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How our lives fell apart after foreign son-in-law died


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4 hours ago, ukrules said:

Almost unbelievable, her daughter was obviously a fool, wasted all the money she had and by the looks of it lived beyond her means well after her source of income passed away.


Why this woman is even looking into the legality of being thrown out is beyond me. What did she bring to the table ?



I know a guy that built a beautiful OZ federation house, the wife died , next day after the funeral the son came down kicked him out , next of Thai kin, he now resides and works in HK and has a residency for life and has re-married, he gets rather upset when anyone mentions Thailand. 

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I wonder how he died and why she only talked about her suffering and not sadness about losing a son in law!

I remember giving a gift to my Thai mother in law many years ago and she said to my wife(in Thai) I would have rather had the money!!Unbelievable people.

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1 minute ago, chainarong said:

I know a guy that built a beautiful OZ federation house, the wife died , next day after the funeral the son came down kicked him out , next of Thai kin, he now resides and works in HK and has a residency for life and has re-married, he gets rather upset when anyone mentions Thailand. 

He got kicked out the next day??!?!?!?!?!   He got lucky, I would have kicked him out 1-minute after the funeral.  Whatever the law is....all farangs know the rules and when they buy a house they are giving it away immediately.......same thing ruined a guy i know, he lost 10 million baht after wife decided it was just time for him to not stay at her house.  LOL.  


Oh, hello farang, give me 100 million baht for the house and i can kick you out tomorrow.....sound good???  No sympathy for this.  "Oh, mr. farang is back.  do you want to buy another house and put it in my daughter's name and she can kick you out this afternoon for whatever reason?"  

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5 minutes ago, puukao said:

He got kicked out the next day??!?!?!?!?!   He got lucky, I would have kicked him out 1-minute after the funeral.  Whatever the law is....all farangs know the rules and when they buy a house they are giving it away immediately.......same thing ruined a guy i know, he lost 10 million baht after wife decided it was just time for him to not stay at her house.  LOL.  


Oh, hello farang, give me 100 million baht for the house and i can kick you out tomorrow.....sound good???  No sympathy for this.  "Oh, mr. farang is back.  do you want to buy another house and put it in my daughter's name and she can kick you out this afternoon for whatever reason?"  

all farangs know the rules and when they buy a house they are giving it away immediately


Happens a lot, but not to everyone. 

Edited by chrissables
missing word
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STOP THAI BASHING!!!!! Enough is enough. It is the bloody foreigners who came here and spoilt the thais and thai culture! Rejected farangs and other misfits from other countries that had perverted tendencies and who could not find mates in their own countries that came here and started this trend of "buying" the locals. To this day it has evolved to become such a norm....we have even office workers who freelance and go for "short trips" to Singapore, Malaysia, etc and some end up having like rejects for example from Singapore, we have the "Ah Bengs" or chinese educated Singaporeans of a lower economic strata, but because of the currency exchange and lower costso f living in Thailand, many are keeping "Thai Girlfirends" or "Wives". Whose fault is it.....the thais were ingrained by the behaviour of the foreigners for many decades, which all were initially started by the farangs and then followed by the other foreigners.

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3 hours ago, kalidescopemind said:

It is the tough part of having a young Thai wife.  You have to make some sort of plans if you give a damn about them.  She should do well with the sale of the house if it wasn't mortgaged to the hilt.   And its sad, living with your mother in law will not extend your life.  Build a granny house.


Problem is they dont have financial skills, and even the good hearted ones are liable to be taken to the cleaners with friends investment ideas and other sharks.. 


My wife wouldnt have a clue what to do with my assets, its so far beyond her understanding of what shes used to accounting with.. I have a form of trust established which currently my brother will execute which will see her get a lifetime stipend should I go first. Also means he can keep it invested which in turn generates far more than the stipend, if she had it, if would be gone in a decade. 

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2 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

STOP THAI BASHING!!!!! Enough is enough. It is the bloody foreigners who came here and spoilt the thais and thai culture! Rejected farangs and other misfits from other countries that had perverted tendencies and who could not find mates in their own countries that came here and started this trend of "buying" the locals. To this day it has evolved to become such a norm....we have even office workers who freelance and go for "short trips" to Singapore, Malaysia, etc and some end up having like rejects for example from Singapore, we have the "Ah Bengs" or chinese educated Singaporeans of a lower economic strata, but because of the currency exchange and lower costso f living in Thailand, many are keeping "Thai Girlfirends" or "Wives". Whose fault is it.....the thais were ingrained by the behaviour of the foreigners for many decades, which all were initially started by the farangs and then followed by the other foreigners.

It's foreigners fault that they live beyond their means, and don't understand to stop living above their means and save money? Really? Nothing to do with greed and self centeredness? 

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5 hours ago, ukrules said:

Almost unbelievable, her daughter was obviously a fool, wasted all the money she had and by the looks of it lived beyond her means well after her source of income passed away.


