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Fake News Hits Pattaya: An Aussie meth addict rocks the Thai tourist boat


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Fake News Hits Pattaya: An Aussie meth addict rocks the Thai tourist boat

writes Bart of Livv Thailand website



Mr Luke Williams


Donald Trump has succeeded in one area since he took office.  He coined the first new phrase added to our international lexicon for 2017, “fake news”.  But “fake news” isn’t coming from CNN or BBC.  


Most of it is coming from steaming piles of nonsense like Britain’s glaring example of yellow journalism meets internet click-bait, “The Sun”.  In February they ran a story proclaiming Pattaya as the “sex capital of the world”.  Like most trashy tabloids nowadays, they’d like to take their viral post with all the website traffic it created and move on to the next misleading yet titillating headline.  Not-so-fast lads,  This Pattayan has a bone to pick with you.


The only thing that’s needed to debunk this fairy tale is to consider the source.  The article credits three authors, but only one claims to have actually been to Pattaya, a Mr. Luke Williams.  He is an Australian freelance journalist whose previous claim to fame was covering a story on meth addiction and becoming an addict himself. He then proceeded to milk his new found love of inhalable amphetamines by writing a book about what it’s like to be an ice-head in May of last year.  In the book, Mr. Williams recounts a downward spiral where at the bottom he finds himself fantasizing he was a porn star and masturbating for 16 hours straight.  It is not hard to imagine Mr. Williams gathering the information for his “Sex Capital” story while roaming the streets of Pattaya looking for a score of one kind or another.


And he is writing for a publication that openly solicits articles for money without any requirement for fact-checking or disclosure of sources.  Methinks Mr. Williams may have financed a few good party nights in Pattaya with his mud-slinging comparison of Pattaya to Sodom and Gomorrah. (Journalist’s secret:  Headlines containing any form of the word “Sodom” are guaranteed to go viral)


The pictures used to illustrate the article show an arrested prostitute and a policeman arresting and searching a person of the third sex, but Mr. Williams says at the very beginning that police turn a blind eye to the illicit sex trade.  H-m-m-m-m …which is it Luke?  Another blurry picture borrowed from a Facebook video allegedly shows a vicious attack by a drunk Brit on a Thai bar manager.  Can someone explain what this has to do with sex for sale or Sodom and Gomorrah?



Two smiling Thai girls in Pattaya Walking Street


There’s also a photo of two smiling Thai girls walking hand in hand and the caption reads, “Women on Walking Street where bars and sex scenes are common place”.  How dare those Thai women walk around close to bars!  Don’t they know how oppressed and victimized they are?  And exactly what is a “sex scene”?


Another picture shows a young Thai lady talking to some foreign men and the caption reads, “A girl negotiates price with some men for her services”.  Really?  I see her talking to one man.  How did he know what they were talking about? He certainly didn’t interview those people. In the article Mr. Williams only manages to quote two people and they are both fellow Aussies that recommend he chill out and have a drink.  Luke Williams, he’s not exactly an intrepid investigative reporter now is he?



“A girl negotiates price with some men for her services”. Really?


What’s more, Luke is a little Trump-like on the facts.  He asserts that there are 27,000 sex workers in Pattaya but sites no source for such a ridiculous figure.  He goes on to claim that 1 in 4 of the male population of Pattaya are big fat white guys looking for sex from young girls.  Look Luke, I understand that when your body has been ravaged by meth, it must seem like everyone is a fat guy.  And when your very soul is screaming for that next hit of Ice, one has a tendency to lose touch with reality.  But a guy who was once an award winning journalist should know these kind of unsubstantiated absurdities just wipe out any shred of credibility you once had.  Get yourself some help mate.


For some reason, this tripe got the Thai public and politicians in an uproar.  Everyone from Police officials to the Minister of Tourism and Sports felt the need to take action.  Police, while denying that anyone traveled to Pattaya for sex, shined up their jackboots and cracked down hard on everything from Ugandan hookers to Cambodian beggars. The Minister of Tourism spoke up and said she would turn Pattaya into a huge sports destination starting with jet skis.  I don’t know anyone who knows exactly what that means.


I wish someone would tell them that it’s fake news.  The Sun is a smut-rag that thrives on this kind of titillation.  The editors of The Sun use stories about Thailand’s famously relaxed attitude towards the sex trade to stoke the lustful fires of a repressed public hunkering down in a cold damp winter and needing some salacious reading material for their morning visit to the loo.  It’s not real news Thai people; it’s just low-brow “farang” entertainment.



Walking Street Pattaya


Full story: https://livvthai.com/2017/03/fake-news-hits-pattaya-aussie-meth-addict-rocks-thai-tourist-boat/


-- LIVV THAILAND 2017-03-16

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Strange article. Pattaya is one the worlds largest redlight areas. 


Walking street is a heaving mass of prostitutes, as is buakhao, most of the beach road sois and many other spots. 


Im not against it at all, but it is what it is 


So the author may be a douche, it doesnt change the above facts

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  "And everyone just repeats crap they heard."


