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Women's anti-Trump march clogs Washington streets


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Women's anti-Trump march clogs Washington streets

By Emily Stephenson and Scott Malone

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hundreds of thousands of women, many wearing bright pink hats, marched in Washington on Saturday in a mass show of opposition to U.S. President Donald Trump's agenda the day after the Republican businessman-turned-politician took office.

The Women's March on Washington was one of a series of street protests throughout the country and the world against the new president's often angry, populist rhetoric.

Trump has angered many liberal Americans with comments seen as demeaning to women, Mexicans and Muslims, and worried some abroad with his inaugural vow on Friday to put "America First" in his decision making.

The flood of people on Saturday appeared to be larger than the crowds who turned out the day before to witness Trump's inauguration on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

Organizers of the protest had told police they expected 200,000 people to attend but the crowd looked bigger than that.

It stressed the city's Metro subway system, with riders reporting enormous crowds and some end-of-line stations temporarily turning away riders when parking lots filled and platforms became too crowded.

By midday Saturday the protest rally had been peaceful, a sharp contrast to the day before when black-clad anti-establishment activists smashed windows, set vehicles on fire and fought with riot police who responded with stun grenades.

The protests illustrated the depth of the anger in a deeply divided country that is still recovering from the scarring 2016 campaign season. Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton, the first woman nominated for president by a major U.S. party.

Bonnie Norton, 35, and Jefferson Cole, 36, brought their 19-month-old daughter Maren to the march.

"We're just disturbed by everything Trump wants to do," Norton said. Cole said he was pleased Friday's violence had not been repeated.

Thousands of women took to the streets of Sydney, London, Tokyo and other cities in Europe and Asia in "sister marches" against Trump. Women in U.S. cities also protested on the streets.

Although his party now controls both the White House and Congress, Trump faces strong public opposition as he takes office, a period that is typically more of a honeymoon for a new president.

A recent ABC News/Washington Post poll found Trump had the lowest favorability rating of any incoming U.S. president since the 1970s.


Many protesters on Saturday wore knitted pink cat-eared "pussyhats," a reference to Trump's claim in the 2005 video that was made public weeks before the election that he grabbed women by the genitals.

The Washington march featured speakers, celebrity appearances and a protest walk along the National Mall.

In the crowd were well-known figures including Madonna and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who waved to supporters as his walked his yellow Labrador dog, Ben.

Across town, Trump began his first full day as president at an interfaith prayer service in the Washington National Cathedral. The event is traditionally held the morning after inauguration.

He wrote on Twitter on Saturday that "I am honored to serve you, the great American People, as your 45th President of the United States!" but made no mention of the protests.

Crowds filled more than six city blocks of Independence Avenue in downtown Washington, with more people spilling into side streets and additional marchers pouring into the area before midday.

The Washington Metro subway system sent a service alert warning of "system-wide delays due to extremely large crowds." At least one station temporarily closed to new passengers because of the crowds backed up on the platform.

The Metro reported 275,000 rides as of 11 a.m. (1600 GMT) Saturday, 82,000 more than the 193,000 reported at the same time on Friday, the day of Trump's inauguration and eight times normal Saturday volume.

Elizabeth Newton, 59, traveled from Lafayette, California, to attend the march and stayed overnight in Baltimore. When she and her friends arrived at a rail station in that city to try to board a train to Washington, they were overwhelmed by the crowds.

"It was all the way around the block and partway around again. It was extraordinary," Newton said. She and her friends instead opted to spend $106 on a Uber ride in to the city.


While Clinton won the women's vote overall at last November's presidential election, 54 percent of white women backed Trump.

Trump offered few if any olive branches to his opponents in his Friday inauguration speech.

"He has never seemed particularly concerned about people who oppose him, he almost fights against them instinctively," said Neil Levesque, executive director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics.

The lawmakers who Trump will rely on to achieve his policy goals including building a wall on the Mexican border and replacing the 2010 healthcare reform law known as "Obamacare" may be more susceptible to the negative public opinion the march illustrates, Levesque said.

"Members of Congress are very sensitive to the public mood and many of them are down here this week to see him," Levesque said.

Jesse Carlock, 68, a psychologist from Dayton, Ohio was attending her first protest in decades.

