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Video: Thai driver takes the biscuit for mad driving - but gets his just desserts!

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Just now, Alan Deer said:

again attempts to explain the ill-perceived problem in terms of single isolated incidents and propose single issue solutions will prove ineffective.

Let's hear your solutions Einstein. You are pretty good at deriding others comments or solutions, but have zero answers yourself.

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2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Did I not say ALL forms of motorised transport, which wasn't meant to be taken seriously BTW. I have still yet to hear any solutions from you.

as iy appears that most posters on this thread can't even identify the problems how would they be expected to understand the solutions? If you identify the problems correctly the solutions are pretty self-evident.

However rather than get distracted by that please refer to my oiginal post on thi thread to see my point of view.

4 minutes ago, Alan Deer said:

""(you) keep saying it's no worse here than elsewhere." - really? Where do I say that?

"there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country." What exactly do you blame the road carnage on, potholes?

2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Let's hear your solutions Einstein. You are pretty good at deriding others comments or solutions, but have zero answers yourself.

As I've pointed out - there is no point in solutions until you have identified the problem - now please refer to my original post and you will understand the point I'm making - I'm srry you find the need to refer to Einstein in a derogatory way - it does rather say more about your attitude than mine though.

1 minute ago, Alan Deer said:

as iy appears that most posters on this thread can't even identify the problems how would they be expected to understand the solutions? If you identify the problems correctly the solutions are pretty self-evident.

However rather than get distracted by that please refer to my oiginal post on thi thread to see my point of view.

You'd be perfect for politics, avoid answering the real questions by any means.

Just now, Alan Deer said:

As I've pointed out - there is no point in solutions until you have identified the problem - now please refer to my original post and you will understand the point I'm making - I'm srry you find the need to refer to Einstein in a derogatory way - it does rather say more about your attitude than mine though.

Your original post, the one where everyone was a racist who criticized the driving in Thailand? Sorry, anyone who has that kind of mind set has nothing worthwhile to say.

1 minute ago, giddyup said:

"there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country." What exactly do you blame the road carnage on, potholes?

I'm not "blaming" anything however this comment does show how shallow your thoughts on road safety are - and you agree that you failed to understand my post in the first place and said no such comment about "no worse" - it would seem that rather than take time to think about the issues involved you are letting your erroneous assumptions take over and lead you into a series of gainsaying - hardly what I would call an intelligent conversation.


Just now, Alan Deer said:

I'm not "blaming" anything however this comment does show how shallow your thoughts on road safety are - and you agree that you failed to understand my post in the first place and said no such comment about "no worse" - it would seem that rather than take time to think about the issues involved you are letting your erroneous assumptions take over and lead you into a series of gainsaying - hardly what I would call an intelligent conversation.


Pontificating, puerile, poop.

I'm not "blaming" anything however this comment does show how shallow your thoughts on road safety are - and you agree that you failed to understand my post in the first place and said no such comment about "no worse" - it would seem that rather than take time to think about the issues involved you are letting your erroneous assumptions take over and lead you into a series of gainsaying - hardly what I would call an intelligent conversation.

You are coming across as a troll, I suggest you change your attitude or expect a holiday.

Sent from my iris 755 using Tapatalk

1 hour ago, Alan Deer said:

I'm not "blaming" anything however this comment does show how shallow your thoughts on road safety are - and you agree that you failed to understand my post in the first place and said no such comment about "no worse" - it would seem that rather than take time to think about the issues involved you are letting your erroneous assumptions take over and lead you into a series of gainsaying - hardly what I would call an intelligent conversation.


I think you need to throw in a few big words to better convince everyone you know what you're talking about... otherwise the Latin phrase cum grano salis comes to mind...

7 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

That is self-evident.


It reminds of the the movie a Yank at the court of King Arthur.


Take as a whole this thread embodies all that is wrong with road safety - not just here but in the rest of the world...... it is fair to assume that many here have a driving licence - of some sort - and many have been driving for years, but they almost to a man have no idea whatsoever about road safety.

There is the assumption that they must be excellent drivers and everyone else is an idiot...when they have an "accident" (there is no such thing) it is due to an "understandable slip" on their part or the other person's fault....the fact that they see it is terms of blame just underlines how far they are from truly understanding what road safety is all about.


those who spend there time using false syllogisms to reinforce there confirmation bias about driving in Thailand are in reality just pursuing their own racial prejudices.

if they took the time to really study the subject they would realise how trite their observations are.

You give Aristotle's syllogistic reasoning bad name. Oh, and by the way there is no 'false syllogisms' they are valid or invalid. Faulty reasoning is due to Fallacies in the premises so if you are going to come out with 'technical' terms, get it right (and spelling too 'their' not 'there'). Actually, reality has to be formulated with Modal Logics and not syllogisms. And if expats were racially inclined they wouldn't be here in the first place.

12 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

Sadly this is an example of how even the expat public are themselves incrediby ill-informed of the issues faccing road safety in Thailand.

Oh grow up, Mr Deer!

14 hours ago, giddyup said:

You'd be perfect for politics, avoid answering the real questions by any means.

As you don't know what the question is - you would be the perfect putz.

I've stated my point and backed it up - you don't understand the concept and therefore bereft of any real argument are asking irrelevant questions - but you don't even seem to realise this....... go back a rad my first observations on this and then spend about 10 years researching road safety (i did) and you might get soe idea of wat we ae talking about. However I seriously don't think you are capable of in depth research into any topic.

