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U.S. judge allows travelers who landed with visas to stay in country


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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

... Perhaps we should keep the citizens of the US safe by getting rid of assault rifles and guns?  Way more killed that way than by foreign terrorists! LOL ...


57 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

... You mean taking those away from law-abiding citizens, so they cannot shoot back at terrorists and other criminals- right?


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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

You are aware some of these denied entry were legitimate green card holders and dual citizens? 


Perhaps we should keep the citizens of the US safe by getting rid of assault rifles and gus?  Way more killed that way than by foreign terrorists! LOL


This is just a ridiculous populist policy that resonated with some citizens of the US.  Definitely not all.

Perhaps YOU should be aware of how easy these Green Cards were

obtained under the PC Liberal Administration...nothing more than

"Yes this is a true statement"..... not even able to verify the TRUE

Identity of the person....This needs to be corrected and is what is

currently being corrected!!

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I fully agree that those in transit at the time of signing and a reasonable time after should be allowed entry if otherwise qualified.

I f as we are told here visas are not a guarantee of entry it is reasonable to apply a restriction to them.....but I would consider only allowing entry during a very short period  say the next two weeks on these and subjecting them to scrutiny on or before arival.

Edited by harrry
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3 hours ago, jpinx said:

Is this how USA wants to be ? 


The EU is heading down this road very quickly, which is why UK is opting out. 

You mean the USA is being overrun with unvetted Muslim immigrants? Are they paddling across the Atlantic?

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Trump has the authority to stop Immigration of persons or classes of people as follows:

Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”


However, IMHO , if a person has a 'Green Card'- they have already been investigated by homeland security and found to be admissible. there is no rational reason to block these individuals from coming. In addition, people already en route should be admitted and if further scrutinization is necessary that can be done in the US.  

While he has the authority it needs to be carried out in a reasonable and fair fashion. The judge was correct to issue a stay on the order so those people stranded in airports or in the air can be admitted.

Trump did most of this for political purpose. He could have implemented the added vetting quite easily by having the Secretary of State issue guidance to all issuers of US Visas that there would be added vetting prior to issuance of the Visa. No one stranded in airports or in the air and no protests from countries affected.

Trump always needs to have a public show on what he claims is putting 'America First'. He never takes the high road but only the low road. He is dangerous in that he exhibits narcissistic tendencies which means he is somewhat unstable in his demeanor. He has surrounded himself with only those who say yes to him rather than a wide and diverse group of people who point out the options with recommendations to follow. This is not governance- it is madness.


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I do not know where you are getting your information but Green Card holders have been vetted by Homeland Security and no Visa is issued until Homeland gives its assent. I would venture to say that the number of people entering as permanent residents that become criminals is miniscule compared to the total number allowed to immigrate. Trump sees terrorists behind every door based upon his preconceived idea that Muslims are 'bad people'. There are millions of Muslims living in America that go about their business; live in peace and are assimilated into the American culture.

Europe on the other hand is much different due to the foolish actions of the German PM to allow unfettered immigration from the Middle East. These people will eventually get EU passports and be allowed to travel anywhere including the US. Trump has his priorities wrong and is interested in 'show' only. Ok, Donald, you got your Muslim ban- Next! Oh, I forgot- Mr Trump favors torture- but that is for another day.

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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

You are aware some of these denied entry were legitimate green card holders and dual citizens? 


Perhaps we should keep the citizens of the US safe by getting rid of assault rifles and gus?  Way more killed that way than by foreign terrorists! LOL


This is just a ridiculous populist policy that resonated with some citizens of the US.  Definitely not all.

Dual citizens means they are also a citizen of the USA; don't need a visa so they were not denied entry. Currently and before this, a visa could be and were  refused entry by immigration officers at the airport and sent back to where they came from.

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3 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

If you care to read the constitution and the law - it clearly states that the POTUS has complete power and authority to block any non-citizen from entering the USA.


ETA: The Constitution of the United States does NOT cover people who are NOT citizens of the United States.

Of course you are flat wrong.

