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Family of Brit gunned down in Pattaya say they have no idea why he was targeted


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5 minutes ago, BigFun said:

Probably their beer glasses that makes them so short sighted. 

Its obviously not the car driver thats been hung drawn a quartered for being a murderer


Just look at the CCTV on stickboy and the Mirror website, i was dismissive a couple of hours ago until i put the pieces together, you really could not get anything more conclusive against these 2.


Guilty as sin.

Edited by ffaarraanngg
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4 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

Depends on the type of website that is being built, for a small marketing site you can often get away with outsourcing the design and get fair results - so long as you're not too concerned about the fact that often the design isn't especially original (and occasionally simply stolen, to the point of risking legal action)


On the other hand, if an organisation is trying to build a global brand akin to, for example, Airbnb, or indeed attempting to reimagine the visual language of a well known entity, then a highly communicative and qualified creative is desirable.

Someone with the ability to incorporate requirements from a multitude of stakeholders that often have conflicting motivations (performance focused engineers vs advertising managers for example - the latter tend to want to throw banners everywhere), the language skills and confidence to push back in a diplomatic and considered manner when they feel strongly about a design decision that is questioned, the ability to identify and consider a variety of user personas when determining the target audience and the disparate requirements of a service that those users may have and then construct wireframes and user journeys for each of those personas. These are just some examples of the facets of a design process that don't tend to occur when outsourcing.

There can be quite a bit to it when building a large scale website or application that is intended for widespread usage.

A similar scenario occurs in development - plenty of dev work gets outsourced to India for very low hourly rates, yet many organisations choose not to do this and opt to pay increasingly extravagant salaries and bonuses, and offer golden handshakes and equity to a relatively small pool of experienced western developers. The Indian devs who are top of their game tend to get imported to the US on a H1B and a high salary - I know a few of them too, some great programmers.

Having worked with projects that have fallen way off the rails after being outsourced, to the point they needed completely rebuilding, I can understand why many companies opt to not do so, or only do so for maintenance work. Worst issue I discovered was a url injection attack that enabled anyone with the technical knowledge to access all the production database content, or wipe it all just by adding a parameter to a url. Peanuts often === monkeys.

What do you charge for a quality website? ?

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In the Daily Mirror, Brit and a South African suspected of being the murderers.

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/british-man-suspected-being-involved-9691921#rlabs=5 rt$sitewide p$14


Suppose with all these Farlang criminals working and entering Thailand that it means I`ll need to fill out yet another extra form for my yearly visa extension to try and prove I`m worthy to stay in Thailand in the good guys in, bad guys out scheme.

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5 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

In the Daily Mirror, Brit and a South African suspected of being the murderers.

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/british-man-suspected-being-involved-9691921#rlabs=5 rt$sitewide p$14


Suppose with all these Farlang criminals working and entering Thailand that it means I`ll need to fill out yet another extra form for my yearly visa extension to try and prove I`m worthy to stay in Thailand in the good guys in, bad guys out scheme.

Its "farang".


But if i was a Thai citizen i'd want stricter controls, surely if you're living a normal life its in your interest to get rid of the filth.


Though it does seem the stricter the rules have got the more scumbags have come to stay in LOS.

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Its "farang".
But if i was a Thai citizen i'd want stricter controls, surely if you're living a normal life its in your interest to get rid of the filth.
Though it does seem the stricter the rules have got the more scumbags have come to stay in LOS.

I reckon Thai people have enough going on with their own criminals to be concerned about foreign ones.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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13 minutes ago, ffaarraanngg said:

Its "farang".


But if i was a Thai citizen i'd want stricter controls, surely if you're living a normal life its in your interest to get rid of the filth.


Though it does seem the stricter the rules have got the more scumbags have come to stay in LOS.

What you fail to realise is, Farlang criminals operating in Thailand need the cooperation of Thais to conduct their criminal activities. They could not work alone or solely as foreign criminal gangs without the assistance of corrupt Thai officials that for payments can pull strings for them and the use of Thai names to front their businesses. So in fact their Thai associates could be considered as the worse of the bunch who are paving the ways for foreign criminals in the country.

