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Three teenagers dead after motorcycle collision with 22 wheeler in Udon


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3 on bike illegal Those bloody tut tuts are a menace They drive on left side of road and all of sudden they decide hey we better drive on the road. R.I P kids If this bloody police force did there job maybe u be alive today So the carosel will go on Die Die Die who cares

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One of my favorite quotes has long been "focus on the solution, not the problem"


So we have a "skylad" piece of crap generally ignoring all rules of the road at others expense, as usual - driving a vehicle that should never be on a public road in the first place, solution ban all of them! Not going to happen!

We have a cement truck, being in a large vehicle with most likely a "tea money" driving license he has no driving standards or formal training, hell - be lucky if he can read his only interest is getting from A to B in the shortest time possible, solution - training and "policing" to ensure adherence, not going to happen is it!

Then we have three "temporary citizens" on a bike looking for an accident and have no expectation of one could actually happening to them! solution, parents, did they give a monkeys - obviously not! training - none, policing - none, doubt a crash helmet or safety gear would have done any good in this instance, but who knows? thats the tip of the iceberg.............

So whats going to happen in the future given all that could be done to prevent recurrence? - zilch, Nada, nothing? Maybe? a little lip service!!

RIP kids................


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14 hours ago, Get Real said:

Back home, they'd have been tooling around in Mom's SUV and we'd be reading about a scary brush with death- not 3 fatalities.


I sure hope Thailand's economy gets to the point where ordinary people can afford cars instead of scooters.


Edit:  Though I don't look forward to the gridlock.


14 hours ago, Get Real said:

I think it´s much better that people here learn to go by the same traffic rules, instead of taking away some types of veicles. Just don´t compete with an 18-wheeler at the same time it´s passing another driver.
I believe that most rules in most countries does not allow double over taking as a regular behaviour.

Not even a word of condolences to the families of the victims........Classy people

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6 hours ago, sioux2012 said:


Not even a word of condolences to the families of the victims........Classy people

I was commenting on the news and what is obviously the cause of the accident. Has nothing to do with if classy or not.
I really do not think that they read Thai Visa either, so what will be the point to give condolences to people that neither see or hear them?
Seems like the first thing you thought about was commenting negative on other posters, instead of your important condolences that came a post after.

Edited by Get Real
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23 hours ago, Titan1962 said:

First thing I see the ages. 16/15. Not sure what the legal age here is for a bike.?

second thing 3 on a Scooby, on a highway.

I understand the economy and not everyone can afford a car or a motor vehicle. But that's the same as a lot of European countries. But the main difference is there are laws regarding licences and age to obtain. Until these laws are enforced by the  police these unnecessary and countless loss of life will continue. It' won't stop all the deaths,but it definitely will help.

I remember the first accident I saw here,4 dead bodies on a road at sisaket,my heart sunk and I felt sick. Now after only 2 yrs,I have become accustomed to it. Very sad that I now just think oh well. Maybe taking on the Thai attitude.

the only thing it has done for me,made me a lot more aware of my surroundings when I am on my bike.

RIP young ladies. 

15 is the required age children cant have a motorcycle driver license but I think very few parents bothers to do the process with their kids.

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On 1/29/2017 at 0:59 PM, Titan1962 said:

second thing 3 on a Scooby, on a highway.

Sadly, what was the tuk tuk doing on the HWY?  Someone was impatient, I could be very wrong but I'm thinking the truck cleaned up the girls from behind trying to overtake everyone!  Patience on the road is something you don't often see in Thailand.  If the tuk tuk wasn't there they'd probably all still be alive...

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On 29/01/2017 at 8:21 AM, Get Real said:

I think it´s much better that people here learn to go by the same traffic rules, instead of taking away some types of veicles. Just don´t compete with an 18-wheeler at the same time it´s passing another driver.
I believe that most rules in most countries does not allow double over taking as a regular behaviour.

What's Veicles?  I think you should worry about your spelling not mine or others. Haha

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I unfortunately arrived at the site before police and medical services although there were at least 10 first responder (body snatcher) trucks there already..

The motorcycle lane is quite wide plus two transit lanes each way,  it seems that the motocycle pulled out into the left transit lane to overtake the tuk-tuk right into the path of the cement carrier ,who would have had no chance of avoiding the collision.

RIP little ones.

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8 hours ago, ozzydom said:

I unfortunately arrived at the site before police and medical services although there were at least 10 first responder (body snatcher) trucks there already..

The motorcycle lane is quite wide plus two transit lanes each way,  it seems that the motocycle pulled out into the left transit lane to overtake the tuk-tuk right into the path of the cement carrier ,who would have had no chance of avoiding the collision.

RIP little ones.

If that's the case, then it's not just the girls and their families we should be feeling sorry for, it's the truck driver too. How would any of you feel if you killed, through no fault of your own, three young girls? He's probably devastated. I noted from the OP that the driver was still at the scene when the police arrived, so he didn't do a runner as is so often the case in Thailand.

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