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'You are fake news!' Trump presides over turbulent news conference


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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Then you have no idea whatsoever of what CNN reported and have clearly not even bothered to find out the truth before making comment. Ignorant and arrogant. Trump supporter qualities in abundance.

CNN hates Trump. I expect them to always be suspect when reporting anything about Trump.

Even long before Trump appeared on the political scene I wouldn't watch them as IMO they were as bad as the BBC, and I don't watch that either.

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4 minutes ago, jerojero said:

We?  Who's we?  Not the majority of US voters, and certainly not the majority of world's countries! 

Speak for yourself. You have no idea what the "majority of world's countries" want or don't want, and I wouldn't be so bold as to suggest I have any idea either. 

In my country they don't like Trump, but that is because the mainstream media have been using propaganda against him ever since he decided to run.

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14 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, we are going to see a whole new shift in news coverage if MSM doesn't abandon its hard left bias towards Trump.

God forbid they tell they fact check and tell the truth about the guy. Like this fact check from yesterdays presser: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/11/politics/donald-trump-news-conference-fact-check/index.html


Two false statements, three misleading ones from an hour long press conference where he only spoke for maybe 20 minutes, and that's without even touching him calling them fake news. 

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39 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

CNN hates Trump. I expect them to always be suspect when reporting anything about Trump.

Even long before Trump appeared on the political scene I wouldn't watch them as IMO they were as bad as the BBC, and I don't watch that either.


Well if you don't watch them how can you comment? It makes your comments concerning CNN even more ridiculous. How ludicrous. Thats like the Muslims screaming for the death of Salman Rushdie when he wrote 'The Satanic Verses', it turned out 99.9% never even read the book.


Sometimes it is better to simply say nothing.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Well if you don't watch them how can you comment? It makes your comments concerning CNN even more ridiculous. How ludicrous. Thats like the Muslims screaming for the death of Salman Rushdie when he wrote 'The Satanic Verses', it turned out 99.9% never even read the book.


Sometimes it is better to simply say nothing.

99.9% never even read the book.

Thank you for posting that. IMO 99.9% of anti Trumpers have never listened to a full speech from him. They just hear what the anti Trump media choose to publish, and it's always edited to make him appear "bad".


As for CNN, I did watch it till I realised it was rubbish, and for the present, plenty of quotes from it on TVF to confirm my opinion.

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23 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

99.9% never even read the book.

Thank you for posting that. IMO 99.9% of anti Trumpers have never listened to a full speech from him. They just hear what the anti Trump media choose to publish, and it's always edited to make him appear "bad".


As for CNN, I did watch it till I realised it was rubbish, and for the present, plenty of quotes from it on TVF to confirm my opinion.


Well even if I just watch every speech he makes from start to finish (which I do) that throws your stats out straight away. I don't hear what Anti-Trump media wants me to hear, I hear Trump and that is all that is required to make him appear 'bad'. The only time Trump sounds bad is when he opens his mouth. Why do you defend him?


26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As for CNN, I did watch it till I realised it was rubbish, and for the present, plenty of quotes from it on TVF to confirm my opinion.


Make your mind up, you are sounding like Trump. Flip flopping everywhere.


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Even long before Trump appeared on the political scene I wouldn't watch them as IMO they were as bad as the BBC, and I don't watch that either.


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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Well even if I just watch every speech he makes from start to finish (which I do) that throws your stats out straight away. I don't hear what Anti-Trump media wants me to hear, I hear Trump and that is all that is required to make him appear 'bad'. The only time Trump sounds bad is when he opens his mouth. Why do you defend him?



Make your mind up, you are sounding like Trump. Flip flopping everywhere.



I defend him from the lies told about him by the mainstream media. Other than that I don't care what he says or twitters or whatever. As I have many times said, I would have supported a rock if it stopped HRC winning.

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I defend him from the lies told about him by the mainstream media. Other than that I don't care what he says or twitters or whatever. As I have many times said, I would have supported a rock if it stopped HRC winning.

