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Not something to joke about - wife kills husband who said he wanted to get a "gig"


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8 hours ago, fforest1 said:

My wife has been begging me to get a geek for boom boom...My wife is happy

with sex once a month.. 


Are you sure she wasnt after the computer repair guy for herself. May have just wanted more ram, a new imput or help with a download?

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Its all about negotiating, my wife doesn't want me to have a mistress, fair call, I appreciate her honesty and respect that, so I just have my one night stands whenever I am in the touristy areas, not often enough though, might have something to do with living in the sticks, and that probably suites us both


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6 hours ago, wirat69 said:

Maybe the reporter needs to know the difference between a gig and a gik


notwithstanding, I guess the guy will never play his guitar again

Transliteration is always an issue. ก at the start of a sentence is a G but at the end of a word is a K.

A common mistake. 

Edited by MadMuhummad
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When i lived in the States, the most problems, with spouses trying to kill each other, where alcohol was involved were among the native Indians.There were always reports of police visiting the areas(i hate to say reservations, as it sounds so 19th century) regarding this crime.Alcohol was not allowed to be sold on the areas that housed the Aboriginals.I lived in Georgia, and the Cherokees were the main inhabitants, they were bought there some 130 odd years ago, on the trail of tears.The other Indian residents were the Lacota.These also were always in the newspapers, regarding alcohol fueled deaths.There was always trouble in Atlanta city with drunk Indians riding the escalators, between the ground level and sub level shopping centers.And it seemed that stabbing was the fashionable method.

In the 4 years i was there, there were numerous deaths and maiming of Cherokee males, by their wives/girl friends.

Over the years i have spoken to many people from Oz, NZ, and other countries that have indigenous Indians and they all say that the same thing, that the murder rate among the id's is far regular than the transitional people.

Aside from the stories of how these people lost their lands and how they were treated by the 'invading', if you like 'white people' which is very true,it would seem that there is an intolerance for alcohol among the indigenous peoples of this world.Of course, i would make it clear that among those people there are some very educated members.Doctors, lawyers, etc.But it would appear to be more frequent among the 'Once we were warrior's' thinking individuals.

The crimes committed among the Thai,  uneducated, and poorly paid would seem to reflect this(once again, Thais are the indigenous Indians of Thailand)

I have never read the murder ratings, or the ferocity of the crime, for Asia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, etc

My question is, is there something in the gene pool that is missing, some missing gene that allows alcahol to have such a profound effect on the Thai id, that would align itself with the reason  to allow such frequency of the terrible murders etc, that we read about.

Now i know that some will say, "but it happens all over the world, even in Developed countries, and i would agree, however, i have never read of these happenings, that occur with such frequency as here.

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Its all about negotiating, my wife doesn't want me to have a mistress, fair call, I appreciate her honesty and respect that, so I just have my one night stands whenever I am in the touristy areas, not often enough though, might have something to do with living in the sticks, and that probably suites us both


So your wife wants you to have one night stands in tourist areas instead of a full time mistress?


Do you allow her to have one night stands also?



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When i lived in the States, the most problems, with spouses trying to kill each other, where alcohol was involved were among the native Indians.There were always reports of police visiting the areas(i hate to say reservations, as it sounds so 19th century) regarding this crime.Alcohol was not allowed to be sold on the areas that housed the Aboriginals.I lived in Georgia, and the Cherokees were the main inhabitants, they were bought there some 130 odd years ago, on the trail of tears.The other Indian residents were the Lacota.These also were always in the newspapers, regarding alcohol fueled deaths.There was always trouble in Atlanta city with drunk Indians riding the escalators, between the ground level and sub level shopping centers.And it seemed that stabbing was the fashionable method.
In the 4 years i was there, there were numerous deaths and maiming of Cherokee males, by their wives/girl friends.
Over the years i have spoken to many people from Oz, NZ, and other countries that have indigenous Indians and they all say that the same thing, that the murder rate among the id's is far regular than the transitional people.
Aside from the stories of how these people lost their lands and how they were treated by the 'invading', if you like 'white people' which is very true,it would seem that there is an intolerance for alcohol among the indigenous peoples of this world.Of course, i would make it clear that among those people there are some very educated members.Doctors, lawyers, etc.But it would appear to be more frequent among the 'Once we were warrior's' thinking individuals.
The crimes committed among the Thai,  uneducated, and poorly paid would seem to reflect this(once again, Thais are the indigenous Indians of Thailand)
I have never read the murder ratings, or the ferocity of the crime, for Asia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, etc
My question is, is there something in the gene pool that is missing, some missing gene that allows alcahol to have such a profound effect on the Thai id, that would align itself with the reason  to allow such frequency of the terrible murders etc, that we read about.
Now i know that some will say, "but it happens all over the world, even in Developed countries, and i would agree, however, i have never read of these happenings, that occur with such frequency as here.

