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Prajinburi factory workers ask: "Why do the police set up a checkpoint on our payday?"


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2 hours ago, JAG said:

But they are not being "fined" are they - you yourself acknowledge it.


They are being robbed, extorted, whatever, because the police know that on that day they will have money on them.


Eventually this sort of thing will lead to a revolt.


45 minutes ago, scorecard said:


True, but what it should have led to a long time ago, even by 44, the removal of the never seen or heard national police chief and install a respected military man with the authority and the balls to remove many more senior and junior cops, permenantly and create a wave of change. And more...

Those who run Thailand regard the police and the military as not there to serve, protect or defend society or the nation but as being there to serve, protect and defend them.


As a result the corruption and racketeering indulged in by these and many (perhaps all) other agencies of the state is tolerated, actually more accurately ignored, as it doesn't effect them or their lives. They don\t care about the long suffering "little people". This is what will, I think eventually result in a revolt.


Sooner or later the "little people" will just have had enough. It will take a catalyst, maybe a major scandal, maybe just the culmination of many litttle irritants

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3 hours ago, JAG said:

But they are not being "fined" are they - you yourself acknowledge it.


They are being robbed, extorted, whatever, because the police know that on that day they will have money on them.


Eventually this sort of thing will lead to a revolt.

I don't 100% agree.. i doubt much could be done if your papers are in order and you have a helmet on. I have yet to be stopped on my bike for offences I did not commit. Now if they did not do anything its robbery.


Also i agree that money is the motivator for the police.. but its not like the other party did not do anything wrong. Have your helmet on.. road tax and insurance and your in the clear.

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11 hours ago, colinneil said:

Why do the police set up a checkpoint on pay day???

Easy to answer, because the police want a bigger pay day.

Also they know that is the only day that the workers are going to have money.

'Workers at a chicken meat factory in Prajinburi asked a question they all knew the answer to yesterday.' Obviously the workers know that.

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This must be that Thai rak Thai thing I hear about so often. The Thai brother and sister bond that I keep hearing about which is stronger than other nationality's bonds. This bond seems to work better for the rich and greedy than it does for the poor. 




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Lowest of the low. Fleecing hard working, poorly paid workers of their meagre incomes. Nothing surprises me anymore about this bunch of low life scum and inbreds.


This country will always be in the Stone Age as long as this Police Farce is allowed to roam at will sucking the blood from its backbone.

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Very tough riddle. It might be a good idea to set up an independant comitee to find the reason why they setup a checkpoint on payday.


Perhaps the same comitee that came to the conclusion that the #1 cause of traffic in Bangkok was the high number of vehicles on the roads.

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Why would they worry if they've done nothing wrong?


Like already being drunk on Khao Lao, high on Yaa baa, not wearing a helmet, not fully insured, unregistered, and driving over the legal speed limit on the wrong side of the road?


Wait.  Never mind. ?

Edited by SiSePuede419
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10 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

There is an upside to this story that most of us farangs seem to be over looking. Not many of us farangs work in said chicken factory, so its thais fleecing thais. Better them than us I suppose. But you just know that any of us driving past fully insured, taxed, licensed and helmet wearing, etc would be stopped for having inappropriate shopping in the basket or something. 

You do realize that it is mostly Thais who are being fleeced at any check point

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Fairly standard for farang to be paying so not sure how this has made headlines.
Me and my friend once rented a jeep in Thailand and got stopped at a checkpoint so the bib said
"it is illegal to drive with the drivers door open "
I replied
"but the car doesn't have a door"
He said
"you weren't wearing your seatbelt"
I said
"it doesn't have a seatbelt"
He breathalysed me but I hadn't had a drink I could tell he was running out of ideas after I showed him my international drivers license.
We had been there about 20 minutes and me and my friend were getting bored so we understood what was required.
I won't say what happened next but you can probably guess after that he waved us on our way. TIT

Sent from my SM-J710F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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No you can be entirely legal, if they are after money they are not interested in license, insurance, helmet. Just ask the thousands of truck drivers that automatically pay 20 baht on Highway 304, there is no conversation, no allegation they just pay. Other Highway robbery checkpoints are usually less permanent and take place before 12, allowing the masked men to get down to what they do best, a long boozy lunch followed by a session in the love motel with the mia noi. A farang has some hope of feigning ignorance and exhausting their patience but I wouldn't count on it.


I agree one day this will break somehow but damned if I know when


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8 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

Get a helmet, drivers license, insurance and registration that might help prevent a fine.