Why this woman is even looking into the legality of being thrown out is beyond me. What did she bring to the table ?




Neglect on the part of the Farang.



His responsibility is to take care of his wife - even after death. He should have made provision for his wife (widow) via pension or capital.



MIL is simply a freeloader.

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4 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

STOP THAI BASHING!!!!! Enough is enough. It is the bloody foreigners who came here and spoilt the thais and thai culture! Rejected farangs and other misfits from other countries that had perverted tendencies and who could not find mates in their own countries that came here and started this trend of "buying" the locals. To this day it has evolved to become such a norm....we have even office workers who freelance and go for "short trips" to Singapore, Malaysia, etc and some end up having like rejects for example from Singapore, we have the "Ah Bengs" or chinese educated Singaporeans of a lower economic strata, but because of the currency exchange and lower costso f living in Thailand, many are keeping "Thai Girlfirends" or "Wives". Whose fault is it.....the thais were ingrained by the behaviour of the foreigners for many decades, which all were initially started by the farangs and then followed by the other foreigners.



ha ha.. chicken or egg.. the people came here and changed the locals or the people came here because the locals like to sell themselves.. Look at the history books on the subject. 


Its strange how facebook is so full of Thai middle class teenagers dancing like strippers in their underwear, but not euro teens.. Not wondered why ?? 

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30 minutes ago, chainarong said:

I know a guy that built a beautiful OZ federation house, the wife died , next day after the funeral the son came down kicked him out , next of Thai kin, he now resides and works in HK and has a residency for life and has re-married, he gets rather upset when anyone mentions Thailand. 


well if he didn't get an Usufruct then more fool him

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Maybe the pension payments stopped after the passing away of the husband and had no savings

Quite possible. And if he mortgaged the house to the max, he would have known upon his death his wife would be in deep financial trouble upon his death. IF this is all possibly true, shame on him, not entirely her. Furthermore, I suggest some (many?) farang husbands don't divulge their entire finances with their Thai wives. One opinion.
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The thing is that probably did the farang pay it all and then after spending sprees and gambling she mortgaged the house... then he died and she had no way to pay back the mortgaged as she probably hadn't done a descent days work in her life. This is something I have seen more than 2 times and not only with husband's and wife's...

Two of my Thai friends has been working in Norway for the past 20 years thanks to his Norwegian stepdad. He hired (B 10,000/month) his brother in law to take care of their house while they where in Norway working (9 months working and 3 months in Thailand a year). When they came back last December the teak floor, electronics, a car and so on was missing... the brother in law had sold it all to pay for his gambling and drinking!

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26 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

STOP THAI BASHING!!!!! Enough is enough. It is the bloody foreigners who came here and spoilt the thais and thai culture! Rejected farangs and other misfits from other countries that had perverted tendencies and who could not find mates in their own countries that came here and started this trend of "buying" the locals. To this day it has evolved to become such a norm....we have even office workers who freelance and go for "short trips" to Singapore, Malaysia, etc and some end up having like rejects for example from Singapore, we have the "Ah Bengs" or chinese educated Singaporeans of a lower economic strata, but because of the currency exchange and lower costso f living in Thailand, many are keeping "Thai Girlfirends" or "Wives". Whose fault is it.....the thais were ingrained by the behaviour of the foreigners for many decades, which all were initially started by the farangs and then followed by the other foreigners.

Said in jest or totally clueless?

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GREED and selfishness, beats  me it even makes a  story but she knows no shame

Or possibly not knowing how to manage the winfall money got from her farang husband. Or both of them poor money managers. There are many in the West as big lottery winners spent every last penny of the winnings within a year!

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23 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Debt collection? What kind of massive debt that couldn't be paid off from proceeds of house sale 5million? Even if 1 million left, 2 people can live on that for years, and not thrown into the street.



The problem with this, which Ive seen time and again in Isaan is the wife persuades the foreign husband to build a deluxe house either in or on the outskirts of her family Village, & while he may have spent 5+ million Baht on it, its only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it...

 The locals wouldn't dream of spending even a fraction of this amount on a house, and why would someone well to do, Farang or Thai want to live in this particular village? so the Thai family get left with an unsellable house unless they are prepared to accept a fraction of its worth...

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18 minutes ago, jerojero said:

Or possibly not knowing how to manage the winfall money got from her farang husband. Or both of them poor money managers. There are many in the West as big lottery winners spent every last penny of the winnings within a year!

In my moo bann German guy was married to a Thai lady . Left some property and business to his sons in Austraila but 3 homes (paid for) and a pension to his Thai wife. Thank God she has at least the small pension as she has already lost 2 of the homes due to her gambling and is about to lose the 3rd all in less then 3 years.

