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Are you having an affair?

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16 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Some like a prison some like to be free. I am amazed you enjoy this possession but it takes all sorts!  if you are happy then good luck to you but rather you than me. Codependency is a strange thing but very common.

I like what you have posted and a couple of your previous posts, so we seem to think alike.


Onto the subject of the thread, and I think I've posted something similar before, a quick back of the envelope calculation on 12 farangs married to Thais (or in long-term live-in relationships) shows that 10 of them have been unfaithful to their wives, and all of them on a regular basis!


If I really wanted to put my mind around it, I'm sure that I could come up with more........ so I'm surprised at the replies on this thread, because they seem to suggest that TV is full of "faithful angels"!!

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13 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Some like a prison some like to be free. I am amazed you enjoy this possession but it takes all sorts!  if you are happy then good luck to you but rather you than me. Codependency is a strange thing but very common.

Well I do admit that I depend on my Thai Wife here more in Thailand then I would back home. I guess there are many reasons for that and I know I am not alone here who would say that. One trip down to the Immigration Office would point that out.


I doubt anyone likes prison, although I have never been their. But to me prison is some camp in the jungle or desert where you work 12 hour a day sometimes for months, without any wine, women, or song. 


For the guys who like their freedom, and I speak from experience after 2 failed marriages, then don't get married. It took me 8 years living with the same woman to decide that again, so I do understand.


I don't have a problem with my wife wanting to be with me and to make sure no harm comes my way. I had plenty of freedom and girlfriends in my life time and I prefer the married life. But up-to-you if anyone wants to get married  but still cheat on their wives. Even if I don't agree to that.  

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The minor, Freudian-esque slip of the fingers in the OP's very first sentence, made me smile.


The part where OP's Mrs. did the penis slicing motion with sound effects, would cause me to pack a bag and leave in the night on principle.


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11 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I like what you have posted and a couple of your previous posts, so we seem to think alike.


Onto the subject of the thread, and I think I've posted something similar before, a quick back of the envelope calculation on 12 farangs married to Thais (or in long-term live-in relationships) shows that 10 of them have been unfaithful to their wives, and all of them on a regular basis!


If I really wanted to put my mind around it, I'm sure that I could come up with more........ so I'm surprised at the replies on this thread, because they seem to suggest that TV is full of "faithful angels"!!

Your numbers would agree with a survey of my friends and acquaintances. Somebody isn't being honest, lol

Denile aint a river in Egypt.


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28 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Well I do admit that I depend on my Thai Wife here more in Thailand then I would back home. I guess there are many reasons for that and I know I am not alone here who would say that. One trip down to the Immigration Office would point that out.


I doubt anyone likes prison, although I have never been their. But to me prison is some camp in the jungle or desert where you work 12 hour a day sometimes for months, without any wine, women, or song. 


For the guys who like their freedom, and I speak from experience after 2 failed marriages, then don't get married. It took me 8 years living with the same woman to decide that again, so I do understand.


I don't have a problem with my wife wanting to be with me and to make sure no harm comes my way. I had plenty of freedom and girlfriends in my life time and I prefer the married life. But up-to-you if anyone wants to get married  but still cheat on their wives. Even if I don't agree to that.  

if you are 'happy' then no one has the right to say otherwise but many of us like to be free. I honestly think some are more 'needy' than others and some need to feel they are 'loved' and 'needed' and that's fine as it gives them a sense of security but i love travelling, hunting and having fun and cannot imagine having sex with the same girl for decades and even more being folowed around!   I love my family and friends i don't need a possesive 'love me or die'  prison guard  lol

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Had several affairs trick is always from the very start insist on at least 1 night out a week with your mates. She soon got used to me crawling in at 1 or 2 am. After a few months away you go trap a women get her into bed by 9pm thee hours of bed bouncing then have a few wets before returning home oh and pretend to be a little drunk. Worked for15 yrs so far.

Edited by Gonefortea
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10 minutes ago, binjalin said:

if you are 'happy' then no one has the right to say otherwise but many of us like to be free. I honestly think some are more 'needy' than others and some need to feel they are 'loved' and 'needed' and that's fine as it gives them a sense of security but i love travelling, hunting and having fun and cannot imagine having sex with the same girl for decades and even more being folowed around!   I love my family and friends i don't need a possesive 'love me or die'  prison guard  lol

Of course! I was like that once to. Probably everybody else one time or another in their lives as well.


If you are over 60 years of age and never married, and felt the way you do today, I would find that odd. But I gather you are much younger than that an enjoying your freedom now, like we did at your age.


I don't think it is a question of other people being more needy than you, when it comes to companionship. To be honest I don't know what it is, except No Man is an Island. Maybe it has more to do with age and finding the right partner who you would rather spend your time with, then the Good Ole Boys down at the Bar, who party every night and change girls and girl friends like they change their underwear. .


But I had my wild life to and enjoyed it a lot, so I hope you do to.

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15 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

So no cheaters on Thai visa? What! We're the good old boys.

"I'm strict Catholic, can't cheat, that's the Devil talkin to yer Wilson my boy"

"Say, it ain't soo, yer gunner cheat on yer wife, why that's low mister, let me teach you a little respect"

"Cheatin on yer wife, you ought to be ashamed of yourself Wilson. We don't need folk like you in these here parts. Let's report this SOB to the sheriff"

"Your day's are numbered boy, we're keeping an eye on you, just one more, one more mistake and its....., its...."


Catholic - then your're good to go. Anything can be forgiven with enough hail mary's and donations. Get your missus to convert. 


All can be forgiven - just ask the clergy!

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13 minutes ago, BKResort said:

Avoid gossips and risk. Go to a massage place, out of town, chose the girl you like most, and become a client for life. Sex is easy to find, good wife/companion not


Works for me.

