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Girlfriend sacked for stealing perfume - how would you feel?


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My girlfriend has been working in a family run hotel for a couple of months.

Yesterday the boss sacked her because she stole perfume from one of the guests while cleaning the room. She sprayed a little on herself but also put about half a teaspoon in her own little perfume bottle.

Her colleague who was with her reported her to the boss.

Our relationship is 2 years old now and she has spent 3 months with me in the UK and we have spent 6 months together in Phuket.

She has proved to be extremely honest and a very loving and devoted partner. She is a very generous person who frequently helps other people in need and is very soft-hearted when it comes to anyone or any creature that is suffering in any way. 

I was surprised at her nicking a drop of perfume while working. I buy everything she needs or wants and she knows I would buy her more perfume if she asked.

She doesn't like to ask too much and worries about spending my money.

My feelings for her have not changed. I love her to bits and although it was theft taking a bit of perfume, it was hardly the heist of the century.

I think her moral compass just needed a tiny bit of fine tuning and I feel very sorry for her as she's devastated and sorry for what she's done.

How would you feel in my position? 

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Once a thief always a thief.


A women with no  boundaries is a women to run from.


Some say love is a  serious, mental illness. 


Which is confirmed with all the media attention recently with all the physical violence, murders and suicides.

Edited by Kabula
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1 hour ago, Orac said:

Big question for me would be how do you know exactly what happenned. If she told you herself and particularly if you would not have known the details otherwise then she is at least being honest with you and it can probably be put down to a 'mistake' rather than anything more drastic.

She immediately told me everything and admits it was wrong. I'm pretty sure she won't do anything like it again.

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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No. Not kidding.

Likely why she did it. Brow nose snitch. What's to love there?

Imagine being in a relationship with a brown nose snitch Thai. Surely there is some small petty illegal thing that almost all of us are doing that such a sleazy goody two shoes could report to the authorities. Who'd want to sleep with that? 

Uhmm….me!  Snitch snatch is the best! 

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2 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

Something like this posted in " Pub......etc " make me think troll.


I'll bite,  yeah l would be upset and angry too, when you say you could of bought that perfume for her,  it makes you doubtful and suspicious of someone close to you.


As for carrying around a bottle of your own while working for topping up purposes that's in my book is having in mind as an intent to steal.

Kwasaki this is not a troll post. I think you and I have had views in common on other issues in this forum. Look at my history on the forum.

She has always carried her little perfume bottle around in her handbag. I don't think she's been planning to nick a couple of millilitres of perfume for 2 years.

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