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Despite no evidence, White House says Trump stands by voter fraud belief


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BS.  I watched the full press conference with Press Secretary Spicer and that was not what he said.  The media kept beating on that topic just like the crowd size issue.  Spicer wanted to move the conference on to issues that had occurred over since the 20th.  And his comment to all three questions by different reporter was to paraphrase, "that is how the President feels and that all that's to it, let move on."  So the MSM ignores everything else that was said in the press conference in order to concentrate on an issue that they simply don't want to address at the moment.  As the MSM keeps these antics up they become more and more irrelevant. 

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It's very relevant that the most powerful man on the planet believes conspiracy theory garbage. Not surprising in trump's case considering his closeness to bizarre advisors Fynn and Bannon. This is really scary stuff. Totally new ground. 


Of course, hard core trumpists aren't interested in MSM (except Fox) considering the way trump started his political career, with totally fake conspiracy theory racist birther movement. Trump has not changed and he's clearly not capable of changing. Whatever strange thing he is ... that's what the world has to deal with for as long as he lasts in that office.

Edited by Jingthing
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Both sides are wrong on this particular topic. Trump is wrong for saying 3-5 million voted illegally with absolutely no proof. The detractors are wrong in stating that there was ZERO voter fraud with people not eligible to vote casting ballots.

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The thing is Donald just backed himself into a corner, because this investigation will find nothing. What does he say then???

I would normally agree but these are no longer normal times. Trump is in charge of the investigation. It remains to be seen who does the investigating and how it is carried out. With what has already happened in the last week the investigators may well be told the required result of their investigation before they even start.
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19 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

Really, have never heard of a sore winner  before


He disparages many groups, makes racist statements, insults women, blames the media, lies and then wonders why no one likes him;  pathological narcissism at play here




Trump either has real problems, or he's a genius...because while the media was again hammering the crowd size issue, Trump quietly made some important decisions that were barely mentioned in the mainstream media...Trump won't change, so I hope that the media begins to sort what is important vs what is trivial...

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5 hours ago, connda said:

BS.  I watched the full press conference with Press Secretary Spicer and that was not what he said.  The media kept beating on that topic just like the crowd size issue.  Spicer wanted to move the conference on to issues that had occurred over since the 20th.  And his comment to all three questions by different reporter was to paraphrase, "that is how the President feels and that all that's to it, let move on."  So the MSM ignores everything else that was said in the press conference in order to concentrate on an issue that they simply don't want to address at the moment.  As the MSM keeps these antics up they become more and more irrelevant. 

Right. It's the media that's doing the antics.

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12 hours ago, Gary A said:

Interesting website.  I'll stick with politifact.  The one above is owned by the John Birch Society:



The John Birch Society (JBS) is, in its own words, a conservative advocacy group supporting anti-communism and limited government.[2][3][4] It has been described as a radical right and far-right organization.[5][6][7][8]


From Politifact link above:



Trump’s unsupported claim about voter fraud in California may also draw on misinformation about two recent state laws: AB 60, which allows undocumented immigrants to obtain state driver’s licenses; and the New Motor Voter Act, which by mid-2017 will automatically register citizens to vote when they obtain or renew a driver’s license.


The automatic registration only applies to citizens who are already eligible to vote, not to undocumented immigrants. Padilla, California’s secretary of state, has said the new system would require potential voters to show identification such as a birth certificate or passport to reflect their citizenship before they are registered.



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9 hours ago, howto said:

^^^ Yes


Note: this is voter fraud, not election fraud.

Totally True. Dozens of examples.

Voter Fraud also includes 'Absentee Ballots'.


I do want this issue investigated.

You know who doesn't want this issue investigated? Republicans. In all the so called voter fraud bills they've passed, absentee ballots have never been targeted.  You know why? Because absentee ballots tend to favor Republicans.

And voting experts say if there's anywhere that the possibility of fraud is greatest, it's the case of absentee ballots.

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5 hours ago, Ahab said:

Both sides are wrong on this particular topic. Trump is wrong for saying 3-5 million voted illegally with absolutely no proof. The detractors are wrong in stating that there was ZERO voter fraud with people not eligible to vote casting ballots.

Except that I can't find anyone reputable who claims that there was zero voter fraud. And your claiim is ridiculous. I mean if there was just 1 voter fraud case out of over 120 million votes cast, that would invalidate the overwhelming findings that there was no significant voter fraud? Nice try at setting up a straw man. But your scarecrow isn't frightening anybody.

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5 hours ago, Ahab said:

Both sides are wrong on this particular topic. Trump is wrong for saying 3-5 million voted illegally with absolutely no proof. The detractors are wrong in stating that there was ZERO voter fraud with people not eligible to vote casting ballots.