"Next time our intelligence is insulted by such bombastic clams, let’s all consider the source and see it for what it is … fake news."


Thank you for that advice, I shall remember it next time I see a link to one of your diatribes. It appears that you are following the Junta prefered route of "attacking the messenger".

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4 minutes ago, trigpoint said:

The article was published by the Daily Mirror, not the Sun, so this article is pure fiction, and garbage to boot, the author could get sued for defamation by the Sun if it was in Thailand.

Sent from my B3-A30 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

Yes, but it's usually The Sun that has been on the wrong end of lawsuits.


They have always dealt in BS/lies, the gutter-press.

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8 minutes ago, trigpoint said:

The article was published by the Daily Mirror, not the Sun, so this article is pure fiction, and garbage to boot, the author could get sued for defamation by the Sun if it was in Thailand.

Sent from my B3-A30 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


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2 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

In an article complaining about accuracy, at least get the facts right yourself. 


The article was from the Mirror.  Luke Williams wrote the piece for news.com.au not the Sun.



If you use the link in my previous post, it was, maybe also, in the Sun.


Here's the header with Luke Williams name from the Sun article.



Inside the world’s sex capital Pattaya, Thailand dubbed the ‘modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah’ where 27,000 prostitutes offer services to over a million tourists

The sex industry Thailand faces an uncertain future with the government promising to clamp down on illegal brothels

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The original article was in the Mirror. Other people copied from there. This is why ThaiRath mentioned them in their response with an article.


If you actually read the piece in the Sun you'll see that they quote something written by Luke Williams in news.com.au, which is owned by the same people as the Sun.


Again, I stick to my original point. In an article complaining about accuracy, at least get the facts right.




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4 minutes ago, GeorgeCross said:

jeysus the author of this article is an idiot. has he even been to pattaya??




Are You Cross George?




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16 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

The Sun always was trashy and packed with fake news/BS.


Fake news has been around for eternity, it's sometimes referred to as propaganda, rumour, gossip, lies, spin etc.

You are right.

Fake news has been around since the first time a woman told a man she loved him for his gentle demeanor rather than his money.

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The only fake news I read was the news saying that the original fake news was fake, when in actual fact, it is correct... A trip down walking street will easily confirm that in just a few minutes.


I think there is a shill or two involved in trying to portray Pattaya as a wholesome family place to holiday, when in actual fact its a place where sewerage is dumped where people swim, prostitutes are a dime a dozen and the police are more interested in fining westerners, than idiot drivers etc.


Also, that third gender.. they are called Ladyboys... so why the need for PC ??? Call a spade a spade!

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17 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

The Sun always was trashy and packed with fake news/BS.


Fake news has been around for eternity, it's sometimes referred to as propaganda, rumour, gossip, lies, spin etc.

Agree, but they got it right this time.


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Anybody who thinks there is more fake news in the Sun than there is on the BBC or CNN is living in la-la land. 

So is anyone who has actually been to Pattaya and is daft enough to try and defend its sleazy reputation.


So kindly dismount your high horse. Bart, and answer this question: If Pattaya is not the sex capital of the world, then what is?


Don't all rush, guys.



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On March 16, 2560 BE at 4:30 PM, trigpoint said:

The article was published by the Daily Mirror, not the Sun, so this article is pure fiction, and garbage to boot, the author could get sued for defamation by the Sun if it was in Thailand.

Sent from my B3-A30 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app


1 hour ago, Gramps said:

Williams may be a disreputable drug-addled sensationalist but he still somehow managed to get closer to the truth than Bart.


5 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Anybody who thinks there is more fake news in the Sun than there is on the BBC or CNN is living in la-la land. 

So is anyone who has actually been to Pattaya and is daft enough to try and defend its sleazy reputation.


So kindly dismount your high horse. Bart, and answer this question: If Pattaya is not the sex capital of the world, then what is?


Don't all rush, guys.




8 hours ago, thhMan said:

The only fake news I read was the news saying that the original fake news was fake, when in actual fact, it is correct... A trip down walking street will easily confirm that in just a few minutes.


I think there is a shill or two involved in trying to portray Pattaya as a wholesome family place to holiday, when in actual fact its a place where sewerage is dumped where people swim, prostitutes are a dime a dozen and the police are more interested in fining westerners, than idiot drivers etc.


Also, that third gender.. they are called Ladyboys... so why the need for PC ??? Call a spade a spade!


Gee, this merger with the Nation seems to be going well.

Desperate click bait at its worst. 

Someone contacted me to join the new Farang forum to take on thaivisa, Farang society.com.

After reading this absolute drivel I think I have just made up my mind.


When an Aussie ice addict is more real than thaivisa you know they have lost it. 


Also I have been having a lot of trouble with this site lately, constantly reloading, I am starting to be suspicious it is a deliberate ploy to achieve more clicks or maybe it has given me some sort of virus.


There is yellow journalism and there is takin the piss. 

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