My observations exactly too, Dave. I have pondered the same question for years myself. Does the Genome have an inherent bearing on the ability to inhibit alcohol uptake absorption rates, specifically to Western cultures? Food for thought. Meanwhile, I don't let my girl have even 1 beer. She has a the most gentle and amiable personality until she has alcohol. As soon as she has just one beer, she wants to fight every Thai that isn't from south of Krabi. Never a bad word about farangs just Thais. Mind you, she had lived on Corsica for 15 years, before she met me here, while she was on a holiday to see her family. Maybe French wine reacts differently with Thais.
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Thank you for well written and intelligent  reply.I was expecting all sorts of insults in defense of the Thai race.I will admit to a geographical error. The Lacota Indians are Dakota people and i lived there also, please forgive the mistake.However, even there, it was the same thing.I often wonder,if this situation suits the governing society of this country.To try and 'fix' this situation is impossible, as it is now,after hundreds of years.I also wonder, if the inbreeding of the uneducated masses is still evident in the latter generations.This would also apply to the African tribal peoples, where it was normal for the Patriarch of the tribe, was afforded sexual relations with other female members of the society, including their own offspring.

The atrocities committed between the Hooties and the Totsies (i believe they were called)In Rwanda, were typical of frenzied(fueled by alcahol?) attacks where the people were hacked to pieces by machete wielding  maniacs.

All these crimes and assaults seem to be more frequent in under developed countries.Examples given are Idi Amin and Robert Magabe. Where in the former, it was said,  that to prevent reprisals by the ghosts of his victims, he would eat their hearts.

This is typical of the belief of ghosts, spirits and amulets, in Thai society.

I go back to my theory that this behaviour is typical of keeping a populace stupefied and drink/drug ridden, which would make them more controllable,  and easily pliable.

No matter how many appearances by the Thai government is made at so many world meetings,The lies that they tell the people that Nato, etc is happy with the Thai action on people trafficking and slavery, still shows that they are light years away from becoming any other world, than third world.

Thank you for your post.


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12 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

So your wife wants you to have one night stands in tourist areas instead of a full time mistress?


Do you allow her to have one night stands also?



Lets just say we have an understanding, i.e. when I am away I have sex with any female I choose too, that can be an hours drive up the road in a toursity area or an hours flight to another touristy destination. Some times when I go away, I might not have a one night stand at all, e.g. I might not be in the mood, or don't see anything to my liking, so I have had the odd dry spell here and there, as odd as it may sound, I am under no pressure because I don't take any pills for an erection, or the fact that it will be my only time aqay from the wife so make the most of it. As for my wife not wanting me to have a mistress, of course she doesn't want me to have a mistress, what woman in her right mind would want to share her husband with a mistress, although it would be ideal come to think of it, but don't think I could love two chicks.


As for her having a one night stand, "up to her" but she has never gone down that path, and if she did as long as she was upfront about it, It wouldn't bother me. We did end up with two females on two separate ocassions sucessfully a few years back, she didn't mind that, and neither did I, we were pretty trashed, but it was good fun, but it hasn't been repeated since, and I don't apply any pressure, although I do bring it up everynow and again in hope, no harm in trying as they say 555


 I just do what I want to do and she is ok with that, i.e. yes I have my cake and eat it too, and I feel lucky to have such an understanding partner, and yes I can understand the majority of people can't understand it, and when affairs come up in conversation in a farang environment amongst my friends and their wives, my wife will actually ask the wives of my friends why they feel so insecure, adding, if the husband wants to have sex with another, why not encourage him, its only sex, if he loves you he will return, and if he doesn't he will leave you and you will have to deal with it anyway, most husbands cheat because their wives won't have a bar of it, so they are left to deal with the mess afterwards.


I must admit, my mates love my wife, and of course all wish they had one just like her, as for their wives, their good girls ( although I wouldn't be married to them for quids) and they have their views on the subject, no hate or anomosity towards my Mrs or me, although it is really uncomfortable for my mates wives, I can see that, and ocassionally I throw in a round of a few jokes about when I latched on to this 23 year old in Phuket, the wives say stop, we don't want to hear about it, with my reply being, I was adressing the boys, not you girls, with them pleading for me to stop, and I say ok, I get it, you don't want me to corrupt them with my cunning smile.


