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Video: Hunt on for foreigner on big bike who hit three year old in buggy


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The parents clearly at fault, pushing their defenceless kid in front of speeding traffic, brainless idiots. I'll bet there was a pedestrian bridge nearby which they were too lazy to use.

Don't think there's a bridge anywhere near there.

Still can't believe their actions.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Lets hope they catch the speedster quickly,and he learns the

hard way why he should take responsibility for his actions.


regards worgeordie

Looking at the video, he was not speeding, the traffic appeared to be slow in fact. The parents must accept responsibility for walking into traffic like that. 


The bike should not have left the scene, but being Thailand it is somewhat understandable.

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1 hour ago, TheRoadWarrior said:


1. you dont need to understand the traffic rules of any country to know YOU DO NOT WALK OUT INTO MOVING TRAFFIC... that is a universal concept of self presrevation that seems to be lost on the idiots from the west that live such a sheltered life they have forgotten to have common sense.

it does NOT MATTER if there is a crosswalk there, not everyone stops, so do NOT run into traffic... this is a simple concept.. you wait until it is clear and you make sure you have ample time to cross

these people got impatient and just went.


2. he left the scene because you are highly unlikely to get any sort of fair trial here as a foreigner... if the media is pressuring the police to punish, they will do it regardless of whether you are wrong or not.


i watch tourists every single day here walk into traffic, without even looking... or even worse, they are looking the WRONG direction on a ONE WAY street... its absolutely ridiculous... my friend got his bike destroyed due to an idiot like this running into traffic in front of him and causing an accident... i narrowly avoided him but he continued to run into traffic and was hit... and he had the nerve to insist my friend pay for his medical bills... no one wants to take responsiblity for their actions, just punish someone else.


the parents are at fault, and the motorcyclist should be reimbursed for damage to his bike.

Totally agree...............until you try and cross the road in Vietnam, there you have to look them in the eyes and walk slowly and positively to cross the road. But in Thailand........never!

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2 hours ago, Seismic said:

He didnt appear to be speeding to me, I think the pram appearing in front of him was probably as big a shock to him. While I dont condone his actions,

I think the parents should shoulder the majority of the blame here.

...agreed..he pulled to the left of a vehicle that was stopping to let the people cross...he swerved around the near stationery vehicle and straight into the woman pushing the stroller..he should have twigged the car was stopping in front for some reason as there was no traffic directly in front of that vehicle!

He also had room to move over to the left of the near stationery vehicle and thus avoid the stroller.

I also saw that he calmly stopped his bike in a short distance and walked back to where they were..there was then a break in the footage and i could see him walk back to his bike and ride away. (Lets hope he went to the hospital to check on her).

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The actions of the parents in shoving the pram out into busy traffic, at night, beggars believe.


what the hell were they thinking?


agreed... the bike rider should have as a minimum, provided contact and insurance details, but not nessesarily have sat around waiting on the cops to show up... that could have taken hours.

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they want to play Russian Roulette on the Road!! - should have gone for a holiday in Russia instead...



at least in Russia the drivers are prepared for the suicidal peds

-  and all have cams on board to protect themselves from the legal aftermath

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56 minutes ago, farcanell said:

The actions of the parents in shoving the pram out into busy traffic, at night, beggars believe.


what the hell were they thinking?


agreed... the bike rider should have as a minimum, provided contact and insurance details, but not nessesarily have sat around waiting on the cops to show up... that could have taken hours.

Hopefully the bike rider did give his insurance. Hence the brief stop.  Who knows? 

But what the heck were the parents thinking? Just speculating, but probably frustrated and impatient and one of them had a the idea to push the pram out first thinking "traffic will stop for a pram." Hope the little one recovers. Sad. 

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Seriously...some people are not fit to be parents! Common thats not the way to cross a busy road with a baby. Same also, I find a lot of stupid foreigners pushing baby prams with their babies in areas like Jatujak Weekend Market!!!!!!!! The crowds, heat and risk of infectious air borne diseases alone should serve as a deterrent but not these buffoons! Not to say that they are also blocking other shoppers.

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4 hours ago, inzman said:

Come on , he was driving with traffic. The parents are looney for pushing the pram  into traffic like that. They need to take responsibility for being morons. 


4 hours ago, Seismic said:

He didnt appear to be speeding to me, I think the pram appearing in front of him was probably as big a shock to him. While I dont condone his actions,

I think the parents should shoulder the majority of the blame here.

have to agree with both these comments, I actually don't blame the guy on the bike at all for the accident, he was not speeding and the parents were pushing a pram in front of them onto a busy road - how stupid can someone be, equally he should not have left the scene and waited for police to arrive and possibly followed up with a trip to the hospital - on the flip side - the police don't always see things as they should and would likely have (IMO) incorrectly blamed the rider

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4 hours ago, indothai said:



I'm not sure if there is a pedestrian crossing, the video looked too grainy to tell, but from CH3 this morning the couple said they were crossing a pedestrian crossing.  If so, the "big bike" is in trouble.



Incorrect, even if there is a pedestrian crossing you just don't walk out onto the road when the traffic is still moving, you think using a crossing suddenly makes you indestructible ?


