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Don't brew beer at home (or in toilet), Prayuth says


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4 hours ago, madmitch said:

The guy does not have a clue, though speaks as though he's an expert on every topic. 

Typical for thailand where the pee knows all and knows best. I have heard the most idiotic cr6p and plain lies out of the mouth of some peters principal clown but the subordinates all listened in awe. And so the vicious circle continues: lies and in-corrections upon generalisations and illusions.... meet the pee-know-all!


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18 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Does anyone know if Beer Leo have changed their ingredients? Haven't had it for a while and sunk 5 bottles last Friday night. Woke up with the worst headache. Was similar to a Changover.  Never had that problem before. 


As for him telling people not to brew their own - absolutely. People might discover what a real beer can taste like and not wanna buy the sub par few beers on offer. 

They have 2 factories and one is worse than the other one, if you buy from a beer supplier they know about this, I´m not 100% sure but I think you want the one produced in Khon Kaen

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I have said this before. Craft beers are taking off in many countries. Nothing better like going into a store and picking six different craft beers off the shelf and trying them. I love Fat Tire in the US. Thailand is really missing out this. Its not like they are losing tax revenue.

It's the big beer companies that are afraid of market share. 

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On ‎31‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 7:25 PM, Bluespunk said:

“You can’t just brew it in the back of a shop, in the back of your house, or in your toilet,” Prayuth said. “There have to be rules and regulations.”


Clearly has no idea how well organised the set up of the guy, who was arrested last week, was.


If you drink beer made in a toilet you get pissed .:passifier:

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 Guy across the road has brewed it for years here and they say it dam fine stuff and as we have Thai beers here asked him what they are like, his reply made me smile "They are fine if you are desperate but rubbish if you have a local within a 100 miles"


I do not drink the stuff so cannot comment, how about wine making is that also illegal, now that's what I like but sadly in Thai expensive and tastes like toilet water


£4.99 special offer on Aus red at the moment at local shop now that rings a fine tune.

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On 1/31/2017 at 7:24 PM, watso63 said:

The one thing I miss about the UK is real ale and craft cider. 


 What  about tasty fish n chips , and a decent  curry . 


           On topic ,  Chang  beer is  now crap ,  chemicals galore . 

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On Wednesday, February 01, 2017 at 0:19 PM, simon43 said:

So... let's read what Thailand's neighbour Myanmar, is doing about craft beers.  Banning them?







Myanmar was always more worldly than thailand

 Even during the sad junta decades the burmese listened to bbc voa etc and they read english language books and zines... myanmar was way advanced in terms of education, cultural output, etc before it was put back into the middle ages by the generals...

They have a great altetnative underground scene in yangon now, punk and electronic music, as well as literature, arts and academics. Give them another 10 year and they ll be reffering to their siam neighbour as Suhtoopid Thai ??

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I used to home brew all the time in the UK and very good it was as well. Everything sterilized before use, only clean things used but it worked, pity you cannot buy kits here, same for wine. 

They are useless at wine making here and as said the beer industry in a closed shop and lets be honest the beer is cheap but it not good is it? Its not bursting with flavour is it? 

If it came down to choice between Bateman's XXXB, Summer Lightning, Palmers 200, Abbot, Sharp's Special, Chang, Leo or Singha, the last three are dead certs. I do miss my real ales and dont give me that "craft" bullocks that name just gives you a higher price!

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There is no real good tasting local beer  in Thailand. Singha is an old bitter German recipe, Chang is a chemical soup (hence the big hangovers, and it's not even very strong at 5.2%) and hasn't even come close to a brewing vat, Leo is about the only drinkable local choice if there's nothing else. Usually prefer Heineken, but that's not Thai.


How come that Lao, a pisspoor communist republic, can brew such a good beer... (Beer Lao)

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11 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

What about this lot? http://tawandang.co.th/

Been there quite a few times and really enjoyed their dark home brew.

How do they get the permits to brew their stuff?


Perhaps pubs are allowed to brew their own under their licence. Tawandang is decent, the Londoner used to brew their own to. Not sure if they still do in their new premises.

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There is no real good tasting local beer  in Thailand. Singha is an old bitter German recipe, Chang is a chemical soup (hence the big hangovers, and it's not even very strong at 5.2%) and hasn't even come close to a brewing vat, Leo is about the only drinkable local choice if there's nothing else. Usually prefer Heineken, but that's not Thai.
How come that Lao, a pisspoor communist republic, can brew such a good beer... (Beer Lao)

Singha bitter, it's really sweet, no wonder they put ice cubes in their drinks. Lao beer is on sale over here in the 7/11. Oh and chang, well that's bitter. They changed the whole beer about a year ago. Horrible taste, not as strong, as for Leo, poor man's Singha is all I can say about that.
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I meant Singha is bitter as in very bitter tasting. Some people like it like that, me not. I wish I was close to your 7-11 Wilsonandson. Mine don't carry shit... My local Tesco Minimart used to carry Kaiserdom, a nice German Weissbeer, but now that we got flooded everything is closed for another couple of weeks while they clean the muck out...

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