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Eight Thai prostitutes arrested in Taiwan were charging 2,500 baht for half an hour


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I worked in Taiwan(Taipei) a few years ago. Its a very expensive place to live.

They do have bars, with ladies of the night. In the hotel I was staying (Lai Lai Sheraton) I asked in the bar of the hotel and the head barman, wrote down in Chinese the name of the road where these bars were.

He wrote in Chinese so the taxi driver could understand, because very few people speak English and fewer can read it.

It was called "Pub Street" . Got there, plenty of bars, so I went into one.

Just like any bar, few girls hanging around. One came over, not bad looking and could speak reasonable English.

So after a few pleasantries, she wanted around $200 USD, for a short time. Needless to say I drank up and walked out.

So 2,500 baht isn't so bad for Taiwan.

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17 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Should you want "professional" female company, just about anywhere, just Google escorts. Or visit clubs; or ask the concierge.


Those who love to pretend Thailand is the largest just haven't traveled or keep their eyes and minds shut. Plenty of whores in China, HK, and all over Asia. Ladies from many Asian countries, South America, Easter Europe. Some probably are independent, making extra spending money or financing studies, but I doubt they all are. Many controlled and get a fraction of what punters pay.

Thriving lady business market in UAE, Qatar and Bahrain. Again various nationalities.


But the countries with very large amounts of prostitutes are those located on the Indian sub-continent. The numbers in India are very large as you'd expect from a country of over a billion people, many of whom live in poverty. I attended a lecture in India 15 years ago in which it said 25% plus of Indian prostitutes were HIV positive. Not the cleanest country by any stretch of the imagination. But the government. state and federal, law enforcement and media help keep it very low profile. Besides. never saw any "sex tourists" or entertainment zones their. All kept quiet.


Then we have the world's largest brothel - located in Cologne in Germany. Perfectly legal and paying taxes. 


I don't judge those who work in the sex industry or those who patronize it. That is their business not mine. I do condemn those who force sex workers against their will, or exploit them, or traffic them and especially those who exploit young people.


But their seems so many Thai bashing idiots posting on social media sights who want to pick Thailand out when the reality is its far from the biggest or worst depending on your point of view.

I understand female company is only a call away.


The point I wanted to put across is that the bar scene in Taiwan is nothing like Thailand there are no girls working the bars who openly advertise their wares (P4P).  Many I imagine like myself probably thought that there is a bargirl scene in Taiwan, don't get me wrong I do know that there a few freelancers in some of the bigger bars but it was not obvious. 


As you pointed out you can find what ever you dream/wish for on the internet



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43 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

I worked in Taiwan(Taipei) a few years ago. Its a very expensive place to live.

They do have bars, with ladies of the night. In the hotel I was staying (Lai Lai Sheraton) I asked in the bar of the hotel and the head barman, wrote down in Chinese the name of the road where these bars were.

He wrote in Chinese so the taxi driver could understand, because very few people speak English and fewer can read it.

It was called "Pub Street" . Got there, plenty of bars, so I went into one.

Just like any bar, few girls hanging around. One came over, not bad looking and could speak reasonable English.

So after a few pleasantries, she wanted around $200 USD, for a short time. Needless to say I drank up and walked out.

So 2,500 baht isn't so bad for Taiwan.

We went the first night we arrived I was expecting party street, a few bars as most have now shut down, a handful of girls working in the bar, one of my mates asked later one about some company.  He wished he never a call was made and the oldest hag you have ever seen turned up...... by that time I was outside laughing my head off.


Forget Taiwan if you are looking for company, go elsewhere. 

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From what I read they had only arrived in Taiwan and were only there two days.

Clearly it was a scam and a set up by the Taiwanese and I expect by a mainland Chinese gang.

I expect they will have their passports taken away and be farmed out as sex worker slaves to the Chinese in China.


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3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

What is the asking price in Thailand?  Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket?

I don't use them, but am interested in what guys are prepared to pay for a shot.

Incidentally, I don't condemn anybody who does, just interested.

I like Gorgeous Cherry an independent Thai Escort in Bangkok.
Google: Gorgeous Cherry Escort Bangkok, and you will find her.
Currently she is running a discount offer: only 19.000 Baht for 2 hours.
Her normal price for 2 hours is otherwise 25.000 Baht.
Where else you can save 6,000 baht within 2 hours.

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3 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

What is the asking price in Thailand?  Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket?

