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why so loud and why so nationalistic

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so, a few doors down they are having a party,the speaker stack would put Pink floyd in the shade,it has been non stop since 4,47 am this morning,now they have a troupe of lady boys and a mullam band i guess it will go on all night,but most of the songs are all about how great the Thai people are,they even slagged off a german near me for just asking them to turn it down,all falang should <deleted> off the mc basically said,disgusting racist comments followed[in thai], the cops have been by twice and asked them to turn it down,nothing happened,i really hate it here when this kind of stuff goes on,they have no consideration about anyone,like i read on another post a nation of children who think they are no1,sorry angry and tired.

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Depends how long it goes on for if only a day let it go, it's what they do.

If it goes on longer there's plenty of cheap guesthouse about.

Other than that accidental electrical problems are possible but you might be cut off yourself.  :whistling:

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12 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Long time no see, thought you hi-tailed out to the Philippines mate.

Hi Charlie,no i came back an met a really nice girl here in Wichianburi,38,so pretty close in age,also the thought of moving my life again was too much,but i just hate the noise here sometimes hopefully it is over now,but i often find until the speakers ect are all gone the Thai's who all seem to think they are the worlds best singers cannot stop,even though it's all over,in this case i think the boy was going to be a monk.

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12 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

Atorax will solve your problems. 1 at a time not a packet or you will never have any problems. 

I didn't realize that burnt through power cables when diluted....................;)

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14 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

so, a few doors down they are having a party,the speaker stack would put Pink floyd in the shade,

I get  a similar treat every year on "teachers day"       one time I went and asked them why its so loud, they turned it down a tiny amount and then  came on the mike with the "farang bashing"  I went and sat on the beach until early evening and thanked my blessings that they had stoped with the awful racket by the time I got home    :annoyed:

Edited by johng
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Sorry why are you tired, they started in the morning just about 2 hours before sunrise ? If it was from 7pm through the night I can understand. What is wrong with loving your country ? If you have left before and are just back it maybe a good idea to leave because you will not change Thai's and their ways. You either love them and stay, not love them but accept their ways and stay or don't accept their ways and their right to have their own ways and you stay but complain everyday or you leave. For your and our health I suggest you either adjust your attitude or move in with the Filipino's.

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1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Sorry why are you tired, they started in the morning just about 2 hours before sunrise ? If it was from 7pm through the night I can understand. What is wrong with loving your country ? If you have left before and are just back it maybe a good idea to leave because you will not change Thai's and their ways. You either love them and stay, not love them but accept their ways and stay or don't accept their ways and their right to have their own ways and you stay but complain everyday or you leave. For your and our health I suggest you either adjust your attitude or move in with the Filipino's.

Love it or leave it crowd in action mode. Duck incoming.

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You and the gf/missus go round with an envelope with 1000 baht in it.


Then drink as much whiskey and soda as possible and eat as much as you can.


Rather unusual for them not to invite the neighbours anyway.

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5 minutes ago, grollies said:

You and the gf/missus go round with an envelope with 1000 baht in it.


Then drink as much whiskey and soda as possible and eat as much as you can.


Rather unusual for them not to invite the neighbours anyway.

That's what I was thinking. 


Our family gets invited to so many of those things (weddings, birthdays, monkhood days, funeral's, etc) that it's almost obscene. 


The fact the OP has taken to TV to vent means perhaps his neighbours had a reason not to invite him.


To the OP, go down and say hello, get a good buzz on for free with their alcohol and go pass out in your bed.  Either you'll be the awesome neighbour or they'll talk poorly about you and you won't hear it.  Problem solved.

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2 hours ago, Suradit69 said:


It's the Trump, Brexit, Marine Le Pen effect.

What a ridiculous answer. This guy is rightly complaining about noise, which also goes on most nights where I live, which is near a village with a temple.

You being a Thai-basing policeman will say that it's ok and to leave if you don't like it.

You're also a leftie I gather by your comment, which doesn't surprise me.

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1 hour ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

Sorry why are you tired, they started in the morning just about 2 hours before sunrise ? If it was from 7pm through the night I can understand. What is wrong with loving your country ? If you have left before and are just back it maybe a good idea to leave because you will not change Thai's and their ways. You either love them and stay, not love them but accept their ways and stay or don't accept their ways and their right to have their own ways and you stay but complain everyday or you leave. For your and our health I suggest you either adjust your attitude or move in with the Filipino's.

It has nothing to do with "love of country", we are all aware that some Thai's have an IQ lower than their shoe size, these are the morons that blast away on the beat boxes, Abusing a person because of their nationality is called racism and banned in most civilised countries! It would appear that you agree with "racism" is that why you left Oz?? :wai:

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1 hour ago, deepinlaos said:

imagine you were back in your home countries and some immigrant kept telling you to stop doing something that was part of your cultural.


you would feel like bashing them.

This is true but a lot of the oldies don't like it either but are too scared to do anything.I have been know to pull the plug.Once i stormed into a party ready for action and they were all asleep.One was slumped on the dj thingy.Lao khao will do that.Pulled the plug.Most of these lads are my village mates and are young,i can still remember,just.I buy a few bots for them on one condition,then we negotiate time limits.All part of village life.

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1 hour ago, jesimps said:

What a ridiculous answer. This guy is rightly complaining about noise, which also goes on most nights where I live, which is near a village with a temple.

You being a Thai-basing policeman will say that it's ok and to leave if you don't like it.

You're also a leftie I gather by your comment, which doesn't surprise me.

What was there 1st,the wat or you.Your choice,bad one by the sounds of it.

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Impressed that the OP, fresh off the boat from the Phillippines, can decipher Thai song lyrics and the MC's comments delivered over an earsplitting sound system from three doors down. I sure as heck couldn't do that, and that's after a couple of decades of study. :whistling:


It's the harvest season, the only time of the year many people have any spending money at all. A son's ordination into the monkhood is one of the most important events in both the young man's and his family's life. The loud music is not just strictly for entertainment, but serves to announce and broadcast the event to the entire community as well. Trying to get your neighbors hosting one of these events to turn down the music is incredibly gauche, culturally insensitive, not to mention downright stupid in terms of personal safety.


The only knuckleheads in this story are the foreigners who refuse to try and understand cultural differences and try to demand the locals conform to their expectations and standards.


Marko, I remember your 'So long, suckers' farewell post when you left for the Phillippines. You come back to Thailand and a timeworn rant about loud music at a ngan buat is all you got? No new-found appreciation for anything about Thailand after your sojourn away?  No cross-cultural insights you can share? Mark me down in the 'disappointed' column.





Edited by Gecko123
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18 hours ago, grollies said:

You and the gf/missus go round with an envelope with 1000 baht in it.


Then drink as much whiskey and soda as possible and eat as much as you can.


Rather unusual for them not to invite the neighbours anyway.

1000? no, no, that's too much, 500 .  Don't spoil them and make things difficult for those who come after you.

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We have problems with inconsiderate ####s blasting music out of there gay pimped up trucks. We live on a quiet beach that is frequented by mostly Thai families eating on the beach. Even they pack up and go home when these knobs turn up.

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

What was there 1st,the wat or you.Your choice,bad one by the sounds of it.



That reminds me of when me and wifey went for lunch at a restaurant somewhere round Jontiem.


Opposite were new condos for sale. We went to have a look, really to wind up the sales rep.


The balconies were literally 10ft from the Wat crem chimney.


Imagine dusting the balconies....



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