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More African "tourist" prostitutes targeted as Pattaya clean up continues


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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Glad the police are serious about their crackdown.


From the report, they didn't charge a single one. All back out on the street to continue plying their trade, probably within a few hours.


They can manage to file criminal charges against bridge players. But they can't manage to charge a single African prostitute, or even find a single one on overstay/false visa papers???



Where are those hard-workin souls from Immigration when you need them???

These girls will have mangdas running them,they are the real scum,pick them up or is that too hard.

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1 hour ago, Psimbo said:

Don't they know its a reserved occupation for Thais. Oh, hang on there's no Thai prostitution in Pattaya is there? :partytime2:

      Issan  ladies ,  not same same .  Prostitution , where ?? .

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1 hour ago, Prbkk said:

Never hear any reports of black women drugging and robbing tourists, attacking people with stiletto heels, snatching jewellery, , , screaming  like banshees in pursuit of an "unpaid" beer bill etcetera 






.... what a shame they are not built like Asians!!  :smile::smile:

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1 hour ago, samsensam said:


that's very superior of you.


take a look at the vast majority of males here who indulge in prostitution, the same phrase could be used to describe them; 'a mingin lookin bunch !!!'


or maybe you really believe you are 'hansum man' ?!

All Pattaya tourist who are male are hansom men...Fit in shape muscular studs...

Why do you think Thai women go crazy over us?

The African women don't worship us like Gods so they have to go....

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I'm glad about this as there are NO Thai prostitutes in Pattaya!  and that's official!  


and you can see by this round-up not ONE is a Thai prostitute so i wish you posters would stop hurting Thai Hearts with claims otherwise - Fake News!  

Edited by LannaGuy
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Few years ago you would see a few African ladies wandering around walking street or beach road.  

Haven't been pattaya for a year or so didn't realise there are so many now. Must be a market there for them. Maybe the Russian lads like them?

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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Glad the police are serious about their crackdown.


From the report, they didn't charge a single one. All back out on the street to continue plying their trade, probably within a few hours.


They can manage to file criminal charges against bridge players. But they can't manage to charge a single African prostitute, or even find a single one on overstay/false visa papers???



Where are those hard-workin souls from Immigration when you need them???


The three of them were maning the incoming booths at Sawannabhumi Airport

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3 hours ago, bodymassagemyfriend said:

Its because you did not pay attention to what happened in Europe. IF you let them come  you will have more.

The process hard already started. First they were only found in Bangkok , then a few in Pattaya. Quite a few more this year, and so on...

Like Russian ladies that is not what i am looking for when coming to Thailand. Also hygienve wise , African ladies where the worse i have ever met

Given the prevalence of HIV etc in their countries of origin their presence here should give rise for concern.

Edited by evadgib
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3 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Now that is a clean up worthy of the time and effort. Would love to see deportation and overstay offences charged with rigidity regarding Thai law.  Those ladies are a bane.

No reports of action taken, I always wondered how the ones in Suhkhomvit BK were able to ply their trade in front of the police.

They are just tourists looking to get laid, no action needed to be taken.

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3 hours ago, Khun Robert said:

Funny to see this comments.


What I not understand in this story is: The women said they were just on holiday but many claimed to be from countries that did not match their passports.

And than:  However, there were no reports of any action taken against the women. Police just said that the crackdown would continue as they attempted to clean up Pattaya's image.


So it is not okay to walk around and maybe working as a prostitute but is okay to walk around with a tourist visa in a fake passport.

It doesn't say that their passports were fake, it says that some of the women claimed to be from countries other than that stated in their passports, i.e. the women were lying, maybe some countries are more stigmatised than others in the pros minds?


If the  women were just rounded up, as opposed to being arrested after having been seen operating as pros, what could the police do?  Hanging around isn't an offence yet, is it?

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5 hours ago, LennyW said:

That's a mingin lookin bunch !!!:sick::sick::sick:

Attractive to people with a certain taste? Damn, I'd take gender reassignment before going to that crew!!!!:smile::wai:

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5 hours ago, luis888 said:

Surely if you travel to Asia and want to monger you're not going to book / look for an African woman or European/ Russian. That's why you came to Asia. You have everything else in your home country.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

Some are from near by countries that can't go that far. Perhaps India. As well as some Arabs

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5 hours ago, ezzra said:

Pattaya can do without the diseased African street women, god knows they have

enough of it from home grown and Uzbek girls already....

hear, hear! gynaecologist Dr. Ezzra has spoken. :sleep:

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