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Alcohol sales BANNED, as police step up security on Makha Bucha Day and Valentine's Day


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3 hours ago, Rumbleg said:

12 am ??? Is that 12 noon or 12 midnight?

 0:00 - 24:00 on Saturday, February 11, would do nicely.


(I hate all this 12 am, 12 pm crap)


Where does Valentine's Day figure in all this?

Edited by tropo
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2 hours ago, geovalin said:

Why not tell: the whole Saturday? This is 24 hours and that's it. To refer on Friday or Sunday is confusing.

It's not confusing if logic is used because you know what day Macha Bucha day is and the restriction will obviously be the 24 hours of that day!


"Friday", per se,  wasn't mentioned in the OP, neither was "Sunday", just times referring to one day!

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Horse hockey.  Once again, the rediculous 'Alcohol Ban'.   I would like to see a ban on alcohol bans.  It serves ZERO benefit.  Anyone who feels they MUST drink, simply buys in advance, or at a local mom and pop store.  Thais are Buddhist in name only.  Only a very very small minority actually follow the teaching of the Buddha.  Isn't alcohol supposed to be a Buddhist no-no?  Hypocrites, one and all, and the a$$holes on power are the worst of all.

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16 hours ago, tropo said:

 0:00 - 24:00 on Saturday, February 11, would do nicely.


(I hate all this 12 am, 12 pm crap)


Where does Valentine's Day figure in all this?


Indeed, you would think a MILITARY government would use military time.   :shock1:


As for Valentines day, it was just an after thought, like most thoughts in Thailand.

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15 hours ago, gdgbb said:

It's not confusing if logic is used because you know what day Macha Bucha day is and the restriction will obviously be the 24 hours of that day!


"Friday", per se,  wasn't mentioned in the OP, neither was "Sunday", just times referring to one day!


Really?  Not all bans are 24 hours.  Some have started at 6pm.   

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12 hours ago, Seismic said:

Not to sound too picky but the latin is Anti meridiem and Post Meridiem.


11 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

damn spell check


10 hours ago, gdgbb said:

You weren't picky enough, it's actually non-capitalised ante meridiem or post meridiem.

Some people are too lazy to even check Wikipedia.



a.m. (from the Latin, ante meridiem, meaning before midday) and p.m. (post meridiem, meaning after midday)

As to the other argument...



The 24 hour/day cycle starts at 12 midnight (often indicated as 12 a.m.), runs through 12 noon (often indicated as 12 p.m.), and continues to the midnight at the end of the day.

All pretty clear and simple, really.

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Sad Saturday: Booze to be banned, police to roam town on Buddhist holiday

By Coconuts Bangkok 



Photo: Xiongmao Belgium


BANGKOK: -- While many of you may be making plans for the long weekend, note that the police have just announced an alcohol ban for Saturday.


Alcohol sales will be banned on Saturday, starting at 12am as the nation celebrates Makha Bucha Day.


Deputy Police Chief Pol. Gen. Chalermkiat Sriworakhan has instructed police nationwide to set up checkpoints in an effort to prevent crimes ahead of the Buddhist holiday and also Valentine’s Day, which falls on Tuesday.


Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2017/02/08/sad-sunday-booze-be-banned-police-roam-town-buddhist-holiday

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2017-02-09
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Nothing seems to run on time here except for alchohol bans. I had a girl at 7/11 grab a beer out of my hand at 1:59 pm the other day and ring it up at another register!    

This ban is also brilliant ? Because it prevents people from going out both weekend nights from let's say 9 or 10pm to 2 or 3am. That's a loose , loose situation for bars and restaurants the entire weekend at the end of high season. 


Just ban it say  8 am to 8 pm Sat if really necessary.  

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Despite the pedantry above, I've never known bars being closed at midnight on one day and open at midnight on the next day. In practice bars close at the normal time the night before, probably 1am on the Buddha day itself, and don't open the usual time the day after the Buddhist holiday.


Please feel free to quote exceptions as no doubt someone has some examples.

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Ok folks: here is easy way to know am or pm: add one minute. noon is 12 pm because 12:01 is pm (you can add more than one minute no extra charge). 12:00 am because 12:01 am just after midnight. Hope that helps....

Alcohol ban: you can take a bottle from a baby fairly easily, but do expect some hollerin' from the kid

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Try this, one second past midnight on Friday (i.e. it's then Saturday) through to 23.59:59 the same day.  It's not rocket science.

Of course if you work on Zulu time that is 16.59:59
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17 hours ago, alocacoc said:

12am is confusing.


" There are no standards established for the meaning of 12 a.m. and 12 p.m."


" Displays that use the 12-hour system usually show noon as 12:00 pm and midnight as 12:00 am — a convention which is ambiguous and therefore confuses many people. The workaround of writing "12 noon" or "12 midnight" requires more space, makes the notation language dependent, and still fails to distinguish between midnight at the start and at the end of a day. "



I use my own logic. AM meaning after midnight and PM Past morning!!

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17 hours ago, gdgbb said:

Amazing, a thread about a regular alcohol sale restriction (and one that doesn't exist) and 50% of the posters so far are pedantically discussing whether it starts at midnight or not when the correct timing is perfectly obvious.

Judging by some of the posts, I am not amazed, just saddened that the educational abilities of many posters is abysmal

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18 hours ago, Rumbleg said:

12 am ??? Is that 12 noon or 12 midnight?

12 am is neither anti or post meridiem, so it refers to midnight at the start of the next day, so midnight Friday night until midnight Sunday .

Stock up before hand.

Edited by kiwikeith
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18 hours ago, Rumbleg said:

12 am ??? Is that 12 noon or 12 midnight?




I would have been embarrassed to post that question!



Google is your friend - and saves you looking a Numpty.  :smile:

Edited by Jip99
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