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Transferring money to Thailand

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You can do a ACH transfer from your US bank to your account via Bangkok Bank's New York branch. I get transfers that way every month to my savings account.

See: http://www.bangkokbank.com/BangkokBank/PersonalBanking/DailyBanking/TransferingFunds/TransferringIntoThailand/ReceivingFundsfromUSA/Pages/ReceivingFundsfromUSA.aspx

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You can do ACH transfers to savings or checking accounts.    U.S. govt distributes pension payments such as social security, military retirement, etc., via ACH to savings or checking accounts.    You can make manual transfers  (i.e., like you sending yourself X-amount from your bank account) via ACH to savings or checking accounts.


Whoever told you ACH payments can only to to checking accounts is wrong....or you misunderstood.  Now if it happens to be some financial company/bank you are with, then it's purely that company's/bank's internal policy.

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From the National Automated Clearing House Association.   Although it's talking Direct Deposit it also applies to just any transfer or bill payment you accomplish via ACH.   Now in doing a transfer you will usually be required to identify the type of account you are sending to as either checking or savings because that info is need to get the file format of the funds transmission correct.






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