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Calling it a day on Pattaya....


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2 hours ago, Asiantravel said:


  it's as if you seem to think you have a deep understanding of their Psyche . It's what they say about you after you have left that would reveal the most about their culture :laugh:


Wrong again. My attitude encourages learning and empathy. Yours indicates you merely think you know it all as usual despite the abundance of previous evidence to the contrary; yet arrogance, self-importance, and provinciality are at the root of much discontent among farang community here and have led in part to the attitude from Pattaya Thais so often denounced on the forum. Childish sour grapes don't really help you or anyone else.



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On 22/03/2017 at 6:01 AM, JSixpack said:


And eat outside the bars from food carts.



This merely means that impecunious old pensioners believe they are in deep doo doo. Pattaya isn't at all but is continuing expansion yet adjusting to changing conditions. Latest big infrastructure project is the tunnel.



Absurd idea conceived mainly for the convenience of the great Golden Egg Layers staying in flophouses around Soi Buakhao. No, they rightly aren't a priority in Pattaya development schemes by the sensible city council. Last I heard some more upscale hotels (relatively) are being planned for Buakhao. Just another reason to stay in Pattaya, right? :smile: Trouble is, them arrogant hotel clerks!


That said, I do think it's high time for a stop light at the intersection of Soi Diana and Buakhao. Perhaps they'll get around to that someday.


But you see the OP isn't concerned with infrastructure, traffic, sidewalks, or THE PROMENADE!!! Soi Buakhao wasn't mentioned among his woes as it is yours. His issues are merely that


(1) as a hansum man, he now feels an intolerable lack of fawning attention from beautiful women--'cause there aren't any. He actually doesn't care about sex, however, and so even all them old, ugly, fat ladies have probably figured out he's not paying any bar fines.  He also


(2) needs to feel part of a crowd to be happy, but he's not finding crowded streets & bars like he used to 25 years ago when Pattaya had about a fourth of the number of bars it does now. Gotta be streets with bars--I mean, Central's been pretty crowded this high season after all. Some, now, find this a blessing, as I do; and of course many a bar is in fact well patronized most of the time. The final issue is


(3) that of bigotry as he disdains some of the tourist groups now in Pattaya and is utterly helpless to find any means of avoiding them. His sense of aesthetics and proper manners have been affronted.


That's IT; nothing else matters.


Hence, OP has no choice but to leave. Seems wise. Bon voyage, OP. Let us know when you've found a place to meet the above requirements. Me, I think I shall be bothered to visit Soi 6 this afternoon. :smile:


As far from the truth it would be harder to get....

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On 3/22/2017 at 1:01 PM, JSixpack said:


But you see the OP isn't concerned with infrastructure, traffic, sidewalks, or THE PROMENADE!!! Soi Buakhao wasn't mentioned among his woes as it is yours. His issues are merely that



(1) as a hansum man, he now feels an intolerable lack of fawning attention from beautiful women--'cause there aren't any. He actually doesn't care about sex, however, and so even all them old, ugly, fat ladies have probably figured out he's not paying any bar fines.  He also


(2) needs to feel part of a crowd to be happy, but he's not finding crowded streets & bars like he used to 25 years ago when Pattaya had about a fourth of the number of bars it does now. Gotta be streets with bars--I mean, Central's been pretty crowded this high season after all. Some, now, find this a blessing, as I do; and of course many a bar is in fact well patronized most of the time. The final issue is


(3) that of bigotry as he disdains some of the tourist groups now in Pattaya and is utterly helpless to find any means of avoiding them. His sense of aesthetics and proper manners have been affronted.



21 hours ago, Cirencester said:

As far from the truth it would be harder to get....


Nope, spot on and legit. Here are exactly the three complaints I point out, in your own words:


1. . . . as far as Girls go I'm still a handsome man . . . [girls] . . . making themselves look as ugly as possible . . . the very essence of Boy meets Girl of late 80,s early 90's has long gone

2. Soi's 6, 7 and 8 and changed beyond belief and North Pattaya a Ghost town. Soi 6 in particular . . . is a dying shell of what it was and getting worse. walked it yesterday about 5pm shall not bother again deserted

3. Theres a nationality of people here that are quite frankly disgusting in manners, appearance, incapable of washing and God knows what else.


Though you're leaving, and I kindly wished you bon voyage, it remains true that notwithstanding the infestation of whingers, cynics, and rabid bashers on the forum, most of us are pretty happy living in our cesspool. There's actually lots more to do here than, you know, just drinkin' and enjoyin' soapies and threesomes all the time—which ain't too bad, come down to it. Relevant threads: When boredom starts to rule the day, I Love Pattaya, and Why live in Pattaya? Perhaps you can read over them and find something satisfying to do during your final days.

