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Police refute online claims officer pulled student's hair causing her to come off motorbike


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You seem to have missed the fact that it was a bicycle, not a motorcycle..........interesting how your judgement was made  based on a small clip with no audio.   How could anyone possibly know what actually happened?

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Totally believable that it happened, in BKK there are vids too of this happening. A cop even got in trouble for it because it was so clear on the vid. Some of the cops are totally unprofessional here. However many people try to go though those checkpoints without stopping (not that it justifies this) and the cops can get frustrated with that. 

"Some of the cops are totally unprofessional here?

That will probably be the ones who paid for their jobs.

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1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

"Some of the cops are totally unprofessional here?

That will probably be the ones who paid for their jobs.

Just not accusing them all because there are quite a few that I met that were professional and treated me well after an accident. Hard to accuse them all because I seen good ones too. 

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1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

I'm taking bets - in case anyone dares to know. Its 519 to 1 that the copper is lying and the student is right - right now! 

As I always say, a lone policeman should have no power to book or fine anyone, if it is serious, they could summon another cop with his radio.

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7 hours ago, dcnx said:

I was close lined in Pattaya a few years ago at one of their famous 4am back soi stop shake downs. I was actually stopping for them and one ran from the side and took me off the bike. I got up and went ballistic on him, screaming at him, which backed him off and he moved away out of my reach. None of them would come near me until I calmed down. I had a total meltdown on them but eventually pulled it together and they let me go after searching my bike, which was damaged. In hindsight, I should have kept my cool as they could have killed me on that quiet soi and no one would have known. But I snapped with such a rage I foolishly didn't care and wanted to harm the one who caused the accident. Hadn't been that angry in 20+ years and haven't since.


I went to Soi 9 police station and tried to file a complaint but they gave me the run around and wore me out. I was there for 2 hours and got nowhere, they just kept telling me to wait. Useless fecks, all of them.


So yea, these dicks will pull or knock you off a bike. And given a large percentage of them abuse women, I have no doubt they yank women off the bikes all the time. 


I love the internet age where these bullies are caught red handed and outed for everyone to see.


Were u drunk when to tried to be Superman?  ?

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3 hours ago, Mackstask said:

So what if he did pulled her hair! If she didn't try and do a runner they'd be no problem. Disrespectful little ****.  

to run from known crooked , thieving cops is a death sentence ? yanked off a moving bike could cause a death . who made this cop judge , jury and executioner ? apparently you did . think about your g/f , wife , or daughter trying to flee the money hungry police and this happens . right or wrong you yank me offa my bike and you will suffer until the day you die .

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2 hours ago, possum1931 said:

It is wrong that a lone cop can stop someone and fine them or whatever when it is only one persons word against anothers, although I'm not saying that is exactly the case here.

yea ?

well i will say it ..............tea money is the root of all police evil .

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6 hours ago, PremiumLane said:


So I take it you will be praising them if they ever pull you off a bike

Where's the evidence that these girls were pulled off a bike?  The video doesn't show it.

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2 hours ago, TGIR said:

You seem to have missed the fact that it was a bicycle, not a motorcycle..........interesting how your judgement was made  based on a small clip with no audio.   How could anyone possibly know what actually happened?


Interesting that even with a video you claim that a bicycle was involved, not a motorbike, that says a lot about your judgement also but what would it matter anyway?

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15 minutes ago, mikiea said:

to run from known crooked , thieving cops is a death sentence ? yanked off a moving bike could cause a death . who made this cop judge , jury and executioner ? apparently you did . think about your g/f , wife , or daughter trying to flee the money hungry police and this happens . right or wrong you yank me offa my bike and you will suffer until the day you die .

Nothing shows her being "yanked off a moving motorbike", unless you've seen a different video.  Got a link to it?

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Lawless students". I do what I want" That's why, as Adults there are

so many problems in Thailand...Police should use rubber bullets

to teach these offenders a lesson!!!


Ever seen a "rubber bullet "? Properly known as a " baton round"...

It's about the size of a U2 battery, and made of hard rubber or solid plastic . You fire it into the ground several metres in front of the crowd of rioters, so it loses most of its kinetic energy and the ricochet causes bruising and discourages said rioters. If you fire it directly at someone, particularly at close range ( it's very inaccurate) it can, and has been lethal.

Not a good way of stopping schoolgirls on scooters.

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

Totally believable that it happened, in BKK there are vids too of this happening. A cop even got in trouble for it because it was so clear on the vid. Some of the cops are totally unprofessional here. However many people try to go though those checkpoints without stopping (not that it justifies this) and the cops can get frustrated with that. 

What you think about people getting frustrated about the idiotic check points ?

I drive about 50.000 Km a year in this country and it upsets me every week to get stopped at several police boxes on the same road.....

Idiots, thats what they are.

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6 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Stop!  Problem solved....


Sometimes stopping is where the problems start which is why people do not always want to, if the cops were never corrupt then people would not fear stopping unless they were in the wrong, as it stands you can be perfectly legal and still have money extracted from you.

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9 hours ago, dcnx said:

And given a large percentage of them abuse women, I have no doubt they yank women off the bikes all the time. 


Quite an assumption. You forgot the most important thing when telling a Fairy Tale - it starts with "Once Upon a Time ... "

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31 minutes ago, ikke said:

What you think about people getting frustrated about the idiotic check points ?

I drive about 50.000 Km a year in this country and it upsets me every week to get stopped at several police boxes on the same road.....

Idiots, thats what they are.

I understand you, I have been grabbed by them and pulled from lane four to lane one on my bike through dangerous traffic. I don't like them, but I can understand that they don't like people running from them.

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31 minutes ago, JAG said:


Ever seen a "rubber bullet "? Properly known as a " baton round"...

It's about the size of a U2 battery, and made of hard rubber or solid plastic . You fire it into the ground several metres in front of the crowd of rioters, so it loses most of its kinetic energy and the ricochet causes bruising and discourages said rioters. If you fire it directly at someone, particularly at close range ( it's very inaccurate) it can, and has been lethal.

Not a good way of stopping schoolgirls on scooters.



Imagine Next time they would stop ......No never

saw a rubber bullet, guess they can make 'em little

less invasive.

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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have seen this on more than a few occasions with the policeman using a traffic cone to knock the students off there bike. he did ask them to stop, so some will say deservedly. It definitely happens regularly.


Some would say deservedly. Many others would say excessive force. I have seen countless instances, in my years in Thailand, that suggest a complete lack of training and professional skills in every aspect of police work. This certainly includes the ability to execute a safe and effective traffic stop.

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8 hours ago, PremiumLane said:


So I take it you will be praising them if they ever pull you off a bike or do something dangerous to you.


But wait, I hear you say "I never do anything unlawful and would always stop' but what if they pull you off a bike anyway? Guess you will be kowtowing and grovelling like a good boy

you are going to the exstream !!!!!! i have been on a bike and in a car and have been ordered to stop and have done so, thats exactly what she should of done and there would be no problems. you my friend need to learn to respect the laws of your host country.


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