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Lived in a sexless marriage for a long time. Life is too short. In thirty years most of the people spouting virtue and righteous commands on TV will be dead with the rest of us. I love women and sex and will never go back. The last twenty years of my life I am going to do what I want to do and not what a woman or "arm chair know it alls" state or command we should do. Hope you find what is best for you. 

Edited by Wake Up
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7 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Of course! I was like that once to. Probably everybody else one time or another in their lives as well.


If you are over 60 years of age and never married, and felt the way you do today, I would find that odd. But I gather you are much younger than that an enjoying your freedom now, like we did at your age.


I don't think it is a question of other people being more needy than you, when it comes to companionship. To be honest I don't know what it is, except No Man is an Island. Maybe it has more to do with age and finding the right partner who you would rather spend your time with, then the Good Ole Boys down at the Bar, who party every night and change girls and girl friends like they change their underwear. .


But I had my wild life to and enjoyed it a lot, so I hope you do to.

good points but I am close to 60 and have some very dear and good friends (no sex) here in Thailand who fulfill the 'companionship' side and I had a short marriage in UK in my 30s. now i very much enjoy, when the mood takes me which is less than it used to  lol, travelling and hunting and having fun.


I intend to go out blazing and if i cannot i will never regret those wonderful times with girls half and more my age.


I have NO hankering after 'love of the romantic' kind nor do i feel lonely. If i get bored i go to another city or pop over to Philippines, Vietnam or Bali. I don't answer to anyone and I think that is the perfect lifestyle for me - would not change it for what you have but we are all different. Good luck and stay happy. 

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Had several affairs trick is always from the very start insist on at least 1 night out a week with your mates. She soon got used to me crawling in at 1 or 2 am. After a few months away you go trap a women get her into bed by 9pm thee hours of bed bouncing then have a few wets before returning home oh and pretend to be a little drunk. Worked for15 yrs so far.

3 hours? I wouldn't know what to do with the other 2 hours 45 minutes, And that's including a cigarette afterwards.
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14 minutes ago, binjalin said:

good points but I am close to 60 and have some very dear and good friends (no sex) here in Thailand who fulfill the 'companionship' side and I had a short marriage in UK in my 30s. now i very much enjoy, when the mood takes me which is less than it used to  lol, travelling and hunting and having fun.


I intend to go out blazing and if i cannot i will never regret those wonderful times with girls half and more my age.


I have NO hankering after 'love of the romantic' kind nor do i feel lonely. If i get bored i go to another city or pop over to Philippines, Vietnam or Bali. I don't answer to anyone and I think that is the perfect lifestyle for me - would not change it for what you have but we are all different. Good luck and stay happy. 

Yes! That life style sounds great for you and as long as you are happy and not lonely, that is what counts.


After my second Divorce I honestly never thought I would ever get married again and for sure had no desire to. I really enjoyed this time and I understand why you do to. But for me I met the woman who I am with today which changed that for me. My life style has changed but for me I am also more happy.


So for me it was the right move. For you it looks that way also. But life is funny sometimes and in 5 years you may be where I am, and I may be were you are now. Go Figure?

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18 hours ago, transam said:

I went for a car wash.....Same thing..........thumbs up.gif

I went to 7/11 and smiled to the girl behind the counter, next thing when I came home, my wife confronted me that I had an affair with that girl. Thai wives have eyes and ears everywhere, they are afraid to loose income from the foreign ATM.

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18 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

Cheat on her then and your problems solved. Once you got nothing to cheat with. Pretty sad too that you should come on a forum and discuss such matters. Shameful.

I'd say your judgment is what is shameful, except that would be judgemental of me. This is an open forum and the o.p. is entitled to post as he wishes. I'm single, so have very little to contribute on this matter, but i find the subject interesting, so bring on the discussion i say...

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8 minutes ago, Ooladolla said:

Thai men cheat on their wives all the time...their wife never cuts off their appendage so...all bluff. That said, if you feel that way get divorced or better still stay single

Unfortunately there are a few psycho's that actually do carry out the deed - but that's enough that you shouldn't trust any that do make the threat...

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2 minutes ago, Ooladolla said:

Thai men cheat on their wives all the time...their wife never cuts off their appendage so...all bluff. That said, if you feel that way get divorced or better still stay single

That is just a Fable about Thai Men, which from what I have seen from living her a along time is not true. Just like that other Thai Fable that Thai Fathers are happy to sell their daughters into Prostitution because he is proud she is pretty enough he can do this. Hog Wash!


Thai Fathers Love their daughters as much as we do. Sometimes desperate times calls for desperate measures, and I have never been in a position to comment on that. But I do know that most of the Bar Girls try not to let there Parents know what they really do for a living, and they don't push them either.


On a trip to town we notice my wife's fathers' truck parked on his land. Just for a joke I asked my Thai Wife what she would do if one day she brought her father a lunch and caught him having sex with another woman in his truck. Without a second of hesitation she told me she would go straight home and tell her mother right away.


I questioned this action and mentioned to her that wasn't she afraid she would cause trouble in the Family? Again without a moment of hesitation she told me this: "Father was Wrong so He must Pay!" She loves her father dearly!


The reality is that Thai Men do not cheat on their Thai Wives anymore then in the West. I would venture to say even less, when you consider their is more opportunity for them to do that here (with open Prostitute) then in the West. Young Thai Men are probably a little worst than in the West, but it is not uncommon from both sides that age to Butterfly for awhile.


Most guys have it backwards with Thai Women and comparing them to the Western Woman. It is not a Thai Wife that doesn't trust you at all. Even if you deserve that. It is other Thai Women talking to you, or with you, she does not trust.


So if it is ever brought up again when she is questioning you, blame the other woman and not yourself. She will understand that.

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