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A man has passed away and there is absolutely no sympathy shown to the deceased or his family. You truly are a sad lot- filled with hate and obviously a strong dislike of Thailand and its customs. And the interesting thing is that most of you know nothing about the country; the lives and mores of the people and their customs. You base all of your opinions on what you see from and about the bar crowd. Why do you stay here if you so dislike the people and the country?

None of you know anything about this family - the deceased or his family. From the sounds of the article it appears to me that very agresive collectors have possibly broken Thai law and the grandmother is seeking redress. If this is the case- I salute her as she is stepping forward to right a possible wrong.

Some of you people need to get a real attitude adjustment and I am not talking about the kind you get from the government. 

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10 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

In my moo bann German guy was married to a Thai lady . Left some property and business to his sons in Austraila but 3 homes (paid for) and a pension to his Thai wife. Thank God she has at least the small pension as she has already lost 2 of the homes due to her gambling and is about to lose the 3rd all in less then 3 years.


Its sad.. Seen a good mate get ripped off by a nasty mental midget of a missus, she did stick with him when he was on the bones of his arse so he thought she was in all the way.. When his luck turned he spent big 10 - 15 mil build house, cars etc.. She kicked him out but a lawyer got 50% and a quick sale meant he got some back.. she blew hers in short order before finding the next fool..  Another had the usual drunk, yaba gambling issues, house got mortgaged while he was away, had to walk away from the lot.. 


Its nuts how fast they blow through it, and how often they manage to find another fresh of the plane numpty to repeat it.. I mean how many western life savings should you need here ?? 

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

None of you know anything about this family - the deceased or his family. From the sounds of the article it appears to me that very agresive collectors have possibly broken Thai law and the grandmother is seeking redress. If this is the case- I salute her as she is stepping forward to right a possible wrong.

Some of you people need to get a real attitude adjustment and I am not talking about the kind you get from the government. 


Actually it reads like the daughter kicked her out.. and none of it is hers to seek redress for.. 

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When you buy and die,don't expect the wife to wait to wait and sell the 5 million.they go straight out and borrow what they can and just let it go to the loan sharks,banks for silly money.probably 1 million in this case.easy come easy go.as soon as a farang dies the property is put up for grabs at great losses in most cases.ive been offered property like this before.i can picture the scene.man dies,wife says don't worry mum we can borrow a million to keep up the life style and I'll pop off to the ponds of Pattaya- Phuket and go fishing for another big one but when she gets there she finds out the ponds have dried up.

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2 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


Its sad.. Seen a good mate get ripped off by a nasty mental midget of a missus, she did stick with him when he was on the bones of his arse so he thought she was in all the way.. When his luck turned he spent big 10 - 15 mil build house, cars etc.. She kicked him out but a lawyer got 50% and a quick sale meant he got some back.. she blew hers in short order before finding the next fool..  Another had the usual drunk, yaba gambling issues, house got mortgaged while he was away, had to walk away from the lot.. 


Its nuts how fast they blow through it, and how often they manage to find another fresh of the plane numpty to repeat it.. I mean how many western life savings should you need here ?? 

There's a saying,how do you make a small fortune in Thailand,answer bring a big one.they have never had money to control and when they get it big time they can't handle it.same same many lotto winners around the world.

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56 minutes ago, Canceraid said:

STOP THAI BASHING!!!!! Enough is enough. It is the bloody foreigners who came here and spoilt the thais and thai culture! Rejected farangs and other misfits from other countries that had perverted tendencies and who could not find mates in their own countries that came here and started this trend of "buying" the locals. To this day it has evolved to become such a norm....we have even office workers who freelance and go for "short trips" to Singapore, Malaysia, etc and some end up having like rejects for example from Singapore, we have the "Ah Bengs" or chinese educated Singaporeans of a lower economic strata, but because of the currency exchange and lower costso f living in Thailand, many are keeping "Thai Girlfirends" or "Wives". Whose fault is it.....the thais were ingrained by the behaviour of the foreigners for many decades, which all were initially started by the farangs and then followed by the other foreigners.


 I understand your angle on this but please dig a little deeper . It is not all about the falang it is also about the bewildering inequality perpetuated by the class system (Sakdina), money is hard to come by and wealth is status even if lasts only a short time.


The Thais like many will do anything for money and seem not too fussed about the actions required to gain some loot, after sending some time in an Issan village it didn't take me long to figure how the teenage girls came to have all the I phones and other trinkets, it had nothing to do with falangs.


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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

I know a guy that built a beautiful OZ federation house, the wife died , next day after the funeral the son came down kicked him out , next of Thai kin, he now resides and works in HK and has a residency for life and has re-married, he gets rather upset when anyone mentions Thailand. 

Not sure how the son can do that if married to his wife , but if your mate had a Usufructs in place  he would still have his home .

you see lots go to thailand with  blinkers on and think it will not happen to them , but the truth is it can , like your mate and the same go's when a  relationship brakes down .

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