonuses and general business expenses and shareholders. But morally your right. 

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Check not just the advertised price of the ticket, but the cost at the end.  Recently had to take the wife and daughter to Bangkok on business.  Normally I would fly AirAsia as it's a short flight.  When booking AirAsia was the cheapest advertised priced on both sky scanner and AirAsia website.  At the end of the booking the total cost for 3 tickets, no check in baggage, no food came to around 14000 baht.  For some reason there was a problem and I complete the booking online.  I checked the next Airline which was Thai and more expensive.  However, at the end of the booking the total cost was 10000 including checked baggage and food.  There was almost 4000 baht difference and we were getting a better flight.  We also got free upgrade to business class both there and back.  More of the story - just because the budget airlines advertise less, doesn't mean that the end price is going to be less.

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6 minutes ago, sioux2012 said:

Thats very moral.... BUT morals dont pay wages, bonuses and general business expenses and shareholders. But morally your right. 

 you sure you meant to quote me ?? 


Not sure how morals come into it.. I see nothing immoral about making a deal between 2 willing parties. 

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2 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


You knew you were overweight and tried to get away with it.  The  charges are declared in advance by Air Asia as they are for all airlines and are more than reasonable. If you had  done this on Lufthansa you would have paid anywhere from 3,000 baht to 8,000 baht as per the  fare schedule http://www.lufthansa.com/mediapool/pdf/42/media_1734006742.pdf

You didn't  expect to get caught trying to game the airline, but you were. Are you aware that an airplane  can only carry so much of a payload? Because of your extra weight, other cargo may have had to be left behind, or additional fuel carried. No one  tried to fleece you. You were treating the airline as a cargo carrier. Immigration forms are handed out on board, not by the  checkin or gate agents.  Pay attention the next time you fly and ask.



Nothing really unusual. The peak season fares to Samui are  higher compared to other thai destinations. This is because Bangkok Airways built and maintains the airport. It is recouping its investment. And honestly, what's so expensive aboout B4910? How much is a 70 minute flight in Australia, or the EU or North America?



The increased fares are typical of peak holiday travel times.



The person you refer to is  not going to be flying to a vacation spot is he/she?



Investigate what? Charging a higher fare during holiday periods? Get a grip. The airline costs during peak season increase too. Extra staff is brought in, additional pay on holidays is required, more fuel and maintenance is needed etc. The profits made during peak season subsidize the rest of the year's operations.  Loads decrease significantly during monsoon season. The airlines still have to maintain service and staffing. If you disagree with the pricing, then you start up an airline. You organize the  capital requirements and take all the risk. The airfares today are a fraction of what they were 25 years ago.



Predatory pricing is illegal in Thailand. the airfares referenced are typical of holiday season pricing.  The prices are not much different than last year.  You can take the bust or train to your next Thai destinationif the airfare is too much.


4 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


You knew you were overweight and tried to get away with it.  The  charges are declared in advance by Air Asia as they are for all airlines and are more than reasonable. If you had  done this on Lufthansa you would have paid anywhere from 3,000 baht to 8,000 baht as per the  fare schedule http://www.lufthansa.com/mediapool/pdf/42/media_1734006742.pdf

You didn't  expect to get caught trying to game the airline, but you were. Are you aware that an airplane  can only carry so much of a payload? Because of your extra weight, other cargo may have had to be left behind, or additional fuel carried. No one  tried to fleece you. You were treating the airline as a cargo carrier. Immigration forms are handed out on board, not by the  checkin or gate agents.  Pay attention the next time you fly and ask.



Nothing really unusual. The peak season fares to Samui are  higher compared to other thai destinations. This is because Bangkok Airways built and maintains the airport. It is recouping its investment. And honestly, what's so expensive aboout B4910? How much is a 70 minute flight in Australia, or the EU or North America?



The increased fares are typical of peak holiday travel times.



The person you refer to is  not going to be flying to a vacation spot is he/she?



Investigate what? Charging a higher fare during holiday periods? Get a grip. The airline costs during peak season increase too. Extra staff is brought in, additional pay on holidays is required, more fuel and maintenance is needed etc. The profits made during peak season subsidize the rest of the year's operations.  Loads decrease significantly during monsoon season. The airlines still have to maintain service and staffing. If you disagree with the pricing, then you start up an airline. You organize the  capital requirements and take all the risk. The airfares today are a fraction of what they were 25 years ago.



