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Brit accused of ordering murder of Tony Kenway in Pattaya to arrive in Thailand today


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2 hours ago, Rough Rider said:

Tony Kenway was out on bail for the crimes that he and his x partner Toby James Nelham was involved by scamming people to invest money in Thailand when he was shot. He was supposedly to appear in court later in January 2017. A Lot of evidence  about the case was lost when he was shot. That is why Toby James Nelham is being accused as the mastermind behind the assassination.  

There is a theory, currently favored by the police, that an 8 million baht debt was the motivating factor behind the killing.  If this story is to be believed then it is done and dusted, mystery solved, case closed and no reason to pursue the investigation any further.  Very convenient for the police, who can always be relied upon to stop short of implicating anyone of real influence.


One might suspect the upcoming court date was more likely what sealed Mr. Kenway's fate, but that would raise the inconvenient question of who (besides Mr. Nelham) might want to guarantee his silence.  Obviously, the police will never publicly pursue any such line of inquiry.





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5 minutes ago, jing jing said:

There is a theory, currently favored by the police, that an 8 million baht debt was the motivating factor behind the killing.  If this story is to be believed then it is done and dusted, mystery solved, case closed and no reason to pursue the investigation any further.  Very convenient for the police, who can always be relied upon to stop short of implicating anyone of real influence.


One might suspect the upcoming court date was more likely what sealed Mr. Kenway's fate, but that would raise the inconvenient question of who (besides Mr. Nelham) might want to guarantee his silence.  Obviously, the police will never publicly pursue any such line of inquiry.





Good post. The question that would be raised will give the real motive. 8 million THB is far to little for what has been happening.

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4 hours ago, Paruk said:

I would be pissed off if somebody owes me 8 million baht and drives around in a Porsche living like that. First pay me back, sh&tsack, before you get yourself a Porsche to show off.

Exactly what I thought. We don't know what the exact circumstances are but if we believe the media circus and all the 'facts' presented thus far one would have to question why the dead rogue didn't pay his debts. 

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4 hours ago, farcanell said:

Not sure how killing the guy will get the 8 mill back, either.


kneecapping maybe.... then he can go down to the bank in a wheelchair., but killing him?

I guess the assumption is that his (permanent) silence is worth more that the $$$

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Refuses to pay the 8 million baht he owes but continues to live the high life with 3 homes

and driving a Porsche. Living on the extreme edge as far as I am concerned. I shake my head.

Oh well, another crook bites the dust. :whistling:


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2 hours ago, Paruk said:

All the more reason to pay back the loan and not going to show off with a Porsche! Shows that the Peter Principle is true and keeps being confirmed over and again.


Now, do I detect some kind of admiration for these utterly stupid criminals in your words? Do we have to consider your assumed in-depth knowledge about these criminal crumbs to be some kind of status symbol? Or can we just see it as a confirmation of your urge to get a certain level of credibility? Please enlighten us all about your deeper insights in the matter.


Personally, I wouldn't want to be associated with dumb f^&cks like that at all. The incompetence drips or pours of them. I think it would be healthier, although still pretty twisted, to express admiration for criminals that are successful, i.e. getting away with it. Like George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Billy Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu or any kind like that. In general, murderous politicians/bankers/Insurers/Wall Street crooks and/or CEO's robbing empty the companies they work for. In short, human parasites living of other peoples fruits of labour. Ah well....

peter principle= "promoted to your level of incompetence".


How does this apply in this case?

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3 hours ago, BangkapiPete said:

Good post. The question that would be raised will give the real motive. 8 million THB is far to little for what has been happening.

Great posts both. Nothing in this case (as reported or what  RTP say) makes sense. 
1) 8 mil THB is chicken scratch in the game. Motive: who has the most to gain? 
2) Amateurish hit.  
3) Alleged shooter and getaway man getaway. Delays in requesting Cambodian help. No follow-up. Cold trail. Why? 
4) No reported temporary seizure of Mr./Mrs. Kenway's assets in Thailand pending results of investigation. Once again motive: who has the most to gain? 
5) Surprise! Alleged "mastermind" and former business partner apprehended. If I had ordered a "hit" over only 8 mil THB using Dumb and Dumber, I  wouldn't be hanging around. Someone dropped his name IMO. 
It is just too easy! The RTP always get their man. Too bad it is usually never the right one. 
Why no enquiries into the Black Widow? She seems fine and seems to be following the script. If I or Mrs. Shock were assassinated for shady dealings, neither of us would be showing up at the local cop shop pleading for faux justice. One of us would be running for cover and getting our kids out of the country. Smelly. 
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12 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Mr Nelham is accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24."