Within U.S. territory, non-citizens have rights because of the 14th Amendment, which declares “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”Jun 8, 2010

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1 hour ago, little mary sunshine said:



This is the problem...No or little investigation into Green Card eligibility 

the PC Liberals handed them out like M&M's, couldn't even verify their

identity....name or city they were from;  Visa and a Green Card issues

now being corrected.

A friend of mine got a green card for her Thai husband about a year ago and I can assure you that it was not "handed out like M&M's".  It took months of providing detailed paperwork about him (CBC, references, etc) as well as some about her! 


He is Buddhist, educated in the US (both BS and MS), worked as a professional engineer for about 10 years after finishing school, traveling throughout Asia in a professional capacity during that time, in short, an excellent prospect to be a productive, peaceful US citizen, but still had to go through a quite thorough, year-long vetting before getting his green card.


If you know where they are passing out green cards like M&M's, let me know.  I'll tell them that they could have avoiding spending all the time and money they did!

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This is the problem...No or little investigation into Green Card eligibility 
the PC Liberals handed them out like M&M's, couldn't even verify their
identity....name or city they were from;  Visa and a Green Card issues
now being corrected.

Uninformed nonsense.

sent using Tapatalk

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58 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I do not know where you are getting your information but Green Card holders have been vetted by Homeland Security and no Visa is issued until Homeland gives its assent. I would venture to say that the number of people entering as permanent residents that become criminals is miniscule compared to the total number allowed to immigrate.

One terrorist can do a lot of damage, even if only "armed" with a hijacked truck.  How many Americans should pay with their lives for a refugee-importation program which not only endangers Americans, but is also a less-effective way to help people.  If the same money were, instead, spent in the region to help those at risk, it could protect 12 times more people, without endangering American lives.


58 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

... Europe on the other hand is much different due to the foolish actions of the German PM to allow unfettered immigration from the Middle East. These people will eventually get EU passports and be allowed to travel anywhere including the US. 

... and Thailand and elsewhere - making Western passports a far weaker guarantee the the person seeking entry is not a danger.


Let's query what the experts have said about refugees and the current vetting process:



"We can only query against that which we have collected," Comey said. "If someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home but we are not going to — there will be nothing show up because we have no record on that person.

 - James Comey, Director of the FBI to the House Committee on Homeland Security




We judge that ISIL is training and attempting to deploy operatives for further attacks. ISIL has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially serve as operatives for attacks in the West. And the group is probably exploring a variety of means for infiltrating operatives into the West, including refugee flows, smuggling routes, and legitimate methods of travel.

- Statement by Central Intelligence Agency Director John O. Brennan as Prepared for Delivery Before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence - 16 June, 2016.  Note that Dir. Brennan is no fan of Trump, so did not make this statement (before the election) to help him. 


Neither of these is a particular shocking or controversial statement, but some pretend that it either is not true, or American deaths are "worth it" to continue bringing in as many foreigners to America as possible - people who will cost the American people taxes/debt on social-spending, job-opportunities, and some even their lives. 

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Trump has the authority to stop Immigration of persons or classes of people as follows:

Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”


Good thing he doesn't have anything against Brits and Canucks.  Or does he???    Mwha-ha-ha.


That's a lot of power and discretion vested in one individual, and I suspect the law could be thrown out on constitutional grounds if it was clearly being abused.  I'm pretty sure we'll see it tested.



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3 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Perhaps YOU should be aware of how easy these Green Cards were

obtained under the PC Liberal Administration...nothing more than

"Yes this is a true statement"..... not even able to verify the TRUE

Identity of the person....This needs to be corrected and is what is

currently being corrected!!

That is absolute nonsense, as anyone who has been through the PRA process will tell you. The vetting, even in friendly countries, is very onerous.

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2 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

A friend of mine got a green card for her Thai husband about a year ago and I can assure you that it was not "handed out like M&M's".  It took months of providing detailed paperwork about him (CBC, references, etc) as well as some about her! 