Predatory pricing is illegal in Thailand. the airfares referenced are typical of holiday season pricing.  The prices are not much different than last year.  You can take the bust or train to your next Thai destinationif the airfare is too much.


Ticket prices on Samui are high because BA can get away with it. If they haven't recouped the capital cost after 27 years of near-monopoly, they never will. I am not flying in Australia, or the EU or North America, but I can fly TO Australia from Surat Thani cheaper than Samui-BKK.

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3 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Greedy, criminals basta***... Govt should investigate 

and fine them heavily 


Any airline in the world charges more for seats the closer to the flight date that you get. Those who are able to plan ahead get the cheapest fares because the airline has your money well in advance to invest. Those who can't plan ahead, then tough luck. It has nothing to do with criminal action or being greedy.

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Air Asia have always been my first choice...i never carry a suitcase...only carry ATM and my Bucket and Spade....book early some great prices...cheaper than the bus in most cases...and never had a late take off and usually arrive early.......i usually pay 800-1100 bht from Udon to central pattaya which includes the transport in to central...last time i flew to Phuket from Udon i played 1200b return but i did book 6 months in advance...ps i will let you in to a little secret....they are in Business to make money...

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2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Try weighing your baggage before you go to the airport! I rather doubt that the check-in attendant was ecstatic at the extra work you had caused her.


3 hours ago, nongkhaidude said:

last week flew AirAsia from Phuket to Singapore we prebooked and paid for 50 kilos of luggage unfortanaly we were 10 kilos over and was charged 500 baht per kilo ! On top of that the checkin attenendent was so estattic about being able to fleece us that she forgot to give my wife and daughter the Imigration form so after standing in line for 45 minutes we had to get the forms and stand in line for another 45 minuets , Air Asia sucks  I will never fly AirAsia again  

I would also like to point out that, whilst check-in staff often do hand out immigration forms to passengers, this is a courtesy, not an obligation.


It is the traveller's responsibility to arrive at the immigration point with the correct documentation to hand, not the airlines.


It's your choice if you choose not to fly Air Asia again, but I cannot see that they are in way to blame for your troubles.

Edited by Moonlover
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2 hours ago, bkk75 said:

People seem to forget flying is a luxury.  If you can't afford to fly take alternative transportation.

It is a luxury.....not really when you have to fly over oceans. Many times there isn't an alternative. The days of jumping on a ship to get from A to B are long gone. Most ships these days are short haul, or are cruise ships. At one time there were passenger/freighters we could take, but those days are pretty much extinct. So No, it is not a luxury, it is a necessity. 

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1 hour ago, chilli42 said:

Any company not pricing to market demand should see their senior management sacked.  In the travel industry pricing to market demand is the norm.  All airlines do it, hotels, cruise lines etc.  Now in this particular case the senior management should be sacked because they have missed a one time marketing/public relations bonanza that would have strengthened their brands ... "... we know the floods are a hardship on Thais and tourists so we are reducing our fares to help our valued customers."  They did not even have to reduce fares to claim this, just not increase them.  They are short sighted and greedy.  They have weakened their brand for small short term profit when they could have strengthened their brand for much greater long term profit.

luckily for them, the public has short memories and attention span, plus little choice in the future...

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8 minutes ago, halloween said:



Ticket prices on Samui are high because BA can get away with it. If they haven't recouped the capital cost after 27 years of near-monopoly, they never will. I am not flying in Australia, or the EU or North America, but I can fly TO Australia from Surat Thani cheaper than Samui-BKK.


Yes some flights are cheaper, but those are not direct fligths. There is nothing sinister with that pricing.  Passengers  in North America can pay more for their domestic  tickets or a flight to Europe than the cost of a ticket to some SE Asia destinations. No one is forcing you to fly on bangkok Airways to Samui. Take the ferry from the mainland.  Why do you expect the airline to subsidize your holiday?


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This is the same everywhere. Here, Australia, the airlines do the same. Prices jumped dramatically when a cyclone was imminent and people wanted to get out of the area. Posters are out of touch if they believe this is some terrible Thai thing.

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