So how was this established to the point of being able to arrest him?



obliviously, they're not giving out everything that they know.... "give a dog a bone" 

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50 minutes ago, docshock13 said:
Great posts both. Nothing in this case (as reported or what  RTP say) makes sense. 
1) 8 mil THB is chicken scratch in the game. Motive: who has the most to gain? 
2) Amateurish hit.  
3) Alleged shooter and getaway man getaway. Delays in requesting Cambodian help. No follow-up. Cold trail. Why? 
4) No reported temporary seizure of Mr./Mrs. Kenway's assets in Thailand pending results of investigation. Once again motive: who has the most to gain? 
5) Surprise! Alleged "mastermind" and former business partner apprehended. If I had ordered a "hit" over only 8 mil THB using Dumb and Dumber, I  wouldn't be hanging around. Someone dropped his name IMO. 
It is just too easy! The RTP always get their man. Too bad it is usually never the right one. 
Why no enquiries into the Black Widow? She seems fine and seems to be following the script. If I or Mrs. Shock were assassinated for shady dealings, neither of us would be showing up at the local cop shop pleading for faux justice. One of us would be running for cover and getting our kids out of the country. Smelly. 

they know a lot more than what we think they know or going to tell local tabloids, I believe the standard expression is "ongoing investigation" ...

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Many members here on this topic are criticizing the RTP of not  know what they are doing or the information that has/is being filtered out to the local tabloids and national media doesn't make to much sense. Information is, as I said filtered out for whatever motive they feel may help their ongoing investigation. I'm quite sure they know a lot more to the story than what we are giving them credit for.
When this incident happened, i recall many members posting about the lack of any kind of investigation ever getting off the ground.  And now these members are trying to piece this murder mystery together from info gathered from different media sources. Who I guess got their info from the police that they were criticizing in the first place.  ....lol how ironic

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1 minute ago, sioux2012 said:

Many members here on this topic are criticizing the RTP of not  know what they are doing or the information that has/is being filtered out to the local tabloids and national media doesn't make to much sense. Information is, as I said filtered out for whatever motive they feel may help their ongoing investigation. I'm quite sure they know a lot more to the story than what we are giving them credit for.
When this incident happened, i recall many members posting about the lack of any kind of investigation ever getting off the ground.  And now these members are trying to piece this murder mystery together from info gathered from different media sources. Who I guess got their info from the police that they were criticizing in the first place.  ....lol how ironic

The RTP has very much earned their reputation, hence people rightfully criticizing them. They also generally give out information even before they have it... rather than to hold back on anything. Since the suspect is in custody and presumably been told why he has been arrested, why not share the info? My guess, they are making it up as they go.

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7 hours ago, farcanell said:

Not sure how killing the guy will get the 8 mill back, either.


kneecapping maybe.... then he can go down to the bank in a wheelchair., but killing him?

i know personally, that depending on who and who did what...goes down to good old ....principle!!!
And before you say.... wrong principles or you wouldn't believe in such an barbaric act... I did say depends on who it was done to

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3 minutes ago, BangkapiPete said:

The RTP has very much earned their reputation, hence people rightfully criticizing them. They also generally give out information even before they have it... rather than to hold back on anything. Since the suspect is in custody and presumably been told why he has been arrested, why not share the info? My guess, they are making it up as they go.

I agree, put buddys name in the paper and at what level of invovlement they beleive he is invovled in, some info could be made up... maybe to see the reaction of certain folk, ...just guess

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2 minutes ago, sioux2012 said:

I agree, put buddys name in the paper and at what level of invovlement they beleive he is invovled in, some info could be made up... maybe to see the reaction of certain folk, ...just guess

They seem to be getting a lot of reaction....lol especially here on TV. Why I remain so sceptical is that by getting the guy killed he lost the 8 million THB. Someone who can afford to pay for such a murder and then write off the 8 million must have plenty more in the bank. Does Toby have this kind of money? The other people he annoyed certainly does have that kind of money and would easily pay that to send a clear message.

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1 minute ago, BangkapiPete said:

They seem to be getting a lot of reaction....lol especially here on TV. Why I remain so sceptical is that by getting the guy killed he lost the 8 million THB. Someone who can afford to pay for such a murder and then write off the 8 million must have plenty more in the bank. Does Toby have this kind of money? The other people he annoyed certainly does have that kind of money and would easily pay that to send a clear message.