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I know what you mean , I lived in Naklua from 2004- 2006 , loads of Expats and holiday makers ,lads on a month vacation. Used to drink in the Fly Inn , Wongermart Road which became very busy  with the Expat drinking community of Naklua. Went to work in China and time was taken between Work and home leave to see family. I went back to Naklua in 2010 and most of the blokes who lived their had either , gone home skint , drunk themselves to a very poor condition or in a few cases died. Fly inn was closed and place was totally different to the place I knew and had a good time and a good ;laugh in

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Same old story....

You never really appreciate what you have or had until it is gone.

Go to another place and stay there long enough to recognise all the problems and short comings and abundance of stupidity along with all the low life characters hanging around in any popular destination and I can near guarantee you 99 % you will be recognising that Pattaya is a more than suitable place to be located and relevant to all that it has to offer.

Of course it has changed after 25 years, both positive and negative in many aspects while you should not dwell on the past and make comparisons rather enjoy what Pattaya does have to offer, which includes more positive aspects than it did 25 years ago and learn to tolerate the negatives.

Everywhere you go has both negatives and positives while living there.


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Indeed, time marches on, often with sad endings, particularly in Pattaya.  I believe most of us are drawn here for the wild life style that few of us are strong enough to sustain.  Succumbing to the bottle happens everywhere.  More so here?  I'm not sure.  But I'm starting to believe that it is easier to do with age as we no longer have the will to live, as we did in our youth.  We become weak, tired, and then boredom sets in.  Then more drinking to alleviate the boredom.  We offer up all these solutions, suggesting do this, do that.  But you need the energy to do these things.  I remember my father sleeping more than anything else in the last few years of his life.  He was tired, sleeping the afternoons away.


As a former triathlete and current long distance runner, I notice that I don't have the energy I had 10 years ago.  I've had to give up on a lot of my interests, for I don't have the energy to do them all.  Too bloody tired most days.  I've resigned myself to keeping life as simple as possible and staying fit, mentally and physically, though both are fading fast.

Edited by EvenSteven
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7 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

Indeed, time marches on, often with sad endings, particularly in Pattaya.  I believe most of us are drawn here for the wild life style that few of us are strong enough to sustain.  Succumbing to the bottle happens everywhere.  More so here?  I'm not sure.  But I'm starting to believe that it is easier to do with age as we no longer have the will to live, as we did in our youth.  We become weak, tired, and then boredom sets in.  Then more drinking to alleviate the boredom.  We offer up all these solutions, suggesting do this, do that.  But you need the energy to do these things.  I remember my father sleeping more than anything else in the last few years of his life.  He was tired, sleeping the afternoons away.


As a former triathlete and current long distance runner, I notice that I don't have the energy I had 10 years ago.  I've had to give up on a lot of my interests, for I don't have the energy to do them all.  Too bloody tired most days.  I've resigned myself to keeping life as simple as possible and staying fit, mentally and physically, though both are fading fast.

I got pretty depressed living in a condo in hot weather which led to sleeping until afternoon daily and not doing much since it was so hot outside. If I drink the night before it's even worse.


but having an outdoor area or bigger place I am much happier. The minute I step outside my mood improves. If there are no loud Thais there or noise it improves even more. 


i have been to many poor countries and have found that the local population are typically 'energy suckers'. that is, they are needy in one way or another and if you a long termer it's going to effect you. tourist locations are the worst. your in pattaya with a city full of whores and scumbags who definately quality as needing something from you the minute you step outside. the tuk tuk, taxi and other invasive tout scum, which in thailand is not that bad compared to other locations, can really drain you as their energy does enter even if completely ignored, especially long term.

one symptom of the 'energy sucking' taking effect is wanting to isolate, which results in low energy and fatigue because your isolating and staying inside, especially if your on a small budget. isolation can lead to depression and even suicide. alcohol makes things worse and accelerates the process but appears to help the isolation while your drinking.

Edited by JimCrane
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IMO the OP's true story is somewhat different.


He's 25 years older. That a lot of years. He doesn't have the sex drive he once had and he's getting old. Instead of dealing with that, he's trying to blame the place where he lives for his aging blues.


No matter where you live you'll face the same problem.


