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Runway shutdown at Suvarnabhumi airport expects to affect all flights


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Runway shutdown at Suvarnabhumi airport expects to affect all flights

Incoming and outgoing flights from Suvarnabhumi international airport are unavoidable as now the airport announced to shut one of its three runways for repairs and maintenance for two months starting March 3.


Warning of expected delays came from the the acting president of the Thai Airways Ms Usanee Saengsingkaew yesterday.


She gave early warning that those planning to travel through the airport in the next two months may experience slow services and possible delays with their flights as the airport authority plans to close one of its three runways for maintenance and repair work from March 3 till May 5.


The work is expected to take around 60 days commencing from March 3 onwards.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/runway-shutdown-suvarnabhumi-airport-expects-affect-flights/


-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-02-25


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2 hours ago, Ricardo said:

I thought that Swampy only had the two runways, with room left for another two, and that work on a third one has yet to start, despite the construction of a major extension-terminal being underway at last ?




...  or perhaps the offical website has got it wrong ? :whistling:

Only 2 indeed.

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33 minutes ago, DaveE13 said:

 fly back from London on the 17th of may. Hope it is finished on the 5th

If you have any understanding of Thai concept of time...there is no way in Hell this will be done in 2 months..they are dreaming....plan on 6 months

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2 hours ago, Ricardo said:

I thought that Swampy only had the two runways, with room left for another two, and that work on a third one has yet to start, despite the construction of a major extension-terminal being underway at last ?




...  or perhaps the offical website has got it wrong ? :whistling:

Absolutely right.

I live 5 minutes away and pass it on a daily basis going to the motorway.

What will be the 3rd runway in the future is now the road connecting Bang Na Trad with the airport.  Work on the 4th runway has not even started

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9 minutes ago, Ricardo said:

Management One might have thought that " the acting president of the Thai Airways Ms Usanee Saengsingkaew" might have known how many runways her airline's hub had ? :whistling:

You are assuming of course that Senior Level members have more common sense than the average population as well as an IQ greater than 30.  Be careful with wide sweeping assumptions in Thailand.

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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3 hours ago, Ricardo said:

I thought that Swampy only had the two runways, with room left for another two, and that work on a third one has yet to start, despite the construction of a major extension-terminal being underway at last ?




...  or perhaps the offical website has got it wrong ? :whistling:

You are totally right, look at the map, there are only two runways. If they really shut down one it means a 50% reduction in capacity which will cause an impact especially during peak hours.

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The airport has been overcapacity with daily flights since 2012 with only two runways that are capable of handling 45 million passengers per year. The recent airport expansion (aka Phase 2) focused on adding/upgrading taxiways and terminal expansion to handle 60 million passengers. But it did not include the third runway that had been approved in 2012 and to be completed in 2018 (6 year lead time!).


So the junta has focused on processing passengers AFTER they land but not in LANDING them. There is no backup runway with two active runways. This has been an ongoing aviation issue. Recently, the International Air Transport Association and the UN International Aviation Organization have urged preparations for a three runway system.



A third runway not only provides for a runway shutdown for maintenance but also for emergency shutdown.


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3 hours ago, Sir Bogdiver said:

Absolutely right.

I live 5 minutes away and pass it on a daily basis going to the motorway.

What will be the 3rd runway in the future is now the road connecting Bang Na Trad with the airport.  Work on the 4th runway has not even started

It could become the third runway sooner than you expect.

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3 hours ago, Ricardo said:

One might have thought that " the acting president of the Thai Airways Ms Usanee Saengsingkaew" might have known how many runways her airline's hub had ? :whistling:

C'mon, be reasonable... she's only been in her post a few months. She still uses a GPS to drive to work each day!

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1 hour ago, Jonmarleesco said:

As I recall, the ground was essentially swampland and was not properly prepared before the runways were laid. This was inconvenience waiting to happen.

And could get a lot worse in unexpected ways.  When Swampy first opened a friend of mine was the country manager for Viola, a French water treatment company (among other activities).  They had the contract to build and operate the water treatment plant for Suvarnabhumi, which they duly did. However, after operations started they found that only 30% of all the water used in the airport, including toilets etc.,was actually arriving at the plant.  Where the rest went nobody knew but it was suspected it just leaked away.  As he said, Viola was responsible for treating the water arriving at their plant, not for delivering it there. When he left a year later the situation was pretty much unchanged.  This means that somewhere a gigantic pool of shit is collecting,  maybe under a runway. maybe under a platform, maybe under the terminal.  However, once whatever is on top of this pool has been sufficiently weakened we could have a very interesting spectacle indeed.

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This story is quite weird to say the least.


I live 5 minutes away and pass it on a daily basis going to the motorway.

What will be the 3rd runway in the future is now the road connecting Bang Na Trad with the airport. 


Maybe the road is being closed for resurfacing or new foundations so that it does not need to be done later and the person who made the statement has the wrong end of the stick. Quite how this could delay flights is beyond me but TiT. The mystery of the missing water is equally strange as the airport is built on a swamp which is by definition waterlogged ground. Maybe someone tapped into the supply line and opened a business selling drinking water to locals.

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