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Despite no evidence, White House says Trump stands by voter fraud belief


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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

You're fighting a losing battle.  Sure, you can get a fake ID pretty much anywhere.  Or make one yourself.  But there are significant consequences and easily proven fake.  California cops aren't dummies and check the data on their computer inside the car. 




Time to move on with regards to this one....

Occum Bacon would turn over in his grave if he read today's Interent.


There are 3 to 5 million illegal immigrants in the state of California, that is a staggering number.

California is very advanced, developed computers, Ethernet, and Elon launches  his rockets there.


Occum's razor. What is the reason illegal immigrants are still there against the law? 1) The state, the police, and the democratic party that controls the state are incapable?  or 2) they allow it? 


Occum says: They allow it!  The reasoning needed to explain that they don't would fill volumes. But we already know this, sanctuary cities, driver's licenses, etc.


Given that they allow this massive illegal activity, do you think that the political party running the state  works hard to suppress illegal voting, which  they know favors them? 


Occum would just say: LOL!


Note: Elon Musk immigrated legally to the US.

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Having lived in California for most of my life, I can tell you it's not that they are allowing it.  It's a massively complex and difficult task to manage this.  They cross the borders without being detected.  They are housed in areas with lots of other LEGAL immigrants.  Easy to get a job and work as police don't go door to door and check your immigration status.  It's just too hard to do.


They deport illegals all the time.  I've been at the border when these buses come and drop them off.


Guaranteed, they don't allow illegal drivers licenses to be used.  If caught, you could be in serious trouble.

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3 hours ago, Bulldozer Dawn said:

Very interesting article worth reading:


Donald Trump is Already at War



I read it, and for anyone else who might be tempted to waste their time here's the summary: the MSM is waging war on Donald Trump.  Such a novel observation and such nonsense. Trump's biggest enemy is how own mouth.

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On 2017-01-25 at 5:25 PM, Andaman Al said:

Well this is your LUCKY DAY !!!





The thing is Donald just backed himself into a corner, because this investigation will find nothing. What does he say then???









Republican voter fraud. Trump is in the corner allright.


Edited by Skywalker69
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16 minutes ago, namasata said:

Don't blame the "illegals" for trying to get a better life ... Blame the people that hire them .
Like trump

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

I don't know that there's any evidence that Trump hires illegals. What we do know is that he abuses the H1B visa program to get low wage workers from abroad when there are Americans willing to do the same work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Somebody close to him needs to tell him again and again that he won, and to let it go...now he claims he lost NH because thousands of people were bused in from Massachusetts to vote. :unsure:



Trump brings up vote fraud again, this time in meeting with senators


'An uncomfortable silence' momentarily overtook the room, said one participant.


President Donald Trump can’t stop—won’t stop—talking about the election. On Thursday, during a meeting with 10 senators that was billed as a listening session about Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, the president went off on a familiar tangent, suggesting again that he was a victim of widespread voter fraud, despite the fact that he won the presidential election.


As soon as the door closed and the reporters allowed to observe for a few minutes had been ushered out, Trump began to talk about the election, participants said, triggered by the presence of former New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who lost her reelection bid in November and is now working for Trump as a Capitol Hill liaison, or “Sherpa,” on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch.


The president claimed that he and Ayotte both would have been victorious in the Granite State if not for the “thousands” of people who were “brought in on buses” from neighboring Massachusetts to “illegally” vote in New Hampshire.



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Federal Election Commission demands Trump turn over evidence of voter fraud 'immediately'


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A member of the Federal Election Commission on Friday called on President Donald Trump to share any evidence he has to support a statement that voter fraud caused him and former Senator Kelly Ayotte to lose in New Hampshire in the 2016 U.S. election.

“The scheme the President of the United States alleges would constitute thousands of felony criminal offenses under New Hampshire law,” FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraubsaid in a statement.

Weintraub, who was appointed by former Republican President George W. Bush, asked Trump to "immediately share his evidence with the public and with the appropriate law-enforcement authorities so that his allegations may be investigated promptly and thoroughly."


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Federal Election Commission demands Trump turn over evidence of voter fraud 'immediately'


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A member of the Federal Election Commission on Friday called on President Donald Trump to share any evidence he has to support a statement that voter fraud caused him and former Senator Kelly Ayotte to lose in New Hampshire in the 2016 U.S. election.

“The scheme the President of the United States alleges would constitute thousands of felony criminal offenses under New Hampshire law,” FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraubsaid in a statement.

Weintraub, who was appointed by former Republican President George W. Bush, asked Trump to "immediately share his evidence with the public and with the appropriate law-enforcement authorities so that his allegations may be investigated promptly and thoroughly."


One more official's head on the chopping block.

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Don't forget the dead people voting, twice, in more than one state. Bloody zombies, no brains to feast on with Trump voters so they had to roam.


So 3 - 5 million illegal votes were cast: 100% for HRC in states where she won by a wide margin. Not one single "illegal" vote was cast for Trump? What good would that do? (I mean other than to get under the Orange-One's thin skin.)


Millions of illegals risked Felony charges, both to register and to cast votes? Why? (Oh, right, George Soros or the Rothschilds paid them.)


Are there dead people still registered? Yes. Did they vote? Of course not.

Are people registered in more than one location? Yes. Did they vote in more than one location? No. (Well a few Trump supporters evidently did.)


Seriously if you think there was wide-spread vote fraud then demand a congressional investigation. (The obvious places to commit voter fraud would have been PA, WI and MI, where Trump prevailed with ~ 77,000 votes in total.)


Any bus(es) bringing Massachusetts voters back from voting in NH would have stopped for liquor and fireworks. I guess they would have left the dead people in NH?

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