I prefer Pattaya now to 11 years ago when I arrived. I don't have any knowledge of Pattaya prior to 2005, but I don't think it would change my opinion. It's more modern with better restaurants and shops. Faster Internet too.


The OP will NOT be happier anywhere else. That can only come from within. Of course, I too would love to be 25 years younger.  

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17 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

Indeed, time marches on, often with sad endings, particularly in Pattaya.  I believe most of us are drawn here for the wild life style that few of us are strong enough to sustain.  Succumbing to the bottle happens everywhere.  More so here?  I'm not sure.  But I'm starting to believe that it is easier to do with age as we no longer have the will to live, as we did in our youth.  We become weak, tired, and then boredom sets in.  Then more drinking to alleviate the boredom.  We offer up all these solutions, suggesting do this, do that.  But you need the energy to do these things.  I remember my father sleeping more than anything else in the last few years of his life.  He was tired, sleeping the afternoons away.


As a former triathlete and current long distance runner, I notice that I don't have the energy I had 10 years ago.  I've had to give up on a lot of my interests, for I don't have the energy to do them all.  Too bloody tired most days.  I've resigned myself to keeping life as simple as possible and staying fit, mentally and physically, though both are fading fast.


Why would you expect to have the energy you had 10 years ago? Perhaps if you start running shorter distances you'll have more energy for other things. Triathlons and long distance running are the definitions of overdoing a good thing.

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I got pretty depressed living in a condo in hot weather which led to sleeping until afternoon daily and not doing much since it was so hot outside. If I drink the night before it's even worse.
but having an outdoor area or bigger place I am much happier. The minute I step outside my mood improves. If there are no loud Thais there or noise it improves even more. 
i have been to many poor countries and have found that the local population are typically 'energy suckers'. that is, they are needy in one way or another and if you a long termer it's going to effect you. tourist locations are the worst. your in pattaya with a city full of whores and scumbags who definately quality as needing something from you the minute you step outside. the tuk tuk, taxi and other invasive tout scum, which in thailand is not that bad compared to other locations, can really drain you as their energy does enter even if completely ignored, especially long term.

one symptom of the 'energy sucking' taking effect is wanting to isolate, which results in low energy and fatigue because your isolating and staying inside, especially if your on a small budget. isolation can lead to depression and even suicide. alcohol makes things worse and accelerates the process but appears to help the isolation while your drinking.

Yes get out as much as you can. BR opposite mike shopping mall seems to be where a lot of expats catch up, head down there if in the area and maybe meet new people
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20 hours ago, JimCrane said:

I got pretty depressed living in a condo in hot weather which led to sleeping until afternoon daily and not doing much since it was so hot outside. If I drink the night before it's even worse.


but having an outdoor area or bigger place I am much happier. The minute I step outside my mood improves. If there are no loud Thais there or noise it improves even more. 


i have been to many poor countries and have found that the local population are typically 'energy suckers'. that is, they are needy in one way or another and if you a long termer it's going to effect you. tourist locations are the worst. your in pattaya with a city full of whores and scumbags who definately quality as needing something from you the minute you step outside. the tuk tuk, taxi and other invasive tout scum, which in thailand is not that bad compared to other locations, can really drain you as their energy does enter even if completely ignored, especially long term.

one symptom of the 'energy sucking' taking effect is wanting to isolate, which results in low energy and fatigue because your isolating and staying inside, especially if your on a small budget. isolation can lead to depression and even suicide. alcohol makes things worse and accelerates the process but appears to help the isolation while your drinking.

You've pretty much articulated how I feel about living here in Phnom Penh. I don't live in a tourist area either so am totally cut off from contact with other westerners. The local Cambodians look at me like I'm from another planet. I go to Pattaya regularly just to feel normal. I really need to move out of this country ....

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11 hours ago, tropo said:



He's 25 years older. That a lot of years. He doesn't have the sex drive he once had and he's getting old. Instead of dealing with that, he's trying to blame the place where he lives for his aging blues.



Yep 25 years older and I'll not blow too much smoke up my arse but hardly look any different to then. In fact I'd say I look better as fitter and slimmer. Few lines on face but very little else. Exercise and diet the key.

Nor did I say in OP I lived here albeit 5-6 months of the year

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On ‎20‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 7:00 PM, harleyclarkey said:


Parts of Spain are expensive but by no means all. Move away from the coastal hot spots and you will find great value. Can't speak for Greece but right now they are in meltdown.


Why not look outside the box and have a look at Montenegro? Poland? Croatia? Slovenia? Cheap as chips, beautiful cities, scenery, mountains, beaches and sun!

