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Pay TV is a tough business in Thailand


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Pay TV is a tough business in Thailand

By The Nation



Photo Credit: TrueVisionsOfficial


Content costs and dismayed customers put TrueVisions on the spot


TrueVisions must be wondering: Why us all the time? Frankly speaking, that’s a legitimate question. Noodle shops can always raise prices without a fuss. A cup of coffee often costs more after three or four years. Sometimes, petrol prices fluctuate almost on a daily basis. Newspapers can reduce the number of their pages to partly manage costs perhaps. So, why is it that whenever famous programmes disappear from TrueVisions channels because, from the company’s perspective at least, it makes business sense, a social uproar is guaranteed?


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/opinion/today_editorial/30305708


-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-02-05


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Hmmm, Is The Nation part of the CP Group?


Cable TV is "regulated" by the NBTC so in theory TrueVisions has to follow those regulations.


If rights fees increase then TrueVisions should be able to pass those along to consumers, in the form of higher fees, with the NBTC's approval.


The main issue here, other than a lack of competition, is that TrueVisions tells customers about changes in packaging a few days after they implement it, AKA: Thai Advanced Planning.


The obvious solution is to have at least three competing providers, but I would imagine CP Group dislikes NOT having a monopoly.



Edited by mtls2005
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I used to have the gold package and was really sick and tired of the reruns and failure to add new content. I kept paying the monthly fee and I endured. Then what got my goat was when I was forced to move cities and wasn't allowed to transfer my membership to another province. The cherry on the sundae was that they made me pay the remaining 8 months left on my contract.


I really hope True goes broke. Real bunch of MOFOS



Edited by LazySlipper
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someone hopes they go broke....

but they already did, didn't they? 

and 3 times at that.

two were where they ended up taking everything off balance sheet.... the other Chinese money.... not a pension fund in Singapore (that was super political).... a Chinese telecom (and went through as quiet as a mouse as far as I know).... and they are controlled by CP group.

am I not right on the big picture of it?


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You're supposed to receive the same product, if not better, when there's a price hike. True visions is getting worse and worse. Most Thais simply can't afford such a luxury as overpriced cable Tv. We have YouTube, Netflix and other online media platforms. True isn't moving with the times, and instead of asking what they're doing wrong, they simply blame everyone else for their own downfall. 


I have two friends here who are English teachers. Over 10 years ago the starting salary at their school was 35k a month. The school/agency still pay the same amount now. The school increases their fees every year. Yet, they haven't increased the starting salary for new teachers. Now, instead of asking what they're doing wrong and why it's so hard to find new teachers, they simply blame new teachers as being 'greedy'. 


Busienss is business. If your business is failing, you can blame whomever you want. That won't change anything. Or, you can adapt. Nobody owes you their custom. You earn their custom. 



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No mention in the article of the other nine channels about to be removed. 


Most TRUE TV subscribers are, of course Thai. TRUE is a Thai company providing a service for Thai people. They're not bothered about us pesky foreigners wanting interesting programmes and movies in English language. They may as well do away with the top packages and revert to just two: one with sport and one without, as that's pretty much what they seem to offer now.

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Yes I agree with most of the comments. Very expensive for what you get here in Thailand. Signed up for a six month contract ( platinum). With a 50% discount for three months. But honestly most of the sport channels are crap. Get sick of watching rerun movies. Also if I buy a coffee and I don't like it,I will try somewhere else next time. If I buy noodles from a shop and they are ok,I will go back again. But if they offer  me less next time and increase the price as well. Well I won't go back. 

Better off to have happy customers and get referrals,do more business and hopefully make more money. 

So truevision only have themselves to blame. Poor business management and thought for their customers.

i went into true vision the other day to complain about the channels. I knew I was on a six month contract. They told me I was on a twelve month contract. I wanted to cancel the subscription, they told me I would need to pay $2500 baht. 

And it would take 45 days to get my deposit back.lookedat my contract at home and its6 months. LOL. 

Anyway they told me a representative would contact me the next day to see why I was unhappy and to see if they could discount the price on the remaining subscription. 3 weeks later, still waifor the ph call. 

4 weeks to go on the contract and then they can stick it.