12 hours ago, TKDfella said:

You give Aristotle's syllogistic reasoning bad name. Oh, and by the way there is no 'false syllogisms' they are valid or invalid. Faulty reasoning is due to Fallacies in the premises so if you are going to come out with 'technical' terms, get it right (and spelling too 'their' not 'there'). Actually, reality has to be formulated with Modal Logics and not syllogisms. And if expats were racially inclined they wouldn't be here in the first place.

No you are wrong...things have changed a bit since Aristotle- it isa "false syllogism"  a didactic "tool" - both major ands minor premises are correct it is the conclusion that is fallacious. Racists use it a lot.

i think the fact that you concentrate on typos rather than counter any argument says enough about yourself to dismiss any comments you might make on this topic.



1 hour ago, Alan Deer said:

As you don't know what the question is - you would be the perfect putz.

I've stated my point and backed it up - you don't understand the concept and therefore bereft of any real argument are asking irrelevant questions - but you don't even seem to realise this....... go back a rad my first observations on this and then spend about 10 years researching road safety (i did) and you might get soe idea of wat we ae talking about. However I seriously don't think you are capable of in depth research into any topic.

Double post.

1 hour ago, Alan Deer said:

As you don't know what the question is - you would be the perfect putz.

I've stated my point and backed it up - you don't understand the concept and therefore bereft of any real argument are asking irrelevant questions - but you don't even seem to realise this....... go back a rad my first observations on this and then spend about 10 years researching road safety (i did) and you might get soe idea of wat we ae talking about. However I seriously don't think you are capable of in depth research into any topic.

More meaningless waffle. You are trying to present yourself as an intellectual but failing miserably. You lost all credibility when you called people racist who dared criticise Thai driving. Fail.


I drive about 15000 km a month   I see crazy drivers everyday. Not limited to thailand. Looks like he won't be driving that car for a while.. that is good for the rest of the people 

3 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

No you are wrong...things have changed a bit since Aristotle- it isa "false syllogism"  a didactic "tool" - both major ands minor premises are correct it is the conclusion that is fallacious. Racists use it a lot.

i think the fact that you concentrate on typos rather than counter any argument says enough about yourself to dismiss any comments you might make on this topic.



Wrong again! the term 'false' is incorrectly applied in these cases although it is common. The opposite of false is true and if syllogisms were only true or false then...well work it out with a  Venn Diagram. You are saying 'Fallacious' = 'false' and 'validity' = 'truth'. They aren't. and if you can't see that then...racist troll? Though 'giddyup' summed you very well indeed, Ha!

@giddyup, just so that I stay on topic about Thai driving, I never forget when I was a passenger in my friend's car amid traffic. My friend stopped to make a space between his and the car in front so that a motorcyclist could turn right. The m.c. stared at my friend as he turned (Amazed maybe) so much that he didn't see another motorbike  overtaking on the inside and... there were a few broken bones that day.

On 2017-02-21 at 8:28 AM, Alan Deer said:

Sadly this video does nothing to improve road safety in Thailand.

What it is a  racist attack designed to reinforce prejudices about Thai people.

there are no more stupid drivers in Thailand than any other country.

What WOULD help road safety is an intelligent analysis of WHY and HOW this incident took place.

The problem with road safety in Thailand could be layered as:

L    |    CULTURE

Going from the bottom up (trying not to write too much):

Roads are poorly maintained (random holes, bumps can appear anywhere and will be hard to see because of the bad state of the roads), no speed limits or signs limiting speed (people driving at different speeds decrease traffic flow and contribute to accidents), multiple lanes (4-6 lanes impacts the traffic flow and contribute to accidents, e.g. switching 4 lanes to get to an exit), road signs not put up within a reasonable distance to e.g. an exit, lanes disappearing due to poor planning, road surface markings are many times random and many times it can be hard to tell which ones are new ones and old ones, U-turns (probably the worst one - having a u-turn from the "fast lane" to an oncoming "fast lane" is a death trap), few sidewalks, no motorcycle lanes (instead having them splitting lanes),  poor road planning in general, sometimes no hard shoulder, poor lighting when driving at night time, no follow up or traffic flow analysis (just guessing here) etc.

Driver education and driving schools
ery simple tests, the drivers will not know road signs, the law, how to behave, how to act in case of an emergency, how a car behaves in different weather, how a car works, how to drive in a roundabout, right of way, how and why you should keep distance, how zebra crossings works and so on.

"There is no law against not wearing a seat belt in the back so I won't wear any", "I've downed 3 Changs but I can drive home, it's not too far and/or if the police catch me I can show off my dads x/y/z or pay the police officer", "I can park at the red and white curb there is another lane people can drive on", "I can park outside this guys home blocking his enter/exit path, he is not exiting now", "The hard shoulder is a great way to get there faster", "Driving without license, no worries", "Driving without insurance, no worries", "Let me just check my Line really quick when I'm on the highway", "I can drive without a helmet, no worries", "Sidewalks are great to use to get there faster", "Cars have the right of way even if you are on a zebra crossing" Tinted windows on most cars, bribing traffic police, etc.

Law and enforcement (cross cutting)
No enforcement of the law (e.g. corruption and it seems like the traffic police, at least in Bangkok, are more concerned with waving their hands to make the traffic go faster and also causing more chaos and traffic congestion) and low fines and penalties if you would get caught. 

You could sprinkle morons on the top of this, just like the guy driving in the video, but those are everywhere and they are hard to get rid of.

Like many people on tis thread you fail to see the complete picture - ban all cars and motorcycles and you are still left with a crap road system, buses and public transport and all the other road users.......there would still be accidents

"...there would still be accidents"

Ummm...what? You mean pedestrian accidents...like a mosh pit? :unsure:


Send him to a Thai driving school , that will make the roads safe again .   :whistling:



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