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

well you might think that and I would not be critical of your opinion which you are entitled too, but my opinion differs somewhat from yours, the main reason is the fact that he was driving a big red porsche  which to me would be pretty much hard to mistake it for a Blue Toyota, in my opinion identity was not an issue, whoever did this got the target 100% correct


It might also be worth noting that this hit could have come from outside Thailand but that is speculation on my part, the other thing that stands out to me is the fact that his sister never once mentioned what he did for a living - past or present, all she said was he was dedicated to his family and kids - on her part that to me is a huge omission - maybe something she did not want to mention.


anyway I hope the police here get to the bottom of this

The hitman may have had no idea what a Porsche is.


Again, you continue to speculate when I simply added another possibility to your self-acclaimed possible reasons.

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Lots of speculation here, he left the UK with very little money and made a huge amount quickly in "Stocks and shares". He was not from a wealthy family so hasn't inherited it. I have my own opinion of how you make that sort of money in stocks and shares!

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2 hours ago, smedly said:


your only contribution to this topic is to come on here like a (deleted) and criticize or disagree with what everyone else is saying just seemingly for the sake of your own believed self importance, there is a name for that - go get medical help before it's too late

People with that diagnosis have gone on to be leader of a certain large nation.

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On 25/01/2017 at 8:01 PM, Ratcher said:

Looks like he was involved with the big boys and it all went sour. If you play with fire you're going to get burned. 

Its exactly what it looks like.. oh wait, could have been a case of mistaken identity of course!! :shock1:

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On 1/25/2017 at 3:48 PM, wavemanwww said:

From reading many falang comments here. If those I refer to are on a jury if I'm charged for murder,just because of the car I drive , I would receive the death penalty without listening to the FACTS. So for those iI refer to go get f,,,,ked. and hope you get busted for something you did not do or may not have done! Judge jury an executioner all in one. Some of you. Get a life

Wouldn't life be a little boring if we had to have solid facts before commenting on something? I am guessing the guy was involved in something more than IT and probably less than legal, if I'm wrong what harm is done?

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On 26/01/2017 at 8:04 AM, ffaarraanngg said:

I really have no idea what goes through the minds of you people, i used to think women were all man, but they're nothing when it comes to western expats on Thaivisa.

Your opening 5 words says it all.


nuff said



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14 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Wouldn't life be a little boring if we had to have solid facts before commenting on something? I am guessing the guy was involved in something more than IT and probably less than legal, if I'm wrong what harm is done?

Agreed, no harm, that's what these forums are for right, opinions and speculations, otherwise half the threads would not make it past the first page, yet it still hits a nerve with some people. TIT

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33 minutes ago, freethinker said:

You'd have to be incredibly naive to still believe he was a legitimate business man or a contractor. He ran a penny stock rip-off joint and his criminal life finally caught up to him. I hope this will give his victims some satisfaction. 


Yes, satisfaction to victims, financial recovery to poor pensioners who lost everything. Is it possible that his assets could be liquidated and partial payment to victims at least? There were so many naive and unwise victims, poor souls !

Good his children young enough not to have learned the trade of his " work" or we would have "boiler rooms " in every city within 20 yrs 

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On 1/26/2017 at 1:57 AM, rwdrwdrwd said:
On 1/25/2017 at 6:08 PM, penco said:

Nonsense. I know plenty of well paid IT contractors and web designers are probably one of the least sought after skill areas.


On 1/26/2017 at 2:40 AM, rwdrwdrwd said:
On 1/26/2017 at 2:29 AM, F4UCorsair said:

It's' interesting you give those sorts of numbers for potential earnings.   

 I suspect one of you guys is talking about trained, professional, well recognized website developers and the other is talking about guys with a few months of experience and hanging out a shingle- or rather, promoting themselves on their own product.


May as well get into the discussion of starving wannabe actors and then bring up Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz to show that actors make tons of money.