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1 hour ago, LazySlipper said:

I used to have the gold package and was really sick and tired of the reruns and failure to add new content. I kept paying the monthly fee and I endured. Then what got my goat was when I was forced to move cities and wasn't allowed to transfer my membership to another province. The cherry on the sundae was that they made me pay the remaining 8 months left on my contract.


I really hope True goes broke. Real bunch of MOFOS



My example is with selling my condo in Bkk, called True to tell them to cancel the service at a certain date. Also gave them (with permission) the name and phone number of the new Thai owner of the condo. This all happened with the new owner present and listening on speaker phone.


One hour later the new owner called True and reconfirmed all of the above and then sent an e.mail to ensure no misunderstanding about spelling and giving mobile number.


Around 1 month after change over should have happened I got the next months bill from True. I called and after many transfers a woman explained she had cancelled my account, but then lost the name etc., of the new owner so she re-stared the account in my name and without my permission.


She claimed it was all OK to use my name without permission until I asked her for her full name and address and personal phone number, indicating that I would use her name to buy something from a telephone sales outlet. She was outraged 'you can't use other peoples names like that'. I obviously said 'that's what you have just done - used my name with out permission'. 


I also indicated that she and true would be receiving a letter from a lawyer and that I would be quickly contacting the Thai consumer affairs office. She suddenly changed her attitude and was very apologetic and said she would fix everything immediately and call back. She didn't call.


Next month still another bill in my name (I had actually moved to rent a condo on same floor of the same condo building and new owner put any mail under my door). I called again and demanded to speak to a senior manager - response 'cannot, not allowed'


Then suddenly another call center person came on the line and said abruptly 'you can't talk to our senior managers' and he hung up.


I call again and get another call centre person who does some checking and says something totally different,  'the problem is that we cannot cancel your bill because a previous owner of this condo did not pay their final bill'. I try to explain that unpaid bills from previous accounts is totally not my responsibility. Call center guys insists I must pay the old previous owner bills then they will cancel my account.


New owner is well aware of all of this and now goes to the True office with a lawyer and demands it all be rectified immediately, the staff less than polite but finally give the new owner and lawyer a printout supposedly showing that my name had been cancelled.  


However new condo owner now very distrusting of True and tells them to not start any account in his name, his lawyer quickly writes a note and demands the manager sign it to say new account in new name will not be started.


New owner now very distrusting and horrified at the lack of service, lack of any logic, poor attitude and rudeness makes other plans for an alternative service. 


Never received any apology or confirmation direct to me that my account had been cancelled.

Edited by scorecard
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My last tenant had true, keep getting their invoices and receipts mailed. Asked for them to send to her new address, True had no idea what to do.


Love Asian business practices... When you struggle and customers are leaving, just raise prices and give less. Most bars operate that way here too

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1 hour ago, somo said:

That's exactly what I did a few months ago.

Soon True visions will be out of business as more and more streaming options become available.

Me too, any movie or TV series you want on demand, for free.. I do have problems on good quality sport live streams due to my connection though.

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32 minutes ago, Titan1962 said:

Yes I agree with most of the comments. Very expensive for what you get here in Thailand. Signed up for a six month contract ( platinum). With a 50% discount for three months. But honestly most of the sport channels are crap. Get sick of watching rerun movies. Also if I buy a coffee and I don't like it,I will try somewhere else next time. If I buy noodles from a shop and they are ok,I will go back again. But if they offer  me less next time and increase the price as well. Well I won't go back. 

Better off to have happy customers and get referrals,do more business and hopefully make more money. 

So truevision only have themselves to blame. Poor business management and thought for their customers.

i went into true vision the other day to complain about the channels. I knew I was on a six month contract. They told me I was on a twelve month contract. I wanted to cancel the subscription, they told me I would need to pay $2500 baht. 

And it would take 45 days to get my deposit back.lookedat my contract at home and its6 months. LOL. 

Anyway they told me a representative would contact me the next day to see why I was unhappy and to see if they could discount the price on the remaining subscription. 3 weeks later, still waifor the ph call. 

4 weeks to go on the contract and then they can stick it.

Re your deposit: I cancelled True approx. 3 years ago. A few months later, still no sign of the deposit so I had my better half call and inquire about it. A month later, same scenario. She called three times before we finally received our deposit back. From the time our contract ended to the point when I received my deposit, a total of almost 6 months (!!!) had passed. 

