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Underage in gogo


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My ex gf, was with her 18 months, has recently started working in a gogo bar just off walking street.


She's made a friend i think she's called May.. but hard to understand the pronunciation.


Anyway, May has been working in the gogo since she was 15 and is still only 17.   


Best way to report this?  Would Pattaya police be interested in an anonymous email?


Can tell the name of the bar if anyone's interested, but guessing it might be a common occurrence in Pattaya and maybe nobody cares?  Amazingly my ex gf couldnt care less.


Really f'ing shit hope the bar gets shut down but it's probably the most frequented gogo in Pattaya so doubt that.

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Whilst one should not condone this as it is illegal, be very wary .  As I am sure you are aware this is prevalent not just in Pattaya but throughout Thailand.  Young Thai girls have been employed in local "karaoke" bars for entertainment purpose in most villages and towns ever since Thais learnt the word karaoke, of course generally to Thai men's benefit. Of course in Pattaya it is to foreigners and hence provides no doubt a good sales potential in the way of LDs if she is good looking, which from what you said about that GoGo suggests she would need to be.


Why be wary ? well firstly her friend, your ex, will know you know she is underage  and should she be rumbled by the police then not only her but the gogo owner will be out of pocket.  So she may just suggest who could have possibly reported them to the BIB. It will take a matter of hours or minutes  before your name comes up as a potential source.  I would not advise going anywhere near Pattaya for a few years as the Thai entertainment network really do not like loss of potential profit, if you see my point ?.


The other point is how sure of the facts are you ? seen her ID or is it word of mouth ? As not what is said is always the truth with some ladies, bragging rights mean a lot and it is not unusual for claims of this nature to be made by the girl herself to improve her self esteem eg " look at me, I have being doing this since 15".  Also if this is the most, or one of the most frequented GoGos in Pattaya as you say, then I am damn sure that the owner would have instructed his Manager/Mamasan to make certain that all IDs are checked and in order given the current high profile of the BIB/Army inspections. Whilst all pay Tea money to the BIB to operate sometimes without a license, beyond legal hours etc there does appear a real crack down on underage girls in these establishment.


Proceed at your peril would be my advice.

Edited by whatawonderfulday
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- Underage girls in Pattaya (or elsewhere), sadly yes they exist.

- 15 yo? News proved they can be found too, usually in small lost dark bars or clubs

- 17 yo girls in agogos, yes again, mainly because the "grey area" Thai people built with "I am in my 18th year" kind of expressions...

- 15 yo in a major WS agogo? I call that BS! Owners/Managers will not put a successful business at risk this way. A 17yo can lie to the mamasan and use the ID card of her 18 or 19yo sister (it happened) but a 15yo... no way.

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One will do well to keep himself out of local affairs if they don't concern you

personally, we are not here to change Thailand, just to live with it, and who are

we to meddle in their affairs....

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OP,  keep your head down and move along. Clearly you are new to this part of the world. What you report can be added to hundreds of daily occurrences of uncertain and questionable activities of connected locals. Do not poke hornets' nests. 

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


One will do well to keep himself out of local affairs if they don't concern you

personally, we are not here to change Thailand, just to live with it, and who are

we to meddle in their affairs....

Good advice. The OP would do well to head home before this sense of false righteousness gets him done over well and good. 

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I would suggest that if one knows a girl is possibly underage, they should avoid partaking in her offerings. Some western countries have gone after guys who engage carnally with underage girls (and boys) overseas. 


Whether or not one should pursue reporting a given venue for employing underage people for puroses of selling themselves, is a personal decision. As for me, I personally avoid Pattaya, go-go bars, karaoke bars, etc. I do not want to even be near where underage exploitation might be occurring. I just can't understand why older guys would be interested in girls that young. 

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It's not up to foreigners to judge or change Thai culture, like it or not. Leave that to the Thais and stay out of their business if you want to enjoy Thailand. You are looking at Asian culture through western eyes, it doesn't work and is unwelcome. This reminds me of Muslims demanding sharia law in western countries. 

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I know it's underage here but I'd keep out if I were you, she should know her own mind. My first wife was 17 when we married. I was slightly older. We were both in the army and considered old enough to die for our country. We were married for fourteen years.


Different laws for different countries, abide by them but don't try interferring in them.

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9 hours ago, LennyW said:

Keep out of it, mind yer own business.

If you report her and she looses her job are you gunna feed her child and family.If so,go right ahead.If not,keep your nose out,there are more consequences than your consiense.She would be back to work in another bar tomorrow and stilletto you for sticking your long nose in.Leave Asia to Asia unless you want to set up a charity and help them all,thousands off them.

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Despite what people here tell you , we had crack downs on bars with underage girls  only a few weeks ago .  If you feel like it just send an anonymous mail to the police station on beach rd . Maybe they will have a look at it but most probably not.  They can arrest the girl but she will be back in business the next day if her family can't help her. 



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