So as you can see, we are not insecure, and I can confidently say this, that it is the one ingredient that has been removed from what brings most marriages down, statistics show that infidelity is the highest failure in marriages, so we don't have cheating in our marriage.


I am not bragging so don't shoot me, you asked me a couple of questions and I have answered them, I went on a little further, just to give you a little background, if you and others are jealous, well, that's your perogative, if it sounds awkeward and doesn't suit you because of your religious beliefs or whatever, well that's fine too, its our marriage, it suites us, and we are very happily married.





Edited by 4MyEgo
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Now we are going to get the 'Thai women bashing' going on... well, makes a change from all the 'Thai men bashing' that has been the subject on here recently. 

Pray tell me
Would you rather these forums were all 'sugar & spice' and all things nice ? Do you think that would improve the ratio of members? Personally, I think considering some of the topics one has to endure we're very lucky to get the backlash and witty comments. Otherwise,TV would die a death rather quickly.

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On 3/24/2017 at 9:49 AM, jak2002003 said:

Now we are going to get the 'Thai women bashing' going on... well, makes a change from all the 'Thai men bashing' that has been the subject on here recently. 




   Thai women bashing, me pal?????

I not only post about Thai women, men, i bash everybody all the time.

Life would be boring if we were all sweetness and light. :cheesy:

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10 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Lets just say we have an understanding, i.e. when I am away I have sex with any female I choose too, that can be an hours drive up the road in a toursity area or an hours flight to another touristy destination. Some times when I go away, I might not have a one night stand at all, e.g. I might not be in the mood, or don't see anything to my liking, so I have had the odd dry spell here and there, as odd as it may sound, I am under no pressure because I don't take any pills for an erection, or the fact that it will be my only time aqay from the wife so make the most of it. As for my wife not wanting me to have a mistress, of course she doesn't want me to have a mistress, what woman in her right mind would want to share her husband with a mistress, although it would be ideal come to think of it, but don't think I could love two chicks.


As for her having a one night stand, "up to her" but she has never gone down that path, and if she did as long as she was upfront about it, It wouldn't bother me. We did end up with two females on two separate ocassions sucessfully a few years back, she didn't mind that, and neither did I, we were pretty trashed, but it was good fun, but it hasn't been repeated since, and I don't apply any pressure, although I do bring it up everynow and again in hope, no harm in trying as they say 555


 I just do what I want to do and she is ok with that, i.e. yes I have my cake and eat it too, and I feel lucky to have such an understanding partner, and yes I can understand the majority of people can't understand it, and when affairs come up in conversation in a farang environment amongst my friends and their wives, my wife will actually ask the wives of my friends why they feel so insecure, adding, if the husband wants to have sex with another, why not encourage him, its only sex, if he loves you he will return, and if he doesn't he will leave you and you will have to deal with it anyway, most husbands cheat because their wives won't have a bar of it, so they are left to deal with the mess afterwards.


I must admit, my mates love my wife, and of course all wish they had one just like her, as for their wives, their good girls ( although I wouldn't be married to them for quids) and they have their views on the subject, no hate or anomosity towards my Mrs or me, although it is really uncomfortable for my mates wives, I can see that, and ocassionally I throw in a round of a few jokes about when I latched on to this 23 year old in Phuket, the wives say stop, we don't want to hear about it, with my reply being, I was adressing the boys, not you girls, with them pleading for me to stop, and I say ok, I get it, you don't want me to corrupt them with my cunning smile.


So as you can see, we are not insecure, and I can confidently say this, that it is the one ingredient that has been removed from what brings most marriages down, statistics show that infidelity is the highest failure in marriages, so we don't have cheating in our marriage.


I am not bragging so don't shoot me, you asked me a couple of questions and I have answered them, I went on a little further, just to give you a little background, if you and others are jealous, well, that's your perogative, if it sounds awkeward and doesn't suit you because of your religious beliefs or whatever, well that's fine too, its our marriage, it suites us, and we are very happily married.





Glad it works out for you and your wife.  Everyone is different.


For me, it would mean a lack of respect and love if my partner was constantly sleeping around with other people.  That is not because of any religious beliefs, or insecurity though, just a personal thing. 