Can you give us some examples of lies the MSM have told about Trump?

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3 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Best quote of the day regarding that news conference goes:


 “Does anyone really believe that story?” Trump asked. “I’m also very much of a germophobe, by the way, believe me.”



I wonder then if he dislikes all the parasites that surround him.


Best quote of the day? Really it wasn't much of a day then was it. A quote to try and persuade people that 2 hookers didn't pee on him. "I am a germaphobe, believe me'. Is that the best he can do. When 80% of what the guy says is pure fabrication and he says "believe me". I thought it was fake news before, now he said that I believe it.

Edited by Andaman Al
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I must say it is refreshing for a politition to just say whatever comes Into his head and not running off some script . The likes of Obama and Cameron were great speakers (actors) but you just knew they didn't mean half of what they said, like most polititions.

 And anyway I'm quite sure there is some contingency plan from the likes of the more secretive agencies to deal with him in an appropriate manner if he starts going mental. But right know in my opinion he's just what the world needs to give these liberal nutters a kick up the arse and halt the normal, sane , silent majority from turning into Nazis!

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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7 hours ago, mercman24 said:

my money is on a bullet.


Certainly a possibility.  He's ducking and diving already and he isn't in the chair yet.  The world's news channels and press are having a field day.  These allegations are very much unproven at the moment and most people would just laugh them off or say "put up or shut up".  Trump is however being very defensive over them and blaming his own security forces in desperation.  With that level of paranoia what on earth will he be like when he is in office?


In the meantime Putin is opening another bottle Dom Perpignon and laughing his socks off!

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47 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

It's interesting  that Trump didn't rail against the NYT and some other mainstream outlets re the so-called Russian 'interaction'.  Buzzfeed and CNN deserved all of his focus.

Perhaps it is a strategy of 'divide and conquer'.

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43 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Best quote of the day regarding that news conference goes:


 “Does anyone really believe that story?” Trump asked. “I’m also very much of a germophobe, by the way, believe me.”




And as many are pointing out, urine has less germs than tap water, so what does he bathe in?





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49 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

I must say it is refreshing for a politition to just say whatever comes Into his head and not running off some script . The likes of Obama and Cameron were great speakers (actors) but you just knew they didn't mean half of what they said, like most polititions.

 And anyway I'm quite sure there is some contingency plan from the likes of the more secretive agencies to deal with him in an appropriate manner if he starts going mental. But right know in my opinion he's just what the world needs to give these liberal nutters a kick up the arse and halt the normal, sane , silent majority from turning into Nazis!

You mean the silent majority who didn't vote for him?

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:


Imagine there will be a sea change at all the myriad 'intelligence' agencies once Trumps people are installed. :smile:

Yes, Michael Flynn, the guy who thought people should keep on open mind about the charges of pedophilia against Hillary Clinton, will be the guy making the changes.  Clearly he's a guy whose judgement we can trust.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

I wonder then if he dislikes all the parasites that surround him.


Best quote of the day? Really it wasn't much of a day then was it. A quote to try and persuade people that 2 hookers didn't pee on him. "I am a germaphobe, believe me'. Is that the best he can do. When 80% of what the guy says is pure fabrication and he says "believe me". I thought it was fake news before, now he said that I believe it.


If you actually read the Buzzfeed document, they claim that he watched as prostitutes peed on each other, not on him.

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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:


If you actually read the Buzzfeed document, they claim that he watched as prostitutes peed on each other, not on him.


 I guess he was talking about accidental splatter? 

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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:


If you actually read the Buzzfeed document, they claim that he watched as prostitutes peed on each other, not on him.

I read it, it was just a little embellishment as it is fake news  :whistling:. But of course it does beg the question, why would he emphasise he is a 'germophobe' if he was allegedly just 'watching something'. Maybe he said it something to do with the Intelligence Agencies behaving like Nazi's.

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