I don't use them, but am interested in what guys are prepared to pay for a shot.

Incidentally, I don't condemn anybody who does, just interested.

Tell them cyberfarang sent you, and they`ll give you a 20% discount.

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12 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

I like Gorgeous Cherry independent Thai Escort in Bangkok.
Google: Gorgeous Cherry Escort Bangkok, and you will find her.
Currently she is running a discount offer: only 19.000 Baht for 2 hours.
Her normal price for 2 hours is otherwise 25.000 Baht.
Where else you can save 6,000 baht within 2 hours.

That MUST be a joke?  A$1,000 for 2 hours?  That's a return business class air fare Melbourne to Bangkok!!

One too many zeros??

I wouldn't be saving anything on Gorgeous Cherry, even If she donated her 'charms'.

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58 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

0That MUST be a joke?  A$1,000 for 2 hours?  That's a return business class air fare Melbourne to Bangkok!!

One too many zeros??

I wouldn't be saving anything on Gorgeous Cherry, even If she donated her 'charms'.

I think (and hope) that Tomacht8 was being sarcastic with his comment. It doesn't cost that much in Vegas.

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55 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

That MUST be a joke?  A$1,000 for 2 hours?  That's a return business class air fare Melbourne to Bangkok!!

One too many zeros??

I wouldn't be saving anything on Gorgeous Cherry, even If she donated her 'charms'.

Nope, the numbers (19.000/25.000) are correct.
Google her page.
But you are right. She priced herself far at the upper end.

Fun-sided I prefer my nymphomaniac private fitnesstrainer woman.
Always exercise units for 4-5 hours nearly non stop.

After I pay her 2000 -2500 Baht in exchange that she goes and leaves me alone before I get a heart attack.
So depending on the exercise unit, intensity and duration, the price varies between 687 - 1250 Baht per shot.:licklips:
Hope that helps with your price researches.:laugh:



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well, in Bkk they charge more, but the difference is, in Taiwan, they pay maybe 50% to a human trafficker, but in Thailand, they must pay 100% to their karaoke-boyfriend or tomboy-pimp...

Wondering why they need to travel to Taiwan to do something which is illegal in both countries, if they dont get more profit ?

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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

Nope, the numbers (19.000/25.000) are correct.
Google her page.
But you are right. She priced herself far at the upper end.

Fun-sided I prefer my nymphomaniac private fitnesstrainer woman.
Always exercise units for 4-5 hours nearly non stop.

After I pay her 2000 -2500 Baht in exchange that she goes and leaves me alone before I get a heart attack.
So depending on the exercise unit, intensity and duration, the price varies between 687 - 1250 Baht per shot.:licklips:
Hope that helps with your price researches.:laugh:



I checked her web page and according to it, she is charging as you say 19,000 baht for 2 hours, for 12 hours 60,000 baht.

The web page looks very professional and it mentions rates are not subject to negotiation.

Lots of pictures, looks like she has had a boob job, at those rates she can afford one. She is good looking, but I have seen better in walking street. 

Lots of escort web sites in Bangkok, the average looks like around 6000 baht for 2 hours, so she is definitely at the far far, out of site end.


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Hi fellow TVF members, I have had a rare look into the future.


These ladies are travelling out of the LoS.


As such, for the period they are out of the Kingdom, they will no longer be subject to the "myopic guidance" that we ( residents) are subjected to on a daily basis.


This promotes the opportunity for these lucky individuals to see life "outside" 


As and when they return, in increasing numbers they may well spread the word of what the outside world is like.


Could this, in time, give sufficient impetus to start the change that is so desperately needed?


Could this be the beginning of the end of life as we accept it out here in the LoS?

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5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

I like Gorgeous Cherry an independent Thai Escort in Bangkok.
Google: Gorgeous Cherry Escort Bangkok, and you will find her.
Currently she is running a discount offer: only 19.000 Baht for 2 hours.
Her normal price for 2 hours is otherwise 25.000 Baht.
Where else you can save 6,000 baht within 2 hours.

I didn`t believe you at first and decided to take a look at this woman`s website myself. Could hardly believe her price tags on there. Wow, have things changed in Thailand since my earliest days here. Even if I were rich and money no object I still would not pay those sums of monies for a session with her. For those prices there would be better deals to have abroad, like the South Americas, China or even Japan where in my opinion the girls are much more beautiful.   