I would not wish to have a partner who encouraged me to sleep with other people.  You might want to ask yourself why you wife is not doing the same as you are doing.. and why she is so happily encouraging you to sleep with other women.  I guess there are different kinds of relationships.. and if its working for you both then you have no problem. Maybe she does not find you sexually attractive, but likes your company and money.   I have not jealously about your relationship... I would not want such a relationship for myself at all as I would feel we were just 2 friends living together.... rather than actual lovers / partners. 







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6 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Glad it works out for you and your wife.  Everyone is different.


For me, it would mean a lack of respect and love if my partner was constantly sleeping around with other people.  That is not because of any religious beliefs, or insecurity though, just a personal thing. 


I would not wish to have a partner who encouraged me to sleep with other people.  You might want to ask yourself why you wife is not doing the same as you are doing.. and why she is so happily encouraging you to sleep with other women.  I guess there are different kinds of relationships.. and if its working for you both then you have no problem. Maybe she does not find you sexually attractive, but likes your company and money.   I have not jealously about your relationship... I would not want such a relationship for myself at all as I would feel we were just 2 friends living together.... rather than actual lovers / partners. 







Thank you, and ok, best I clear things up a bit, yes we are good mates, more so than what a husband and wife are supposed to be according to the scripts, after all who would want to marry a gal just to be a wife, not for me, she has to laugh, have a sense of humour, and not be the jealous type or insecure otherwise she wouldn't be my wife, she would have to respect money and not want the things in lofe that have no real value, i.e. materialistic things to show off. low keyed, a jeans T-shirt kind of girl with the body to match and long black hair 555


Encourages me to have sex with another, firstly we have a great sex life, even after 10 years, I will bost if you can believe it, we just had a stint now this morning, which is a rarity as I am not the morning person. She only "encourages" me when I go away, i.e. do you have your condoms darling, its not as if she says F as many as you can or anything like that, she will actually joke and say make sure you don't bring me any deseases, and no kissing, she knows what will transpire when I am away and accepts it, really as simple as that, she doesn't ask when I return, although she did once and I told her, the truth is the best policy IMO as is acceptance, the sooner people can be truthful and accepting the better off we all will be, but that will never happen, because the teachers themselves are not truthful, so how can they encourage acceptance.


My wife probably doesn't do the same as me probably becuase she doesn't feel the need, as for me, I am constantly hungry and I will admit that a western woman wouldn't accept that part of me, so if works with my Thai wife, I think Thai's are more accepting than the western culture, might also have to do with her father having had a mistress for years, I also believe this is part of Thai culture ? but then again I here some poor guy got knifed and died the other day just joking about having a mistress RIP.


I appreciate you not be jealous, you would be one of the rare ones on TVF, and as you say everyone is different, so if the glove doesn't fit, don't wear it, you see I have a lot of mates that cheat behind their wives backs, when I say a lot of mates I mean a lot of mates, now that to me sir is a lack of love and disrespect for their wives, as for me, I see being truthful as showing respect for wife and told her how I wanted my sex life to be before I married, well before we even contemplated it, it was strange for her at first, but as I explained to her, all men are dogs, with the execption of a few, I could remain single and keep mounting other dogs in the street as they passed by or do it ocassionally when I felt the need and the opportunity was there, that way it would be a balance, alternatively I could marry and cheat which is not what I could live with, and she accepted it, also when I further explained to her that it would be just sex probably a once a year, twice a year event when with the boys in Phuket, and I do have my one night stands once or twice a year, its not as if I am taking full advantage of what I have, as I said, we have a great sex life, but sometimes one wants to try something else, and trust me they have never been up to my wifes standed in bed, but its an in built mechanism in humans like hunger, suffice to say I have no other explaination for it, but it does break up a lot of marride couples around the world due to their inablities to be truthful, why marry in the 1st place, kids without a dad or mum full time isn't healthy emotionally, in fact my parents separated 3 times because of my fathers extra activities, the stain on government budgets, family law courts backed up to the hilt, family law specialists making a killing, property settlements, its all F'kd up, why, because people can't tell the truth IMO, if I was to split with my wife tomorrow, she can have the house the car, the bike, she deserves it, because she has added to my life, not taken, be a sad loss though.


