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Scotland's Sturgeon says: I can win an independence vote


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3 hours ago, jonwilly said:

I served 23 years in The Army.

Never did I see or hear of jocks being victimised by their Welsh, Irish or English comrades.

Every English man I knew however had tales of being given a hard time in the Jock regiments, Mash Bast ard being a strange ethnic insult.

 Most of my better mates where jocks, I got along with their down to earth attitude.

England formed the Union when the wealthy Scots bankrupted themselves and their country over the Darian adventure in the 18th Century, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darien_scheme.

Could 5 million folk have a successful economy, based on Whisky and Oil ?

I will go to my grave saying it's a socialist (Communist) plot and Sturgon/Salamond need to get real.



Thank you Maggie for saving UK..

This was my experience too, starting with marauding packs of inner city Jock recruits @ IJLB who arrived with chips on their shoulders on day one. As a 16 year old I hadn't seen it before & found it quite a shock but older generations confirmed it was 'normal'! 


My career was a decade behind yours. As I progressed through the ranks across the country it was very clear how the Celts felt about the English. Pub Brawls or Thai-esque pack attacks were prevalent during any run ashore in Celtsville & I once even had an ashtray smashed against the back of my head in Warminster of all places while walking back to sch of inf by some Muppet from RRW who were in nearby Battlesbury.


I never understood such behaviour & not once did I ever see or hear of it the other way around.



Edited by evadgib
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4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

This was my experience too, starting with marauding packs of inner city Jock recruits @ IJLB who arrived with chips on their shoulders on day one. As a 16 year old I hadn't seen it before & found it quite a shock but older generations confirmed it was 'normal'! 


My career was a decade behind yours. As I progressed through the ranks across the country it was very clear how the Celts felt about the English. Pub Brawls or Thai-esque pack attacks were prevalent during any run ashore in Celtsville & I once even had an ashtray smashed against the back of my head in Warminster of all places while walking back to sch of inf by some Muppet from RRW who were in nearby Battlesbury.


I never understood such behaviour & not once saw it the other way around.



I am sorry to hear that - is it possible that the military breeds and tolerates this sort of culture? Certainly these guys don't see the same thing or I guess they would not be so supportive:



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What Nicola Sturgeon is doing is dangerous. She’s killing jobs, killing investment, killing Scotland for the glory of her teenage dream.

The SNP and Nicola Sturgeon do not do this for the love of Scotland; they do this for the hatred of England.

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12 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

Whilst it is a valid point that there appears to be limited clarity as to the impact of BREXIT, it is still no valid reason to open the asylum doors and let the inmates run a country

That is what's happened in England! Just look at the government! Buffoons as you say. The chancellor will be shown the door because he's not buffoonish enough!!!

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22 minutes ago, stander said:

What Nicola Sturgeon is doing is dangerous. She’s killing jobs, killing investment, killing Scotland for the glory of her teenage dream.


The SNP and Nicola Sturgeon do not do this for the love of Scotland; they do this for the hatred of England.


You must be a fan of Geert Wilders? For his political views or his haircut?


I feel that Scotland as an EU member will do very well both economically And societally 

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

You must be a fan of Geert Wilders? For his political views or his haircut?


I feel that Scotland as an EU member will do very well both economically And societally 

I would like to ask your political alliance Grouse, if any. You slam the conservatives. You can't be labour or liberal, as they happily want the integration of Muslims in the UK and EU society. and you clearly don't agree with that from your posts. So who are you? Britian First?


Before you ask, I have no real affiliation to a party. I would have considered myself labour when John Smith was leader and sadly died, but since then, I would not agree 100% with any one party and would say that I couldn't.

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30 minutes ago, stander said:

The SNP and Nicola Sturgeon do not do this for the love of Scotland; they do this for the hatred of England.

Patent nonsense. Putting to one side your narcissism that makes you assume that everything that happens in Scotland is a reaction to England (here's a hint - you really aren't so special that we spend our time thinking how to disrupt you), the evidence of what you are suggesting is literally non-existent. There is plenty to show how much love their is in England for the Scots though.


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Many people around the world appear to think the so-called independence movement in Scotland is part of the same nationalist wave as Brexit/Trump/Le Pen etc. It is in fact, the opposite: globalism and cultural Marxism

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The Scots all vote lefty anyway, and the rest of the union subsidizes them financially. 
It will be quite amusing to watch them fail, plus there will be a chance of more regional government in the rest of the union, and English politics will move further to the right.

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2 hours ago, evadgib said:

This was my experience too, starting with marauding packs of inner city Jock recruits @ IJLB who arrived with chips on their shoulders on day one. As a 16 year old I hadn't seen it before & found it quite a shock but older generations confirmed it was 'normal'! 