I hear what you are saying, and I agree...and I'm saying this because i know personally very very well one person wrote off a lot more than 8mil Baht ($298,000 cdn today's rates) and that was that.......principle!!

And yes, there are a lot of people that 8 Mil baht, isn't much....when you look at it in dollars...in Baht...your a multi...lol

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7 minutes ago, sioux2012 said:

I hear what you are saying, and I agree...and I'm saying this because i know personally very very well one person wrote off a lot more than 8mil Baht ($298,000 cdn today's rates) and that was that.......principle!!

And yes, there are a lot of people that 8 Mil baht, isn't much....when you look at it in dollars...in Baht...your a multi...lol

Once 8 million is not much, is it worth killing for it? But as you say, must be a matter of principle.

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16 hours ago, docshock13 said:

Won't be surprised if Mr. Nelham is paraded in full view sans bullet-proof vest and gets Lee Harvey Oswalded. Those higher up in the food chain do not like canaries. They are bad for business and could expose certain well-connected dark influences. 

Well it will be a new event as they usually get released on appeal and vanish or simply ask to go to the bathroom, climb out of the window and are never seen again.

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3 hours ago, BangkapiPete said:

They seem to be getting a lot of reaction....lol especially here on TV. Why I remain so sceptical is that by getting the guy killed he lost the 8 million THB. Someone who can afford to pay for such a murder and then write off the 8 million must have plenty more in the bank. Does Toby have this kind of money? The other people he annoyed certainly does have that kind of money and would easily pay that to send a clear message.

The real motive  ,

                     Kenways original trial late in 2016 was suspended and he was bailed out apparently by a high ranking RTP officer .

Kenway was facing a fresh trial in January this year in which he implicated Toby Nelham a business associate who would have been equally guilty of the allegations aimed at Kenway probably by association . Kenway was not going down alone for what may well have been a custodial sentence . Now this is supposition but Kenway already had the right people on his side and a big brown envelope would guarantee his innocence , keep him out of gaol at the expense of Nelham .  The 8 million baht is a red herring  . It was curtains for Nelham and there was only one way out of it . 

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Suspected Mastermind of Pattaya ‘Web Designer’ Hit Still Sought From Cambodia

By Asaree Thaitrakulpanich, Staff Reporter



CCTV footage of Tony Kenway being shot by a man in a black jacket Jan. 24 at the Sanit Sport Club Chonburi in Pattaya.


TRAT — Thai authorities on Saturday were still waiting for Cambodia to hand over the suspect in the murder of a British man last month at a Thai sports club.


Toby James Nelham, a 44-year-old Briton wanted in connection with a man gunned down last month in Pattaya, has yet to be extradited to Thai officials two days after they learned he had been arrested in Cambodia and would be handed over at a border crossing.


“We’ve received no news about the extradition from Cambodia’s side yet,” Col. Damrong Ieampairot, superintendent of Klong Yai police said Saturday afternoon. “There’s nothing sent to  us yet.”


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2017/02/11/suspected-mastermind-pattaya-web-designer-hit-still-sought-cambodia/


-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2017-02-12
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3 hours ago, superal said:

The real motive  ,

                     Kenways original trial late in 2016 was suspended and he was bailed out apparently by a high ranking RTP officer .

Kenway was facing a fresh trial in January this year in which he implicated Toby Nelham a business associate who would have been equally guilty of the allegations aimed at Kenway probably by association . Kenway was not going down alone for what may well have been a custodial sentence . Now this is supposition but Kenway already had the right people on his side and a big brown envelope would guarantee his innocence , keep him out of gaol at the expense of Nelham .  The 8 million baht is a red herring  . It was curtains for Nelham and there was only one way out of it . 


So why the hell was he sitting in Cambodia? why not fake passport etc off to X country a million miles away, long before hit etc. Does not make much sense.

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19 minutes ago, smutcakes said:


So why the hell was he sitting in Cambodia? why not fake passport etc off to X country a million miles away, long before hit etc. Does not make much sense.


Probably because In Cambodia he might have a possiblity of paying himself out in case of caught, which he definitely would not have in the country a million miles away.

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22 minutes ago, smutcakes said:


So why the hell was he sitting in Cambodia? why not fake passport etc off to X country a million miles away, long before hit etc. Does not make much sense.