By the way some stunning women.

I left England due to the saturation of Eastern Europeans in the area (one reason) so personally would not waste my time and money visiting let alone living there (and yes, I have visited many places in E.EU in the past so I do have a valid opinion)

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Think one or two misunderstood my post (my fault)
Am not looking at other areas in Pattaya per se. Have just got bored of the bar scene and if you wanted to tip me over the edge lol telling me to go New Plaza drinking will do it nicely. You need vaccinations before making incursions into that area
Snooky and Bali mentioned. Doesnt anyone else in middle age feel that the vibe has changed (not overnight) but the very essence of Boy meets Girl of late 80,s early 90's has long gone as it was. Internet of course huge part to play.  Theres a nationality of people here that are quite frankly disgusting in manners, appearance, incapable of washing and God knows what else.
Hordes of them all over the beach concession lady for Coconuts today with her politely saying they are 50 Baht each with them time after time saying 3 for 100.....in the end I stood up and politely said to them they are 50 Baht EACH either buy them or go somewhere else...... Good 12 of them now handing over their 50 Bahts. Embarrassing for all around. Italian guy besides me said well done mate.

Mate you have changed...thats all there is to it...Pattaya still ticks on weather your there or not, looking back well...just turn on your favourite gold radio station that keeps on pumping out your favourite 40 year old songs...

People in general dont want to change and expect everything to stand still....well the fact is we do change we just dont notice it certainly not in music tastes thats for sure, embrace it and look beyond, you might need a solid relationship....
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Oh yeah you do not want to socialize there. Dudes are drunk at 10am with 7/11 beer and 50 year old hookers also wasted

In the evening you do get older expats there chatting yes having a beer or two maybe, is it that different from a bar? Not getting harrassed for lady drinks.

I walk past it but it might suit some people who want to get out and meet people. I don't think drink is compulsory
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In the evening you do get older expats there chatting yes having a beer or two maybe, is it that different from a bar? Not getting harrassed for lady drinks.

I walk past it but it might suit some people who want to get out and meet people. I don't think drink is compulsory

Agree I go there sometimes myself and get a beer from the bicycle eski guys and watch the sunset. And there some hotties that get around after dark, not many but a few.

I think the focus is what to do in the daytime though. Pattaya is spoiled for choice at night.

The beer garden is particularly good for chatting with people and most the girls speak good English and it's hassle free
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Multiple off topic posts talking about Ireland, UK, Spain and child benefits  have been removed.

Want to talk about that stuff please do it in the home forum this is the Pattaya forum and the topic is: 

Calling it a day on Pattaya....

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On 3/25/2017 at 10:27 PM, gemguy said:

Same old story....

You never really appreciate what you have or had until it is gone.

Go to another place and stay there long enough to recognise all the problems and short comings and abundance of stupidity along with all the low life characters hanging around in any popular destination and I can near guarantee you 99 % you will be recognising that Pattaya is a more than suitable place to be located and relevant to all that it has to offer.

Of course it has changed after 25 years, both positive and negative in many aspects while you should not dwell on the past and make comparisons rather enjoy what Pattaya does have to offer, which includes more positive aspects than it did 25 years ago and learn to tolerate the negatives.

Everywhere you go has both negatives and positives while living there.


Crikey. Can't agree that Pattaya is better than 25 years ago. Now; more traffic, more crime, stupid beach walkway replaced the better one before, walkway to the lighthouse destroyed by speedboat parking.

Then; quieter, safer, just as many restaurants, cinema in RG mall only 50 baht, nice beach walkway with shade to sit on during the day, accomodation a lot cheaper, plenty of baht buses, girls less greedy, more friendly ( better looking too ), public park where Bali Hi is.

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21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Crikey. Can't agree that Pattaya is better than 25 years ago. Now; more traffic, more crime, stupid beach walkway replaced the better one before, walkway to the lighthouse destroyed by speedboat parking.

Then; quieter, safer, just as many restaurants, cinema in RG mall only 50 baht, nice beach walkway with shade to sit on during the day, accomodation a lot cheaper, plenty of baht buses, girls less greedy, more friendly ( better looking too ), public park where Bali Hi is.

Have to agree with you . I had taken a wide birth (wife is not a fan) of Pattaya for ten years , coming back I couldn't believe how downhill the women have become . They are mostly in their 30s stretch marks all

over the place and certainly the Runts of the litter . They are no where near the standards they were 15 years ago ! Thai women are still stunners in other parts of ??  just not in the bar game anymore , which is a good thing I guess . 

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