My career was a decade behind yours. As I progressed through the ranks across the country it was very clear how the Celts felt about the English. Pub Brawls or Thai-esque pack attacks were prevalent during any run ashore in Celtsville & I once even had an ashtray smashed against the back of my head in Warminster of all places while walking back to sch of inf by some Muppet from RRW who were in nearby Battlesbury.


I never understood such behaviour & not once did I ever see or hear of it the other way around.



I can concur with your experiance,having joined the RAF as a 15 yr old,that while most of the Scot lads were friendly and sociable,there was a certain element with a distinct chip on their shoulders. Perhaps that's what made me a supporter of the SNP 50yrs ago.

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47 minutes ago, evadgib said:

All of which are understandable, given he can't actually start until TM fires the starting pistol:




There is nothing to stop him exploring the options, implications, ramifications etc. of Brexit. Are you suggesting that he is sitting back, feet up on his desk, waiting for the gun to fire before he actually starts to investigate his remit? Actually, I think you might be right there...

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On 13/3/2560 at 7:51 PM, RuamRudy said:


The Scots have clearly demonstrated that they want to remain in the EU. Brexit appears to be inevitable so no amount of waiting to see just how much of a disaster the future of a united GB&NI outside the EU is, will make up for that. Surely it is better to take all the pain in one go?


Just as long as they are willing to take their part of all debts. I say don't let the door hits them in the ass .....

Wait time Trump starts asking for Billions of dollars for NATO protection against the Russians, and Chinese.

She just wants to be PM, of her own independent country. She should watch the ending of Braveheart. If she wants to see her future of her country. Scotland will always be the same as sheep. Afraid of their own shadow. The older people collecting a pension will always vote to stay.

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59 minutes ago, stander said:

Many people around the world appear to think the so-called independence movement in Scotland is part of the same nationalist wave as Brexit/Trump/Le Pen etc. It is in fact, the opposite: globalism and cultural Marxism

'Cultural Marxism': a uniting theory for rightwingers who love to play the victim


"What do the Australian’s columnist Nick Cater, video game hate group #Gamergate, Norwegian mass shooter Anders Breivik and random blokes on YouTube have in common? Apart from anything else, they have all invoked the spectre of “cultural Marxism” to account for things they disapprove of – things like Islamic immigrant communities, feminism and, er, opposition leader Bill Shorten."

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10 minutes ago, stander said:

Independence = decentralization and the SNP wants to join the EU. (So much for independence) hence the SNP are just a bunch of opportunists.

The UK did not need to seek the permission of Brussels to hold the Brexit referendum.

The Scottish government needs to seek the permission of an unelected Prime Minister of a UK government that has the support of 1.6% of Scottish MPs for permission to hold an independence referendum.

One of these situations definitely sounds freer than the other.

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48 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The UK did not need to seek the permission of Brussels to hold the Brexit referendum.

The Scottish government needs to seek the permission of an unelected Prime Minister of a UK government that has the support of 1.6% of Scottish MPs for permission to hold an independence referendum.

One of these situations definitely sounds freer than the other.


The push for another Scottish referendum is because their political class and most of their people want to stay in the EU. They'd rather be ruled by unelected globalists in Brussels than their elected representatives in Holyrood/Westminster.

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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

"In Europe"

So let's get back to reality.




Certainly whoever wrote that sh!tpost should have spent more time in school, but unless it was a 10 year old, I don't think you can blame the SNP. However if you tell me it was a 10 year old, I will definitely believe you.

As for funding the NHS, we just need to as the Brexiters for that - they had a big red bus of promises for that one.

Edited by RuamRudy
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3 hours ago, Blindedbythelight said:

Just as long as they are willing to take their part of all debts. I say don't let the door hits them in the ass .....

Wait time Trump starts asking for Billions of dollars for NATO protection against the Russians, and Chinese.

She just wants to be PM, of her own independent country. She should watch the ending of Braveheart. If she wants to see her future of her country. Scotland will always be the same as sheep. Afraid of their own shadow. The older people collecting a pension will always vote to stay.

Many older Scots are very wary of Scots Nats and rightly so.  They will not take responsibility for debts you can be sure of that!  In fact, their stance is that it is not their debt.


As a nuclear free state Im not sure what their status would be within NATO.

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12 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Many older Scots are very wary of Scots Nats and rightly so.  They will not take responsibility for debts you can be sure of that!  In fact, their stance is that it is not their debt.


As a nuclear free state Im not sure what their status would be within NATO.

Under international law , upon separation an indie Scotland would not be liable for any UK debt. Any liability would have to arise from negotiations .

As for Nato they would have to apply 

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4 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

Under international law , upon separation an indie Scotland would not be liable for any UK debt. Any liability would have to arise from negotiations .

As for Nato they would have to apply 

That is so.  That is why no money would be forthcoming.  And yet, I'm sure they would want all the goodies.  Last time, Scotland also wanted to be underwritten by the Bank of England!

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