"Once Mr. Trump was elected, I decided I needed to get active again, and I hadn't been since the 60s and 70s," Carlock said. "I've got to stand up and be counted as against a lot of what President Trump is saying...about healthcare, immigration, reproductive rights, you name it."

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-22



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Estimates I've heard are over 2 million nationwide.  Over 100,000 in many cities (Boston, Denver, etc.), and over 500,000 in Los Angeles.  Most estimates I've seen were by police department chiefs in the cities in question.  Many of the cities are in "red states."  And I don't think that 2 million + figure includes the many supporting marches in countries around the world.


It's hard to find information on the sheer scope of the march in one place, because much of the mainstream media in the US is ignoring it...Twitter has been the best source for piecing together what's been going on all day, city by city.


One thing is crystal clear: Trump does NOT have the support of the majority of the American people (well, that should have been clear in the weeks after the election, when it became known that 3 million more Americans voted for his opponent than voted for him).  We're off to a good start in showing him (and the world) that.

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Edited by Saastrajaa
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36 minutes ago, Saastrajaa said:


One thing is crystal clear: Trump does NOT have the support of the majority of the American people (well, that should have been clear in the weeks after the election, when it became known that 3 million more Americans voted for his opponent than voted for him). 



Not clear at all. Less than 60% of Americans voted at all and miilons of women who voted for Trump were home working or taking care of their families. He was elected president by a considerable margin. They had no reason to march or protest after a satsifying win.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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29 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Not clear at all. Less than 60% of Americans voted at all and miilons of women who voted for Trump were home working or taking care of their families. He was elected president by a considerable margin. They had no reason to march or protest after a satsifying win.

Once again, your facts are incorrect - Trump did not win "...by a considerable margin." He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.


Clinton      65,844,954 48.32%
Trump      62,979,879 46.22%
Johnson        4,360,873 3.20%
Stein        1,357,013 1.00%
McMullin          747,993 0.55%
Write-ins          545,048 0.40%
Other          437,963 0.32%
Total    136,273,723 100%

Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/voting-statistics/


The only reasons that Trump is president is because of  (A) an archaic voting system which was originally enshrined in the Constitution at the insistence of rural states with smaller populations who feared that slavery would be abolished and (B) massive efforts by states to disenfranchise black, Latino, and other voters who traditionally voted for Democratic candidates.


He enters the White House with the lowest approval rating in history: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/trump-enters-office-historically-low-rating-n708071



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17 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

Once again, your facts are incorrect - Trump did not win "...by a considerable margin." He lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.


Clinton      65,844,954 48.32%
Trump      62,979,879 46.22%
Johnson        4,360,873 3.20%
Stein        1,357,013 1.00%
McMullin          747,993 0.55%
Write-ins          545,048 0.40%
Other          437,963 0.32%
Total    136,273,723 100%

Source: http://www.statisticbrain.com/voting-statistics/


The only reasons that Trump is president is because of  (A) an archaic voting system which was originally enshrined in the Constitution at the insistence of rural states with smaller populations who feared that slavery would be abolished and (B) massive efforts by states to disenfranchise black, Latino, and other voters who traditionally voted for Democratic candidates.


He enters the White House with the lowest approval rating in history: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/first-read/trump-enters-office-historically-low-rating-n708071




  He won 304 electoral votes to 227 electoral votes.  That's the only reason he's president.  You and your whiny liberal friends can cry all day about "popular vote" this or that.....doesn't make a whit of difference.  


  Btw, were those NBC news polls the same ones that were predicting an 80% chance of a Hillary Clinton victory?  How'd that work out?

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Guess who was the women's march organizer.


Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.




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  Can't you opposition guys have any discussion without resorting to name-calling?  It really demeans your argument when  part of your message is "oh yeah, well you're a doo-doo head".  


  You make some fair points about the right to peaceful protest but the childish name-calling overwhelms your point.  (Btw, I love the idea that Roadman is posting in a street protest thread.)  

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1 hour ago, WaywardWind said:

Once again, your facts are incorrect - Trump did not win "...by a considerable margin." 



Wrong. Trump won the electoral vote by a considerable margin and that made him the President. That is the one that counts.

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Trump is honing his ability to respond to criticism and protests by the following methods;


>>>  ignoring it as best he can.  Note: Nixon used to watch NFL games in a soundproof room, when protests took place near the WH against the VN war.