I've not seen a report from a government agency stating there was ZERO fraud.  But have seen statements from them saying it's pretty much impossible to have 3-5 million illegal votes.


2 hours ago, alanrchase said:


I would normally agree but these are no longer normal times. Trump is in charge of the investigation. It remains to be seen who does the investigating and how it is carried out. With what has already happened in the last week the investigators may well be told the required result of their investigation before they even start.


Actually, the voting is handled by the states, not the federal government.  Most states do assessments every few years and none have found massive fraud.  He's really upsetting a lot of states with his ridiculous claims.  He looks more and more like a fool with each passing day...

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Expanding on how INSIDIOUS this big lie / fake facts president really is. The U.S. democracy and constitution will face a historic test of it's very existence in the face of such evil in the white house. There are no guarantees they will pass this test. See how the republican party, which trump managed a HOSTILE takeover of, has already almost completely CAVED to the orange emperor. I think many Americans thought we were better than this kind of thing. Turns out, we are not.


Sure, a resistance has developed and it is growing rapidly. But will it be enough against the awesome power of TOTAL control of the government? 










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Voter suppression, Russian and rogue FBI efforts and gerrymandering probably skewed both the popular and electoral vote totals more than any "fraud"?


Nate Silver estimates that as few as 77,000 votes, in three swing states, probably shifted the electoral vote in Trump's favor.


It may be decades before we know the full details of Trump's "victory". unless a few "deep-throats" come forward before they reach they ends of their lives?


I'm sure those close to the President have, perhaps guardedly, advised him to let this obsession with the popular vote go; after all assuming any significant voter fraud, who's to say it didn't benefit him? And why even open that box? 

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All he is saying is this- people keep on saying Clinton won by three million votes. Well, if that was the case, then they were stolen votes. I am the president. Nobody can take that away from me. If they want to keep bringing up the fact that she won the popular vote, than I will make up this story that the election was rigged. Most people believe everything I say anyway, so why not try to convince some that this is the truth? And besides, in my parallel universe, it is true. Everything I say is true. That is why I say it. Would I say it if it was not true? Did you not hear what my press secretary just told the media? That everything this administration says, will be true? So? Why are you still questioning me? I have spent my entire career building a sterling reputation. Ask any small contractor who has worked with me if I did not honor my promises. Ask anyone I have done deals with. They will all tell you what a stand up man I am. My honor is huuuuuge. 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

All he is saying is this- people keep on saying Clinton won by three million votes. Well, if that was the case, then they were stolen votes. I am the president. Nobody can take that away from me. If they want to keep bringing up the fact that she won the popular vote, than I will make up this story that the election was rigged. Most people believe everything I say anyway, so why not try to convince some that this is the truth? And besides, in my parallel universe, it is true. Everything I say is true. That is why I say it. Would I say it if it was not true? Did you not hear what my press secretary just told the media? That everything this administration says, will be true? So? Why are you still questioning me? I have spent my entire career building a sterling reputation. Ask any small contractor who has worked with me if I did not honor my promises. Ask anyone I have done deals with. They will all tell you what a stand up man I am. My honor is huuuuuge. 

Wow!  It's like you live in his head.  :tongue:

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Tiffany Trump, Bannon and Mnuchin, all registered in two states during election, would be targets in President's voter fraud probe


President Trump’s “voter fraud” investigation could hit awfully close to home.


"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states,” Trump tweeted Wednesday — apparently unaware that his daughter Tiffany Trump, Chief White House Strategist Stephen Bannon and Treasury Secretary pick Steven Mnuchin were all reportedly registered to vote in two states during the 2016 election.


It is not illegal to be registered to vote in more than one state. It is, however, illegal to cast a ballot for the same election in more than one state. There’s no indication that Trump, Bannon or Mnuchin did so.


President Trump has repeatedly confused the two issues and complained that widespread vote fraud was the reason he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton — a criticism that has been debunked.


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11 hours ago, hdkane said:

Trump either has real problems, or he's a genius...because while the media was again hammering the crowd size issue, Trump quietly made some important decisions that were barely mentioned in the mainstream media...Trump won't change, so I hope that the media begins to sort what is important vs what is trivial...

About trump's mental condition ... is it possible to be both crazy crazy AND crazy like a FOX (news?) at the very same time? In any case, it's well documented that trump loves to keep people he's dealing with ON EDGE all the time with his unpredictably and HEAD GAMES. Now he gets to play that game with the entire world. 

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Time will tell. How are the rabid democrats going to react when an independent audit reveals that Kalifornia encouraged and helped Illegals to vote? No way would Kalifornia report honestly. Hopefully the truth will be revealed.

And there are the excuses already. Don't like the result of the enquiry, blame it on dishonest reporting.