You wait until the traffic stops, if the traffic doesn't stop which is normally the case in Thailand then that is a law enforcement issue and effectively renders the crossing no safer than attempting to cross without one.


In the UK there are occasional incidents at zebra crossings and it is almost always the fault of the pedestrian just stepping out into the path of moving vehicles - you must wait until the traffic has stopped which they are by law obliged to do when it is safe - some stupid people just step out thinking somehow by some miracle it will be safe....................wrong

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5 hours ago, Deli said:

Why do they push stroller where the traffic flows ?


Because they think they are still in Europe.


In most European countries if someone is just standing beside the road, zebra crossing or not, the drivers are required to stop by law.


This being lawless Thailand, they made a big mistake knowingly or not, but the parents are the only ones to blame here .



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I wonder if it was a pedestrian crossing or not... 


If it was a pedestrian crossing:

Legally speaking: They have right of way. The motorists much give way, they must also slow down when they see the sign for "pedestrian crossing" that should be up on the road visible in  good time... So legally speaking it was the motorbikes fault, 100%... 


Rationally speaking, what an idiot that pushes the kid out into traffic like that.... They should know that pedestrians does not actually have the right of way in Thailand.. (Legally yes, but there is no traffic law enforcement in Thailand except for helmet checks.)



If it was NOT a pedestrian crossing:

100% the parents fault. Motorbike did nothing wrong. Except leaving the scene. I think he is legally required to stay on the scene OR go directly to a police station and report in. (at least this is common and seems to not be penalized, I might be wrong.)



So as for cause of accident, legally, it depends on if it was a pedestrian crossing.

As for leaving the scene, it's not allowed unless he went to the station directly.. I guess.. And he probably didn't.



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If the kid is seriously injured as reported, the police will want the bike driver or his insurance to pay the medical costs which could be huge and the police will want money off somebody and the bike rider is the most likely, in fact only, candidate.

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5 hours ago, hobz said:

Pedestrian crossings are very dangerous in thailand. 

I once stopped to let pedestrians walk, because pedestrians have right of way on unmonitored pedestrian crossings.

Problem is that the bikes behind me was not prepared and started breaking in panic and hit eachother. 

Pedestrians didnt even cross...

So now i always keep going even though pedestrians are waiting to cross.. Unless i know for sure that no nobody is behind me.


Somebody should push empty strollers out into pedestrian crossings and film it to raise awareness.

I would too, by stopping the foreign pedestrians think it is the same as in west where when one stops all the rest of the traffic will do likewise, not so here though so you would be putting the pedestrians in more danger by stopping, personally i think pedestrian crossing should be scrapped as i am sure a lot of Thai drivers do not know what they are for!

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2 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

I would too, by stopping the foreign pedestrians think it is the same as in west where when one stops all the rest of the traffic will do likewise, not so here though so you would be putting the pedestrians in more danger by stopping, personally i think pedestrian crossing should be scrapped as i am sure a lot of Thai drivers do not know what they are for!

Yeah, but if I dont stop.. Then I could end up like the guy that is now being hunted.. and legally I would be wrong... 

It's a damn if you don't, damn if you do situation.... Stop = dangerous, Go = dangerous ... But I would say Stopping is more dangerous... Because most people know not to just walk out ... except these morons...

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Seriously...some people are not fit to be parents! Common thats not the way to cross a busy road with a baby. Same also, I find a lot of stupid foreigners pushing baby prams with their babies in areas like Jatujak Weekend Market!!!!!!!! The crowds, heat and risk of infectious air borne diseases alone should serve as a deterrent but not these buffoons! Not to say that they are also blocking other shoppers.

Med time.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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48 minutes ago, hobz said:

I wonder if it was a pedestrian crossing or not... 


If it was a pedestrian crossing:

Legally speaking: They have right of way. The motorists much give way, they must also slow down when they see the sign for "pedestrian crossing" that should be up on the road visible in  good time... So legally speaking it was the motorbikes fault, 100%... 


Rationally speaking, what an idiot that pushes the kid out into traffic like that.... They should know that pedestrians does not actually have the right of way in Thailand.. (Legally yes, but there is no traffic law enforcement in Thailand except for helmet checks.)



If it was NOT a pedestrian crossing:

100% the parents fault. Motorbike did nothing wrong. Except leaving the scene. I think he is legally required to stay on the scene OR go directly to a police station and report in. (at least this is common and seems to not be penalized, I might be wrong.)



So as for cause of accident, legally, it depends on if it was a pedestrian crossing.