>>> dissing media reports as false, when the reports didn't burnish his ego


>>> putting down the protesters and their leaders


>>> calling out for the failures of businesses which report news.  Trump has done so with the NY Times, and the Washington Post, among many others.


>>>  adding to his burgeoning 'enemies list'


>>>  putting out fake news, thought up by the liars he surrounds himself with.


>>>  calling people and organizations disparaging names.  Just what you'd expect from a person with a bratty vindictive 6-year-old mindset.


Everyone knows there will be many more mass protests, as long as The Divider is in the White House.  His list of odious policy proposals is long and depressing.



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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

They had no reason to march or protest after a satsifying win.


Sure it must be satisfying to win the election and become president; I wonder if his satisfaction is somewhat tinged with bitterness, knowing that more Americans wanted Hillary to be POTUS.

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45 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

That just goes to show how stupid some of these people are. They don't have a clue.

Let me explain it to you: the picture shows a WOMAN, an AMERICAN and a MUSLIM at the same time!

That would be 2 MINORITIES, the Pussygrabber in Chief insulted repeatedly and the NATION, he stole!

It would only be clearer, if she also wore a sombrero!

Got it now?

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2 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Let me explain it to you: the picture shows a WOMAN, an AMERICAN and a MUSLIM at the same time!

That would be 2 MINORITIES, the Pussygrabber in Chief insulted repeatedly and the NATION, he stole!

It would only be clearer, if she also wore a sombrero!

Got it now?


It would be interesting to know how many of those 'victims' voted.

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HUUUUGE overwhelming crowds across the country show up in protest on day 1.

Meanwhile, Trump's ego is in twiddle fingers (tweet+little;) anger management (and SP) mode. Sends out Spicer to lie about small, limp gathering for his flaccid inauguration. Low Energy! Sad!

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1 minute ago, sujoop said:

HUUUUGE overwhelming crowds across the country show up in protest on day 1.

Meanwhile, Trump's ego is in twiddle fingers (tweet+little;) anger management (and SP) mode. Sends out Spicer to lie about small, limp gathering for his flaccid inauguration. Low Energy! Sad!



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4 hours ago, Diplomatico said:



  He won 304 electoral votes to 227 electoral votes.  That's the only reason he's president.  You and your whiny liberal friends can cry all day about "popular vote" this or that.....doesn't make a whit of difference.  


  Btw, were those NBC news polls the same ones that were predicting an 80% chance of a Hillary Clinton victory?  How'd that work out?

He obviously won the EC vote or he wouldn't be there.  Go back and read the comment that I replied to: do you see the words "electoral votes" there? No, neither did I.  The post said he "...was elected by a considerable margin..." and that is simply not correct.

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2 hours ago, rijb said:


Half of Trump supporters wouldn't be expected to 'get it.'  They're intelligence-challenged.  Note:  the 8 states with the most anti-depressant pill-taking were, ....wait for it; .....red states that went for Trump.  Same for the ten states with the most suicides, and most of those suicides were middle-aged white women.  Middle-aged white men came in 2nd.  Trump got the depressed pill-popping middle-aged white peoples' vote.


As for the photo:  It shows that Muslim women can be patriotic to the US also.  They are every much Americans as Trump's family or the billionaire old white men Trump chose to screw the country.







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Proof by anecdote is pretty darn weak, per above.

There is no reality too real to not be ignored and/or distorted by Trump and company. He has made zero effort to bring the country together as act as president for ALL Americans. A president with a bit of concern for the entire country would at least acknowledge that it would be in his interest to at least listen rather than attack and denigrate. But Trump seems to thrive on chaos, it is his element, and he hopes will distract enough so that few notice plutocracy he is seeking to reign with.

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33 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Half of Trump supporters wouldn't be expected to 'get it.'  They're intelligence-challenged.  Note:  the 8 states with the most anti-depressant pill-taking were, ....wait for it; .....red states that went for Trump.  Same for the ten states with the most suicides, and most of those suicides were middle-aged white women.  Middle-aged white men came in 2nd.  Trump got the depressed pill-popping middle-aged white peoples' vote.


As for the photo:  It shows that Muslim women can be patriotic to the US also.  They are every much Americans as Trump's family or the billionaire old white men Trump chose to screw the country.








Get off your high horse.  You didn't get it either.  It's about the link title.

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