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White House bars some news organisations from briefing


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13 minutes ago, Nickymaster said:

Ever heard about democracy? Transparancy? Checks and balances? Ow never mind. Trump good, media bad right?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

i think the trump and the white house clearly demonstrated transparency, told them get out and told the entire news watching globe about it. Checks/balances/democracy, its all there too, no clear violations. Remember, the more trump winds up the news folks, he is setting them up, deflecting them, same thing happens to everybody everywhere, that's politics.


I enjoy this trump for prez concept, its quite entertaining and interesting. In 4 years maybe I have a different view, time will tell.

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31 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Tomorrow morning we wake up to a trump press release "the sky is red, not blue". Fox news reports and verifies the press release as true, gets a panel of agreeable experts to tells us its true. Blame Obama and Hilary for the blue sky mess.


CNN are not given the press release, cannot question the press release as trump only talks to fox, or provide contrary facts, if they do its fake news. 


We can all sleep soundly in our beds, under a red sky, safe from those immigrants.

lets hope so.

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In Trumptopia, only those who follow the dictates of the Grand Poobah and print the truth he feels is real shall be allowed to feast upon his thoughts.


Death to fake news, viva alternative facts.

Edited by Bluespunk
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2 minutes ago, Somtamnication said:

Thank you White House of Idiots. I just renewed my subscription to Mad magazine, just to piss you off even more. What a bunch of clowns. And quoting Lenin's  "enemy of the people"? :sad:

mad mag is totally awesome

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:


Those media outlets have installed themselves as  king makers of people lives and careers for far too long and with impunity, with their ink they can make or brake and ruin someone's life, time that someone will put them in their right places,


The likes of CNN are now paying the price for their scandalous reporting pre election!!!   As it should be.

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2 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


Those organisations are still free to write what they like. Not a single freedom was taken off them.


The bottom line is that when the "free press" turn themselves into political hacks, out to ouster the president, they don't really earn full access to his team.


Cry all you like about it.  This is not impeding the freedom of the press in any way whatsoever.

How is banning them from briefings not impeding their freedom to report?

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2 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


The likes of CNN are now paying the price for their scandalous reporting pre election!!!   As it should be.

 OK, scandalous reporting.


So maybe you can help with a reply to the question I posted earlier, to which we have not yet seen any replies?


I so frequently hear this claim of "fake news" and lying by CNN, such as you have made here. 

Perhaps you can help me with this: with all these numerous purported lies by CNN, can you cite just three substantiated cases of CNN falsehoods where they were lying through their teeth?

Edited by bubba
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Free press doesn't mean equal access. There were still plenty of press at the 'gaggle' to write up whatever was said. The White House does not owe every media outlet the same info or access, as long as some get the news then all of us people will have the news to read or listen to.

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1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

Tomorrow morning we wake up to a trump press release "the sky is red, not blue". Fox news reports and verifies the press release as true, gets a panel of agreeable experts to tells us its true. Blame Obama and Hilary for the blue sky mess.


CNN are not given the press release, cannot question the press release as trump only talks to fox, or provide contrary facts, if they do its fake news. 


We can all sleep soundly in our beds, under a red sky, safe from those immigrants.

I've agreed with everything you've said so far, but must disagree here.


If trump was to declare the sky any colour it would be orange...

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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

How is banning them from briefings not impeding their freedom to report?

they can freely report anything they want, only in this case, after they read about it.

So, don't watch the news = "uninformed"; watch the news = "misinformed".

It's coined a gaggle, no cameras, just informal details. They'll get over it, trump just "spanked" them a little.

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Just now, bangkok101 said:

they can freely report anything they want, only in this case, after they read about it.

So, don't watch the news = "uninformed"; watch the news = "misinformed".

It's coined a gaggle, no cameras, just informal details. They'll get over it, trump just "spanked" them a little.

Not sure they can report on a briefing if they are not there to hear it.



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Why do the Trump Administration people constantly try to aggressively oppress any and all opposition. Are they really living out the goal to destroy and reinvent all prior protocols of decency and respect.


Just read that Trump supporters were handed Russian flags with Trump's name of them by some activists and stated to wave them at the CPAC conference, a clear demonstration of the ignorance & stupidity of his base.



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1 hour ago, bkkfaranguy said:

To all you American basher and haters out there, you understand this was not a press conference don't you, it was what you call a poll conference where just a select few of media sources are invited and they then in return share it with the other news sources. Every president for the last 50 years has done the same type of event, this is just another perfect example of how the media takes a story and twists it for there own agenda.

Why are you excluding from your sermon those of us who dont hate or bash 'America ' ?

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I have been a supporter of Trump. But, in this case I have to disagree with him. I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. I served my country for 22 years and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. As such, a president does not get to pick and choose what parts he or she agrees with. We just went through that with the last guy. He totally disregarded what was in it.   It is up to the people to believe what they hear. Not the government. While I do feel the liberal media is quite biased in their coverage, I don't want the government deciding what I should and should not hear. 