Correct assumption , however by staying in Cambodia his presence and movements would have been noted and thus an alibi . The downfall came with the botched  and poorly planned amateurish  murder . If Nelham had decided to flee Cambodia he would have become the main suspect  once the full details of the case were revealed .He was trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone , i.e. get rid of the threat of danger and retain his wealth and lifestyle .   

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1 hour ago, superal said:

The real motive  ,

                     Kenways original trial late in 2016 was suspended and he was bailed out apparently by a high ranking RTP officer .

Kenway was facing a fresh trial in January this year in which he implicated Toby Nelham a business associate who would have been equally guilty of the allegations aimed at Kenway probably by association . Kenway was not going down alone for what may well have been a custodial sentence . Now this is supposition but Kenway already had the right people on his side and a big brown envelope would guarantee his innocence , keep him out of gaol at the expense of Nelham .  The 8 million baht is a red herring  . It was curtains for Nelham and there was only one way out of it . 

Kenway was going to court over alleged labour law and immigration violations; ie. no work permit and employing foreigners. I haven't seen anything to suggest that his arrest and subsequent charges were anything directly to do with running the boiler room scam. The premise that Kenway was somehow going to incriminate himself in a totally unrelated court over what would appear to be a minor debt (to him) or bring down a former business partner who is now a minor rival is a bit of a stretch.


The debate on the 8 million baht debt has been mostly based on Kenway owing this money to Nelham. Very little has been said about the possibility of the debt being reversed. Nelham appears to have departed Thailand rather hastily last year either in the face of either an as yet unspecified police arrest or personal threats by Kenway. Maybe he took some of Kenway's clients with him to set up his own scam in Cambodia? Maybe Kenway claimed 8 million baht 'damages' which is the sum they couldn't agree on? This amount of money was apparently a drop in the ocean to Kenway but possibly a significant if not impossible amount of money for Nelham to come up with?


In other words, if Nelham owed the money to Kenway, topping Kenway would quickly remove the need for Nelham to honor any perceived debt while possibly removing a major player in the boiler room market. If Kenway owed Pelham the money, topping him would have absolutely no value beyond writing off any recovery the 8 million baht owed but possibly still removing a major player in the boiler room market. I consider whoever is the most desperate of the two protagonists as the one with most to lose when it comes to who owed what to whom and the ultimate 'decommissioning' of an 8 million baht debt. AFAIK, Nelham didn't tool around in imported sports cars or have multiple properties either here or in Cambodia and Kenway didn't have to hide in a third country or look anywhere near to living in the poor house.

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3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Kenway was going to court over alleged labour law and immigration violations; ie. no work permit and employing foreigners. I haven't seen anything to suggest that his arrest and subsequent charges were anything directly to do with running the boiler room scam. The premise that Kenway was somehow going to incriminate himself in a totally unrelated court over what would appear to be a minor debt (to him) or bring down a former business partner who is now a minor rival is a bit of a stretch.


The debate on the 8 million baht debt has been mostly based on Kenway owing this money to Nelham. Very little has been said about the possibility of the debt being reversed. Nelham appears to have departed Thailand rather hastily last year either in the face of either an as yet unspecified police arrest or personal threats by Kenway. Maybe he took some of Kenway's clients with him to set up his own scam in Cambodia? Maybe Kenway claimed 8 million baht 'damages' which is the sum they couldn't agree on? This amount of money was apparently a drop in the ocean to Kenway but possibly a significant if not impossible amount of money for Nelham to come up with?


In other words, if Nelham owed the money to Kenway, topping Kenway would quickly remove the need for Nelham to honor any perceived debt while possibly removing a major player in the boiler room market. If Kenway owed Pelham the money, topping him would have absolutely no value beyond writing off any recovery the 8 million baht owed but possibly still removing a major player in the boiler room market. I consider whoever is the most desperate of the two protagonists as the one with most to lose when it comes to who owed what to whom and the ultimate 'decommissioning' of an 8 million baht debt. AFAIK, Nelham didn't tool around in imported sports cars or have multiple properties either here or in Cambodia and Kenway didn't have to hide in a third country or look anywhere near to living in the poor house.

There have been news reports saying both of the things you mention. One report said in addition to work permit offences, Kenway had also been arrested for boiler room crimes and was awaiting trial, Also, lots of news reports saying Kenway was owed money by the gunmen and business associates. As I said earlier in the thread, there are so many contradictory versions of this story now, its hard to keep track.

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