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What is in Leo beer?


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I saw Leo beer in a supermarket in Switzerland the other day but as I have never drunk it in Thailand I won't start now. I had a good look at the list of ingredients, though, required to be on the label by Swiss law:

  • water
  • barley malt
  • rice
  • maltose syrup (tapioca)
  • hops
  • antioxidant (E300)
  • potassium metabisulfite


E300 is ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C.


The price in Switzerland? CHF 1.00 (THB 35) per bottle of 330 mL


Leo beer ingredients.jpg


Leo beer price.jpg


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1 hour ago, ukrules said:

That's very cheap considering it's been transported half way around the world, presumably had import duties / sales taxes applied and includes profit for the retailer.

Yet the Thais manage to jack up the price of an Australian bottle of red nearly 3 times the price in Australia..

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22 minutes ago, Cats4ever said:

Not really - Beer Lao also has it. Not sure about the others. Obviously rice is cheaper and more available than western grains. Beer Lao is fine, in my opinion.

Rice I understand for brewing beer; too much bad to poor rice being sold cheaply the last several years is what I suspect. Premium rice ok, rotten rice not so much.

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Been drinking it for years but I noticed a change in the labeling & taste 3 months ago . It doesn't take well to being chilled too much and gives me the shit's....now I've switched to Chang...cheaper ,stronger and smoother than all I've tried ....but still not a great beer.

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9 hours ago, CliffH said:

The only fermentable carbohydrate in lager should be malted barley.

Rice, tapioca....  Yikes!

Tapioca and maltose syrup are two completely different things, and tapioca is not in beer.

The maltose is completely turned into co2 and alcohol in fermentation so isn't in the final product.

Rice , as an adjunct, is found in many of the world's beers and is not necessarily bad.

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19 minutes ago, duanebigsby said:

Tapioca and maltose syrup are two completely different things, and tapioca is not in beer.

The maltose is completely turned into co2 and alcohol in fermentation so isn't in the final product.

Rice , as an adjunct, is found in many of the world's beers and is not necessarily bad.

Well what made the last slap of Chang cans taste so vile? Will stick to Archa or Cheers from now on.

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1 hour ago, marquis22 said:

Well what made the last slap of Chang cans taste so vile? Will stick to Archa or Cheers from now on.

Not sure  why you've addressed my comment with this response.


What you've  replied with  has nothing to do whatsoever with my post


Obviously which beer is "better" is personal opinion and not fact. Stick with what you like.

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10 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

It is Singha's little brother.

It was used instead of finings to stop the fermentation. It's not been used in Thai beer for 30 odd years.

Finings are not used to stop fermentation. They are  clarifying agents.

Spent proteins cling to them and they drop out of solution, producing a clear beer.

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well fellow compatriots finally an interesting subject that is relevant !our past time now I agree with the gentleman macthehat the recipe does seem to have changed and about the same time 3 to 4 months ago the bottle shape was the first sign something was up and the label as well ! I have drank this beer for the last 6 years on a daily basis and originaly I found it to be the best in my opinion as it was a smooth refreshing lager and not to strong so hangovers were limited which was great as I hate them ! I noticed firstly the taste of the beer had changed metal flavour and some occasions almost as if it didn't have gas in it ! I also have experienced  several bad stomach situations which never happened before 4 months ago quite concerning as I have a iron liver for booze ! LoL ! so I am told ! why is it these beer companies have to bugger around with the wining formula when you have it right leave it alone or produce another variety under a different label so we can choose what we like ! San Miguel is a classic example I used to live in Spain and this beer when it was brewed and owned by Spanish and Philippine companies was a lovely beer back in the day now its horrible and I for one can not drink it its pure chemicals yuk ! try a test for beers guys put your favourite beer unopened in the sunshine until warm then open it and see if you can drink it without vomiting if you can drink it then its beer ! smell it first you may not want to go that far! LoL ! I also had the privilege of living in Bavaria which was ecstasy for a true beer drinker I can assure you all very recommended as beer is brewed with out chemicals there and it is illegal to do so these guys should take some lessons from them in my opinion ! otherwise always carry Imodium packet with you if you don't already !! 

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