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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It's a sad day when citizens of the most free countries in the world support suppression of free speech.  A terrible thing.  And a step towards dictatorship.  Like we have here in Thailand.

I utterly support free speech but some of the bile coming from CNN is not 'free speech' it is lies and frankly propaganda 

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1 hour ago, bangkok101 said:

maybe it's "not free", this white house access needs to be earned.

White House Press meetings are a PUBLICLY FUNDED event.  As such all the press across a broad spectrum must be there to represent the interests of a very diverse electorate. You mention in other posts about how you wouldn't let them in 'your house'. Well the White House is NOT Trumps house, it is the home of the American people and Trump is an elected official paid for by the people.


I believe that news agencies around the world will be so annoyed about this move that we will see some real dirt coming out on Trump very soon. I just wish some brave soul at the IRS would now release Trumps tax returns.


Trump knows that other bad news is coming so now he has started making moves to discredit the press/media. Remember how he started laying the ground during the campaign by saying that the only reason he would lose the election was because it was rigged against him. Unbelievably his supporter base believed him.


Steve Bannon's bible is 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu (a great read by the way for those interested in Military history)



 'The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.'    Sun Tzu  







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2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I utterly support free speech but some of the bile coming from CNN is not 'free speech' it is lies and frankly propaganda 


2 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I utterly support free speech but some of the bile coming from CNN is not 'free speech' it is lies and frankly propaganda 

Much the same then as what Trump spews out on a daily basis.

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3 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I utterly support free speech but some of the bile coming from CNN is not 'free speech' it is lies and frankly propaganda 

Can you give examples of any lies or propaganda in say the last 6 weeks that have come from CNN. By the way even if there were lies and propaganda it is still 'free speech', you seem to lack understanding of what free speech is. Anyway, back to task. To support your statement you made in the quote box, please give us examples of the lies and propaganda made by CNN.

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6 minutes ago, kowpot said:

I have been a supporter of Trump. But, in this case I have to disagree with him. I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. I served my country for 22 years and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. As such, a president does not get to pick and choose what parts he or she agrees with. We just went through that with the last guy. He totally disregarded what was in it.   It is up to the people to believe what they hear. Not the government. While I do feel the liberal media is quite biased in their coverage, I don't want the government deciding what I should and should not hear. 


6 minutes ago, kowpot said:

I have been a supporter of Trump. But, in this case I have to disagree with him. I am a firm believer in the First Amendment. I served my country for 22 years and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. As such, a president does not get to pick and choose what parts he or she agrees with. We just went through that with the last guy. He totally disregarded what was in it.   It is up to the people to believe what they hear. Not the government. While I do feel the liberal media is quite biased in their coverage, I don't want the government deciding what I should and should not hear. 

I dont agree with all you say but it appears sincere and well considered , good post !

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Just now, joecoolfrog said:


Much the same then as what Trump spews out on a daily basis.

both side are guilty and I was for Bernie - pro choice, pro cannabis etc. BUT CNN, particularly, have been disingenuous all along the way and Jack Tapper, for example, cannot stop twisting words from 'fake news' into 'against media'  they just cannot get over their election forecasts were totally wrong

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Can you give examples of any lies or propaganda in say the last 6 weeks that have come from CNN. By the way even if there were lies and propaganda it is still 'free speech', you seem to lack understanding of what free speech is. Anyway, back to task. To support your statement you made in the quote box, please give us examples of the lies and propaganda made by CNN.

so news outlets are free to LIE?  wow just wow

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Just now, LannaGuy said:

so news outlets are free to LIE?  wow just wow

Again you are showing a complete ignorance of what free speech is.Lets take the Westboro Baptist Church? A federal court said they cannot be banned and had a right to say the bile they say under their constitutional right to free speech.


You mention again that the press (CNN) are lying. The "wow!" bit is that you still have not given any examples of what the lies by CNN are. Either put up or shut up. What lies have they written?

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27 minutes ago, metisdead said:

A post in violation of fair use policy has been removed:


14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

Sorry about that.......


Trump is a serial liar and he cannot help himself…..see this article:


Trump utters on average four falsehoods a day - and that's a fact



Donald Trump has been President for all or part of 33 days. He has averaged four falsehoods or misleading statements a day in that time. There hasn't been a single day of Trump's presidency in which he has said nothing false or misleading.

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22 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

I utterly support free speech but some of the bile coming from CNN is not 'free speech' it is lies and frankly propaganda 

can you provide a link to what you consider a lie from CNN with regards to Trump?  One example doesn't cut it as sometimes they do make mistakes...and followup with a correction.


CNN is an excellent example of free speech and is definitely not propaganda.

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