Sent from my ROBBY using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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23 hours ago, howto said:

^^^ Yes


Note: this is voter fraud, not election fraud.

Totally True. Dozens of examples.

Voter Fraud also includes 'Absentee Ballots'.


I do want this issue investigated.

I don't think any illegal is dumb enough to expose themselves by voting.

This is a load of rubbish.


And as for California, why bother?

Anyone who thinks there is any merit in this absurd claim must be delusional.

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48 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Time will tell. How are the rabid democrats going to react when an independent audit reveals that Kalifornia encouraged and helped Illegals to vote? No way would Kalifornia report honestly. Hopefully the truth will be revealed.

I think the rabid one is the person pursuing this nonsense, even though he's already been inaugurated.

The bloke can't stand being ridiculed.

Best strap himself in, there's plenty more to come with the material he keeps chucking out.



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This issue yet another case highlighting the elephant in the Oval room -- credible people are seriously questioning President trump's MENTAL STATE.


Republicans are openly considering Donald Trump's 'emotional stability', says Carl Bernstein

'People are saying that his psyche is driving the news cycle'


Bernstein was speaking on CNN late on Wednesday night, when he revealed there was “open discussion” among Republicans about Mr Trump’s fitness to rule.

Mr Trump has continued to repeat unfounded claims that between three and five million illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election, helping sway the result of the popular vote against him. There is no evidence to support such allegations, and they have been met with dismay by senior Republicans.

Bernstein said discussions going on in Washington this week were “unlike anything I have seen in 50 years as a reporter”



That's the polite way of putting it. It's been clear to so many of us for quite awhile the man is INSANE.





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Trump is claiming that 3 - 5 million votes were cast illegally. 


Almost 140,000,000 people voted on or before Nov 8.  5 million would be about 3.6% of those voters, or about 1 out of every 30 people. 


While the voting system in the US isn't perfect, it is pretty good.  If there is an investigation, I would be extremely surprised if the number of illegal votes exceeds 1 in 300 votes, or 0.3%. 


Of course, there is always the possibility that Trumps already knows this and is just making a lot of noise to distract us from his executive orders that are dismantling our already defective public health care system, wasting money on a southern border wall, muzzling various govt. agencies, etc...

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3 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

Trump is claiming that 3 - 5 million votes were cast illegally. 


Almost 140,000,000 people voted on or before Nov 8.  5 million would be about 3.6% of those voters, or about 1 out of every 30 people. 


While the voting system in the US isn't perfect, it is pretty good.  If there is an investigation, I would be extremely surprised if the number of illegal votes exceeds 1 in 300 votes, or 0.3%. 


Of course, there is always the possibility that Trumps already knows this and is just making a lot of noise to distract us from his executive orders that are dismantling our already defective public health care system, wasting money on a southern border wall, muzzling various govt. agencies, etc...

I read that in the previous 10 general elections to this one in the USA  - so lets say 1.2 ish Billion votes there were 11 confirmed cases of illegal voting/voting fraud. Do the maths but the percentage is a '.' followed by a lot of zero's. Kind of tiny !


The facts are out there, I am just a bit busy to dig up a reference right now but the truth is out there Scully!

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This more than falsehood, more than mere lie. It is outright, unashamed, blatant, in-your-face BS.

You can't just counter this with mere facts. Reporters in the WH press pool need to laugh out loud when they hear such BS. In their reporting, after stating the actual facts, they need to redicule the heck outta this kind of BS.

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On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 3:22 PM, ilostmypassword said:

Except that I can't find anyone reputable who claims that there was zero voter fraud. And your claiim is ridiculous. I mean if there was just 1 voter fraud case out of over 120 million votes cast, that would invalidate the overwhelming findings that there was no significant voter fraud? Nice try at setting up a straw man. But your scarecrow isn't frightening anybody.

It is not ridiculous I watch the US news every night (multiple stations from very liberal to conservative) and those claiming there is zero voter fraud are too numerous to document and that makes me think that your search was incomplete or not very thorough. Possible they mean to say no "wide spread" voter fraud that would or could the election outcome, but that is not what they say. However, they say no voter fraud.


The following is from a Huffington post article on the topic (I do not usually use the Huffington Post to get my news), "Trump and his administration frequently cite a 2012 Pew study in support of his unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud. But the author, David Becker, has said that Trump’s team misconstrued his paper and that researchers found no cases of voter fraud."


So clearly if a quick 10 second search of Bing found an example of that has been said to be ridiculous,  straw man, and scarecrow maybe the example is none of those things. Maybe it is just possible that it was just an accurate portrayal of what is on the nightly news in the USA when discussing this topic.


Back to my original post on this topic it is ridiculous for President Trump to claim 3-5 million people voted illegally is ridiculous and it is equally ridiculous when anyone claims there was zero voter fraud.

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