That's an interest free loan for them. I'm sure if we hadn't "reminded" them, I 'd still be waiting for the refund. 

If you do cancel, keep an eye on the refund and don't be shy following up on it. 

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

The obvious solution is to have at least three competing providers, but I would imagine CP Group dislikes NOT having a monopoly.

Well CTH tried competing with them and look how that turned out.

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Answer to your question


Noodle shops can raise a price The reason people do not complain is that the noodle shop service consistently good noodles Coffee shops can raise the price every so often because people appreciate consistently good coffee and convenience to the coffee shop.

Petrol Stations raise the price and people do not complain too much because it is a necessity and the petrol station does not act  like you need then The offer good service generally speaking . News Papers are dying a slow death because of the internet so the Jury is out on them.


As for True The offer low quality service and charge high prices Do not care about the customer and pretty much do what they want with regard to their bottom line and don't care about the Customer

So you want to know why they are in trouble Its called treating your customer like Shit and giving them less and less for their money.

I quite True  5 months ago and went to streaming  Glad I  did  You will be too 

What really pissed me off besides them changing the channel numbers all the time was their indifference to my  They charged me a reconnection fee for a suspended service. FOR WHAT? a switch of a service SOOOOO bad I am paying them not the other way around.

Then after I announce that I want to cancel the service they offer me a discount on the service Common Guys this is not the way to do business


Now I see they are cancelling the stations that was the reason for me subscribing to the service  I have no idea who is in charge of Customer service but I can tell you they need to go back to school and learn CUSTOMER CARE 101

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Bottom line is there are way better and numerous options available now via the internet and fractions of what True charges...They continue to play the "why me?" card.  They are losing time and if they don't remedy their putrid situation quickly they will find people dropping them quick..in fact I think its only a matter of short time before they are washed up anyway as they refuse to even come close to offering what many other providers are already doing...True is terrible

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Pay TV is tough everywhere, I work in that business so know it backwards.


The difference in evolved markets is customers have choice so to keep them you have to be competitive! The market changes quickly.


True believe they have a monopoly which to a certain extent was true, so they could screw their customers with no repercussions, tough, that is no longer the case.


Many options exist via the web, many illegal admittedly, but while they are available they will be used and True with its nonchalant attitude will pay the price.

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No 6 Nations, no cricket anymore ,,, for the price, disgusting.

Last RWC on a terrible fuzzy Fox Channel. Will we even get it next time or will they just say as they did to me

this morning over 6 Nations "negotiations broke down" which is BS, they just will not pay Be In who is 

Thailands master supplierarrow-10x10.png

I suppose if you like that silly round ball game enuf then you may stay with them

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1 hour ago, nakhonandy said:

Pay TV is tough everywhere, I work in that business so know it backwards.


The difference in evolved markets is customers have choice so to keep them you have to be competitive! The market changes quickly.


True believe they have a monopoly which to a certain extent was true, so they could screw their customers with no repercussions, tough, that is no longer the case.


Many options exist via the web, many illegal admittedly, but while they are available they will be used and True with its nonchalant attitude will pay the price.


My understanding, could be wrong, is that in some countries cable companies have deserted packages in favor pay by total number of channels you can select, or similar. Correct? 

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6 hours ago, paulinbkk111 said:

My last tenant had true, keep getting their invoices and receipts mailed. Asked for them to send to her new address, True had no idea what to do.


Love Asian business practices... When you struggle and customers are leaving, just raise prices and give less. Most bars operate that way here too


Is your tenant paying by automatic credit card charging? Maybe tenant should check this.


Note:  Account owner cannot cancel the credit card charging, only True can cancel it, not balanced but in fact all spelled out in the contract. Beware. 

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2 hours ago, natway09 said:

No 6 Nations, no cricket anymore ,,, for the price, disgusting.

Last RWC on a terrible fuzzy Fox Channel. Will we even get it next time or will they just say as they did to me

this morning over 6 Nations "negotiations broke down" which is BS, they just will not pay Be In who is 

Thailands master supplierarrow-10x10.png


I know BeIN have the EPL rights for Thailand, but I don't know if they have the rights to the Six Nations.

Do you get TV5 Monde?






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