He is Buddhist, educated in the US (both BS and MS), worked as a professional engineer for about 10 years after finishing school, traveling throughout Asia in a professional capacity during that time, in short, an excellent prospect to be a productive, peaceful US citizen, but still had to go through a quite thorough, year-long vetting before getting his green card.


If you know where they are passing out green cards like M&M's, let me know.  I'll tell them that they could have avoiding spending all the time and money they did!

HRC was ready to hand out half a million if She was elected.

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11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The ruling by Judge Ann Donnelly of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York came during a hearing called after President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority from entering the United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions.


“I hope Trump enjoys losing. He’s going to lose so much we’re going to get sick and tired of his losing,” ACLU National Political Director Faiz Shakir told Yahoo News shortly after the decision was announced.

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34 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

HRC was ready to hand out half a million if She was elected.

Well as the US hand out around a million a year it seems HRC was going to cut back then.


Everything you have written so far on the thread is utter BS.


And then you come out with this little beauty



Perhaps YOU should be aware of how easy these Green Cards were

obtained under the PC Liberal Administration...nothing more than

"Yes this is a true statement"..... not even able to verify the TRUE

Identity of the person....This needs to be corrected and is what is

currently being corrected!!

Now you are displaying exactly why the American work force needs workers from abroad. Because many of the 'natural born' (whatever that is) citizens are uneducated, arrogant morons. The USA was built on the backs of immigrants. I really wish that Trump would get rid of ALL green card workers. The US would go down the toilet in around 3 months. Your Universities, High Tech design houses and factories only function because of foreign workers and foreign brain power. Build the wall Trump , ALL the way around. 


Canada has said it will take these people being refused  re-entry to the USA. No wonder, they are not stupid. Some of the best talent available is in the US immigrant work force.


Make America Hate Again.

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7 hours ago, jpinx said:

 Refugee, Immigrant, Displaced person, and several other terms have been hijacked by various politicised bodies to mean what they want.  Add to that the confusing in the international media, and mix it all up with the usual translation issues and you have a perfect storm of mis-understandings. 



Actually the distinctions, in law and in common English usage, are pretty clear. You seem to be projecting your own misunderstandings on to everyone else.

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Donald Trump has a habit of using fear and outright hatred that are so common in his supporters to deflect the populace away from  other issues. First, it was the border wall and Mexicans coming in droves taking American jobs.  Utter nonsense- the majority of Mexicans and other Central American Immigrants take the lowest jobs available that Americans will not do.  How many Amereicans do you see picking tomatoes in the fields; picking fruit during season; working as laborers in construction and working in processing plants. All these jobs are filled by Mexicans or other Central Americans- whether legal or not legal. 

Now he is on the Muslims- banning certain immigrants or even tourists because they are not being vetted according to Mr Trump. More nonsense because to get an Immigrant Visa to come to the USA you have to be cleared by Homeland Security and the process is long.  Trump is playing to the fear of Americans to potential terrorism where in reality - terrorism is very low in America compared to Europe and other countries.

HIs priority should be the huge infrastructure projects that he promised; reform of the tax code; and fixing the Veterans Administration. Instead we are getting tweets about crowd sizes; lashing out at the press and pissing off half of the World leaders he speaks with.

HIs first 9 days have been a disaster. It's going to be a long 4 years.



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11 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Donald Trump has a habit of using fear and outright hatred that are so common in his supporters to deflect the populace away from  other issues. First, it was the border wall and Mexicans coming in droves taking American jobs.  Utter nonsense- the majority of Mexicans and other Central American Immigrants take the lowest jobs available that Americans will not do.  How many Amereicans do you see picking tomatoes in the fields; picking fruit during season; working as laborers in construction and working in processing plants. All these jobs are filled by Mexicans or other Central Americans- whether legal or not legal. 

Now he is on the Muslims- banning certain immigrants or even tourists because they are not being vetted according to Mr Trump. More nonsense because to get an Immigrant Visa to come to the USA you have to be cleared by Homeland Security and the process is long.  Trump is playing to the fear of Americans to potential terrorism where in reality - terrorism is very low in America compared to Europe and other countries.