Last but not least, yes she loves my company, might also have something to do with her being starstruck because I'm a good lookign fellow if I may say...lol, she has security and has it better than most Thais in her village, she has retained her village like girl personality which is a blessing to me and stands on her own as opposed to the Thai traddition of looking after and doing what mumma and pappa say, its called educating the girl, although she does help out with evening meals for them now and again, will pay for their dentist or doctor when they need to go, pills when they need some etc etc, but will not allow them to take her future away from her as most Thai village parents have, by rorting their farang husbands, so she is one up on that.



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Thank you, and ok, best I clear things up a bit, yes we are good mates, more so than what a husband and wife are supposed to be according to the scripts, after all who would want to marry a gal just to be a wife, not for me, she has to laugh, have a sense of humour, and not be the jealous type or insecure otherwise she wouldn't be my wife, she would have to respect money and not want the things in lofe that have no real value, i.e. materialistic things to show off. low keyed, a jeans T-shirt kind of girl with the body to match and long black hair 555
Encourages me to have sex with another, firstly we have a great sex life, even after 10 years, I will bost if you can believe it, we just had a stint now this morning, which is a rarity as I am not the morning person. She only "encourages" me when I go away, i.e. do you have your condoms darling, its not as if she says F as many as you can or anything like that, she will actually joke and say make sure you don't bring me any deseases, and no kissing, she knows what will transpire when I am away and accepts it, really as simple as that, she doesn't ask when I return, although she did once and I told her, the truth is the best policy IMO as is acceptance, the sooner people can be truthful and accepting the better off we all will be, but that will never happen, because the teachers themselves are not truthful, so how can they encourage acceptance.
My wife probably doesn't do the same as me probably becuase she doesn't feel the need, as for me, I am constantly hungry and I will admit that a western woman wouldn't accept that part of me, so if works with my Thai wife, I think Thai's are more accepting than the western culture, might also have to do with her father having had a mistress for years, I also believe this is part of Thai culture ? but then again I here some poor guy got knifed and died the other day just joking about having a mistress RIP.
I appreciate you not be jealous, you would be one of the rare ones on TVF, and as you say everyone is different, so if the glove doesn't fit, don't wear it, you see I have a lot of mates that cheat behind their wives backs, when I say a lot of mates I mean a lot of mates, now that to me sir is a lack of love and disrespect for their wives, as for me, I see being truthful as showing respect for wife and told her how I wanted my sex life to be before I married, well before we even contemplated it, it was strange for her at first, but as I explained to her, all men are dogs, with the execption of a few, I could remain single and keep mounting other dogs in the street as they passed by or do it ocassionally when I felt the need and the opportunity was there, that way it would be a balance, alternatively I could marry and cheat which is not what I could live with, and she accepted it, also when I further explained to her that it would be just sex probably a once a year, twice a year event when with the boys in Phuket, and I do have my one night stands once or twice a year, its not as if I am taking full advantage of what I have, as I said, we have a great sex life, but sometimes one wants to try something else, and trust me they have never been up to my wifes standed in bed, but its an in built mechanism in humans like hunger, suffice to say I have no other explaination for it, but it does break up a lot of marride couples around the world due to their inablities to be truthful, why marry in the 1st place, kids without a dad or mum full time isn't healthy emotionally, in fact my parents separated 3 times because of my fathers extra activities, the stain on government budgets, family law courts backed up to the hilt, family law specialists making a killing, property settlements, its all F'kd up, why, because people can't tell the truth IMO, if I was to split with my wife tomorrow, she can have the house the car, the bike, she deserves it, because she has added to my life, not taken, be a sad loss though.
Last but not least, yes she loves my company, might also have something to do with her being starstruck because I'm a good lookign fellow if I may say...lol, she has security and has it better than most Thais in her village, she has retained her village like girl personality which is a blessing to me and stands on her own as opposed to the Thai traddition of looking after and doing what mumma and pappa say, its called educating the girl, although she does help out with evening meals for them now and again, will pay for their dentist or doctor when they need to go, pills when they need some etc etc, but will not allow them to take her future away from her as most Thai village parents have, by rorting their farang husbands, so she is one up on that.

Lol. This ain't Penthouse letters mate or Club International readers writes. But thanks for sharing your fantasies nevertheless!

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On 3/24/2017 at 1:33 PM, colinneil said:

Thai women and knives, very bad combination.

His wife stabbed him, and he died.

My ex tried stabbing me, and i got jailed.

He wanted a bit on the side and died, i wanted to know about money she had borrowed.


I know how you feel. I was scared my ex ( before she was an ex ) was either going to kill me herself or pay someone to do it. Seriously worrying at the time and happy to be gone.

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