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Rice scheme was worthy, well-planned, Kittiratt says


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4 hours ago, slapout said:

If ever there was a individual who should be placed at the disposal of the people, he took part in screwing, he is crowding the top of the list. There were so many illegal cock ups in the program and people involved. that ranged from rice from outside Thailand, non existent warehouses, etc, that the group should be confined with no bail or appeal allowed.


Another Thai politician who someone one described as having lower morals than whale poop at the bottom of the ocean.

Whale poop doesn't get to the ocean floor. True story.

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Odd that still 8 million tons of rice is still to be sold, quite a bit of this stock pile  is only good enough for feed lot or industrial use, 


Wastage in any business sense is just that !

what bad luck and her sheep did with their management of the business  was down right extreme wastage, a few got to gorge on the fat,

To now after all this time and hindsight, for people to still think  that the  scheme was a sound one, it really beggars belief.

Delusional just springs to my mind.


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Of course China is rumoured to have exceeded subsidy limits on Wheat corn and rice in 2015 by some $100 billion - appears this may have provided incentive to increase production. Quite a competition provider for Thai rice one would think.

Don't underestimate the external influences in play where global markets are involved.


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4 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Of course China is rumoured to have exceeded subsidy limits on Wheat corn and rice in 2015 by some $100 billion - appears this may have provided incentive to increase production. Quite a competition provider for Thai rice one would think.

Don't underestimate the external influences in play where global markets are involved.


China is the world's largest rice IMPORTER. Other than trying to reduce the level of imports, how is that competition for Thai rice?

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Chinese home grown heavily subsidised rice vs imported rice - what do you think the Chinese will go for? As the market shrinks there is increased competition for market share among all producers including the Thai.


I seem to recall around this time supply was beginning to outstrip demand so the Chinese rise in production levels is relevant.




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China buying rice from Thailand is a government- government  letter of credit 

in this failed scheme the 5 million tons China agreed to buy was done so with a cashed  check, the alarm bells then started to ring with certain people, and because of this probe the Chinese pulled out of the deal, from then on every thing unravelled, 

late paying of bills to farmers by up to 7 months caused more pain for them, wiping out any short term gain.


The inteligence shown by bad luck and the fugitive in trying to stem the loss and deflect where ever possible truly shows their incompetence, sprinkle that with their cronies, who ran around trying to put the spot fires out. A mountain to hard to climb and contain, the book if ever there was one  should be thrown at all of them, 

trouble is it would need a new goal built to accommodate the

Tarnished thousands.


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25 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Chinese home grown heavily subsidised rice vs imported rice - what do you think the Chinese will go for? As the market shrinks there is increased competition for market share among all producers including the Thai.


I seem to recall around this time supply was beginning to outstrip demand so the Chinese rise in production levels is relevant.




As the market shrinks? According to whom? http://irri.org/rice-today/trends-in-global-rice-consumption

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Of course it was well planned.  To prevent those at the top from taking a tumble yet and who are unlikely to at this rate.  It's only the plebs lower down who are being sacrificed.  What do they call them, oh that's right, Scapegoats, sacrificial lambs, fall guys, whatever?:wai:  

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15 hours ago, 473geo said:

It would appear focus is directed to one warehouse with a hollow pile? One prosecution for importing rice into the scheme? One allegedly fake govt to govt deal?


Not the millions of farmers who gained real benefit from the higher margins, not the associated workforce that made money as farmers improved the quality of their dwellings, not the other associated industries and the economy which also benefitted from farmers having more spending power.


Although the scheme cannot be described as a self financing success, as a subsidy, there was real benefit to the economy.

Of course there was a benefit to the economy.  It gave some Hi So's so much more spending power.:wai:

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37 minutes ago, halloween said:

As the market shrinks? According to whom? http://irri.org/rice-today/trends-in-global-rice-consumption


As the market in China which we were discussing shrinks Mick as they have increased production


Remember you stated above Mick.... "Other than trying to reduce the level of imports".....reduce the level of imports Mick - shrinking Market.


Have you had your coffee yet?


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12 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Of course there was a benefit to the economy.  It gave some Hi So's so much more spending power.:wai:

Oh it gave the rice farmers much more spending power too, and possibly more borrowing power for a while!!