As for leaving the scene, it's not allowed unless he went to the station directly.. I guess.. And he probably didn't.



you are posting incorrect information, like I said in a post above - in the west (UK) yes vehicles are required to stop at a pedestrian crossing ONLY WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, pedestrians have no right of way until all the vehicles have stopped to allow them to cross  - that is fact and is common sense, these people walked out onto the road (crossing or not) when the traffic was still moving, it is 100% their fault regardless if they were at a crossing - even In the west (UK) if there was a crossing they did not use it properly - the fact that it is Thailand is even adds a whole pile of extra dangers because Thais don't know how to use them and the laws are not enforced

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40 minutes ago, smedly said:

you are posting incorrect information, like I said in a post above - in the west (UK) yes vehicles are required to stop at a pedestrian crossing ONLY WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, pedestrians have no right of way until all the vehicles have stopped to allow them to cross  - that is fact and is common sense, these people walked out onto the road (crossing or not) when the traffic was still moving, it is 100% their fault regardless if they were at a crossing - even In the west (UK) if there was a crossing they did not use it properly - the fact that it is Thailand is even adds a whole pile of extra dangers because Thais don't know how to use them and the laws are not enforced

Ok, It's possible that I'm wrong, but I just took a drivers license here in Thailand and that's what was the correct answer on the test. 


Here's some snippets from translated "Land Traffic act" (1979)   <-- Not sure if this is still in effect.


Section 22

Green Arrow: the driver shall drive according to the direction of the green arrow, but shall
be careful to give way to crossing pedestrians or other vehicles.  


My comment: The above does not apply to this situation as there was no light. But notice the "give way to crossing pedestrians" .. and this is even if the cars have a green light!! 



Section 32
[The driver shall be careful not to hit pedestrians, and may use the horn if necessary. The
driver shall be especially careful with children, elderly persons and disabled persons.]


No comments....





Section 46 (400-1000B)
[The driver shall not overtake another vehicle when:
b. within a distance of 30m from a pedestrian crossing, junction, circle (rotary) or
railroad crossing


My comment: I saw what looked like people attempting to overtake... But it gets vague when you consider tuk tuks and a motorbike all driving like it's pure chaos ..But the point is that there's a reason for this law,, and it has to do with extra carefulness around pedestrian crossings..


Section 70 (500B)
[The driver shall reduce speed when approaching a junction, pedestrian crossing, vehicle
stop line, or circle (rotary).]


Again, slow down before pedestrian crossing... Again, implies extra care around pedestrian crossing,,, because,, u know,, pedestrians might walk out on the road or something silly like that...




Section 105 and 106 are about "methods for pedestrian to cross the road" they have not been translated... I think the information you refer to must be in there. That pedestrians must wait until it's clear etc... But notice also that motorbikes etc must stop so that it becomes clear. 







Does somebody have a translation of section 105 and 106?


*edit* http://web.krisdika.go.th/data/outsitedata/outsite21/file/Road_Traffic_Act_BE_2522_(1979).pdf   This one has Section 105 and 106 ... It does not say that pedestrians have to wait for cars to stop.. It just talks about red/green light ... 


There seems to be no specific rule for unmonitored pedestrian crossings. So I think it falls back on section 32 that puts it in the motor vehicles responsibility to take extra care to not hit pedestrians... 


But again.. This is just laws .. and i'm not even sure if they are correctly translated or valid / current.. And now I probably know more about traffic law than the average traffic police... In other words,, the real law in unwritten here in Thailand.





*edit 2* 


I just watched the video again after reading the law. Now I can say with even more confidence that it was the motorbikes fault 100%. Assuming it was a zebra crossing. Because the motorbike was taking over the tuk tuk. And it's illegal to overtake within 30 meters from a pedestrian crossing!


Section 46 (400-1000B)
[The driver shall not overtake another vehicle when:
b. within a distance of 30m from a pedestrian crossing, junction, circle (rotary) or
railroad crossing



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16 minutes ago, smedly said:

you are posting incorrect information, like I said in a post above - in the west (UK) yes vehicles are required to stop at a pedestrian crossing ONLY WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, pedestrians have no right of way until all the vehicles have stopped to allow them to cross  - that is fact and is common sense, these people walked out onto the road (crossing or not) when the traffic was still moving, it is 100% their fault regardless if they were at a crossing - even In the west (UK) if there was a crossing they did not use it properly - the fact that it is Thailand is even adds a whole pile of extra dangers because Thais don't know how to use them and the laws are not enforced

I think I didn't make myself clear enough, I am saying that LEGALLY if it was a pedestrian crossing then the motorbike was 100% at fault (and maybe the tuk tuks reckless driving and overtaking within 30m from pedestrian was also part of the blame)


But like I said, rationally it was the pedestrians fault at this situation, because everyone knows that in Thailand people don't stop... But it's like saying that downloading music from the internet is legal because everybody else does it.... It's true, but it's still illegal.

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49 minutes ago, smedly said:

you are posting incorrect information, like I said in a post above - in the west (UK) yes vehicles are required to stop at a pedestrian crossing ONLY WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO, pedestrians have no right of way until all the vehicles have stopped to allow them to cross  - that is fact and is common sense, these people walked out onto the road (crossing or not) when the traffic was still moving, it is 100% their fault regardless if they were at a crossing - even In the west (UK) if there was a crossing they did not use it properly - the fact that it is Thailand is even adds a whole pile of extra dangers because Thais don't know how to use them and the laws are not enforced

Perhaps you could give some examples of when it would not be safe to stop for pedestrians? In the west (Canada) pedestrians always have the right of way. Hit one in a crosswalk and you have no argument.

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