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Protests will aim to disrupt Trump inauguration - organisers


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4 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


They didn't say it was undemocratic, they said it was not a functioning democracy.  Any state who has their election process interfered with by another state does not have a functioning democratic process..


................which would make it "undemocratic" ?

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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   What was "undemocratic" about the USA elections .


Characteristics of dysfunction in the American political system?


Citizens United

Authority of State Legislators to draw electoral boundaries

Binary responses to all issues with increasing polarization to grab attention


That's just a start. All of these contributed to the anomolous victory by the nihilists and their ridiculous idol.

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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:


................which would make it "undemocratic" ?


It would be undemocratic to interfere or allow interference, it would be undemocratic to ignore the interfence, but the system as a whole is democratic as the aim is democracy, however the result is not fully functioning democracy due to the interference.  

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1 minute ago, Slip said:

The person who got the most votes lost.


  But the person who won the most States won .

Votes are counted that way to make it fairer for everyone .

Sparlsy populated states have just has much say as largely populated states 

Those were the agree terms and Clintons supporters now only oppose that process because they would have won had it been the first past the post process

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28 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  But the person who won the most States won .

Votes are counted that way to make it fairer for everyone .

Sparlsy populated states have just has much say as largely populated states 

Those were the agree terms and Clintons supporters now only oppose that process because they would have won had it been the first past the post process

Sorry- I thought you were talking about democracy.


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4 hours ago, piersbeckett said:

Disrupt as they may, the American quasi, left-wing dream is already shattered: 'There is a time in every man's life when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better or worse as his portion; that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernal of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till.' - from Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson


If you read Emerson literally, then you see that his sentiments are fixed in history and limited to an ideal of 'yeoman citizenry' that was obsolete within his lifetime and entirely irrelevant to the American experience by the end of the 19thC. If you read him metaphorically, then you start to get a sense of the inherent selfishness that underlies Republican Conservatism.


Quaint sentiment out of tune with modern urban society and made ugly by ideologues who despise people in poverty and others on the margins.


Beautiful words though.


I prefer the words of John Donne


No man is an island,
Entire of itself,
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main...

Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind,
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; 
It tolls for thee.


On the issue of humanity, I think the Metaphysics have it over the American Pastoralists. In the same way that Liberals have it over the Republicans. I believe that much of Obama's legacy will be based on his liberalism which will out last the current reactionary right wing recidivism.



Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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"Protest organizers said they were concerned with the potential for violent clashes with Trump supporters."


"We are definitely worried about our safety, so we'll be training to help keep people safe," Miller said.


If there is any prospect of violence then the police must surely stop the protests?

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8 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

"Protest organizers said they were concerned with the potential for violent clashes with Trump supporters."


"We are definitely worried about our safety, so we'll be training to help keep people safe," Miller said.


If there is any prospect of violence then the police must surely stop the protests?

There is always the potential for violence. Perhaps everyone should just stay home all the time.


Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


OK , So, you agree with Donald about something thats a start .

Everyone knew the electoral process before they began , no one complained before hand , then was the time to campaign for a change of process .

    Suddenly complaining after the event soundls like sour grapes, because you would not have complained about the electoral process had Hilary won in similar circumstances



1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

The Electoral College system is inherently unfair. It obviates and taints the one person one vote principle. The Senate electoral system is the main element to ensure 'balanced' representation from lowly populated states in the legislative process. The Electoral College for the President was designed to ameliorate the Slave States so that they consented to the Union.


The intellectual dishonesty of your defense of the Electoral College system is exposed by donald's 2012 tweet against it.


The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.

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21 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

"Protest organizers said they were concerned with the potential for violent clashes with Trump supporters."


"We are definitely worried about our safety, so we'll be training to help keep people safe," Miller said.


If there is any prospect of violence then the police must surely stop the protests?


    Maybe the usual "?

Lefties violently attack people , then claim that they were victims of being attacked.

Provoking a violent conflict, then claiming they were attacked by red neck nazis

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*OP edited out*    Please don't copy the OP, it should have already been read and responses would be to it.*

Protest groups have stated:-

"Want to shut down."
"Want to see a seething rebellion."
"Disruptive demonstrations."
"Not in favour of a peaceful transition."
"We need to stop it."
"Promises other surprises."
"Concerned with the potential for violent clashes."

How can protest groups threatening non peaceful demonstration be allowed to attend and protest?

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7 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Why can't these numnuts just move on?  You had and election and your team lost, accept it.

The harsh reality of trump actually becoming president, which yes is happening shortly, is deeply horrifying to a large segment of the American people. You can keep trying to sell that this was a normal election and that trump is a normal man to be president. But it wasn't and he isn't.


The resistance evidenced in these inauguration protests with questionable tactics will continue as long as trump is in office. Suggest getting used to that reality. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

The resistance evidenced in these inauguration protests with questionable tactics will continue as long as trump is in office. Suggest getting used to that reality. 


There are those who put their bodies where their mouth is...These are called resistance members, rebel, etc


Then there are those who just yap about resistance from a distance

These are called mere rabble rousers

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The harsh reality of trump actually becoming president, which yes is happening shortly, is deeply horrifying to a large segment of the American people. You can keep trying to sell that this was a normal election and that trump is a normal man to be president. But it wasn't and he isn't.
The resistance evidenced in these inauguration protests with questionable tactics will continue as long as trump is in office. Suggest getting used to that reality. 

If these people wish not to entertain democracy then maybe should move to North Korea?

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52 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


If these people wish not to entertain democracy then maybe should move to North Korea?

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Perhaps you should point that comment to Trump too who was throwing a sissy fit even before the elections not wanting to accept the results if he lost? Just saying....

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On 1/13/2017 at 6:33 AM, webfact said:

"We want to shut down the inauguration," organizer David Thurston told a news conference


He claims The USA is not sending their best to the White House; "they're sending misogynists, blowhards, tax evaders, serial adulterers, shady businessmen, draft dodgers...some, I assume, are good people."

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21 minutes ago, mike324 said:


Perhaps you should point that comment to Trump too who was throwing a sissy fit even before the elections not wanting to accept the results if he lost? Just saying....


  That was a joke, he said it smiling and he later stated that it was a joke

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