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The rice scheme was as worthy as all the rice subsidies, government relief of debt and soft loans paid by the military 2014-2016 without a single grain of rice required to be produced as well as the over 550 billion baht distributed to rice farmers for pledged rice from 2011-2014. The difference is that any action taken by the junta is unaccountable and nonprosecurial.

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23 hours ago, 473geo said:

Well how strange is that, because I saw with my own eyes the benefit to the rice farmers in my area


How come you guys didn't experience this?


And there have been comments the 'rich situation' didn't last very long when people couldn't keep up payments of vehicles on hire purchase, etc. Some then went into an even worse situation.

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9 hours ago, Srikcir said:

The rice scheme was as worthy as all the rice subsidies, government relief of debt and soft loans paid by the military 2014-2016 without a single grain of rice required to be produced as well as the over 550 billion baht distributed to rice farmers for pledged rice from 2011-2014. The difference is that any action taken by the junta is unaccountable and nonprosecurial.

Nope the difference is that the rice program was touted as being self financing as they had no money for it in the budget. Had they taken it in the central budget they would have been in to deep a deficit. So they kept it off books and bullied and threatened everyone who said it was costing money and not self financing. One brave lady tried to bring out the cost of the rice scheme and again it was said it was a lie and it was self financing.. 550 billion is not self financing.


Also because it was for rice.. it did not help the poorest of farmers who used a lot of their rice for their own sustenance, but it did help the bigger farmers (and the cheats who took rice from other countries). But most of all it helped the high ministers in her cabinet with fake G2G deals (selling rice never to export it and to sell it back into the program. That was a double loss for the country.. first selling the price for a low amount of money (could only be done G2G) that is loss nr 1.. then not exporting it but selling it back for the pledging amount and pocketing the difference.. loss nr 2.


But hey.. its not surprising the red supporters believe Kittiratt he is a top liar. 

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7 hours ago, scorecard said:


And there have been comments the 'rich situation' didn't last very long when people couldn't keep up payments of vehicles on hire purchase, etc. Some then went into an even worse situation.

The fact that people over extend does not lie with those supplying a profit margin. People struggling with HP agreements was not uncommon prior to the rice scheme. Perhaps the scheme also assisted 'some' people to fully meet their obligations? Strange how you 'some' people only perceive the possible negative outcome? is it some sort of affliction?

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11 hours ago, halloween said:

You have yet to tell us how much you and your family profited from this scam.

No more than anybody else Mick they pay the same price for planting, fertiliser, reaping and thus carry the same margin.


Let me explain....in the area where I live pre the rice scheme there were generally 2 types of housing, "farang style" and open ground floor wooden "Thai" houses on stilts. The farang style houses were generally built by Farang, wealthy Thai/Chinese, bank employees, government officials.

Through the years of 'plenty' due to the rice scheme it has become impossible to predict the employment of the householder in that the gap has closed. Although admittedly many Thai enclosed their former open air ground floor living area, tiled the once dirt floors, put in windows and built walls of breeze blocks, rather than build farang style accommodation, never the less 'some' did build farang style new homes. Subsequently the building traders, the local building workers all experienced enhanced lifestyles.


To understand the difference the scheme made to the Thai farmer we need only go back to the pre harvest months of this year, the predicted price of 5-6 baht a kg left many despondent as the realisation that a reaping price of 550 - 600 baht a rai would leave no margin. Until the current government stepped in I figure there were 'some' contemplating harvesting enough for 'home use only'. So good on the current government for appraising the situation carefully and accurately.


Now instead of some guys on here showing their real lack of understanding and making the ridiculous claims that only the rich got richer and the poor got poorer!! Why are the same not using their brains? By way of example one of the obvious non farming beneficiaries would be those storing the rice!! But this does not indicate the rice farmers did not benefit!!


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"Also because it was for rice.. it did not help the poorest of farmers who used a lot of their rice for their own sustenance"

laughable - any rice they did sell they received a much higher margin, and sure they benefitted because this additional profit could contribute to reducing the total overhead cost of the reaping for their 'home use' rice!!

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While there were many problems with the scheme, both concept and execution, it's more than a bit rich for the hiso Bangkok elite to take such exception to it. But in another sense maybe that's not so surprising because they were excluded from getting their greedy paws on the money....as they had been able to do on just about every scheme before and since.

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