Rubbish,  it's not a fine it's a corrupt payment sheesh all that doesn't matter they are not interested



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41 minutes ago, Bluetongue said:

No you can be entirely legal, if they are after money they are not interested in license, insurance, helmet. Just ask the thousands of truck drivers that automatically pay 20 baht on Highway 304, there is no conversation, no allegation they just pay. Other Highway robbery checkpoints are usually less permanent and take place before 12, allowing the masked men to get down to what they do best, a long boozy lunch followed by a session in the love motel with the mia noi. A farang has some hope of feigning ignorance and exhausting their patience but I wouldn't count on it.


I agree one day this will break somehow but damned if I know when


Never had a problem neither in my car or on my bike when i was fully legal and following the rules. Only when there was something wrong did i have to pay. Now truckers are a different breed and easy to find fault with them. 


The Thais that have to pay are the Thais that are not legal. (i agree that the police is motivated by money not safety).



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11 hours ago, CLW said:

Exactly my thoughts, legal fines are okay though the setup of the check point is a bit dubious.
Both sides not behave ideally, like simply not stopping but using bamboo to stop them is also dangerous.

I do agree with you. But it reminds me of 3 privately paid for visits I paid Vietnam in the very late 90's. Every day over a total of 3 months, I saw the local police striking motor cycle drivers  with bamboo poles. Mostly for no helmets or driving through red lights. Those that pulled over were fined, those that ran the gauntlet usually escaped with huge bruises. 

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I live near a small city that has many factories. Every afternoon, the traffic police block off a lane to allow the workers a safe passage onto the highway. There is no extortion at all as most of the workers do not wear helmets. They have always waved this farang through with a smile or wave. (who wears a helmet as does his wife) I have found all government agencies to be polite and efficient. I do admit to paying an envelope to get a land title through quickly. But it was only a few dollars. I love and respect Thailand and its culture. I obey the law, the visa system and show respect to all in authority. A smile and a joke goes a long way. In turn I am shown respect by them. 

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Maybe they know that you still HAVEN'T paid your motor vichle tax and you aren't wearing a helmet despite numberous fines and warnings in the past. 


Go figure! 

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41 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

I live near a small city that has many factories. Every afternoon, the traffic police block off a lane to allow the workers a safe passage onto the highway. There is no extortion at all as most of the workers do not wear helmets. They have always waved this farang through with a smile or wave. (who wears a helmet as does his wife) I have found all government agencies to be polite and efficient. I do admit to paying an envelope to get a land title through quickly. But it was only a few dollars. I love and respect Thailand and its culture. I obey the law, the visa system and show respect to all in authority. A smile and a joke goes a long way. In turn I am shown respect by them. 

Cos the RTP have never been engaged in the  exploitation of migrant workers. If you were Burmese, your relationship with them would be very different. But you carry on thinking nothing bad happens, cos some nice copper waved at you



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4 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

Cos the RTP have never been engaged in the  exploitation of migrant workers. If you were Burmese, your relationship with them would be very different. But you carry on thinking nothing bad happens, cos some nice copper waved at you



I have tried to find an explanation for your post. But I am still baffled. Surely a lone farang near a small city may attract attention from any graft authorities. But I have never seen them harass anyone. I occasionally employ Thai, Issan and Cambodian  labour. I pay slightly above the normal rate. I find myself respected in my small village. But the RPT would not know this. They treat all law abiding citizens here with respect. And yes they do wave me through wearing my dark glass helmet. They wave to everyone. What is your post about? I explained myself the first time. 

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How many of the ''fleeced'' workers were in fact breaking the law though ;) It's all good and well to complain about the useless corrupt police, but many people I know (and see) don't give a flying f about following the law :rolleyes:

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Usually the local police aren't interested in any traffic enforcement at all, as in Spider Orchid's case the factory is probably paying them to open a special lane. Yes and they wave you through the quicker its all over the better. No local cop in my area ever stops anyone for helmet, rego, speeding license etc. On the Highway if the local city cops set up a checkpoint they are usually targeting specific vehicles, ie full of migrant workers would be a good example. I have seen these police issuing tickets for helmets and other breaches but I've never been asked to pull to the side.


The roadblock on Highway 304 demands 20 baht from each and every truck driver regardless of legal status it is a bribe not a fine. There is no conversation the window is wound down, the note is offered and away. That is why just before lunch when the cops usually give up, you see a long line of trucks pulled over befpore the roadblock waiting for the cops to leave. And I agree a lot of trucks are probably dodgy but a lot of those semis or 18 wheelers or whatever are probably completely legit. Likewise the masked men, usually two or 3 in a marked Highway Police car, set up randomly are pulling people over for alleged speeding, passing incorrectly etc, how do they know you are speeding, they don't, they guess and quite often you don't get pulled over but in every case if they do pull you over they want money, not to issue a fine. I've had a license for 8 years never had to show it once, been through hundreds of roadblocks though

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