I was actually discussing that escort with my girlfriend and she said although they may make big money in the short time while their youthful looks last, they will live the high life, expensive cars, expensive clothes, expensive jewelry, staying at the most expensive destinations and hotels, there money being spent as quickly as they earn it and by the time they reach a point considered too old for the business, they have nothing left and I think my girlfriend is right. Rarely do these live for today prostitutes end up being rich and successful.

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4 hours ago, mikeymike100 said:

I checked her web page and according to it, she is charging as you say 19,000 baht for 2 hours, for 12 hours 60,000 baht.

The web page looks very professional and it mentions rates are not subject to negotiation.

Lots of pictures, looks like she has had a boob job, at those rates she can afford one. She is good looking, but I have seen better in walking street. 

Lots of escort web sites in Bangkok, the average looks like around 6000 baht for 2 hours, so she is definitely at the far far, out of site end.


If you are looking a little bit more around, you can find pretty escortgirls for 6000 baht for 10 hours with a nice service profile and 3 shots include. Much more valuable than the 30 minutes in Taiwan for 2500, or the 30-45 minutes  walkups in Hong Kong or the soulless 30 minutes encounters in many European cities. Also the Short Time Gogos in Thailand are not particularly appealing and are actuality very expensive (2500ST+600BF+400Drinks+400STHotel).


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2 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

I didn`t believe you at first and decided to take a look at this woman`s website myself. Could hardly believe her price tags on there. Wow, have things changed in Thailand since my earliest days here. Even if I were rich and money no object I still would not pay those sums of monies for a session with her. For those prices there would be better deals to have abroad, like the South Americas, China or even Japan where in my opinion the girls are much more beautiful.   


I was actually discussing that escort with my girlfriend and she said although they may make big money in the short time while their youthful looks last, they will live the high life, expensive cars, expensive clothes, expensive jewelry, staying at the most expensive destinations and hotels, there money being spent as quickly as they earn it and by the time they reach a point considered too old for the business, they have nothing left and I think my girlfriend is right. Rarely do these live for today prostitutes end up being rich and successful.


Anyone who is willing to pay 16/25,000 baht for two hours with a whore needs to go outside and have word with themselves. Do they tell themselves that she is an 'escort' so she is different from a 'whore'

No wonder that some women have no respect for men.

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4 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

If you are looking a little bit more around, you can find pretty escortgirls for 6000 baht for 10 hours with a nice service profile and 3 shots include. Much more valuable than the 30 minutes in Taiwan for 2500, or the 30-45 minutes  walkups in Hong Kong or the soulless 30 minutes encounters in many European cities. Also the Short Time Gogos in Thailand are not particularly appealing and are actuality very expensive (2500ST+600BF+400Drinks+400STHotel).


Everything being relative the wages are higher in Taiwan than Thailand

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14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

I didn`t believe you at first and decided to take a look at this woman`s website myself. Could hardly believe her price tags on there. Wow, have things changed in Thailand since my earliest days here. Even if I were rich and money no object I still would not pay those sums of monies for a session with her. For those prices there would be better deals to have abroad, like the South Americas, China or even Japan where in my opinion the girls are much more beautiful.   


I was actually discussing that escort with my girlfriend and she said although they may make big money in the short time while their youthful looks last, they will live the high life, expensive cars, expensive clothes, expensive jewelry, staying at the most expensive destinations and hotels, there money being spent as quickly as they earn it and by the time they reach a point considered too old for the business, they have nothing left and I think my girlfriend is right. Rarely do these live for today prostitutes end up being rich and successful.

I agree. I think the only customers she will get at those ridiculous prices are businessmen, in Bangkok for a few days with an expense account. The price she is charging is more like you would pay in New York or Paris, not Bangkok where there are literally hundreds of escort agencies, that charge a quarter of the price, for the same service.

I definitely agree about the Japanese women!

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On 1/26/2017 at 2:52 AM, F4UCorsair said:

What is the asking price in Thailand?  Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket?

I don't use them, but am interested in what guys are prepared to pay for a shot.

Incidentally, I don't condemn anybody who does, just interested.

Lowest price you will find in Bkk is 2-3000 Baht for ST, 1-2 hours (allegedly)

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 6:05 AM, catinthehat said:

Reminds me of the freelancers discussing their Korean customers. Referred to them as "333's".

3 inches - 3 minutes - 3 thousand Pesos.

Angeles City, Philipines.  The Ozie mongers have major hump because Koreans taking the best looking crumpet out of the bars in van loads.

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