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Web design is a very broad and ambiguous description.  Many people design a web page, but many are simple static pages, literally built from pasting a Word documet as html.  Now if he is maintaining a large corporate website or order online website with thousands of transactions a day or embedded calcuators etc, that is something else.  I am pretty sure he does not do that.  All accounts point to all the bad things he was doing and he got called out on it.  Cars 4 houses, etc.  Just a matter of time before something happened.  The guy got greedy.  He seems to have the skills of a salesman and if he had been smart he could have organized investments and investors into legit things.  But he got seduced by the dark side.  zero sympathy

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17 hours ago, Straight8 said:

Agreed, no harm, that's what these forums are for right, opinions and speculations, otherwise half the threads would not make it past the first page, yet it still hits a nerve with some people. TIT

well done Straight8, thats the best post ive read for days

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On 26/01/2017 at 1:57 AM, rwdrwdrwd said:


Having worked for 20 years in the industry, I know personally at least ten contract 'web designers' or 'ui designers' or 'graphic designers' that regularly have contracts with UK orgs on a 350 - 400/day GBP rate and 4 or 5 on around 800 USD with US orgs, and a number of them work remotely.

The biggest earner in that field that I know is an extremely talented guy (world class) German guy in his mid twenties that is on 200k USD in a long term rolling contract with a Bay area startup. He worked remotely from Bangkok until very recently. He does have some good ui dev skills as well to be fair, which helps bump his rate.

These are all very experienced and highly talented individuals of course, but their rates certainly are not low as you claim - plenty of well paid web design contracts on offer https://www.cwjobs.co.uk/jobs/ui-designer?Sort=4

Not that I think this guy was earning his income from web design..

[Fx: Zippp...]

25 years experience of working in IT.


Which is generally utterly irrelevant as I know loads of colleagues with less than 10 years experience who earn way more than me.


I don't dispute that some web designers (UI design wasn't what was mentioned originally and commands more) can earn good wedge, a lot don't though and in fact the majority don't.


ERM pays telephone number salaries as does Oracle architect, Storage specialists and Cisco CCIE (especially CTI specialists). Most of these chaps (inevitably very male dominated) don't "get out of bed" for less than £1K a day. Which is hilarious when they turn up on site and no one's prepared for them and they can't go into the data centre "white space" without H&S training (for those specialisms that need physical access to kit). So they sit drinking coffee and perusing Jobserve on their laptop on £££'s day rate waiting for the client to sort themselves out, which normally takes a couple of days. :D


Not dissing your knowledge, you're right, excellent web dev guys are rare and worth their rate but I'm wishing to counter the general perception that web devs are automatically rinsing it, most aren't in my experience.


For real print your own money earnings though, nothing comes close to barristers especially contract law and patent attorneys. Incredible hourly rates. :)

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20 minutes ago, penco said:

[Fx: Zippp...]

25 years experience of working in IT.


Which is generally utterly irrelevant as I know loads of colleagues with less than 10 years experience who earn way more than me.


I don't dispute that some web designers (UI design wasn't what was mentioned originally and commands more) can earn good wedge, a lot don't though and in fact the majority don't.


ERM pays telephone number salaries as does Oracle architect, Storage specialists and Cisco CCIE (especially CTI specialists). Most of these chaps (inevitably very male dominated) don't "get out of bed" for less than £1K a day. Which is hilarious when they turn up on site and no one's prepared for them and they can't go into the data centre "white space" without H&S training (for those specialisms that need physical access to kit). So they sit drinking coffee and perusing Jobserve on their laptop on £££'s day rate waiting for the client to sort themselves out, which normally takes a couple of days. :D


Not dissing your knowledge, you're right, excellent web dev guys are rare and worth their rate but I'm wishing to counter the general perception that web devs are automatically rinsing it, most aren't in my experience.


For real print your own money earnings though, nothing comes close to barristers especially contract law and patent attorneys. Incredible hourly rates. :)

I can understand what "rwdrwdrwd" is saying - web design covers a vast array of elements from the very simple to the extremely complex - it literally has no boundaries, anyone with little training or education can throw together what looks like an impressive artistic multipage affair or companies businesses banks governments go well beyond that and use them to front multiple databases etc and they form the front end for all aspects of their business at an Enterprise level from ERM - Manufacturing - Customer service -  order management the list is endless and can supply total end to end business solutions, it will involve the integration of multiple program languages and skillsets that are unlimited in complexity and function. 


In this case (the criminals) they likely had several websites to support their criminal activities in an attempt to legitimise what they claimed to be an investment company showing a pile of bogus information in order to convince people they were above board, nothing complex - just convincing

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Why the continuing discussion on what a website guy earns ? It has come to pass that the guy didn't actually have a website design business, or even a fake website design business. Thats what his wife "thought" he was doing.

Edited by Peterw42
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