HIs priority should be the huge infrastructure projects that he promised; reform of the tax code; and fixing the Veterans Administration. Instead we are getting tweets about crowd sizes; lashing out at the press and pissing off half of the World leaders he speaks with.

HIs first 9 days have been a disaster. It's going to be a long 4 years.



These, things, bad as they are, are just smokesscreens for even more insidious goings on. For example:


DJT filed with @FEC for 2020 reelection 5 hrs after his inauguration. pic.twitter.com/t8y5MJZHyC

This is unprecedented. Obama waited 3 years. 


This filing makes Trump a candidate so PACS can raise money to spend on pro Trump propaganda. For example:


His now candidate status makes it much harder for non profits to "campaign" against him as they risk loosing non-profit status.


This is a diabolical move to undermine American democracy.



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7 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

If you care to read the constitution and the law - it clearly states that the POTUS has complete power and authority to block any non-citizen from entering the USA.


ETA: The Constitution of the United States does NOT cover people who are NOT citizens of the United States.

Many of the people being blocked qualify as US citizens. That's the issue.  Back to you. Deal with the  specific legal issue and not alternative facts please.

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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm sure you have proof of that. Why not share it with the rest of us?

He doesn't. It goes hand in hand with lies circulated that Mrs Clinton ran a pedo ring from a popular  Washington DC pizzeria. This clown  believes crap like that, just like the fool with a gum who showed up to "liberate" the people held in an imaginary torture chamber at the pizza restaurant did.  Their  MO is to lie and lie more when caught lying.   

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These Iranian green card holders, both in their 80's were detained for hours.




Granted, those wheelchairs could run over a lotta American toes. Dangerous geriatricks are the next wave of terrorists—wake up libtard sheeple!

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15 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Demonstrators protesting U.S. Donald Trump's executive order travel ban greet arriving passengers at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. Jnuary 28, 2017. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Why are they greeting arrival passengers with their protests. The reporters didn't mention Trump and arriving passengers signed the executive order for the ban.  

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15 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Perhaps YOU should be aware of how easy these Green Cards were

obtained under the PC Liberal Administration...nothing more than

"Yes this is a true statement"..... not even able to verify the TRUE

Identity of the person....This needs to be corrected and is what is

currently being corrected!!

My wife got a green car in 2004.  To say it wasn't easy is an understatement.  It was a lot of work, a lot of paperwork, in person interviews, background data, etc.


You don't know what you are talking about.

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13 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Dual citizens means they are also a citizen of the USA; don't need a visa so they were not denied entry. Currently and before this, a visa could be and were  refused entry by immigration officers at the airport and sent back to where they came from.

Dual citizens mean they hold 2 passports.  From any 2 countries.

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14 hours ago, impulse said:


... That's a lot of power and discretion vested in one individual, and I suspect the law could be thrown out on constitutional grounds if it was clearly being abused.  I'm pretty sure we'll see it tested.


That is one of biggest perks of the jobs as POTUS and one that was arbitrarily discarded by the US electorate when collecting their freebie 'Make America great again' hats at the door. 


Confuse the US presidential election with customer appreciation day at Walmart at your peril.

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10 hours ago, Thakkar said:

These, things, bad as they are, are just smokesscreens for even more insidious goings on. For example:


DJT filed with @FEC for 2020 reelection 5 hrs after his inauguration. pic.twitter.com/t8y5MJZHyC

This is unprecedented. Obama waited 3 years. 


This filing makes Trump a candidate so PACS can raise money to spend on pro Trump propaganda. For example:


His now candidate status makes it much harder for non profits to "campaign" against him as they risk loosing non-profit status.


This is a diabolical move to undermine American democracy.



But this will be explained away as simply using a legal loophole that was available to every previous POTUS. They just chose not to abuse it unlike DJT's team of lawyers and advisors who have managed to bury his business and personal tax issues in hyperbole and rhetoric.

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